"Spiritual Blindness VS. Clarity Pt. 5"

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if you have your Bibles this morning if you would go with me to the book of Proverbs chapter three and verse five I've been talking to you about clarity verses spiritual blindness and how important it is for us to understand that when we can see through the lens of God's grace then we're going to be able to receive but it's very difficult for you to receive anything from the Lord and you can't see it so when I talk about clarity I'm talking about being able to see through what Jesus has done being able to see through the lens of Jesus Christ and like I said last week in closing God is very concerned about you knowing and fulfilling the will of God for your life and I believe that this year is gonna be a year of clarity where your concern you should know what it is I'm supposed to be doing and yet it's one of the most asked questions in the body of Christ how do I find the will of God for my life am i doing what I was born to do or something when you discover the will of God for your life but it is a very frustrating thing to live life every single day and and not be sure that you're doing what you were put here to do over the years I've attempted to teach this subject and I've never I've never been quite satisfied with how it was articulated but I believe I'm gonna share some things with you today on how to know God's will for your life I mean you wanna know God's will for your life I do know one thing that there's nobody here by mistake I do know one thing that everybody in here has a purpose and you have been equipped by God to carry that purpose out and so with clarity it's time to enter into that that purpose no more wrestling with doing his will for your life no more wrestling with understanding what you're supposed to do or not even anymore going around and and and fumbling and stumbling all over the place trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do until you know the will of God for your life you will never be operating in in God's best for your life you might be operating but is it God's best for your life and I'm sure that you want to know God's best for your life so because of time if you don't mind I want to move right into this right now so I'm gonna give you about eight steps or eight keys so that you can know I know that this is the will of God for my life and the first one number one is to walk with God you got to walk with God what do I mean by that you know if you're interested in knowing God's plan for your life then you must learn to walk with God if you're interested in knowing God's plan for your life then you need to develop a relationship with him you know Christianity is all about like I said before about the relationship and it's not just religion it's about the relationship Christianity is about relationship and so you need to understand how important it is to cultivate your relationship with God and you must seek to know him not just to know about him if anybody knows what you're supposed to be doing he does but you know how are you gonna ever find out what he knows until you are committed to a relationship with him you will cultivate that relationship by spending time in his word you cultivate that relationship by spending time in prayer you cultivate that relationship by taking every opportunity that you can to it to get involved in church to get involved in and in small bible study opportunities sometimes says well why do I have to do that now you don't have to do anything but tape stay black and white and die that's all you have to do but I'm saying if you want to know the will of God for your life then you've got to get to know the one that knows that and to get to know him you know you get to know him by talking to him you get to know him by getting in the word you get to know him by by praying you know going to God and develop a relationship you get to know and by coming to church I you know in this generation is like nobody wants to come Church in mobile if I want to get to know him I want to get to know him then this these are just some things you do to to accomplish that in your life so God will begin if will do that when you see these disciplines in your life prayer and studying the word and coming to church then God will begin the first steps to revealing his plan to you when you begin to do that look at again proverbs chapter three verses five and six and look what he says here he says trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding 4:6 in all thy ways everybody say all and all thy ways acknowledge him and what will he do he will direct your path just by simply involving him in every area of your life by simply going to God and say Lord I want to acknowledge you in this I want to acknowledge you in that and he says he'll start directing your path what is that that's a relationship that's a relationship and when you begin to walk in that relationship you'll begin to see things we're trusting in God number two I believe one of the second ways to begin to position yourself to understand what God has called you to do and the will of God for your life surrender your will to God's will surrender your will and what you want to do to God's will and what he wants for you you know many times we say we're seeking God's will but what we're really saying is we're what we really want God to say that certain things are okay you know God here's what I'm planning on doing and I need you to rubber-stamp this I need you to say that this is Old State okay I got to tell you that this is this is uh this is a really big thing people going to God and saying God this is what I want you to do anoint it and God's not gonna do that and and we continue to come up with this is what I want to do this is what I will to do god I need you to say it's okay and on it rather than taking the time and get it from God and it's already on on it so before God will begin to reveal his will to you you must be committed to doing whatever it is that he desires for you to do you want to know God's will for your life get committed to his desires get committed to what he wants for your life God will likely be pretty slow to show you his plan for your life if he knows you will likely not do that plan anyway if he knows and you know how God knows everything right if he knows that you're just likely not to do that plan it's gonna be RIT's gonna be a real slow unfolding to find out what you're supposed to be doing so you're really interested in knowing what you were born to do you're really interested in knowing God's plan for your life then make your mind up that I'm gonna surrender my will to God's will and he'll begin to reveal what the plan is for your life look at Romans chapter 12 verses 1 & 2 notice what he says in verse 1 & 2 he says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies what a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service do not be conformed to this world but be transformed how how by renewing your mind that you can prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God see if you want to get involved in the things you're supposed to be doing the Bible says the most important thing you can do is to renew your mind and when you renew your mind what are you doing the renewing the mind your exchanging your will for his will your opinion for his opinion because you're saying God now that I know what your will is I want to do it I'm gonna renew my mind so I'm gonna surrender my will to God's will number three number three is be willing to line up with number three do what you am I gonna change this right now I might change it number three obey what you already know to be God's will there's some things you already know is God's will and we're asking God to show us you know his will for our life and think about it you won't even do the little Betty showed you many people seem to want to know what God's plan is for their lives but they overlook the fact that I would say about 98% of his will is already carefully given through his word God is so very very very clear about many aspects of his will for example it is clearly his plan that we abstain from sexual immorality if you keep sleeping around and asking God to show me show me Lord but the will for my life you ain't even doing that can I get a witness look at first Thessalonians chapter four and three what I'm saying is I mean you're asking him to show you his will for your life and he shows you a lot of his will for your life through his word and you won't even do that what makes you think you're going to do the will of God for your life when he shows it to you he says in first Thessalonians 4:3 for this is the will of God even your sanctification that you should abstain from fornication you know that's still in the Bible and yet yet people think it's annoying because you've gone to the world and you've checked out the norms and values of the world and if the world says it's okay to have sex before marriage then you say it's okay to have sex before marriage but this is not this is not norms and values this is the will of God and you want to know the perfect will of God for your life then check out the will of God that's already been perfectly expressed in the Bible for your life and yet you still go on sleeping around to my church folks sleeping around making bet dates out in the parking lot until my church folks that talking tongue read buh-buh-buh-buh people who praying the Lord set that up for me because we're letting the world guide us and we're asking God to give us what we need and you don't even know what bed you supposed to be laying in I need to talk about cuz I don't talk about that you know like I don't know y'all screwing around you can tell you act funny when you get some you can tale okay I apologize I'm a little bit too got talked about it because some right somewhere in your mind you think that that scripture changed we're brother dot what about grace grace is not a cover-up grace is what's going to help you to abstain if we do not obey the things that God has shown us clearly to be his will why would we think he would reveal any further information regarding his plan for our lives that's all I'm saying gotta love you got to forgive you but maybe you'll still be walking in darkness where you're supposed to be doing number four seek godly input seek godly input you know one of the key components to finding God's will is to seek the input of godly advisors in your life now I'm gonna say this is so important to have some godly advisors in your life I said it's so important to have some godly three or four godly Mentors if you don't I'd highly recommend that you seek them out I think I'll think of it this way each of my daughters when they graduated I said this to them that you should understand that you are basically a composite of the five people you spend the most time with the five people you spend the most time with will determine a whole lot of things in your life so it's vital that you choose those five people well if you choose to surround yourself with godly advisors they will be instrumental in helping you to discern God's plan in your life but if you surround yourself with people who are far from God your hope of finding his best for your life will greatly be diminished the question is who are you hanging around because God can use godly people that hang around you God can use those godly influences that are around your life if you're hanging around some idiot because you think that's the only person I got to hang around with that's why you come to church God helped me to surround myself by godly mentors and godly advisors and God uses those godly mentors and advisors and he speaks to them and then they speak into your life because you have a relationship and you know one another this little thing about our own wanna have nothing do it nobody honey relationships are it can be a bridge to get you from one side of the water to the other side it it's it's a bridge it relationships are important in the kingdom of God and this thing about I've been hurt so bad that I'm just gonna give up on our relationship no just ask God to help you to find better people and and and people with better character you you it doesn't take much just look at listen to what people say and look at what they do and you'll determine their character and and and and and be very very very committed to looking at who you hang around you if you hang around four or five bugs that's the influence you're gonna have come to your life if you hang around people who are you know full of lust then look forward to that being a part of your life you hang around people who don't think nothing wrong with getting hide you're gonna eventually gravitate towards what you hang around and I'm talking about older people too don't hang around the old fool [Applause] now before okay okay I was gonna say like number four repeating it like seek godly input and then share a scripture but since you want to go and preach this thing so like number four seek godly input and I want you to turn to proverbs chapter eleven verse 14 proverbs chapter eleven 14 to kind of add a script to what I was saying he was saying where no counsel is in verse 14 but people fall but in the multitude of counsels there is what their safety in the multitude of counselors and outing I would encourage you to be in church every single time the door is open why the more you involve yourself with a community of believers the greater your chances will be of finding godly men and women who can help you discern you know God's will now I can't promise you that everybody you meet in church will be godly but because you have a relationship with God he'll let you know and I can't promise that you won't meet some some weirdos in church but God will let you know okay and just use a little of common sense that he gave you if a man walks up to you and say hey baby I think the Lord want us to be together once you come over to my house you know go but know about his house first several dates are in public somewhere and you have a phone which and just pretend somebody calling you don't walk out if it ain't working right say praise the Lord I got to go number five real quickly now I said this to you before you want to know God's plan for your life and God's will for your life pay attention to how God wired you pay attention to how God wired you God has created you to fulfill the specific role in this world I believe everybody in here has been created to fulfill a specific role and there's no one else who can achieve completely what God has purposely created you to do you have been on purpose created by God to do something very specific you know the Apostle Peter said something in 1st Peter 4:10 turn there 1st Peter chapter 4 and 10 and in verse 10 he says as each one has received a gift as each one as every man has received the gift he says even so Minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God as each one has received a gift minister it to one another every one of you have received the gift he says what to do with it Minister that gift to one another and he says when you minister the gift that God gave you he says you show yourself to be a good steward of the manifold grace of God that gift on your life that you didn't do anything to get was grace to you that gift that's on your life that you probably didn't deserve and you didn't work for God gave it to you grace you with that gift every one of you have a gift every one of you have a grace on your life to be used to minister or to serve that word ministers serve so each of us have a gift to be used to serve so God has gifted every one of us to perform a special mission for which we alone were created and that's awesome that that means everybody in here is so special because everybody in here has been given a gift for a special mission for you to to operate in and so when you seek to discover God's will for your life pay attention to how he has gifted you pay attention to the gift that you have that you didn't have to work for you didn't have to train for you just got it some people are mathematicians I mean they just got it some people just know how to fix stuff they just got it some people can they can't this thickens just like Jermaine Singh but you know it wasn't they were trained all their life to do that they just they were born with it they just got it pay attention to how he's gifted you just pause for a moment look at your life what is the thing you can do sweat lessly what is the gift that you possess his plan for you will always be directly related to the gifts that he has already been stowed upon you so it's like he's got to call in a plan for your life so he went ahead and equipped you for that calling for that plan how are you wired he equipped you for it I mean if you're wired for a construction you're probably gonna be a you know some some huge real estate person but you just got to realize that's what you can do that's what if you have you don't know how you just know you have it so you connect the gift you have how you're wired and eventually to bring you to the purpose for your life so the great news is that you will automatically be good at whatever it is that he has called you to do as a result of that gift that he's bestowed upon you you already got the gift so father get you already got to give so you've already gonna be good because you you're gifted to be good see if you got to join the choir and wonder if you can sing maybe you out of us you and if you back the Austrian and you lose your temper every time somebody won't sit when you tell them to sit maybe that's just not your gift quit trying to make something happen that you're not gifted to make happen stop it where the law called me to preach and can't preach table number six listen to God's Spirit I mean you know we have the Holy Spirit to lead in to guide us into all truth a major turning point in my life was when I was spending time praying in the spirit and I was on the floor and carpet fibers got in my mouth and I got choked up and then I heard God a major turning point was prayer is not just a monologue where you do all the talking prayer is a dialogue where in that time of fellowship I call it the spirit is shut up be quiet and hear from the Lord now I want to give you something here that I think will really really bless you you know I used to do all the talking when I prayed to God but I've learned that my most powerful guidance came when I got before the presence of God and I will be quiet I thought about how do I make this practical enough for you to be able to do this I want you to take questions and this is just for an example take questions with you when you go to prayer and meditate on those questions now what kind of questions what's what's my next step in my career what's my next step in my family what's my next step in my ministry what's my next step in my finances what's my next step in my business sometimes by taking those questions and meditating on them while you're in the presence of God you'll begin to start flooding your spirit where ideas and insights maybe one or two of those questions that's on the list if you hadn't done this tried and just put them on your mind and as your before God and your meditating on those questions maybe you've got five of them and maybe he starts ministering to you heavily with ideas and insights on one or two of those and you write them down that's what God is speaking to young the Holy Spirit will show you that he'll show you that someone says well why do I need to do that well you say you want to know God's will for your life but you got to learn how to hear the Holy Spirit the Bible says something about us being able to hear from him John chapter 10 I believe verse 27 that we're supposed to hear from him and we need to be barefooted priest so we can hear from him you know everything's gonna be better in your life when you have discovered the plan for your life and in John 10:27 he says that my sheep hear my voice he says I know them and they follow me now I gotta believe that that's just more than a scripture I believe that we're the Sheep of God and I believe that we can hear his voice I want to say this to you this morning God wants to speak to you and it's not that he's not speaking we're not picking up the transmission I think when you go before God and get away from this religious activity that says you got to do all the talking you go before God Oh father I think of it this you know God I bless with it and you could write in how are you how did all of us a little better shut up and meditate on what you want to know meditate means to ponder means to roll it over Lord what's the next step in my business Lord what's the next step in my life as a father what's the next step in my life as a mentor what's my next step and and you'll begin to hear from him how he'll speak to you in your heart Wednesday night I told people to write the word heart down and I told them that God is even speaking in that word heart if you were right the word heart down you will you will see that right at now hea RT you see the word here amen but what do you see in the middle of the word heart here yeah he put the ear in the center of your heart so you can hear him and that's the art of a Christian and he wants you to hear him that's a huge deal that's the wisdom from above to be able to yield to the Holy Spirit and to listen to him and he wants to hear from you because of our not understanding the grace of God we thought well we had to be flawless in order for God to talk to us we thought we had to be perfect in order for God to talk to us oh if we just wouldn't get in trouble then got to talk to us I don't know about you but it's when I was in trouble that I heard God the clearest Amen get up you were hearing very clearly first saw less I believe that through experiences like this that God can really take you to a place where you need to be and you'll be on this journey with him let's look at number seven listen to your heart he will speak to your heart listen to your heart in addition into listening to the spirit listen to your heart understand what God wants you to do look at Psalms 37 this is so good at sums 37 verse 4 through 5 I remember years ago there would be no way I would be able to stand flat-footed and just dish out information like this because I was so in bondage to the congregation that if they were not shouting back at me I thought well something was wrong until I understood the importance of understanding if people can get a clear understanding of how to practically do something and then they go home and do it and their lives change or they're gonna come back for some moment give me something that's gonna help me do better in my life and certainly if you can find the will of God for your life good things are gonna begin to happen amen look at what he says here about the heart he said delight yourself also in the Lord and what happened he'll give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord Trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass so what happens now when I delight myself in the Lord he will give me the desires of my heart in other words basically what this scripture says is that God will begin to change your want tools he'll begin to shape your desires by spending time with him he'll shape your desire he shows me that that when I'm walking with the Lord he'll actually let me know and let me do many amazing things that I love to do think about it he'll allow me to do the things that I love to do because when I find the will of God for my life he shaped my heart he shaped my desire he shaped my want - and then when I found what I'm supposed to do I'm going want to do it and I'm gonna love doing what I do when you're close to him he actually begins to shape your desires so that you can desire the things that that he already wants you to do think about that he's shaping my desire to give me the desire to want to do what pleases him you're not it's not gonna be like oh my god he's gonna call me to do that I sure hope he don't call me to do that because I don't want to do that when you find the will of God in your life you're gonna want to you're gonna enjoy it I enjoy what I do praise God I have to calm down sometimes because I'll do it all day I enjoy it but you put the desire in my heart now I can remember the time where I never wanted to do this I can remember time where I didn't like preachers because I'll never forget we were in my Big Momma's House I don't know what the preacher name who used to come over to the house to eat granddad is a preacher he'd come over there one time and I was a little boy and I just noticed I couldn't believe the amount of chicken that guy and I didn't have there was you know big mom always cooked enough but I mean God dog you a guest big Mama's gonna have some chicken no baby you can't do it REM got you let them eat with the Reverend the Reverend don't live here why is he here so I had no desire at all to do that God knows how to shape your desire he knows how to shape your desire he used the gospel choir to shape my desire he used the fascination to me join a Baptist Church and seeing those choir remember those choir members up there when that director moved to the right they did he moved to the left they did he pushed back then I saw shooting now we've been I got old long-held mercy he knows how to build the desire on the inside of you and I am Telling You all that whatever it is that God has called you to do you are going to want to do it his plan actually becomes so exciting it becomes an exciting adventure in your life and God is the one that's going to shape your wanter to want to do the things for which he has actually created you to do so if you're doing something that you say God called you to do and you hate it you get sick every time you got to do it you start cussing Oh every time you got to do it that's probably not what God wants you to do in your life and you need to resign with the quickness number eight the last point I want to share take a look at your circumstances you want to find the plan of God for your life take a look at your circumstances God often clearly demonstrates his plan for our lives by lining up circumstances in obvious ways he also shows us what he wants us not to do sometimes by doing the same thing for example you know if you are five six and 120 pounds it's it's it's probably not likely that God has purpose for you to play professional football all right not saying that's not yet well I don't know 125 pounds that's almost dangerous I've discovered that over these years God is pretty good at opening doors and closing doors he knows how to open doors he knows how to close doors and so we got to pay attention to that sometimes when the door is closed it's a clear indication he don't want you to do that sometimes when it's open it may be that he wants you to do that not all the time not a hundred percent of the time but I'm saying if you can just kind of pay attention to the circumstances if there's something happening with that closing and you just can't ever seem to close on that particular house God is trying to tell you something don't knock the door down go find another one that's not always but I'm saying if you'll begin to just pay attention to your circumstances if the door is open you might want to peek in there the peace of God is on you to do it that may be a way that you can find out what you're supposed to do with not you walk in there there's nothing wrong with putting it in reverse and now if the doors closed you know and if it's constantly closed and it's constantly closed I mean come on man that's probably not what you're supposed to do I could I'll never forget I graduated from college I was excited about my career I was ready to stay involved in athletics and so you know the football portion didn't go well so I'm gonna go into coaching just like my uncle and other relatives and and I was perfectly qualified for this job I knew the guy who was the head coach I was gonna have the opportunity to be the defensive coordinator which was a dream and I got in there and they said well we actually need somebody with an English degree I said well I have a minor in that I can I can do that he says no we need somebody and I'm thinking are you kidding me dear God its football not grammar and every door closed and I remember Taff and I were we weren't married then we were dating at the time and I came over to her and I said I don't get it when I went interview after interview and I'm trying to figure out what in the world because I knew what I was gonna do if I would have gotten that job and became a coach that was gonna be my obsession that was gonna be something that was gonna possess me I would have never gotten here I would have been at all the coaching clinics I would have been studying the film til I memorized them I was gonna my goal was be one of the first black coaches in NFL and I was gonna be fully qualified and for they were fully ready and I was willing to put in whatever a number of hours I needed to put in to be able to accomplish that and God knew that and those those doors went out there they were not there at all and I told TAF I say I think I said you know what we're gonna do and I don't know how it came up we filled out some applications and I think right there when I was with you I got a phone call this lady named Rashawn Morrison I never forget it she said well praise God and I'm like lord have mercy what is this and it was a call from Brawner Bronner Psychiatric Institute and it was an opportunity for me to pursue another passion of mine in psychology and so I'm like well I might as well do it you know to get some money and then one thing led to another and one thing led to another and then a minute went into private practice and one thing led to another and I'm like oh man this is it and then God spoke to me he says I'm calling you to Pastor and there's a long story how that happened but all of that led me to the destination where I was supposed to be and you know I wasn't trying to stop my practice and everything cause the problem can pay you understand I'm like I the pick up preacher predict every preach I know was as broke as the ten commandments that Moses dropped on a bottom of Mount Sinai ain't doing that taffey was studying to be a hospital administrator and we had our plans ready to go but God had another plan and I am so glad that God knows how to shut doors amen my prayer for you today is that you'll come to a place where you can begin to actively pursue the will of God for your life not just sitting down waiting to see what hits you but to actively pursue it now you're here this is a new year I'm gonna actively pursue what God wants me to do what does God want me to do where does God want me to be who's God want me to spend the rest of my life with I was not looking just for any girl to marry I was looking for the one that I can't live without I'm looking for the one that you know actually you know tap and I were I don't know what we engaged and we broke the engagement off or we was just eight we were engaged we were engaged and I was sitting in my office and I don't know what happened some stupid thing came across me and and and and that was it we hung up the phone and it was over and I sat down like alright I'm fine I'm gonna be all right I'm gonna be all right no we're now right was it the same day it went even an hour right man I got on that telephone I said it's all my fault I take full responsibility I don't want to live without you I got to have you I can't see myself living this life without you so whatever I need to do please forgive me but I gotta have you and and and she forgave me thank you Jesus I thought I had messed that up but God knew what needed to happen I'll never forget now clothes when I say this we were married and I had a dream that for some reason she had she passed and I was at the graveyard standing over a grave and I could not I mean I was I could not take it I was freaking out and then she came to me and her heavenly body and she said she said something like you know live on my sweet love or something and I just broke down crying and it was a dream and I'm holding her crying she wasn't and I realize and I don't I don't want I would drive another woman crazy this is the only one for me this is the will of God for my life now I believe that ten other ones I don't know ten other ones I want her I want her well baby would you do if I go before you I'll probably oh I can't get married again I will drive her crazy that anyway to have her used to do that what you're doing and I knew she got to be here as long as I'm gonna be here if I if I hang around we're gonna be like rocking Betty if I hang around with rocker so you got to be here as long as I'm gonna be here cuz they know we're in the world and and this is what you pursue when you find the will of God for your life it's the greatest most peaceful adventure that you'll ever have having God's plan operating in your life and those gifts being used correctly in the very way that God intended for them to be used and the very thing he gave it to you for you get anything out at this morning amen now before you start walking and running out real quick lift your hands up I want to show you those of you if you're here for the first time how to worship God with your finances and I want you to lift your hands up right now and begin to worship God and begin to go before God right now and and request the Lord speak to me I want to know I want to know your plan for my life I want to know the will of God for my life I want to know what to do with what you've gifted me and Lord if I'm not supposed to be there if I'm not supposed to do it if I'm not supposed to have it shut the door Holy Spirit speak to me I listen to my heart Holy Spirit showed me things to come I'm committed to a relationship with you I'm committed to knowing you and father I thank you that I will not spend my life in the wilderness wandering around wondering what I'm supposed to do I will fulfill the plan of God for my life and father I speak over every person here tonight today that they will know what clarity the plan of God for their lives and they will fill it fulfill it and all will be well with them now remember what God has done for you remember how he has delivered you remember how he healed you how he's prospered you remember all the good that has come into your life and as you remember the good that has come into your life what we're about to do is through gift-giving we are about to worship God you don't give to be blessed you're already blessed and therefore you give you're not giving to get victory Jesus has already given you the victory and you're giving that offering and you're saying God I'm not giving to mulch or try to motivate you to give me any benefits I'm giving because of the benefits you've already given to me through your son Jesus receive this gift when you love God you you have no problems giving to him giving is a reflex from the love and the relationship you have with God and so this morning in the same attitude of worship let's prepare our gifts the Bible says in Matthew 2 if you need an offering envelope by the way lift your hands up we worship God we don't just book it plunk this is our time of worshipping this is our time of gratitude this is our time with saying thank you Jesus for all that he's done this is our time but going before God and saying lord I bring before you this gift I expect nothing from you you've already done enough for me and I give out of honor I give out of out of Thanksgiving I give out of gratitude all that you have done for me and I pray that your experience in this time of worship will just change your mind about giving we tell people if they can't give out of gratitude Thanksgiving and worship just don't keep your money because this is about remembering what God's done and if God's ever done anything for you this is the time that we set aside to say thank you this is the time that we set aside to say God we're grateful and we're we're so appreciative for what you've done that's what this is that's what this is this whole thing's about Jesus you know that right it's always been about Jesus thank you lord as you prepare your offerings I want you to begin to remember you can give through your phone to text you can take your phone as a representation of your gift I want you to remember what he has done for you and give him thanks for it I want you to remember how he's delivered you and give him thanks for it I want you to remember what he has spoken to you and give him thanks for it hold your offerings up right now and begin to worship God with your offerings in Jesus name for every time you were deliver it for every time you were healed for every time you were made whole for every time that he comforted you for every time that he showed up in the nick of time for every time that he showed up when you needed him for every time you he showed up to show his love for every time he's done everything for for the time that he saved you for the time that he delivered you for the time that he made you free for the time that he bring brought you joy in the middle of a hard time for the time when they were gonna repossess something they couldn't do it because he showed up for the favor and the grace and the mercy and the goodness and the kindness we come in worship you we bring our gifts just like the Magi those guys who traveled all over fall in that star and they found Jesus and when they finally found him they fell to their knees and begin to worship Him as they opened up the Treasury oh my god and now God from us your creation to you the Creator we give you thanks Jesus name we pray amen let's just go ahead and receive these gifts I just love this time of worshipping and praise take these things we talked about this morning go over your notes again and begin your adventure of discovering the plan of God for your life begin the adventure of discovering the plan of God for your life I didn't hoop it I didn't scream it I didn't holler it you have it hopefully you wrote it down I went slow enough because when you discover God's plan for your life everything changes baby for the better all is well you're gonna get to know God on a higher level than you've known right now and I'm telling you 2020 would be a year of clarity between you and your God and your relationship with God Almighty do you love the Lord this morning give them a big hand clap of praise let's thank you for everything real quick before we dismiss if you're here and you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life and you know part of that is the plan that God has for your life it's like what can start with God until you make a decision to accept him what starts with God until you make a decision - warning yeah yeah this is not really a negotiation table he's giving you a free will and you got to decide what you want life or death blessings of cursings you've got to make the decision if you're here today and you don't know Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior that can change you know we praise and worship God this morning like never before and it's like now is the acceptable time now is the time for salvation in your life what are you waiting on are you waiting so on some kind of tragic thing to happen to get your attention before you finally realize that you can't do this without him why not take it now why not take the opportunity to now take the leap now and say Lord I'm gonna trust you come into my life be my lord and my personal Savior deliver me say in some cases deliver me from myself secondly if you're here and you want to recommit yourself to him I don't know where you are but if this may be a new turning point in your life well come before Jesus say Lord I'm yours and you're mine and I'm never gonna leave you and third thing if you're here and you want the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues this is that time tongues is a grace gift and God wants to do amazing things in your life through it and last but certainly not least if God's called you to join this church world changers church international here or in our other churches this morning I say a church alive is worth to drive I also say it would be my deepest honor to be your pastor let me break it down a little bit more I want to be your pastor there are great passes all over the city great pastors all over the state they're awesome and in you choosing any one of those guys would be amazing for your life but I want a shot at it first give me a shot at watching over your souls and feeding you with simplicity and understanding and let that word get in you and start working in you and growing in you and impact in your life I've given to you four things my prayers that you'll choose one of them if you're not born again but you'd like to be you want to rededicate you want to receive the baptism or you want to join a church it's on you this is your big opportunity you get a whole life in order to make the right decisions in these areas at this time if you're ready to make that decision I'd love to pray with you if you get your Bibles and personal belongings or I guess if you're not saved you might not have a Bible but come on let's get it all straight man wherever you are come on right now come on right now I still believe in off the tall's come on right now the devil is a loser and he's losing you right now he's losing uncles and aunts and cousins and nephews it's losing husbands and wives congregation would you help us out would you please stand to begin to minister to the people around you if they need some help in coming down would you help them come down just simply turn to them and say to them would you like to be born again you want to join a church whatever they need would you help them come down literally walk them down and go back and get somebody else everybody turn to somebody and share with them today amen your part your promise stills greatest your faithful [Music] I'm still in your head this is my Thomas [Music] I'm still any [Music] I feel no way [Music] [Music] congregation don't you appreciate those who have come down and we appreciate those who have come down in your local church would you stretch your hands down here father we thank you and declare grace grace over their lives we think in the name of Jesus that every mountain is reduced to a plateau and I thank you Lord that the blessing of God will minister him be a part of their everyday lives and their blessed and everything that they do if this is our prayer and we thank you for them now in Jesus name everybody said amen at this time if you'll follow our deacons to the prayer room they're gonna minister to you give you a biblical understanding of how to obtain and maintain what you came to receive today praise God I'm so glad to see pastor Ken rachet and his wife and family man god bless you thank you so much so awesome and we've celebrate our church anniversary next week Pastor Mike he's gonna come and do our announcements and tell us about that and everything I appreciate you guys thank you so much [Applause] how many of you are thankful for our man of God come on yeah in our course pastor tabbies well listen just a few brief announcements get you out into your week we are less than eight weeks away from radical Women's 2020 Worth Conference yes I March 19th through the 21st it's an experience you don't want to miss soul-stirring sessions impactful words of course pastor TAF you'll be there Sara Jake's Roberts DeeDee Freeman and much much more you can grab your ticket while there's space available for the pre-event pajama party taking place at the International Convention Center George International Convention Center if you haven't already reserved your seat you can visit the table in the lobby or those have been outside the building go to Taffi dollar org to get your information register or you can text the word radical to number five one five five five also you can email radical women's ministry that's radical women's ministry at gmail.com for vendor opportunities if you're interested number two world changers nation we are pleased to announce the official launch of our food services of world changers join us next Sunday February 2nd as we celebrate 34 years of God's faithfulness in our church anniversary as well as a grand opening of the food services with a meal you won't forget take advantage of the appetizing menu provided by our in-house chefs from gourmet services presale tickets are available in the dome lobby or the walk through cafe for those of you exiting out going to your right now by the admin building you can stop for the lobby for a free sample so man pre sample or you can hang out in the lobby for an hour and get lots of free samples anyway you put enough samples together that's a meal number three the mayors of South Fulton in College Park will host a town hall meeting right here on this coming Tuesday January 28th at 6:30 p.m. it'll be right here residents of this area College Park and South Fulton please come out to meet your mayor's as they give updates on community development the 2020 census and a lot of updates on what's going on in our neighborhood here the town meeting will be held across the street in the senior high building the W cye Senior High building you can't miss it right across the street from the dome of course you'll just follow the crowds finally are you planning a Super Bowl party don't feel like cooking WCC is gourmet Services has the answer for that order a few of your favorite such as st lemon pepper wings amen some barbecue meatballs chicken fingers and more take advantage of the convenience of picking up your order right after service on Super Bowl Sunday you can play shorter today and get more information by the stop in to the table in the dome lobby or that the door through the walk through cafe next Sunday a week from today 10 o'clock a.m celebrating 34 years as a church come bring friends being family is going to be a powerful time of worship lots of great surprises lots of things happening you'll be blessed please list up your hands declare this benediction over your father I thank you that the Ministry of angels is sent forth to minister to us all and for us all as the heirs of salvation we receive the Ministry of angels all this week in every way shape and form our lives are redeemed from destruction Lord thank you that your favors around each one like a shield it goes ahead of us and father we you are the God that opens doors no man can shut and we allow you to be the god that shuts doors no man can open we yield ourselves into your goodwill that we would live in the sweet spot of your divine mind your divine plan every step of the way order our steps this week father I thank you for a continued revelation in the knowledge of you and of your will and Lord I declare the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the moment-by-moment communion of the Holy Spirit be with each one we declare they are blessed in Jesus name and all that receive that say amen listen pastor Alan pastor taffy love you more than you will ever know you are dismissed make it a great week we we'll see you next Sunday before the Super Bowl were right here 34 year church anniversary god bless you you are dismissed [Music] [Music] join us for the biggest event of the year the 2020 change experiences are coming to a city near you join pastors creflo and taffy dollar in Trinidad Tobago Birmingham England Cleveland Ohio Dallas Texas Chicago Illinois and Birmingham Alabama you don't want to miss this power-packed event for more information visit Creflo Dollar ministries org see you there to be ordinary but extraordinary ladies are you ready to find your worth join us at the 2020 worth radical Women's Conference March 19th through the 21st at world changers church international and learned just how valuable you are once you find out your work you a stop give it out discounts join Taffi dollar creflo dollar Sara Jake's Roberts DD Freeman and special musical guests Todd Delaney Miranda Curtis and Damita Chandler mark my words this is going to be epic join us for three life-changing days at the 2020 radical Women's Conference March 19th through the 21st reserve your seat today at Taffi dollar org or text radical two five one five five five creflo and Taffy dollars weren't connecting with you and here at world changers we understand the importance of using technology to do just that we're constantly working to bring the gospel of Christ to thousands of viewers and followers around the world and we want you to get involved follow us on Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube we want to make the word of grace available throughout every voice of social media you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 55,965
Rating: 4.8929367 out of 5
Id: UDrAcQxVNmg
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Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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