How to Be Led by the Spirit Pt. 2

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all right if you have your Bibles let's begin tonight got a lot of stuff to cover here tonight Luke chapter 11 verses 11 through 13 of course we've been talking about just really understanding the Holy Spirit understanding the guidance that he provides learning how to yield to the Holy Spirit getting you to a point where you can understand that you are not alone you are not by yourself and even when there's not another human being around you have the promise of the Holy Spirit that he said I will never leave you nor forsake you so that's something that you can it's a guarantee he will never leave you nor forsake you so anytime you feel like you're alone I want you to remember you have the Holy Spirit now this is going to be interesting because you know I feel like in some in some cases when I'm teaching on the Holy Spirit I can't assume that everybody knows this so I've got to teach it as if you don't know it and in fact I've gotten some notes from some people that said you know from our eater said I never heard that before in my life and you know it's it's it's a challenge sometimes as a pastor to make sure we don't kind of assume that people know stuff and I want to make sure that we deal with some things last week we dealt with the two ministries to separate men different ministries of the Spirit and showed you the baptism of the Holy Spirit and and being saved that those were two different experiences so I want to pick up with that and Luke chapter 11 continuing a series we we kind of ended up talking about speaking in tongues and I want to reiterate that again because when you talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit it appears that it keeps coming up with the evidence of speaking in tongues and I mean preachers avoid that like a plague and yet it's all of us all over the New Testament Paul said I speak in tongues more than you all so what what are we gonna do when the apostle of grace says that that he speaks in tongues well speaking in tongues one of the things that I appreciate it it bypasses the unbelief that is in your brain and it allows you to talk directly to God it is powerful but it's only for this life so if you don't use this is a grace gift speaking in tongues is a grace gift if you don't take advantage of speaking in tongues while you are alive on this physical world you won't need it when you leave these bodies it is a grace gift it allows you to pray about things you don't know about a Romans chapter 8 talks about the infirmities or the weaknesses of the flesh in fact let's pick up with that Romans chapter 8 I know I said Luke will get that in a minute go to Romans chapter 8 verse 26 there's just so many wonderful benefits in the area of speaking in tongues but very rarely taught and the book of Romans 8:26 he says likewise the spirit referring to the holy spirit also helpeth our infirmities question how does the Holy Spirit help our infirmities that word infirmities is defined as weaknesses of the flesh so you know the Holy Spirit helps the weaknesses of the flesh so what specific weakness of the flesh is he referring to here he says for we know not what we should pray for as we ought so he says you get in a situation and maybe you're grieving your spirit but you don't know what's going on so how can you pray for something we don't know that it's going on so your prayer in English is limited because you can only pray about in English what you know about but what if something's going on and the only way you know is that the Holy Spirit begins to tap you and say listen start praying in tongues and you don't even know what's going on and you don't even know you know what to pray well that's a weakness that's a weakness and I certainly appreciate the fact that I don't have to know or can't have comprehension of what's actually going on what makes it so powerful is that the Holy Spirit who knows everything and is everywhere gives me an unction to pray and by praying in tongues I eliminate that weakness to be able to be able to pray about something I don't know about when I pray in tongues that's awesome to me it's like I gotta have it and so he says well we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit the Holy Spirit Himself make it intercession intercession is the prayers that we offer for others makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered I think one translation says in articulate speech so the Holy Spirit produces praying in tongues and also produces another type of Prayer called the prayer of groanings it's you know I can I can get on my knees and say father bless us to this and Lord bless that situation and lord help me with that situation and Lord do that I'm limited I'm only praying about what I know about or what I'm aware of but what happens if you've got a relative or a child or a spouse that may be in a situation at that time you know nothing about it and you begin to pray in tongues and it takes care of that situation I mean that's a powerful powerful gifts of grace gift it's not anything you did to deserve it you don't have to work for it you receive it and when you receive it you are walking with a powerful weapon praying in the Holy Spirit and I think sometimes Christians taking advantage take take take it for granted and don't really you know realize what a wonderful grace gift that we have and God wants you to have it in fact I want to prove to you in Luke chapter 11 go there he wants you to have it more than you want to he has a strong desire for you to receive this grace gift now as I said before you talk directly to God let me let me go over this one more time you're talking when you hear that speaking in tongues he speaketh unto God and not unto man there's a difference between me praying and tongue and I'm speaking to God and me prophesying with the gift of tongues the gift of tongues is when I speak in tongues and right behind it I give a interpretation that you can comprehend so I may speak in tongues you don't understand that but then following it I'll give you an understanding of what I just said in tongues that's a gift of tongues and so if I'm saying something to you or if I'm saying something to the congregation in tongues but I fail to give an interpretation of what I said now we got a problem comes I'm speaking to you in tongues I'm literally prophesied to you but how can it benefit you if I'm prophesying to you in tongues and you don't understand what I say it so that requires interpretation to follow it totally different than when I speak in tongues in prayer talking to God there is no interpretation required however you can pray to God to give you the interpretation of what you what you prayed for so these are the things that we're gonna look at things we need to listen to you need to listen teachings like this over and over again so you can get a hold of it it's a game changer it's a game changer in the Christian life and I guarantee you you you take note of those Christians who are taking advantage of this grace gift of talking and speaking in tongues and you look at the average Christian who says that's foolishness and I'll show you a scripture on that tonight that you know spiritual things are foolishness to the natural mind then there is going to be a difference in your life those who can receive that grace gift and they pray in tongues and and understand what's going on versus those who says I don't want to fool with it I'm still going to heaven that's all I want what I don't want to just go to heaven I want to have some heaven on earth amen is anything wrong with a look the Bible talks about days of heaven on the earth amen I know I don't want to just go to heaven I wanna I wanna I mean you know I want to go from glory to glory praise God I don't want to go from Hell to heaven amen amen so so it's it's powerful it's it's it's not I don't believe a heaven hell issue but you know it's only gonna be for this life it's only for this life look at Luke chapter 11 11 through 13 God wants to hat once wants you to have it even more than you want it and I can tell here in this scripture look what he says in verse 11 if a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father will he give him a stone so if your father and your son asks you for bread he's using this illustration are you gonna turn around as a father and give him a stone instead of giving him bread or he says if he asks of fish will he for a fish give him a serpent and then he goes in verse 12 and he says or if he shall ask an egg will he offer him a scorpion not a good father okay versa next word if you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children unsaved father's know how to give good gifts to their children he says how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him he wants you to have it even more than you want to have it and that's the you know somebody suppose well how do you first just first are you going you ask him for it I remember doing that father give me the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues he didn't give me a serpent he didn't give me a stone he gave me what I asked for that Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit of evidence speaking in tongues now let's examine some things here tonight some people teach that you can't have any sin in your life or God won't feel you with the Holy Spirit how many ever heard that before I heard it I heard that you know Tara for the Holy Ghost and if you didn't get it you need to you need to get cleanse and and they'll slap some all on you and push it back down on I want you to listen to me carefully so you know some people teach that you can't have sin in your life or God won't fill you with Holy Spirit they think that God won't fill you with the Holy Spirit they think that God won't feel a dirty vessel listen to me carefully now God doesn't have any other kind of vest feel me tell me what I didn't say it that didn't dawn on me back then but it's like the one who was telling me I was a dirty vessel is you too you too there there's no other kind of vessel to feel if you are perfect without the Holy Spirit then you wouldn't need the Holy Spirit would you if you had it all together without the Holy Spirit then you wouldn't need it now I know that's shocking to some sanctimonious people they still I don't know what it is if it seems almost like insanity for you to think that somehow you have reached perfection because you keep 3 out of 10 of the 10 commandments and you have all of these other issues that nobody knows about but you and God the Holy Spirit only has one kind of vessel to feel and those are dirty vessels and I thank God that he's feeling dirty vessels because he's the Ajax in our lives he's the tide in our life amen and and and we need him and we need him more today than we've ever needed him you're talking about living a spirit-led life we need that more today than ever before and I guess my my thing is like man how do I convince people that this is not a fable that this is not demonic that this is you know it's unusual because you just hadn't heard it enough and men in the past had to decide based on their denomination or affiliation whether or not they wanted to go that far enough I mean I was a Methodist I became a Baptist and I was in I went from one extreme to the other extreme where everything was the Holy Ghost I mean if I did did that they said that's the Holy Ghost mm what's that that's how old it goes like you got to Rick's syndrome and stuff like that and it's like you miss the entire point that's not it the Holy Spirit has been misunderstood and has been defined as being a jerk a jiggle or cartwheel and you missed the entire purpose of the Holy Spirit so let me start off by saying this let me give you three purposes of speaking in tongues and then show you how that relates with the Holy Spirit in your life number one the first purpose of tongues is to build up your faith the first purpose of tongue is to build up in your faith the book of Jude talks about praying and the Holy Ghost building up your most holy faith so I mean by praying in tongues that'll build your faith up we'll talk more about that later second purpose for tongues it draws out the power each of you are full of ability you're full of Holy Ghost power full of Holy Ghost ability there are abilities in you that have not yet been tapped glory be to God the Bible talks about that the heart is like a deep well but a man of wisdom knows how to draw it out glory be to God I'm telling you there's untapped power in this room amen and then you know the third purpose of tongues it draws out knowledge that is in your spirit the third purpose of tongues is it draws out knowledge that is in your spirit in other words be careful about going around saying you don't know you who are spirit filled you have wisdom in your spirit it's not obvious to your mind but you have it and the Holy Spirit is praying in tongues is like that bucket that deeps that that dips deep inside of you and pulls knowledge and wisdom out revelation is so closely associated with the purpose of the Holy Spirit and in our lives and that's what we're gonna kind of go tonight tonight you're gonna walk out of here knowing how to be smarter a man
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
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Id: o8cCfA03JWo
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Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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