How To Beat Every Trap In JIGSAW

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There's no nightmare fuel worse than being in  one of Jigsaw's traps. If he picks you for one   We start off following a man running from  the cops, and into an empty warehouse. Up   on the roof top, he finds a detonator duct  taped to a beam. Desperate and cornered,   he demands to see a detective Halloran, and  if he doesn't come in the next 17 minutes,   five people are going to die. The detective  arrives at the scene with his partner, and   obviously they think he means it's five hostages  strapped to a bomb, but time is running out. He   must have line of sight, which means whatever it's  going to trigger is nearby, but there's nothing   around them except empty factories. So there's  no one here to kill. This is highly suspicious. The detective looks for clues, not realizing he  will soon be caught in one of Jigsaw's traps.   With his dying words, he tells the detectives the  games have begun, and somewhere in a dark room,   a countdown has reached zero and four people wake  up. And they realize the only way out is through   a door of saw blades, until they hear the voice  of a man, and he's speaking directly to them.   They must now play a game. All that's required  is a blood sacrifice. With that ominous warning,   their chains start pulling them towards the  spinning blades. If I were in this room,   I'd be absolutely terrified, but they're all  wasting time by resisting because this trap   is possible to escape with some quick  thinking and strategy. Now, you didn't   say it needed to be your blood, so you might  think to push someone into your door's blades,   which is super cold blooded, even for me. But  the room is being monitored, and there's no   way to evade any potential consequences,  so cheating isn't a great option here. it out quickly. But first, I would definitely  be trying to cut the chains with the saw.   Only if that fails, is it time to think about  where to cut yourself. Your limbs have vital   but the last man is in for a rude awakening  as he's too late to open the door.   medics find a jigsaw-shaped cut in the man's skin.  The calling card of the legendary Jigsaw Killer,   John Kramer, who's been dead for 10 years. The  lead doctor pulls out a chip from the man's wound,   revealing that there are four more people left  in his trap. The survivors who made it past the   first stage, try to figure out what is going on  and why they've been chosen, and they realize   they've been chosen for past sins. But it's  time to focus on what matters. This is a game,   and games can be won. You have a critical moment  here to plan ahead for what's to come. If you're   not checking the environment for tools that  could help you, then you're wasting your time. This place is loaded with useful tools. The teeth  of the pitchfork could be put through the chains   to stop it. You could also use the hoof nipper  to break the camera. Suddenly, the winches start   pulling them forward. The first instinct is to  quickly wrap a chain around a sturdy object,   but it likely won't be enough. Your best chance is  to cross your own chain around the winch and into   a knot, so that as it tightens, it pulls on itself  and jams, and the knot wouldn't be able to move   through the wheels. One guy spots a tape recorder  and grabs it, causing the winches to break off,   except this is a set up for the next trap to be  hung from the ceiling. Three syringes drop down,   all marked with numbers. The tape recorder has a  message saying, a purse snatcher has been poisoned   and only one syringe has the antidote. The others  have saline or a deadly acid. They're only clue is   a question, what is the value of a life to you?  Luckily, the blonde's guilty expression is all   the proof they need to know that she's the thief.  The problem, she isn't willing to take the shot. Now, with that being said, there might be a way  to outsmart this. An acid will burn. Put someone's   skin or supply blood to test the compounds. If  you experience itching, rashes or skin necrosis,   you may be able to eliminate it, allowing  you to confirm by the taste of salt that one   of the remaining two really is saline solution,  revealing the last syringe as the antidote. But   relying on others' cooperation is risky, because  hesitation or dishonesty will get us killed.   In this case, the puzzle could be  solved without their confession.   The tape gave enough information here.  A purse snatcher who doesn't value life. If the lesson he wants to shame you with is that  life is worth very little to you, then the lowest   number of 3.53 could be guessed correctly  as a monetary value, saving everyone from   a bad case of the Mondays. Instead, the bearded  man stabs all three syringes into the blondie,   and they're finally set free. They all watch in  horror as the acid eats her face to a leaky pulp.   The guy in plaid checks the antidote syringe,  finding a sequence of numbers inside,   and uses them to successfully unlock the  next door, which is great, but what about   the windows? I would stack the bales of hay to  get up and see if I can break free. But sure,   let's just walk into the next trap. They might  be safe for now, but another brutal trap awaits   them through this door. I would take precautions  here. We should survey the room before leaving   and grab what we can, because it might prove  useful and you simply don't know what's next. The last door is mechanized, so jamming the  door with this wheelbarrow could keep it open   long enough for them to retreat when things go  horribly wrong. They don't stop to consider any of   this as the door slams behind them, forcing them  inwards to face their next twisted confessional.   But I'm such a coward, you're gonna  have to drag me out of the first room. The cops find more evidence that  Jigsaw is somehow still alive,   confirming the voiceprint in the message  was definitely Jigsaw's. They don't know   what to make of this, because all signs point  towards an impossible Jigsaw resurrection,   but if they dug deeper they could have solved this  case right here. Any audio recording since 2005   can be accurately dated using just the background  hum. The electrical frequency from our power   grids have a unique fluctuation, and matching  that frequency to a database, they would have   been able to confirm which power grid it was  recorded in, and the date of its recording. The three survivors enter another room and  find that not only are the windows barred,   but they're in the countryside. These traps  are personal, so it's time for honesty.   The bearded man admits he's cheated on his  wives along with a slew of other crimes.   The woman tells them her husband accidentally  smothered her baby and she's never forgiven him.   Hardly a confession. We also know this woman was  a thief whose greed ended up killing someone.   We'll find out that every single one of  these people are here because they did some   bad [0:06:46.9] ____ and Jigsaw tracked them  down for payback, but you still have a chance. Now, this room is suspiciously void of traps,  but you can guarantee there's one somewhere,   but it's not time to break out yet. Find  the trap first without setting it off. By   cautiously investigating the area, they find  a great vantage point from the sides here,   exposing the trap beneath the floorboards.  Then, it's time to find the camera and break it,   giving you enough time to avoid the trap and break  down the door with the tools inside. But this   guy doesn't care much for planning as he falls  through the floorboard and right into the trap.   Breaking through the floor with a  shovel, they find a tape recorder,   he finally grabs it, and they play it back.  Pull the lever and everyone goes free. I would try to get them out by attaching  these chains and hooks on the pulley wheels,   pulling to reverse the trap and give  enough slack to pull his leg out.   But this wouldn't work because I'm not  on steroids. My very average strength   probably won't match the pulley's force.  A better method is to find something heavy   enough to use as a counterweight to help relieve  the tension of the wire. There are tons of heavy   objects in this room, and if you can figure  out the leverage needed, it might be enough. Suddenly, all the lights go out, except for the  one in the silo. Together, they walk inside and   find a TV remote hanging on a string. With  no other options, they grab it, immediately   locking them in. The TV turns on, announcing that  this guy must pull the lever to save their lives,   but might lose his leg as a result. And in that  moment, the silo begins to fill with grain. Okay, let's take another look. This is obviously  a trap, so maybe take the doors off the hinges   before entering in case you need to bail, but  they've made this harder on themselves. Grain   entrapment is no joke, and takes only 22 seconds  to be completely submerged. Desperate as it might   seem, I would wrap my shoelaces around my hands,  and weave them through holes in the iron mesh to   stay on top of the grain. Also, dispersing weight  across the grain makes it harder to get sucked in.   It's not a permanent solution, but it buys time  for this guy to sack up and pull the lever. Trapped in the grain and unable to move,  a pitchfork flies down, inches away from   them. This just got a lot more interesting.  Saw blades and knives begin raining down,   one of them flunk right into his shoulder, and  they really don't have much to work with here,   but every weapon that misses them is an object  they can use to protect themselves. The screams   of pain overwhelm him with guilt, and he pulls the  lever. His leg gets sliced, the silo doors burst,   and the exit swings open, leading to the next  room. This was one leg short of a miracle. Meanwhile in the lab, they discover  particles of pig feces and blood under   the nails of the victim that matches the  DNA of Jigsaw himself. He must be alive.   And all this could help them find the others,  but they're interrupted with a new arrival.   It looks like the purse thief. Her autopsy shows  that she has a jigsaw-shaped cut in her tongue   and the assistant gets way too excited about  this. And there's a lot more where that came from,   as she shows the doctor her hobby room full  of Jigsaw traps. It's incredibly suspicious,   but also kind of kinky. Fashioning a tourniquet  with her belt, the woman bandages the guy's leg,   while the other survivor struggles  to force open a door. Suddenly,   the tractor's lights turn on and inside is a tape  recorder meant for him, and he fell for the bait. Okay, hay scattered across the floor  is not an accident. Unfortunately,   you have to play the game, but you don't have  to walk into its trap if you can help it,   environmental awareness saves lives. So  maybe next time before you get caught,   investigate the giant trap in  the middle of the floor first. The recorder continues. As we find out that  years ago, he sold a faulty motorbike to   Jigsaw's nephew, who died minutes after buying it.  If he doesn't pull the handbrake at the bottom to   stop the swirling blades, he'll be turned into  human sashimi. Now, once you're lowered in,   you don't have a chance, so lucky for  him, the gears of this trap are exposed.   This can be jammed by putting a strong metal  object between the gears or the wheel spokes.   The woman tries this and it works, but not long  after, the force pulls through the obstruction. Okay, this thing is freaking strong, but there  was something they could have done even before   all of this. She could have helped him  swing as soon as he was off the ground,   increasing his angle of momentum, which would  give him several chances to reach the bike and   pull himself onto it. I mean, look how close he  is already, it wouldn't take much. But that's only   half the battle, there's no kill switch and the  only break is through the trap. If the engine is   already running, disconnecting the battery won't  cut it off. Now, I'm not a motorcycle mechanic,   so this one is tricky, but maybe  this key in the ignition will help.   It's worth a shot. But time runs out for  him, resulting in another brutal death. The woman is able to force open a doorway and  make it to the other side, but she sees a man   in a pig mask and gets knocked out. The next day,  the suspect has gone missing from the hospital,   and when John Kramer's casket is opened up, the  suspect's body is inside and Jigsaw is nowhere to   be found. The woman wakes up to find both her and  the other survivor have been shackled to the wall   by John Kramer, the Jigsaw killer himself, who  is very much alive, and tells them they've been   thinking about all of this backwards. Jigsaw  reveals that she had lied about her husband   smothering the baby, she was the one who  killed it and framed her husband for murder,   so now he's made this really simple. Loaded with  one shell, he leaves them one shotgun placed   between them both. The woman realizes someone  will have to die and she won't let it be her. Now, they're forgetting two key details here.  First, there's always a way out for everyone,   and second, he wants to make a moral point. Now,  this might be with the benefit of hindsight,   but when he holds up the shell and says, "Here's  the key to freedom," maybe it has a little more   meaning and maybe trying to kill someone is  playing right into his hands. They would have   seen this in every room, with each tape talking  about how they put their lives before others.   But how do we beat this? Investigating the  room and devices before any rash action is   always the right plan. But they don't. He begs  her not to kill him, but she grabs the gun,   He then has a horrifying realization as he sees  fragments of keys, color-coded green for the   woman's lock and yellow for his. The keys were  in the shell. They could have escaped, if she   hadn't fired the gun. This is what he meant,  when he said they've got all this backwards. But wait, let's back up, because there may  have been another way. This is actually the   most forgiving trap so far, because there's no  time limit here and the trap is only a padlock.   But let's say there were no keys, I'm immediately  grabbing the gun to prevent the other guy from   shooting. This railing is attached by four  screws on each end. With no time limit,   it might be possible to kick it loose to slip the  chains out. However, this isn't a great strategy,   using the pieces to pry open the padlock, which  is possible to do with a pair of wrenches.   It would likely be extremely  difficult in this case,   but all it needs is leverage and sturdy tools.  It also might be your only chance to live. The detective learns about the assistant's  warehouse and they bust into an extremely   suspicious, museum of terror. Now behind a  fake wall, they find another shredded victim,   hanging from the ceiling. The doctor gets  arrested because he was seeing the assistant   at the warehouse the night before. But claims,  that inside the suspects body is a bullet that   could have only been fired by Halloran's gun.  This means the detective shot him, to hide his   true identity as the Jigsaw killer, and he  shows the detective the evidence. Back home,   the assistant tells him she knows where Jigsaw  is playing his game and decides to check it out.   They arrive at the farm where they find the traps  but Halloran has followed them. He tries to take   them hostage and they're able to break away, and  split up and Halloran gets knocked out. He and the   doctor wake up with a collar of laser cutters  on their necks. This is Jigsaw's final game,   confess their sins as to why they  deserve to die and they'll be set free. Okay, hold up. I'm not waiting around for  a confession here. I can't see my trap,   but I can see the other person's and assume mine  is identical. To produce enough energy to power   these lasers, there must be wiring inside the  mechanized arm. It won't hold your weight extended   like this. The first thing I'm trying to do is  grab the collar and use my weight to pull it down,   hoping to break the arm, and maybe sever the power  supply. Halloran activates the doctor's collar,   and forces him to confess his crime. He was the  one that messed up Jigsaw's cancer x-rays, dooming   him. But it's not the confession that Jigsaw  wants and the doctor has his neck lasered open,   killing him instantly. The detective is next  and his lasers turn on. He confesses a whole   laundry list of crimes. But there's something  wrong here, the lasers on his collar burn the   ceiling above him, while the ones on the doctor's  didn't. What is going on? The doctor gets up from   the floor and confesses that he is Jigsaw.  Everything was staged and the trap was fake. Years ago, he was chosen for a game because  he really did screw up Jigsaw's x-ray,   which led to the cancer being detected too  late to treat him. But Jigsaw had mercy at the   last minute and saved him, because it was just an  accident. Letting him become Jigsaw's apprentice.   He was the guy in the beginning of the movie,  who we thought had died in the buzz saw room.   Now, 10 years later, he set things up  to trick them that Jigsaw was back,   planted fake evidence to frame the detective.  He shot the first suspect on the rooftop with a   sniper and faked the tapes with Jigsaw's voice.  And no one will know the truth. All because the   detective let this guy, the criminal  who killed the doctor's wife, go free.   The doctor leaves Halloran to his death as a laser  cutter splits his head into pieces. Game over. Now, this is just the start. There are more  convoluted horrifying Jigsaw traps out there,   and we're going to get them all in upcoming  videos. But what do you think? How would you   beat the death traps to Jigsaw? Let me know  with a comment down below. Thank you so much   for watching. Leave a like and subscribe.  And until next time, have a damn good day.
Channel: How To Beat
Views: 7,830,278
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Keywords: how to beat, explained, jigsaw, saw, laughrunfeature, nerd explains, bingeXpress
Id: iaQWeQvaQTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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