How to GET and PASS Job Interviews During COVID-19

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hey everybody Don Georgevich here with job interview tools today i have a very special training program for you it's called navigating covid19 a blueprint for success i was recently asked by the university of california in san diego to create a special training program just for their graduating class this spring so that when they hit the job market they hit it hard they hit it with full force and full intensity and be some of the first graduates to grab those jobs this is some very powerful stuff now throughout the workshop i'll chime in a couple of times just to see how you're doing and give you some special offers on some of my very best training programs so to get started grab something to write with and dive in with me enjoy hey there everyone thank you so much for coming i'm jonah i'm the president of ues and i want to welcome you all to the ues 2020 interview workshop our fantastic presenter today is don Georgevich a once hustling job seeker turned youtuber and author that is here to bring all of you some of the information he's gotten going through the job seeking process so today he's going to talk about some ways to interview during the crazy situation that we find ourselves in currently i know i definitely could get something out of this and i hope you all do as well hey thanks a lot for that uh wonderful introduction jonah what i put together is something that i've really never done before and i've taken kind of the best of a lot of the different areas of job searching and interviewing and resume writing all those different pieces and i've kind of just jammed them all together and hopefully i can get through this in about 45 minutes what i want this to be is just like a conversation between you and me just just imagine both of us are you know sitting in a starbucks or just sitting across from each other and and we're just talking and what i want to do is just put some ideas into your head i don't want to tell you what to do but i want to lead you down a path of discovery what i want to talk about today is putting together a plan for your job search because kovit has made the job market a lot more difficult than it used to be and i've read some recent uh statistics that 42 percent of people who were laid off due to covet they're not going to return to work which means their jobs are eliminated businesses are eliminated this really focuses on smaller businesses they you know jobs have just evaporated so without all these jobs you still have the people there so you have a lot of people who are going to be looking for jobs of which there aren't as many of those jobs so that means there's going to be a lot of competition a lot of competition for you and that's going to make it tougher for undergrads coming out because you don't have all the experience that a lot of other job seekers do but i'm going to show you how to how to navigate all that and again kovit has reduced a lot of the job opportunities because people a lot of companies are laying off airlines are laying off banks are laying off so they're not hiring as much as they used to and the the entry-level jobs which is what a lot of undergrads are targeting when they graduate those jobs i don't believe they're going to be as many because when your entry level that means you go into a company and they spend you know maybe three months six months training you for a position well office buildings and staff are reduced if you've been to any office buildings anywhere you can see that they probably only have 30 percent of their staff there so without all the staff they're not only able to train everybody so this affects you and but the biggest thing that covet is really done is it kind of strips away authenticity and interviewing and i'm going to get more into that about what i mean but when you are sitting across from somebody and you're having a conversation with them you can see them you can feel them you can hear them and there's there's a whole lot of body language that goes on and you can really get to know a person but when you're staring at a little camera trying to interview with somebody 100 miles away all of that genuine authenticity in the interview all that body language all that feeling kind of gets erased so that's going to make it harder for you but i'm going to show you how to overcome that so for most of you guys job searching is just going to be more challenging more challenging than it used to be but since a lot of you guys probably haven't really hit the job market before you don't really have a point of reference so it's just going to be a little bit harder going at it but there is there is a way that you can make it easier for yourselves if you create a campaign a job search campaign that is going to add a lot of structure to your job search and it's going to give you a target of something to aim for instead of just mindlessly wandering through all the the available jobs so the campaign is you know it's simple it's course of action to achieve a goal and that's what i want to sell you on today is to creating your own job search campaign and i want to show you how to do that and there's four simple phases to creating a job search campaign the first one is you need to get clear on what it is what you want what you're looking for what you're willing to do then you need to create a targeted resume which is really not it's like a marketing brochure for yourself then you need to hunt for jobs like a sniper and i'm going to tell you exactly what i mean by that how to do that and then after you get through phase one two and three the next thing you're gonna do is be interviewing for jobs and i'm gonna teach you how to do that and how to focus on the jobs that are gonna be the most impactful and the ones that you know you're most passionate about so first thing is getting clear is really a series of questions that you need to ask of yourself and you need to ask yourself you know what is your goal what do you want to be doing where do you want to be now i know some of these questions they might overlap with one another and your answer might be the same but i wanted to break them up into individual questions to help you get extra clear on it you need to know what you actually want in a job search i'm assuming that you're going to graduate and i'm assuming that you're going to want to be employed so what does that look like what does that employment look like where do you want to be in five or ten years i mean granted the first jobs you get are most likely going to be entry level but maybe you have visions obviously i'm sure you do of visions of doing something more and what is that what does that look like and how long is it going to take you to get there and you know what do you want to be doing what specifically do you want to be doing and you know why do you want or who do you want to be doing that for like do you want to work for amazon do you want it for google you want to work for facebook you want to work for the university these answers are going to help you get crystal clear and create a target for yourself and i strongly encourage you not to begin your job search until you can answer these questions at least a couple of them just to start the conversation with yourself because that's really what this is this is a conversation with yourself the second part of this is why you need to know why you want to do this is it because is it is it someone else's goal is it your goal is this something you know your parents wanted you to do your parents want you to be a doctor or whatever why is this your goal and why do you want to be in you know here is you know relative in your career here could be a geographic location it could be a company it could be a place it could be anything and why do you want to be doing what you do why why is it important to you was it uh did you have a moment in high school or when you were a little kid that you know you decided hey i want to grow up and you know i want to be a you know financial advisor i want to be a lawyer i want to be a doctor where was that moment in your life that you decided you know this is this is what i want to do and this is why i want to do it and then the fourth part in getting clear is you know why do you want to want to work a lot a lot of people this is this is more specific like if you want to work for a particular company there's a lot of people who graduate they're like you know i want to work for google my heart my passion isn't google so i just threw charles schwab in there because that's a financial institution but um you can replace charles schwab with whatever company it is that you want to be a part of some people want to be a part of amazon because they're just they're growing like wild fire and they're doing all kinds of different things in different directions and they're just kind of taking over the world so why do you want to work the place that you want to work the next question i have for you and your actually you might have for me is what if you don't know what you want and that is a very fair question and i have to figure that's on the minds of a lot of people because how do you hire how are you supposed to know what you want i mean you spent the last four years in college um you've been studying and maybe you know what you want and maybe you don't but and that's okay if you don't but as long as you start having the conversation with yourself to know that those questions are part of getting clear so i'm going to give you some ways that you can find out what you might want without without actually getting a job and without actually getting into the job market i don't know if you've ever heard of informational interviews but those are interviews that you can have with somebody who is already doing what you want to be doing now you have to go out and find these people but i mean if you wanted to be a financial analyst you might consider you know calling up charles schwab and saying hey are there any financial analysts over there that maybe i could sit down and talk to for an hour just to find out what they do and and actually your university might even be able to help you with these as well and that way you can meet with people who are doing what you want to be doing or you think you want to be doing i mean just for example my son he is he's an undergrad right now he's a senior at kent state in in kent ohio and he wanted to be an accountant and after he did a little bit of accounting and he talked to some accountants he's like you know what i don't think i want to be an accountant anymore um i think i want to be i want to be a uh in finance and so so he moved so he talked to people he found out more about what he was studying that he thought he liked but eh after talking to some people it wasn't what he wanted to be doing so that's one thing you can do is informational interviews another thing you can do is just read job postings go out and just search for positions that you think you want and just read over those descriptions and get a feeling for if you think that's stuff that you want to be doing now maybe there's a particular place that you want to work at maybe you want to work at facebook google amazon whatever those those are just the big names that are coming off the top of my head but there's a site called and they offer uh employee reviews of the company so if there's a particular place that you want to work at you might want to go to and punch them in and just see what it's like they'll be honest and open employee reviews on that site so you can get some feedback as to what that culture is like you might find out that you know this is this is a horrible place to work or you might find out that it's a wonderful place to work and grow and they really take care of the people and that attracts you all the more so glassdoor is a great uh great place to go to find out about potential culture fit now biggest thing with any job search campaign and hitting the job market is you need to get used to rejection that your interviews you're going to have good ones you're going to have bad ones you're going to feel you're going to feel awful you're going to feel good it's just going to be all over the place you're going to get really close you're going to get down to the final wire and there'll be you know you and somebody else between who gets the job and it won't be you and it's gonna hurt but prepare for that just know that that stuff is coming and it's gonna be good and bad but don't take it personally and what i really encourage you to do is after every interview that you go on no matter how bad you are no matter how much um you suck no matter how many mistakes you made pat yourself on the back and say you know what i did a good job i i could have done better but i did a good job and i'm going to do better next time and you you want to take care of yourself in this way otherwise if you beat yourself up after every interview it's just going to hurt your self-esteem and it's just gonna make it even harder for you to interview the next time but if you congratulate yourself like and say hey we did a great job we're gonna do better next time that's just it's going to make you better next time and that's that's how you win in job interviews is through repetition you might have to go on ten interviews before you get a job i don't know maybe you get lucky maybe you get it after one or two it just depends but there's always ups and downs with the job market and interviewing and just don't take it personally even though it may it may feel that way hey it's don i wanted to check in with you again just to see how you're doing and hope that you're finding lots of valuable things to write down and i hope you have pages and pages of notes i want to take just a quick second to introduce you to the resume masterpiece throughout this presentation one of the things that i've talked about is the most important tool a job seeker can have and that is a resume the resume is going to open the door for you into an employer it's going to be that document that gets you the job interview if you have a great resume you can expect to get lots of calls if you have a weak resume there's something wrong with it or it doesn't resonate with employers you can expect it to probably get thrown in the trash and you'll never hear from the employer so that's why i created the resume masterpiece this is going to walk you through step by step how to create the absolute best resume it's going to give you sample resumes there's over 100 sample resumes from 20 different industries included in this guide so head on over to job interview tools dot com slash resume and read about the resume masterpiece see if you think it's for you give it a try and i guarantee it is going to change your whole job search and well you probably won't be job searching for long because it's going to help you get that job interview that is going to be the job for you so let's get back to the presentation so that was phase one phase two you need to get a resume that is very targeted towards the job that you want and there's an easy way to do that because your your resume like i said it's like i said earlier it's a marketing brochure you're waving that thing around and it's to lure potential employers into you know to get excited about you and what you can do so i would encourage you to get the job description that you want to apply to print it off i really recommend printing it off and reading it over very carefully get it i like to get a couple of different highlighters and highlight all the key areas that i think are really important to them and then i try to draw some lines over to my resume if you just see if you know what they're looking for is on my resume if it's not then then i'll add it now i won't i won't add misinformation or lie or anything like that but you want to add as much about yourself and what you're capable of that's related to the job description because that's a blueprint for getting the job you want to get really intimate with that job description there's just so much information in it next thing you do with your resume is read the uh the corporate mission and vision statements on their website and all you have to really do is just google um you know mission statement for charles schwab or amazon or whatever and you'll get it this will give you some insight into what kind of direction they have what what kind of culture that they have and that'll give you a feeling for what they're like try to give your resume and your cover letter that type of feeling because employers are hiring on culture fit and personality more than they are anything else next thing with your targeted resume is you should have at least two variations of your resume have one focus towards you know maybe one specific niche area and then one towards a different area this gives you the flexibility to target maybe two different um occupations or areas of employment you know with within the same uh with within the same vertical that you're in and it'll also just kind of force you and stretch you to think about taking on two different roles so to speak i used to have three different resumes i used to have one that says i could do sales i had another one that says i could do teaching and i had another one that says i can do sales engineering and all three were related they were all very technical but i had three different ones because i might be targeting a teaching engineering position or i might be doing a sales engineer or whatever so multiple versions are your friend so what i want to do here is show you a what i thought was a really good example of an undergrad resume this is actually a real resume from a client of mine he can't he he came to me because he had an interview with a company and he wanted to get a little bit of coaching so i asked him because he gave me his resume and i asked him i said hey do you mind if i show this i'm doing a a webinar with college in san diego do you mind if i show them your resume i'll change your name but i says i really like the way your resume is laid out so what i want to do is just briefly walk you through his resume he is fresh out of the ohio state university he's actually still there and this is his headings got his name address he has his linkedin profile in his header which i like this is a nice way to show to give employers another view of your resume or you know things that you've done a linkedin resume is a much more scaled down version than a full-blown resume but it just shows that you're professional and you're hooked in first thing he has on here is an objective statement he's seeking an industrial sales engineering position an objective statement is so important because it instantly communicates to an employer you know what you're looking for and he's got his education here he puts his education first because he's a fresh undergrad and he wants that's what he's leading with and then he goes into his work experience he's got uh davis incorporated i actually think that's his father's business but he also has three internships here he's got one at uh helmet aerospace and it just shows you he worked may to august may to august may to august and all three of these and he's got detail for every one of these and because he is looking for a sales engineering position he talks about you know that he did some sales stuff in his internships now the interesting thing though is his degree is in industrial systems engineering so you might wonder you know why is somebody in system engineering want to be a sales engineer that's just what he wants to do and so that's why he is very clearly communicating that with an objective statement and he has a very simple one-page resume that just kind of talks about the stuff that he's done he talks about some of his leadership activities at college forbes under 30 scholar ohio state formula head of fabrication and then he's got some skills so this is a very simple resume but for an undergrad i am just blown away i think it's fabulous because i don't even see um regular people who've been working 10 or 20 years have a resume that's so well put together so just wanted to show that there just so you can see what that looks like moving on here phase three hunting for jobs like a sniper now i mentioned that before and i want to tell you what i mean by that back from phase one you need to hunt for jobs like a sniper you need to know exactly what you want you need to know what the jobs you're looking for and if you if you don't that means you're kind of just um you're just dabbling out there if you don't know what you're looking for you're just thinking well you know maybe i'll try this maybe i'll try that but you really should be so tightly focused on the jobs that you want that you're rejecting you should obviously you should be rejecting more jobs than you're applying to and a lot of people they'll they'll apply to jobs that they're only partially qualified for and then they never hear anything back and so they keep applying the jobs and jobs and jobs that they're not really qualified for and employers just like they just ignore them and what this really does is it kind of just makes you feel bad and useless that well i'm sending out resumes and nobody's interested nobody's getting back to me you know i must be all washed up well that's just that's just the wrong uh thought to have you want to know exactly what you're looking for so you can target those very specifically and it's just as important to know what you don't want when you're looking at a job it should meet 80 to 90 of your requirements if it doesn't if it's only meeting 50 60 skip it or if you only meet 50 60 of the requirements don't waste your time on it move on and aim for jobs that you know that you can get now minimize the number of jobs you apply for if you focus on hunting for jobs some people do this they go out and they apply to 50 or 100 500 jobs i had one guy he told me he applied for over 1500 jobs in the last year and a half and he didn't get one single call and uh i'm like why why why did you wait a year and a half after 1500 resumes to decide something wasn't working you should know that right away and let's see the internet and job sites just make applying so easy that you just you know select you know 50 employers and hit apply that doesn't work what i what i want you to do and what what i think works best especially in these these tougher times is you need to be very specific with what you want pick out 10 jobs that you want to apply for and just pour your heart into those write a special cover letter write a special resume make it match make it match the job description so when they look at your resume they can see that it correlates over to their job description and it's going to make you more of a match and it's going to increase the opportunity for a call instead of just you know blasting out 500 resumes it's just a very poor strategy so kovit good old kovitt um they've just eliminated so many jobs so here's how to search for jobs i i like to start with some of the big job sites yeah career builder indeed and get your resume up on those job boards and build a profile because that's where a lot of employers will look they won't always post the job on the job board and actually i all the jobs that i ever had came from a recruiter just finding my resume on the job boards i wasn't actually applying to them because most of the jobs they're not even posted because it costs an employer 600 to a thousand dollars just to post a job but they get but they get access to search the whole database of resumes on careerbuilder or indeed or whatever so if you have a resume profile out there that's targeted towards a very specific type of work they might find you and then they'll call you directly also look for niche job boards so if you're into tech you know they specialize in those high-tech jobs the latter specializes in management jobs so for your industry search out find very specific niche websites or job boards and and work those but you want to start broad and work your way in and another place to look for jobs is on employer websites if there's a certain employer you want to be go to their website look at the jobs that they have and and apply directly now i said about the unadvertised jobs and you may have heard this before that most jobs are unadvertised and and it's true most jobs are because to post jobs every time an employer posts jobs they get hundreds of replies and 95 percent of them are just garbage so a lot of jobs are unadvertised and the ways you can find those are with networking and i mean networking is easy to say but but it's harder to do it means you got to know people but it works i mean i'll tell you my wife is a perfect example of this she went to akron university and her professor recommended her for an accounting job at the university then when she was in there um that professor recommended her for a job at nasa when she went to nasa a friend there recommended her for a job at eds and she never i don't think she ever applied for a job in her life except when she was in college and stuff and you know working in bars or whatever but she never applied for a professional job in her life it was all through networking and she would probably tell you she's one of the least connected people on the planet hey it's don i wanted to check in with you one last time to see how you're doing i hope you're taking lots of notes i hope you're learning a lot of new things and maybe there's some things in here that you already knew but maybe you forgot about them so this is a great way to revisit some of those basics because basics are one of the most important things a lot of people they're looking for all these advanced strategies and how to do things that they don't already know how to do focus on the basics the simplest things are the best the most important and that are going to help you go farther in the interview process and that's why i created the complete interview answer guide this guide is going to walk you through how to answer some of the most difficult and yet common interview questions and one of the biggest comments that i get about this guide is don i've been looking for a job for six months and no one has hired me and i wish i had your book six months ago because as soon as i got it it made all the difference and i had two job offers before i know what happened so i'm not saying that that's going to happen for you but i am i am going to say that i can pretty much with absolute certainty that if you read everything in this book and you apply this and you go on 10 job interviews one or two of those is going to offer you the job i guarantee it and if not i'll give you your money back i will give you your money back if you go on 10 job interviews and you don't get any of those is that a deal is that worth what is this 50 bucks 50 bucks for a job i think so now this book comes in three different formats you can get the pdf version um for 47 bucks i also have an audio and video version if you like to learn by watching and listening and i also have the hard copy book right here and i'll ship this out to you if you want if you get the hard copy it also includes the pdf ebook the videos and the audios so that's all i have for you let's get back to the presentation bye now so networking does work you just you talk to friends you talk to family you talk to neighbors i have my own son talking to the neighbor down the street because he's a uh he's a finance manager i'm like hey go talk to mr wargo he's in finance uh he may not hire you but he may know some people who knows some people and that's how you get connected and linkedin will help you with getting connected and finding other people in your field i could go on probably for an hour on linkedin but i don't have time to do that but make sure you have a linkedin profile and you get connected and you use it to reach out to people in your field another place you can find under on advertised jobs are your professors talk to your professors they might know somebody who knows somebody um who can get you in and one of my friends was i was always bad at networking but making friends with a recruiter find a recruiter who is you know looking to uh a lot of companies will they'll hire recruiting companies to go out and find people for them so you make friends with a recruiter and the cool thing about them is they want to get you a job because if they do they get thirty thousand dollars so you make friends and they you can call them and you'll email them as much as you want they wanna hear from you and they'll put you in interviews so find a recruiter make a friend so moving on here now like i said applying for jobs just put your effort into 10 jobs a week i mean interviewing for just a job search campaign you could literally spend 40 50 hours a week on it just going through the job boards every day finding the jobs and putting i'll tell you it takes time to apply to 10 jobs it takes a lot of effort if you if you do it right if you focus and you write a customized cover letter you make some tweaks to your resume it takes time and effort and the thing is most people don't do that because they're just dabbling they're just they're just hoping they're just fishing but you're hunting like a sniper and you know exactly what you want and you're targeting that and that's how you do it you can't i mean realistically you you can't apply to 50 jobs a week just doing 10 is going to take a lot of time and effort and you want to create a plan for every job that for every job that you apply to and you could do this as simply uh you want to create a follow-up plan that's what i mean to say so every cover letter and resume that you send out and you apply to have a little spreadsheet that says okay we sent this out on such and such date um in you know 10 days we're going to follow up with them we're going to call them or we're going to send them an email and just make a log and track that because if you put the time and effort to send somebody a resume they at least owe you in response if you don't get that response call them up and what are they going to do tell you to stop calling okay so what um because you're going to have to play a little bit of hardball if you want to get in and those are the people that are going to get noticed are the ones the the the squeaky wheel um the people who are like you know bugging them that that's how i got one of my first jobs i bugged a guy for three months um finally he just hired me i worked there for three years and they were very happy with me um but that's that's just one of the things you're going to have to do in these tougher times because everybody wants a job what makes you any different than anybody else you have you want to stand out you want to be different not in a weird way or anything but just in a way that shows you're excited and you're passionate about what you do and what you have to offer and that you can bring that talent to somebody so phase four of your campaign provided you have done everything right up to this point you're gonna get a job interview now like i said earlier employers are looking for culture fit and personality first there are some companies that you won't even get a regular interview um before you get a culture fit interview because they want to make sure that you're a right fit for them give the right style the right personality that you're going to fit in with everybody else there i mean you might have the skills and the talent and the experience but if you don't fit in with how they do things there you're you're not a good fit and i always like to use the example of you know the person who who wants to work for ibm a very you know form probably one of the most formal computer companies um they probably wouldn't do so well at apple um because you know the apple's just so laid-back and they you know they wear t-shirts to work ibm wear suits to work so very different so that's what employers are really looking for next part about your interview before you ever interview is visualize yourself in the role see don't just say hey i can do this job close your eyes think about it feel it and see yourself doing that job and just you read this job description so you know exactly what they're looking for and then see yourself doing it imagine it and this is going to help you in the interview when they say you know why should we hire you and it's been when you already see yourself in the role it's going to be a lot easier to answer those questions now we're all doing this i mean you spent a whole bunch of money going to school for four years you didn't go there to work for free to go out and get a job for free so compensation that's why that's a big driving reason i mean sure you know personal satisfaction and fulfillment and growth those are all great reasons too but hey we all need money to live so compensation starts the end the negotiation starts with your first interview so one of the questions i always like to ask at a first interview if they don't already tell me if i don't already know i like to ask them has a salary range been determined for this position because i want to know and if it hasn't that's fine but i want to know kind of what the job pays before i waste any more time in the interview process because i've been on some interviews before where i found out the job paid thirty thousand dollars less than i was willing to accept after four hours of interviewing so it's a big waste of my time so it's always a good thing to find out what the job pays before you start if you're not sure there's a site called that you can go to that will give you some insight onto on what jobs pay or what for the type of work that you do in the in the geographical area that you're in one thing that people don't really understand is that interviews are just 20 mechanics meaning you know just the answers you know just the straight up skills and answers 20 80 of it is the psychology and how you present yourself and your personality that's the biggest thing there's but there's so many people who think that they can just go in and and i know this because they come to me they think they can just go in and just give the right answer it's it's not a test anymore you can't just look in the back of the book to pass your interview it just doesn't work that way they they want to get to know you they want to know why you want this job why do you like this why should we hire you and that's where you need to do some convincing and show them why you're interested not that you just you don't want a job but why you want this job why you like it why it means something to you and that's the whole 80 percent of it and you could literally take two people one who has the skills to do the job and one who doesn't have the skills but the person who's mastered the psychology part is going to win every time and that could be the person without the skills it's just the way it works so this brings me into body language because you are going to be interviewing over this little teeny tiny camera and it's really awkward if you're not used to interviewing that way and i really never had to interview for jobs over over skype resume or anything like that it's always been face to face so an employer can see me they can see my my body language they can hear me they can see what i'm doing they can really get a good sense of me but the camera they can't they can only see you you know you know sometimes just from your neck up i mean here you know actually we're not uh you're not seeing me here much more than my neck off so there's an old rule um it's actually true it's scientifically proven it's called the rule of 738-55 and what those numbers mean is that seven percent of your spoken words convey your meaning just seven percent of what is so if they could just hear the words that that's that's the only communication that they're getting but you can change that with your voice so 38 of your communication is heard through your voice so i mean if i were just talking like this and trying to teach you how to do this you know i would be down there in just the seven percent because you're just hearing my words and my words mean nothing but my voice gives those words passion and feeling and excitement and you pay attention more it's kind of just the same thing in a movie when the sound gets loud it goes up it goes down even you know if you're talking really soft you can still have a very soft voice and still be emphasizing that 38 the 55 the biggest part is the non-verbal that's all your facial expressions that's your hand movements that's your eyes that's you smiling everything that's your all your body language 55 of your communication is handled through body language and that's what i mean when i talked to the first point i talked about was how kovit has stripped away all the authenticity and interviewing because they can only see you from the neck up so it's a lot harder for you to communicate with somebody and really emphasize what you're capable of and why you're passionate so that's why you really want to focus on that 38 and the 55 get your voice out there get a strong voice get a soft voice but get a voice that clearly communicates and expresses yourself and your passion for what you do and show that as much as you can with your body language you can you know back your camera out farther so that they can see your hands when you're talking to them because i mean i like to talk with my hands all the time and i think it really emphasizes what i'm trying to say so remember that when you uh when you interview that that rule of 738.55 that will help you go so much farther in those in those zoom interviews so moving on here you need to sell yourself in a job interview the best way to do that is with these questions these are your biggest opportunity questions and you're probably going to get asked all three of these in one way shape or another they're going to say tell me about yourself and you want to give them a little story about you you say why do you want to work here you're going to say well because you know i really i really like you guys no you want to get more you want to get real you want to tell them why you're passionate about why you want to work there what specifically about it then they're going to say you know why should we hire you what's so special about you so that takes me to storytelling because these questions are going to sell you but they're also going to distinguish you from everyone else now these three questions are probably some of the most popular uh i make videos on all three of these and these are some of the most searched out questions that there are everybody wants to know how to answer tell me about yourself and there's there's a whole bunch of different ways to do it i suggest telling you a unique story about yourself how you got started why you like doing what you do why you're passionate about it where you see yourself going if you just give a cliched answer to tell me about yourself you're gonna sound like everybody else and when you sound like everybody else you blend in with everybody else and at the end of the day when the interviewer interviewed 20 people you're just going to fade away in with the mix so if you tell stories special stories that you know spark some interest have some drama in them they're going to remember you and that's what you want because there's so many more people looking for jobs they employers need to figure out who they want and you want to stand out it's more important now than ever to stand out and why do you want to work here i always get you know joke answers for this question will i need a job um you know what they don't care they don't care if you need a job they don't care if you have two cents to your name they want to know what you can do for them and why do you want to do it for them what makes you passionate about them so that's where i would encourage i told you earlier this ties back to digging into their employee culture finding out what their culture is like what their vision is what their mission is and tie that into your response i mean you may be trying to work for a place that has a life-saving mission of cleaning up planet earth and well they might say why do you want to work here and you could say well you know what i notice your mission statement is all about a greener earth you know i am very green myself and i don't know if that sounds right but something like that that you know i'm very environmentally conscious myself and i know that you guys are very socially responsible and i want to be a part of that kind of company that's why i want to work there doesn't have anything it doesn't have to have anything to do with the job just that you're aligning yourself with the culture so how we doing here on time all right we're doing all right i'm going to try to wrap it up here pretty soon and then you know why should we hire you that's one of the favorite questions um that you know why should they pick you be unique special what makes you stand out from everybody else one of the hardest things to do is or for an interviewer is they want to get past your rehearsed responses because interviewers know that people go out and they prepare for interviews and people try to memorize their answers to questions and when they get into an interview setting things get really tense and they get asked these questions and their mind just freezes up because well they memorized their answers to them they didn't really rehearse them or plan them out or anything and then they kind of stumble around and just disaster so what you want to do is practice your answers a variety of different ways you should be able to say what you want to say to a question three four five different ways should come out sounding different every time and one of my favorite ways to do this is just to get in front of a video camera and you know grab yourself a list of some common interview questions and then just just answer those questions in front of the camera as if there were an interviewer there or print out a picture of a guy in a suit and uh and just talk to that and say those answers to that camera and then go back and just watch yourself see what you look like what do you sound like do you sound like you're struggling or do you sound fluid in your responses and do they sound different every time because if you go into an interview met with memorized dancers that's going to be a disaster so interviews i mean they're always they're always going to be stressful you're meeting somebody new for the first time it's a new experience pressure's on you got to get the job best thing to do is to relax yourself before the interview and you don't have to be into meditation or yoga or anything to be able to calm your mind down there's a handful of really good videos on youtube that could teach you to meditate you know in 15 minutes and i always suggest before the interview like an hour before you're just closing your eyes practice some deep breathing and visualize yourself in the role seeing yourself do the things that they're looking you to do see yourself excelling see yourself growing there see yourself happy at the end of the day create that vision in your mind that meditation works great i always liked physical exercise before i ever went on an interview i always worked out that morning i'd go run five or ten miles and that would literally calm me down for the rest of the day another thing you can do is to calm your nerves before an interview is to have multiple interviews so one thing that i like to do is if i could it wasn't always possible but i would schedule one interview in the morning and another interview in the afternoon and for the morning interview i was more nervous for it but i got all those jitters worked out in that first interview because it wasn't as bad as i thought it was and then in the afternoon i was more like my natural self so two interviews in one day helped it's exhausting but it helps another thing you can do is get any job interview you can even ones that you don't care about especially ones you don't care about and just go let an interviewer interview for real and that will that will help you get some of the kinks out too and just get you more comfortable in in that type of interview setting so video interviews this is what you were going to be facing you're probably you're going to either you're going to get two types of maybe three types of interviews you might get some phone interviews you might get um higher view interviews where you're actually interviewing or with a with a computer so a computer just sits down and asks you some questions i i don't like those i think it's very inhuman impersonal where you have a computer is asking you questions and you're just talking into it like it's a real person um but that's another one and then you'll probably have some zoom interviews where you sit down and you might meet with the director of human resources or hiring manager and remember the body language rule of 738-55 for all of those interviews to communicate beyond your words interviewers hire for personality make sure that you are putting on the best version of yourself the real you not the hidden you so let your personality shine and sometimes that's hard when you don't know somebody because you don't know what they're like and it's hard to be yourself and match and mirror what i mean by that is if your interviewer is maybe talking real slow so jonah can you tell me more about yourself um don't talk really fast to them um because they're a slow talker and if you're talking really fast to a slow talker they're not um you're putting yourself at odds with them and you're kind of breaking the communication barrier and and then vice versa too if they're like a if they're a really fast talker and maybe you're a really slow talker you might try to pick it up a little bit because they'll be like come on come on get it out say it already so that's what i mean by matching and mirroring just their rate of speech for one there's all kinds of different things you can imagine mirror all kinds of body language you can do so that's almost it after all of that after you go through all those phase one two three and four you get the interview you do all that to get a second interview and it's just rinse and repeat after that you do it all again now one thing that people don't understand job seekers don't understand is in employers are asking themselves different questions about whether they should hire you and these are the questions that they ask of themselves they want to know can this person do the job does it is does it fit their nature to the to do the job i mean if this person is you know a very happy talkative uh conversing person you know it doesn't make sense to stick someone like that in the back room of accounting we want to stick that person somewhere else so we want to put them in a position that's going to suit their nature will they do the job i mean will they be here in three years five years i mean does this job meet their own goals i mean if your goal is to you know be a partner in the law firm in five years and well the interviewer knows that's not possible then that that puts you at odds already so this is a question that they're going to ask themselves it's like well if they want to be partnered five years that's not possible they're probably not going to last in this role so they're going to skip you then are they the right fit do they fit the culture do they fit our culture are they going to fit in with everybody else and then the last question they ask themselves is as they get down to their final two or three candidates which candidate is the least risky which candidate is most likely going to stay in this role for two or three years so this is what's on their mind and it may not be on your mind but if you understand their angle this may help you better sell yourself in the interview so the last thing i have for you here is that's all i have for you tonight and we'll get into questions in just a second but i have a nice little guide it's called the top 10 interview questions guide and it's got the top 10 questions in it like tell me about yourself why do you want to work here what are your weaknesses this is free for you so if you go to job top 10 put in your name and email email address and tell me where to send this guide i will send it right out to you if it you don't get it right away look in your spam folder it may be there and that will give you some great insight into some of the common questions that you should have some answers for so that is all i have for you tonight and hopefully jonah has gathered up some questions from you guys and he'll feed those over to me now yeah absolutely well first of all don thank you so much for the presentation that was great i feel like i learned a lot from it um we do have some questions uh that i'll feed over to you right now you have a decent batch and i'll start off with this one uh are there differences in soft skills that are expected through a video platform for instance if you were to go into an interview in person and something that might be expected is you know good uh eye contact firm handshake you know just things that are indicators of a successful interviewee does that change in an uh video format well i'll tell you for one you can't shake hands making eye contact is difficult because of everybody's position on the camera so those two things are erased they're just gone um some of the things that you can do some of the soft skills would be your your icebreaker questions how's the weather you know to ease into the interview those things haven't changed and that's why i encourage people to to really just play up the body language and the personality and let themselves resonate and shine maybe more than they would in an interview so that so that they don't look like um you know they're just sitting there on a frozen screen or something like that you know move around show them that you're you're a real person you're alive another question that we got was how do you make your resume strong if you don't have much previous experience or not many previous jobs and with that being said what do you highlight in an interview given that circumstance well you're not alone there there's a lot of people who have a weak resume so if you don't have the actual experience or i mean maybe you have some experience well then you want to uh exaggerate that as much as you can and when you run out of experience tie that back to maybe projects that you worked on in college i mean hopefully you know throughout your four years maybe maybe you were president of a club maybe you were in some contests maybe you know whatever it is but use as much of your college extracurricular activities as experience as you can there's i mean there's only so far only so much you can do only so far you can go i hope that answers your question yeah i know that that was important that was great um i had a question that was a bit more uh specific uh or actually a little bit more abstract but from the things that you've talked about would you gear anything that you uh went over differently in regards to international students not at all no not at all no this this stuff um worldwide absolutely all right and i can and i can say that openly and honestly because i work with people from all over the world i'm actually working with a woman right now who's in hong kong and they do interviews the same way that we do them over here and they actually do them in english you can believe that oh we got a question that i was actually also interested in can you talk a bit more about what or how much to put in the summary or objective portion on the top of a resume should be one simple statement seeking a position in finance seeking a position you could also extend that a little bit you could say seeking a position in finance in the medical field i mean maybe you want to be a finance manager in the medical field or maybe you want to be an accountant in the medical field or maybe you want to be an accountant in the automotive industry you might say seeking an accounting position in the automotive industry or seeking a programmer analyst position in uh could be anything okay uh what are some key questions to ask during an informational interview to know if their job is a good fit for you well that's gonna depend on you because i mean that's all relative you might want to just start off with you know how did you get started in this why do you like it um when did you did you start doing this job you know right out of college or you know how long did it take you to get here and you know what does your what does your day look like do you do the same thing every day anything like that and once you start with one or two questions that's just going to create an avalanche for more because they're gonna they're gonna start asking you they're gonna start you know giving you information back and then they might even ask you you know you know what do you think about that what do you like about this why why are you doing what you want to do and you know it'll be a little bit of a give and take and uh going back and forth but those are some of the questions that i would start with and i think that would really open up you know and get any informational interviewer moving yeah no that was a great answer and let's wrap it up with our last question um is there a limit to how many times uh one should apply to a company before giving up is there any sort of black list or is on the other hand is it admirable to see a repeated candidate um i don't know about a blacklist if there is you're not going to know about it and you'd probably have to be somewhat of an ass to get on it and just have really bugged them to the point of no return but as far as the number of times to apply to a job i'll tell you when i graduated college i applied to ibm over a hundred times i had a hundred rejection letters from them a hundred i didn't quit until after a hundred and i'm like ah screw it i'm like i'm done with these guys after a hundred and that's my number um literally i had a hundred rejection letters that's when they actually sent out letters um so but no you can apply to a position as many times as you want but what i would suggest instead of repeatedly applying because you may apply to a position and then you never hear anything and you don't know what to do should i apply to it again no you should what you should do is call them up if you don't hear anything in a few weeks you should call them up and find out what's going on now another thing that happens is employer puts up a position and you apply to it and then the position comes down and then a month later it's back up again that happens then it's okay to apply to that position but it's still better to call them up and say hey i noticed you had that positioned up last month you took it down and now it's back up again did something happen did you hire somebody into that position did it not work out did you change your mind because i'm really interested in it so yes you can but it's not it's not a strategy there's no strategy in continually applying for a position you're better off making contact with the person behind it you want to talk to a real person about it so that you can convey your intentions and your interests and your passion in what they're doing instead of letting them know that you know instead of hitting the submit button which is a lot more personal yeah that was a great answer and with that that's the end of the questions but i wanna before we quickly wrap it up i wanna say uh where can everybody find you uh you know an email social media and of course your youtube just something i can put into the chat um they can find me at youtube slash d georgiovich or you can find me at and if any of you guys sign up for the let me close this out here if any of you guys sign up here at top 10 that will put you on my email list all right then uh with that you know thank you so much for a really great interview workshop don uh we really appreciate it here at ues i'm sure everybody you know took something very important from what you were talking about and i also want to thank everybody for for showing up for coming through uh i i think that you're going to benefit from from what we had going on here today and uh yeah with that i really appreciate it all right that wraps up navigating covid19 a blueprint for success i hope you got a lot of value out of this program if you would like me to come out to your college and do something similar or create a completely different workshop reach out to your career services department and say hey i saw down on youtube we did this awesome program for the university of california i want them to come over here and do it for us too so reach out to career services have them call me at 440-655-1725 that is my cell phone and my email address is don at job interview so there you go if you want to see me reach out to your career services department or just send them this video and say hey look at what he did for university california let's bring him out here too i hope you learned a lot hope you took lots of notes and i hope it just fired you up to get you ready to go out and hit that job market with just that confidence that that you feel in yourself that you know you have something to offer that you can make a difference that you can go into an employer and show them that you can help them you know solve a problem launch a product or write a program whatever it is whatever you do i hope this workshop has empowered you to take the next step and as a free gift for you i want to give you the top 10 interview questions you can head on over to job interview top 10 put in your name and email address tell me where to send this guide and i will send it out to you this is a 20 or 30 page guide that has some of the most common interview questions in it has the top 10 most common interview questions because it says top 10. and these are going to teach you things like you know how to answer you know why do you want to work here tell me about yourself what are some of your greatest strengths it's going to get you started it's going to get your feet wet it's going to get you ready for what you are going to be facing on your next job interview so that is all i have for you today i wish you the very best of luck in your job interview and i'll see you in the next video bye now
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 7,595
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: video interview, job search, interview questions, covid 19, phone interview, video job interview, find jobs, career guide, job interview tips, video interview tips for job seekers, virtual interview tips, job interview, video interviews, digital interview, career advice, zoom interview, interview tips
Id: ti1JMJ_uyWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 32sec (3812 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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