How To Be Energized By God's Word | Healing School

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more scriptures today I mean we're just going to take the medicine of the word of God we're going to enlarge our capacity today so this morning as we read the word we are reading this word as god almighty 'he's word to us it is a supernatural word the Spirit of God is on the Word of God to see to it that when it's received it is performed so we're going to be receivers today I mean just like you take your medicine your natural medicine if you take medicine take the Word of God like that we're just taking it in we're letting it into our heart into our mind to build our faith to create an expectancy to to cause strong faith to come so that we can release it for total health and well-being I will extol the old God my King and I will bless thy name forever and ever this is a grateful heart here every day will I bless thee and I will praise my name for ever and ever great is the Lord and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable one generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare thy mighty acts that's why we're supposed to teach our children the greatness of God our children should learn the greatness of God and they should learn the reverence of God by how we act toward God if we go to church on Sunday we hear the preacher preach the Word of God but we go back home we pay no attention to it we don't make changes when we've heard the word preach to us we just let it go and and do what we want to do then we're not teaching children reverence and honor for God if we do what we're told and when we hear the word and we live that word before our children they'll just grow up to be natural receivers of God one reason that preachers children have a hard time and so many of them have gone astray is because they didn't see the book lived at home and there's not anything it doesn't just matter about preachers to or neither but there's not anything harder for a child to do than to have reverence for God when he sees that his parents don't do what they say or what God says or what they speak to other people I will speak the glorious of that of the glorious honor of thy majesty and of thy wondrous works and men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts our great and awesome acts and I will declare thy greatness we're declaring the greatness of God today they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness abundantly abundantly we speak the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness the Lord is gracious disposed to show favors full of compassion no room for anything else that word compassion means eager yearning to do you good I say I see that all through the work God's eager yearning to do his people good he slow to anger and of great mercy so this morning we are going to spiritually mentally physically put ourselves in a position to receive the Lord is good to all now that means every person in any existence anywhere but will Center up on those of you who are listening today and those of you who are in this place the Lord is good to every one of you there's no question about whether he would leave you out he will not leave you out if you put yourself in a position to receive and you receive the Word of God today as though it were God's speaking to you in the flesh you will receive your healing as though when I say in the flesh I mean right while you're in the flesh and God is speaking to you you could see him talking the Word of God is no more powerful than if you were having a vision or a divinely granted appearance because God's Word is alive and it's powerful and it's sharper than any two-edged sword and the Spirit of God backs just that you can't see what it you can't see the Holy Spirit like you might see God in a divinely granted appearance but nonetheless he is just as real and just as powerful and you never know you may see some things today I'd be open to see God today I'd be open to see the glory of God just blow into this place as I've heard have happened in times past and the wind of God blow from one side to the other from the back to the front every person in that place that I've heard about they got healed every person got delivered every person got saved God is God and we're putting ourselves into position to receive great and mighty things today the Lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works there's no distance in the spirit those of you watching on television or listening on the radio God is right through where you are and he's just as quick to move right there as he is right here it's all in how we receive him and how we how we release our faith and how we believe and all thy works let's read 9 again the Lord is good to all his tender mercies or over all his works and all thy works shall praise thee O Lord the vision says we're his workmanship and thy Saints shall bless thee they shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom and talk of thy power that's what we're doing here this morning's what we've done all week to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glorious majesty of his kingdom thy kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and thy Dominion endureth throughout all generations the lord upholdeth all that fall and raise us up all those that be bowed down you might be bowed down today physically financially maybe you've got family problems maybe you've got all kinds of problems but the Lord is to raise you up he can raise you up once you're raised up in your heart then the natural circumstances will line up once we rise up and we receive God's Word for ourselves and we take it and we put it into our lives into our minds we speak it we expect it it's a done deal the lord upholdeth all that fall and raise us up all those that be bowed down by eyes of all wait upon thee our eyes Lord this morning are upon thee we lift up our eyes and we look toward heaven and we look to You Lord for our healing you are our hero you are our deliverer and with you Lord it doesn't matter whether it's terminal whether it's a headache or cancer you are the healer you are the one that gives us new kidneys and new livers and new hearts and new arms and new eyes and new legs and new parts whatever it is we need Lord we look to heaven today we take ourselves completely out of the realm of the natural in our expectation today Lord and we look to you for total healing total manifestation we look to you Lord for wholeness everything fixed nothing missing nothing broken the eyes of all wait upon thee and now give us them their meat in due season we believe Lord it's due season today for healing and wholeness thou Lord open a sign on hand and satisfies the desires of every living creature what a good God he's got an open hand to us he's never closed fisted he's always ready to do whatever we'll receive from him the Lord is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works the Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him and to all that call upon him in truth Lord we call upon you today we call upon you based on the Word of God today we are looking to you today you're our salvation and deliverance and we expect to be made whole say I expect to be made I am looking to the Lord to make me whole spirit so body this day he will fulfill the desire of them that fear him say he will fulfill my desire for I honor him and reverence him he will also hear their cry and will save them the Lord preserve us all that love him how many love him how many you know we know from the Bible that to love him means that we do what we're told how many do what you're told well a few maybe a few lesser hints but if you haven't done what you're told you can repent and turn around today you can say Lord I know I've been disobedient I repent of it cleanse me of all unrighteousness I receive what do you do when you do wrong you repent and then what do you do you receive forgiveness so you know if there's anything bothering you this morning if the Devils saying anything to you like you know you're not gonna get healed today because you know how ugly you acted you know you had a fuss with your wife on the way to the meeting one girl one day had stolen tapes off of the book table and I read the chapter and the verse in the book of James where if you've committed any sin it will be forgiven you about healing you know where he talks about calling on the elders the church let them lay anoint you with oil and the prayer of faith will save the sick and so and if you've committed any sin any sin any oh that's great any sin it will be forgiven you and so that girl walked up she had been in a car accident she'd been paralyzed on one side of her body for some years and that day she had been healed now had she not had that scripture I don't think she could have been healed because she'd been stealing off the book table and how many of you know that when you do what the devil tells you then he rubs your nose in it he doesn't pat you on the back after after you do wrong he condemns you with it he beats you over the head with it so today this is a great day to get a clean slate and have nothing between you and God he will fulfill the desire of them that fear him he will also hear their cry and will save them the Lord preserveth all them that of him I Love You Lord say I love you Lord but all the wicked will he destroy my mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord and let all flesh bless His Holy Name forever Lord we bless your Holy Name bless you Lord we bless your Holy Name we worship You God we we thank you Lord we're so abundantly grateful for your goodness we speak of your goodness we remind our generation of your goodness and we receive today we receive from you and we give you all the glory for all the good in Jesus name now look at Psalm 103 oh I love the word we're just taking healing you know somebody says are you taking a cold no we're taking healing glory to God from the Word of God bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits say bless the Lord O my soul I forget none of your benefits here are some of the benefits now you guys at home and on the radio you do what we do I mean you just have your own healing service if you've got sick people around you gather them around to have service with us and when we say things and when we praise God and when we receive you receive you do the same thing let your faith go here are the benefits some of the benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities oh man well we just took care of that I mean there couldn't be anything that's not forgiven if that's what you did while ago and asked the Lord to cleanse you of unrighteousness or disobedience he has forgiven all our iniquities who healeth all thy diseases what a terrific scripture all iniquities gone all diseases gone who healeth all Leah you know people get healed in healing school of things they didn't even remember they had and they were believing for something else but they got healed of the other so just believe for a complete total overhaul today anything not right in your body even anything that could be there that you don't know about just just believe whatever I'm healed I'm home who redeemeth thy life from destruction that could be from cancer it could be like a calamity a storm an accident God is the one who saves our life and protects us from destruction that's a benefit who crowns thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies God crowns us that means that from the top of our head to the soles of our feet when I see like the scripture when it talks about God crown man with his glory I just see glory I just see a crown not just a little thing on my head but I see myself crown from the top of my head to the soles of my feet with with his loving-kindness and tender mercies now you can't see yourself that way and see yourself pitiful at the same time so if you're depressed if you feel sorry for yourself if you and maybe people really have mistreated you well don't labor about that yourself how God treats you it says he sets the solitary and families and gives the desolate a home in which to dwell God will be your family he'll give you family so don't don't die see yourself pitiful you say well nobody loves me well you know what you just told me you told me you're not so and love yourself because whatever you sow that's what you're going to read and you know depressed people do this they get so inward they get so turned inward li-2 they're looking at themselves like we read earlier in the week to look within is miserable to look at yourself is depressing to anybody so if that's a problem of yours turn your turn your thinking inside out and begin to think about others begin to do good to others begin to walk in the love begin to think of what can I do for somebody else if you feel like nobody loves me well just say Lord who can I go love today I want to sow love I want to do good I want to be a blessing you cannot so love and stay depressed you cannot and you cannot go thinking about other people and thinking about God and their needs and what they need I tell you this I believe is sure to cure for depression is to begin to serve other people I think of somebody who who needs some help in their home you say well I don't know how to help him help somebody clean the house help somebody with a lot of children that like the old lady that lives in the shoe had so many children she didn't know what to do find somebody like that and and help her take care of her children and give her a little rest and give her a little break you don't have to have money to help people I mean you know it's just you can help people just helping people you can't stay depressed like that you kid on so see yourself not pitiful but crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercy who satisfies thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the Eagles that's a benefit of God to have our youth renewed every day thank the Lord for renewing your youth thank you Lord you said well it's already kind of late for me I'm 85 years old well it's never too late for the word of God just jump right in there and start praising God for renewing our youth we don't have to hobble out of this life we can stay strong in the Lord keep the word in our heart and in our mind keep our body intact and whenever it's time for us to go we'll just leave here that's the way that's the way I believe we ought to go we ought not be evicted from the body we ought to leave not be evicted by sickness disease by accident we ought to we ought to serve God we ought to walk with Him we ought to listen to him we ought to obey Him so that we're in the right place at the right time you know it's a crazy world today things happen and in places like a restaurant or a cafeteria other madmen will come with the gun or whatever so we have to we have to listen to the Lord and what he says to us to do every day he says don't go over there our hippy if you're going to the town and he says to you you just get an impression to go a different way today we'll go a different way today just listen to the Lord and believe God every day for your safety and your security we're going to read that scripture in a moment but this says that he satisfies our mouth with good and our youth is renewed like the Eagles so I believe that we should be strong I believe that we should be able to do what Isaiah says run and not be weary and walk and not faint I might have it backwards it might be walking not me well I think it's run and not be weary and walk and not faint that's what the Bible says that's what happens to us when we when we get caught up in the spirit because your spirit men will give life to your body your spirit man will cause your body to to just be overcome with the with the power of God I'll give you a recent example of it Ken mentioned to you that he had been on a motorcycle trip and actually a happy and Jeannie Caldwell Denison Vicki Burke and Ken and I were supposed to go on a motorcycle trip to Colorado well happy and Jeannie backed out first then Dennis and Vicky backed out and then I backed out and that led ken well his motorcycle was in Colorado so he had to go get it so he flew up there and got on that motorcycle and started home and coming home he listened to he you know ken doesn't get to get in a lot of the service because he's preparing for when he preaches he listened to 215 tapes from Anaheim from the Anaheim he went to the convention going from Colorado to Fort Worth and the last day and even had even had bike trouble I mean he had some problems on the way that delayed him and I didn't expect to see him I didn't know if he'd get in that day because he'd been detained and and so the next morning he got up early he was somewhere in New Mexico maybe Clayton New Mexico and he started in for Fort Worth well driving through I am there one time I drove to Emory Ellen I've tried to avoid it ever since because it's a long dry ride and so I've never been through there on a motorcycle but the other guys have and they say it's hot so anyway Ken left Clayton in Mexico and it was not during the cool temperature with it we've had but it was hot and he he drove all day and he got into Fort Worth about 3:45 now it was over a hundred degrees that day well over a hundred degrees and he had been in the heat of you know he'd been out there in the heat of the day he bounded into the house he felt so good he was not hot he was not tired and I'm telling you brother Copeland's got a very sensitive body the temperature has to be right the humidity needs to be right everything needs to be right but that day he had listened to so much word his body wasn't even making any noise I'm telling you this works it works so you can you can feed yourself so with the Word of God that your body doesn't know any better than to just be happy and satisfied regardless of what's happening it's the truth it affects your body your spirit man full of the Word of God that's why jesus said you shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God that word is supernatural Hebrew says it's quick it's powerful it's alive it's sharper than a two-edged sword and I'm telling you you can live on the Word of God and you can be healed on the Word of God today the Word of God will be so energized in you if you'll just be a receiver all you got to do is do what we read earlier in the week of receiver is it's a being a receptacle or a container you'd be a container you let the Word of God come in your ears today you let the Word of God come in your eyes today let it get into your heart about your healing today and then we'll act on it and you'll be healed so those of you there listening at home or are you're listening on the radio get your Bible and let it read it while we're reading it don't just do your housework I mean if you're serious about getting healed don't just go about doing your housework sometimes I read magazines and watch TV don't do that today just listen if you need healing in your body and whether you need it today or not it's good to feed upon it you sit down with your Bible and you just say alright I'm gonna be just like on there at the believers convention so then the last one is the Lord execute righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed God will take your side he is the scripture cause Jesus our advocate we have an advocate with the father let's look let's throw this in today on the 29 blessed the Lord ye his st. his angels that excel in strength that do His commandments harkening unto the voice of the word blessed she the Lord all his hosts you ministers of his that do his pleasure bless the Lord all his works that would be us in all places of his Dominion that would be anywhere in the world where you are today bless the Lord O my soul let's just bless the Lord Lord we bless you for your goodness we bless you for these benefits we thank you Lord that we are healed we thank you our youth is renewed we thank you that we are forgiven we thank you Lord for being on our side and taking our part we worship you and we praise your God glory to God you are good and your mercy endures forever look at Psalm 91 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High this has got great healing scriptures in it but I'm going to read the whole Psalm to you today he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty he that dwelleth he that remaineth he that lives in the shadow this is not about the man or the woman that comes in and goes out this Psalm of divine health and divine protection it is about the one who abides under the shadow we abide in him we obey to abide you can find in the New Testament means to obey I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust that's our part of this song so let's say that I say of the Lord he is my refuge in my fortress my god in him will I trust now this is the end it's what God does for us surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flies by day no fear here nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday you know there's a lot of weird diseases happening there that we never heard of where did they get up in these new diseases say somebody just wake up one morning and discover a new disease well the devil helps he you know he kills steals and destroys but this says that no pestilence we shouldn't be afraid we don't have to be afraid of the pestilence that walks in the darkness because we're not in the darkness are the destruction that wastes at noonday A Thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee this is a great protection policy a thousand you could be in such a critical situation either with the pestilence the plague calamity war any bad thing that could happen a thousand shall fall it one side ten thousand on the right hand but it shall not come near thee that means I could be standing here in such a critical situation that eleven thousand people around me could be killed and under this protection I would be still their whole glory to God let God be praised hallelujah and here's what would happen if I only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked I want to give you a scripture if I can find my scripture reference here on on pestilence it gives plagues here it gives an amplified it gives a description deadly plagues and infectious diseases malignant it says deadly and malignant infectious plagues our diseases well then that sound like cancer malignant he actually uses that word and amplified malignant diseases okay thanks Billy Billy could you travel with me that's it 21:11 there will be mighty and violent earthquakes and we see that they say there's more earthquakes now than have ever been amazing numbers in various places famines we know that that's prevalent and pestilences and the amplified says plagues malignant and contagious are infectious epidemic diseases which are deadly and devastating now we are in a day where that is being manifested and Jesus was talking about the last days right here and we see that coming to pass but it says malignant and contagious are infectious epidemic diseases when our little granddaughter Lindsey got meningitis and and they said well the next 24 hours will tell the tale whether she's going to live or die you know and it'll make a turn the next 24 hours well the next 24 hours did tell the tale and it was a good tale I'm telling you that little Lindsey she got healed kids that I speak to you I speak to the anointing that's in you to rise up within you and Lindsey who had been out and she had don't come back just a little bit by then this was like maybe 10 hours or 12 hours after this hit her and she said Papa I am by stripes I am healed that came out of her little heart I'm telling you that you know she wasn't talking to us she wasn't she had come a little bit back but at that moment she was just she was just there she was just there and she'd gone into the hospital just about unconscious and it had hit just like that and we had had children in the area that had died of it and she just I'm telling you God saved her it was an infectious disease and she was in the infectious disease area of the hospital and she had to stay there for seven days regardless because that's just what that's their rule you know so whatever it is I'm telling you you might be in a situation today that's deadly and devastating malignant but this Psalm in Psalm 91 says that we've been delivered think about it from the plague don't be afraid of plagues and and terrible things and calamity but you know you have to stay separated see that's what the Lord spoke to me not a couple of years ago he said separate yourself and you will be separating it was a time when terrible things that happen like you know just merciless I mean merciless killings of children and so on and and I heard those I heard those words separate yourself and you will be separated now how do we do that how do we get where we have this kind of protection and this kind of healing well we make the Lord our refuge in our fortress and we we say it with our mouths we don't go around saying well you never know what's going to happen you know I'm just scared to death I'm afraid somebody's just gonna break into my house and kill me one night no that's not making the Lord your refuge that's not saying the right thing you say the Lord is my refuge in my fortress and he's my protection when I've been in places where I was in danger and you know maybe over the country or something or whatnot we were in Alabama and there was this in a hotel hotel in Alabama because that was all that was there this is years and years ago and there was a nightclub across the street and under our window and they had shooting they had they had had a shooting down there so ken calls the desk downstairs and he he tells them and you know call the police or whatever so then we heard these guys talking down there we heard their voice and we watched from out the window and so then in a little bit you know things begin to happen a little bit somebody got off the elevator and it was those guys and I said Ken did you ever think about that that guy might be a friend of theirs down there and he's they're coming after us and I'm telling you I started going on that 91st psalm I started going on that 90 percent I'm I you know that's the thing that comes up is that 91st psalm one time we were in Israel and it was while they were having the people come over to this settlement and they were have you know coming in at night and they were raiding and so on and we were there and we were just so far away from home and we were on this little slab of a bed in this caboose and I thought man what if tonight they come right I had this thought what if they come over here tonight my next thought was the 91st song oh thank God for the 91st song and I just went through the 91st psalm and I turned over went to sleep that's what you have to do it has to be the the thing that comes up when trouble comes you have to have it so in your heart glory to god that's all extra where was I a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come nigh thee only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because now this goes back to verse two where they were this person that abides says of the Lord he's my refuge and my fortress in him will I trust you know for this to work in your life you have to really trust you have to be able to turn over and go to sleep after you believe God because he has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high thou habitation Creflo preaches a marvelous sermon this week on the Most High God he's our habitation and there is none that can get any higher than him they're shallow because we've made him our refuge there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague malignant infectious deadly disease epidemic come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee we just read where they hearkened to the voice of the word every time you put that word out your mouth you've set your angels loose to protect you every time you put the 91st psalm out your mouth you set those angels loose to protect you they shall keep you in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone thou shalt tread upon the line in the adder the young line in the dragon shalt thou trample under feet because this is the Lord speaking now about the one who made him his refuge because he has set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him I will set him on high because he has known my name we know the name of the Lord we know that God is our protector and our provider in our deliverer we know him he shall call upon me and I will answer him I will deliver him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him you make your Lord your refuge in the most high your dwelling place and you abide in him under his shadow you don't get out you stay right with him you do your very best and walking all the lights you have to do what he tells you to do and then you're always looking for more light and you spend time in the word and you spend time in God this says God will honor you he will answer you deliver you in trouble and honor you with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation it is the Lord's will for you to live out the full number of your days it is not the Lord's will for you to die young before your time he has something that he wants you to do you've got a part to play you've got a job to do I want to read you this scripture now and I'll read a few scriptures that I have written down it says oops that's not the right spot about that that the Lord wants to fulfill the number of your days okay Exodus Exodus 23 25 and 26 says you sh and you shall serve the Lord your God and he shall bless thy bread and thy water and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee there shall nothing cast their young nor be barren in thy land and the number of thy days I will fulfil you know when you know what the Bible says you don't have to have any doubt well is it the large will for me to be healed is it or is it the Lord's will for me to die at 35 years old is that the Lord's will for me I can tell you it's not the Lord's will his will is for you to be satisfied now now Kenneth Hagin has walked that out before us and I've been hearing him say it probably since he was 50 that just live till you're 70 or 80 years old and if you're not satisfied live a while longer now he's proving that out he's 85 or 86 now living out the full number of his days he's not ready to go yet he's still working a full schedule still having meetings young people have a hard time keeping up with him he's living out the Word of God he's showing us that it can be done he God wants us to be satisfied and when you get satisfied and you've lived out the number of your days well he'll come get you and you can go home you don't have to be sick to die all you have to do is leave when you leave this body you're gonna be in the presence of the Lord and your body will be dead and that's why we endeavor not to grieve the scripture just says we don't have to saw we're not like those who have no hope beyond the grave now a lot of people are you know they think you ought to grieve and that does you good and so on and so some people some people grief for years because they feel like it's the thing to do to grieve but when you know that when your loved one is in God and when they left they went into the presence of the Lord and you understand spirit soul and body you you you know like Ken's dad went home to be with the Lord a few months ago but he was seeing so far better off than he was in the earth he was ninety something you not about 96 I believe it's how old he was and his quality of life was not good and and just and we thought about I love to think about heaven do you like to think about heaven and I thought about Vanetta and I thought about the picture of her that when she's about 30 years old what she looked like she's a beautiful dark-haired woman and I thought about a dua being the picture of him what he looked like when he was about 30 and and he's been here by himself now for some years she left some years ago and I thought about that and and and you know it's not good for men to live alone God's right about that said that about Adam and Eve and so here here they come and he's got family up there and everybody that they've ministered to you know when you get to heaven you you you should have abundant entry you should have a lot of people there to greet you that you've ministered to that you've gotten saved that you prayed for and you've helped and you blast and then you should have a lot of family there to meet you and so I could just see their their their reunion that they would have with he had a number of family over there his parents brothers and so on and the the reunion that they would have and the joy and the glory and the thrill and the youthfulness of being at a perfect age and having a you know not being sick anymore not being pulled down anymore so you don't win you the more you know about the Lord and the more you know about the Bible the less you grieve you don't have to because it says we just knock we're not like those who don't have any hope and you know what and some of you know I don't know I hadn't thought about this till now but this comes up in healing school a lot because many people when you lose a loved one a husband a wife a child or somebody that's really close you know really important to your life then death comes in and you lose that one and it might have been through sickness disease or whatever it might have been an untimely death and then then death comes into that family and with death comes the spirit of grief and the spirit of grief if he if you don't know about him and you don't recognize I mean you don't know how to deal with it and you just yield to your emotions about you know just to to just really get down and get serious about grief and some people grieve years and years and years and years and then that spirit of grief comes in on the wife that's left or the husband that's left and the next thing you know that person will be sick or that person will come up with cancer or that cut personal come up with sickness and disease because it's a grief is an evil spirit there's an evil spirit of grief just like there's a spirit of death and and they travel together and so not only then sometimes you know like ken was giving an illustration of a family who had lost a child the spirit of grief came in on that mother and she was not she she wasn't even taking care of her the children that she had left or her husband or anything else because she was so possessed with the spirit of grief now don't some of you might be sick this morning because you let the spirit of brief so bind you up and get you down until the till you just the reason instance force in you that comes out of your spirit just got so low and it opens you up to sickness and disease so today if you're that way well when we pray and when you get delivered of that sickness and disease you you lay hold of deliverance from a spirit of grief don't let the grief don't let grief come into your household don't let grief live with you we are not like those who have no hope beyond the grave we know we know what we know what we know I thought about when Ken's mother went home to be with the Lord I thought and she had come to the place in her life where she she was in a nursing home and and I'm sure she you know she she'd know some things but not a lot of things but but I thought about her heaven is her kind of place I'm telling you that woman loved to pray she loved the things of God she hardly had any other interests in life she was she wanted to minister to people she wanted to help people she loved God and when she went home to be with the Lord how could you grieve because she was in her element she was where she always wanted to be right in the thick of things glory to God heaven is a wonderful place and we're not afraid of done because we know when we go it's going to be glorious but on the other hand it is the will of God that we fulfill the number of our days and every day that we're here we ought to be at the service of the Lord to do whatever he wants done I mean I didn't remember didn't intend to talk about that that long but but God is good and he wants us to live out the number of our days he wants us to serve Him he will bless us he will bless our bread and water take sickness away from the midst of us that's God's will that there not even be any sickness in your midst and fulfill the number of our days Psalm 91 said with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation glory to God hallelujah look at them look at proverbs about length of days I love the Word of God it's just got victory in it everywhere you look let's read and let's just start with the verse 1 of chapter 3 proverbs is a wonderful book to tell you how to live my son forget not my law but let your heart keep my Commandments for length of days and long life and Shalom nothing missing nothing broken shall they add to you and let not mercy and truth forsake you and bind them about your neck and write them upon the table of your heart so shall you find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and men trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths be not wise in your own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil it shall be health to the navel which stands for your whole being your whole body it shall be health to your whole body and marrow to your bones it shall be health to your whole body departing from evil you can't play around with the devil and be disobedient and stay well but if you will trust in God and acknowledge him and all of us and all your ways in other words you say Lord what do you want here what is your will here this is the way you stay in the will of God you acknowledge God in all your ways and in the will of God is the safe place that's the best place that's the most protected place you acknowledge him he will direct your paths he'll tell you what to do and then depart from evil and it will be health are the the cross-reference says the margin says medicine and it will be medicine to your whole body if you depart from evil it will be medicine to your whole body you say yes I know that but now it's too late that's how I got here that's how I got this thing that's in my body that's how I got this infectious disease what's doing things that I shouldn't have been doing well you've already repented I assume if you're serious about being healed this morning you've already repented you've gotten that out of the way you're cleansed of that you know God well you can you can get a sickness and disease from disappea out in out disobedient but yet God is so full of mercy and His mercy endures forever that if you'll turn to him with your whole heart you can be healed God is a good God and he so wants you well he so wants you well we've had people healed of AIDS here things that that the doctor doesn't even know how the medicine doesn't know how to heal but yet God heals I mean not it doesn't matter to him whether it's a headache ER or AIDS or cancer I mean he is God it's his power his recreative power go into your body and fix you from whatever it is you need so length of days and long life and peace and another place the Bible says good days shall the Word of God and doing the Word of God add to you that's the way you stay well God wants us to live out the full number of our days amen now I want to look at the Ministry of Jesus and we're going to go over more scriptures than usual today about his ministry but I want you to as we study this portion about the Lord I just want you to think about how easy it is to receive from Jesus I mean you'll find that we'll just look at his personal ministry on the earth for a while and I picked out places where it says jesus healed them all and that is an agreement with God isn't it because because the in these scriptures we've read God wants everybody healed he wants all to heal he wants all to live a long life so we'll see that Jesus he came doing the will of God he said I only do what I see the father do it's the father in me he does the works I say what I'm told to say I don't speak my own words so when you look at the Ministry of Jesus you see a fulfillment you see a picture of God in the earth because everything Jesus did was that the will of God he didn't do anything on his own he said I'd do nothing of my own accord so we can watch the Ministry of Jesus in week and he verifies and it speaks to us about how willing God was and is to help people and to heal them now let's look at Matthew 4:23 healing scriptures were taking healing scriptures today putting them in her eyes and in her heart while you're looking there I'm gonna read you something in proverbs 4 this is the way this is the this is God's medicine this is the way you received many times in my life I put on a tape a healing tape or even the Bible with healing scriptures on it gone to bed with symptoms in my body and have awakened whole the Word of God is God's medicine it's supernatural and he this is a familiar scripture but this is what we're doing today and everybody listening might not know that this is absolutely Bible that we're doing here today verse 20 of chapter 4 and proverbs says my son attend to my words give attention to what I'm saying incline your ear unto my sayings let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart now it's the word that abides in you Jesus says that causes your prayers to be answered in John 15 so how do you get the word in your heart you put it in your eyes you put it in your ears you you you keep it in front of you you know you ought to feed on healing scriptures all the time you ought to have tapes right by your bed that you know it you had one symptom you get that tape and you put it on you ought to have healing material handy where scriptures a list of scriptures that you can just go over and and the first sign of anything Lynn gave you a good idea today about a peeling chain in your Bible from one scripture to the next because that's God's medicine listen to this let them not depart from your eyes keep them keep them not just put them but keep them in your heart feed on them for they are life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh that's the same word that we said was health in 3:8 it shall be health to your body to your whole body it is the word in the Hebrew for medicine it shall be medicine bullinger says healing it shall be medicine healing to all their flesh the words of God going in your eyes going in your ear staying in the midst of your heart it is health to all your flesh medicine to all your flesh it is life unto you that's what happened to Kent on that bike that day I mean that was life to him it was life to him those all those words were life to him he was not even aware of the of the heat of anything else he just had so much word going in him that his body was satisfied happy didn't even know it was hot think about it we can live that way all the time with the Word of God keep your heart with all diligence far out of your part out of it are the issues the forces of life keep your heart with all diligence the most important thing you can do in life I don't care what you do I don't care if you're the CEO of a huge corporation I don't care if you're Bill Gates I don't care if you're the most famous person in the world I don't care if you're the President of the United States or the president of some other country the main thing and your life the most important thing in your life the thing that will keep your life moving the smoothest in every area of your life is to keep your heart full of the word of God by the word going in front of your eyes and in your ears and getting into your heart that's the most important life a thing in life keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the forces are the issues of life I was in the Manila one day getting ready to go do a healing have a healing service I looked at my window and a little distance away there was a huge fountain and it was spraying up I mean it was just shooting water up high and the Lord said that's the way your spirit is if you can keep an overflow if you can keep an overflow it'll keep sickness and disease pushed out he said if they if you turned that fountain off then all kind of trash and things could get down in that fountain and could stop the float but he said as long as there is an overflow as long as pressure is coming out and overflowing you can't make any Trash stay in there and that's the way it is with our spirit as long as we have an overflow things go well with us so we have to keep the heart we'll do what Jesus said it's the word in your heart in abundance for out of the abundance not just a little dab not just once a week on Sunday but out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks and he said a good man stores up good and it comes out his mouth good a good evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil he stored up the wrong thing but a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks I'm telling you we can live in victory in this life and I hope you take advantage of the webcast so that you can don't have to miss any broadcasts if you if you miss it during the day you can get it at night you can watch it the last thing before you go to bed the first thing in the morning you can catch up if you miss a couple of days you can catch up it's just that continual barrage of the Word of God that keeps us on top or out of our heart come the issues of life the forces the freedom the deliverance of life glory to God so where was I going I was going to mark know was that Matthew for Matthew for my least the wind blows my pages up here we're gonna look at Jesus now we know that Jesus lived this way it said that Jesus would minister to people all day long and then he would withdraw and go to a solitary place to spend time with the Lord he spent time with God so that he heard and he knew and he did everything that God told him to do so in verse 23 we're looking at Jesus Jesus went around set up from that time jesus said that he went around and began to preach and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and here he is going into Galilee and verse 23 Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom so he went about what he went about giving people the Word of God he went about teaching them about God he went about preaching to them just like we do today he he was a teacher he was a preacher glory to God and he was a healer and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people and his fame went throughout all Syria and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments and those which were possessed with Devils and those which were lunatic and those that had the palsy and he healed them he taught he preached and he healed glory to God everywhere he went everywhere where they would receive him people got healed now there's a what we've said all manner of sickness among the people and heat they brought all sick people and He healed them now Matthew 8:16 and when even was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word are actually his is in italics it says he cast out the spirits with word and healed ah that were sick you're not gonna be the only one here this morning are the only one listening that doesn't get healed jesus healed all that were sick he was doing God's will that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by say as the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses glory to God hallelujah Jesus did that for us we'll read that from the scripture before through Matthew 9 35 and Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people then in Matthew 12:15 so Jesus is definitely easy to receive from when Jesus but when Jesus knew it he withdrew him the Pharisees had held the council against him how they might destroy him when Jesus knew it he withdrew himself from vents and great multitudes followed him and He healed them all he didn't have to send out anything on the mailing list he didn't have to make announcements on the television the word got around if you could get to Jesus you could be healed and you know that it's still that way today did you see on the the on CNN where they have some some old bones of a saint in Russia that these bones are there for a certain length of time in a gold box and it's a saint somebody that was 400 years ago some 400 year old bones and people are lined up there the old grandmas are what are they the babushka sir they it's the rag on their head and and they stand in line for it takes about at least eight hours to get up there to touch those bones or to kiss those bones and they're lined up you couldn't see the end of the line people have lined up because they're believing for a miracle believing for a miracle people I'm telling you the miracle power God will sweep the world when when when you and I start laying hands on the sick and ministering to people like we ought to be and I'm talking about not just creatures but believers ought to be laying hands on the sick those precious people this I love those little grandmas I love to preach over there they're the sweetest people they are the sweetest people the the the older people there they bring you flowers when Billy and I were in them I guess this was in the Ukraine meeting that I remember they would bring flowers and they would put them on the stage and and they're just lovely people and I saw those precious people those precious people doing you know going all they knew was that that's all they heard they hadn't heard anything else and so this is an opportunity that maybe I can get my miracle one blind woman said I'm going to to get my I'm gonna try to get my site and Jesus and the father all the time are ready to give and ready to heal and they're just just ready when you lay hands on somebody's they are when I lay hands on somebody I never had laid hands on the sick much and I didn't want to let his on the sick but God told me after I got preaching the while he he said now when she start laying hands on him everybody that wants to my hands on my said well I didn't really want to do that but you know it wasn't my call so I just started laying hands on people anyway and I'd never had a Ministry of healing but in one way I had because you know everybody that's a mother you've had him you've got already got a ministry of healing you've been laying hands and praying for your children for years it's the same thing with somebody else it's not your child you start to lay hands on the people want me to pray for you now I mean I can lay hands on you anywhere I'll lay hands on you anywhere I am I in the grocery store in Walmart's just wherever the street and you know it doesn't bother me a bit in the world it doesn't bother me a bit in the world but God wants if we are just started fulfilling mark 16 and started laying hands on that believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover your churches would fill up I mean your people would be standing at the door people used to John Lakes home they would line up and camp out there til he got home people are open for miracles and I'm gonna tell you this now the Pharisees they didn't like the way Jesus did those miracles they didn't like the day he did those miracles they didn't like it when he raised up that woman that was about over because it wasn't on their day wasn't on the right day they didn't like it but the people they don't care I have had whole families of other religions come to healing school and get healed people that profess in their religion they don't believe in Jesus Christ but they either heard somebody else got healed or somehow heard about it and they came and they received their healing to see people don't care it's religious people that fuss about things they're the ones true people bound up in traditions they're the ones that complained about brother Roberts preaching God is a good god and he wants you well and that people were getting healed it was the Pharisees that complained about that but the people they will stand in line and kiss old bones in a gold box if they think it will get them healed and my heart goes out to them because they're reaching out just what they know you know you know we got a lot of work to do but we're gonna do it now I got totally sidetracked I don't know where I am Matthew 12 did I read that part but when Jesus 12:15 when Jesus knew it the Pharisees kept the Pharisees are what got me going on that then the Pharisees went out held the council against him how they might destroy him but when Jesus knew it he withdrew himself and great multitudes followed him and He healed at all the multitudes will come and charge them that they should not make him known the point is that Jesus filled them all another point is that the Pharisees didn't bother him a bit he just went about doing what the father said and and the power of God was manifested 15 30 and 31 Jesus in 29 Jesus departed from thence and came not to the Sea of Galilee went up into a mountain and sat down there I mean Jesus I mean they were so hungry for for God and God's miracle power that he could just go anywhere and sit down that's how I got into the other he didn't have to do Flyers he didn't have to do anything he just had to go there and sit and the crowd would gather they were so needing healing and so needing deliverance they were open great multitudes came unto him having with them those that were lame blind dumb maimed and many others and cast them down at Jesus feet and He healed them see how Willie all he did was just sit down and wait for them to bring their sick and He healed him and so much and he was doing what the father told him to do and so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb to speak and the Mame to behold and the lame to walk and the blind to see and they glorified the God of Israel we have no we have no sign here of any trouble that Jesus had any trouble getting people healed except where it said they wouldn't receive him because of their unbelief they couldn't they didn't receive Jesus so the Spirit of God there did no mighty works but God as long as people just come with an openness to receive they were healed now in Luke let's look at mark look at mark 654 how easy how easy it is to receive from the Lord Jesus got out of the ship and immediately they knew him I mean he think about everywhere he went the people ran to him with their sick he straightway immediately they knew him verse 55 and ran through that whole region round about the news went out and they began to carry about in beds those that were sick where they heard that he was and whether so ever he entered in city into villages or cities or country wherever he was in the city in the village in the country on the mountain they laid the sick in the streets they besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment and as many as touched him were made whole wherever he went his reputation preceded him now we're gonna come back to the one with issue of blood in a moment so let's go to Luke for party she's in Martin she's a she was a great receiver you talked about a good receiver she was it I just want you to get this revelation of how much God wants you well now when the Sun was setting and all they that had any thick with different diseases brought them unto him and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them and the Devils came out of many he laid his hands on every one of him every one of them and healed them now 6:17 Luke 6:17 and he came down with them and stood in the plane in the company of his disciples and a great multitude of people out of all Judea and Jerusalem and the Seacoast of Tyre and Sidon came to hear him and came to be healed they came to hear and they came to be healed of their diseases and they that were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed the whole multitude sought to touch him for there went burt's you out of him and healed them all glory to God wherever he went he and the father were ready and willing to heal them all to anybody that would receive him now Nazareth we know they didn't receive him they said well who is he I mean didn't he write wasn't he raised right here I mean wasn't he just from down the road here who could he be well they didn't receive him as sin of God and so the Spirit of God didn't move but in other places if they would just receive him this morning if you'll just receive his healing anointing it's no struggle he will be there and present to heal your body now in 9 Luke 9 16 Luke 9 1 I love the Lord then he called his twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils to cure diseases and to cure diseases and he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick now he's sending out the twelve he told them he gave them instructions you go do what I'm doing cast out Devils cure diseases preach the kingdom heal the sick isn't that what he told the church to do when he left and Matt and Mark 16 you go do what I'm doing that's what he told them and and it says in verse 6 and they departed and went through the towns preaching the gospel and healing everywhere now if you want to know what we ought to be doing that's it preaching the gospel and healing everywhere I've heard Kenneth Hagin say that healing is the dinner belt it's the dinner bell start having healing services in your church you say well yeah but you know I've just never been that's just never been my thing well it wasn't my thing either but the Lord told me to do it and I did it and and you know it's you're not the healer you're just a delivery boy or the girl so you just start doing it because the Bible says whether you're in it whether you have a with your minister or not start praying for people just start praying for people I mean all you have to do is this do you want me to pray for you and I'm telling you you'll rarely ever ever be turned down if they say no I don't want you to pray for me say well that's okay I just thought I'd offer you know we love you and we're praying for you I mean so why wouldn't we want to pray for somebody just because we we might not we might be rebuffed or we might have embarrassment see that selfish just do it just do it all right now Luke 10:1 here's sending out some more after these things the Lord appointed other 70 also and sent them two and two before his face into every city where he himself would come he sent out a group a team ahead two by two and said to them the harvest truly is great but the laborers are few pray the lord of the harvest that he would send forth his laborers into the field he sent them out let's see what his he sent them out to preach the kingdom and he said in verse 16 he that heareth you here with me and he that despises you despises me and he that despises me despises him that sent me and the seventy returned again with joy see its joy lay hands on the sick and have them recover saying the Lord it's saying Lord even the Devils are subject unto us through your name verse 19 behold I have given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you he sent the twelve out he went teaching preaching and healing he sent the twelve out to teach preach and heal he sent the seventy out to do the same thing to witness to pray to cast out devils to lay hands on the sick and it was the same spirit everywhere doing the work it wasn't just in Jesus presence that spirit was working with everyone that he sent out his Spirit will work with you when you lay hands on the sick now in let's see let's look at let's look at a scripture in in acts five okay Jesus came preaching teaching healing the twelve went preaching thing to Newton the seventy went ahead and preached and laid cast out the Devils now in acts five Jesus is already gone to sit at the right hand of the Father it's so it's a different time this is our time this is the church that we are members of the body of Christ in action so what happens here has anything changed let's look Luke in verse I mean acts in the wrong place I'm in the wrong place x5 this was quite a church - you had to do things right in this church 5:15 it says well you know Ananias and Sapphira they had lied to the Holy Ghost and they had fallen down dead you know people don't die like that in a cold dead church it's in a lie fuller God Holy Ghost move and believe in church that you die for lying to the Holy Ghost I just thought I'd throw that in it is important though because the more power is manifested the less people can get away with and it's in the presence of it and so it says and they had told me they had signs and wonders those two people died in church for lying to the Holy Ghost it says in verse 11 great fear came upon all the church I guess so own upon as many as heard these things that means great reverence came upon them but I imagine there was some other kind of fear there too I expect they they either got it together or they went somewhere else because that's what it says here and by the hands of the Apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people and they were all of one Accord in Solomon's porch that may have helped to get them in one Accord and the rest there's snowmen join himself to them but the people magnified them they either join them or they let them alone when those things started happening in so much that they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow them so they were still that they were still they were had that healing anointing in them and they came around and verse 16 bringing sick folks and those which were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed every one that healing anointing was still there Jesus is at the right hand of the Father they are doing what they're told they are laying hands on the sickbay are being healed Peter had so much power in him but if you got in the proximity of him you could be healed of his shadow you could be healed nothing changed that's my point today nothing changed because God didn't change God wanted them healed in the Old Testament he made ways for them to live heal healing was a blessing of the Old Covenant you just had to receive it a certain way but it was available and then Jesus came preaching teaching and healing Jesus sent the twelve to do the same the seventy to do the same he went to sit at the right hand of glory and he told the believers now you cast out devils you lay hands on the sick you preach the gospel to every creature glory to God those that believe will be saved those that won't will be damned but it was God's will that every creature have the opportunity to be healed and to be saved so they were healed every one and then we talked earlier about James let's just look at James we haven't looked at that in a long time I haven't done that in TV school a long time James 5:14 is there any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with all in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall save are healed the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sins they will be forgiven him that same power that healed their body cleanse them of sin now today when we pray and we pray the prayer of faith if you've never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life talking to anybody listening in the world right now you are on tape later if you pray the prayer of faith and you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life you will be saved and you can be saved and healed at the same time the spirit same spirit that cleanses you of all unrighteousness and causes you to be born again it's the same Spirit of God that heals your body so when we pray if you've never done that before I'm gonna have that in that prayer so you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and then receive your healing at the same time the prayer of faith shall save the sick and if he's committed sins they shall be forgiven him in that wonderful isn't God good he so wants us to be free glory to God let's see where else we want to go let's look at let's look at Jesus oh here's a good place on later in the in the book of Acts I mean look let me check this out and then I'm gonna go to the island or II to God God's the same he never changes it's just our capacity to receive that changes and ours is increasing I'm in acts 19 11 God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul so that from his body were brought into the sick handkerchiefs or aprons and the diseases departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them so that healing anointing can be stored in cloths but when you come up with a prayer cloth or somebody be sure it's cloth and not Kleenex or paper so you can receive that healing anointing you can put it on your loved ones and they'll be healed in Jesus name then in acts I like this in acts right at the end of this is the end of Acts now the same thing still happening we're in the Ministry of Paul the same thing still happening he was shipwrecked he ended up on this island in acts 28 9 he was shipwrecked and God gave him favor a viper a bio-viper a deadly Viper bit him he slung off the Viper because this Jesus said no deadly thing will hurt you in that commission and he lived and everybody waited on him died but he didn't die so when he didn't die he got a lot of favor and hit the the chief man of the island his father died he lay sick I mean his father lay sick and pollen verse eight entered in and prayed and laid his hands on him and healed him did you know that this healing is not just for a believers it's for sinners too I mean sometimes they're easier to receive healing sees you to get then receiving it is a Christian and so when this was done he laid hands on him and He healed this man when this was done others also see how fast the news travels it is the dinner bell others also which had diseases in the island came and were healed now Weymouth says this Weymouth translation all the other sick people in the island came and were cured all they were all still getting healed in the last chapter of the book of Acts I believe that all will be healed in here today I am believing for every person to be healed for every person to be healed in the sound of my voice wherever it is in the world God has not changed Jesus has not changed the Spirit of God has not changed the will of God has not changed the Word of God has not changed healing belongs to us now I want you to see in Jesus ministry I'm going to go through here just a little bit about the same Jesus we're gonna talk about the same Jesus look at acts 1 the same Jesus this same Jesus glory to God it says in verse 9 now Jesus has been risen from the dead he's come back to talk to them now and he's about to be caught up and he said to them in verse 8 but you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you we talked about this earlier in the week if you've never received the Holy Spirit and with the evidence of speaking in tongues you need to do that don't wait that must be done you need that you'll never you'll never get to where you all want to be spiritually without his living in you and teaching you from the inside and you shall be witnesses unto me to all these places the utter most part of the earth and that's what God is having us do in these days we're still fulfilling that scripture to go to the uttermost part of the earth every creature he wants every creature he's no kinsman telling you we're going to go everywhere that we can get on television because of this commission right here because of Matthew a mark 16 the uttermost part of the earth we are on already in some uttermost places and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel two angels which also said you've been of Galilee why stand you gazing up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go the same Jesus that's coming back to receive us unto himself is the same Jesus that left that day in Galilee and they saw him go up to be seated at the right hand of the Father now if he's the same it was one way then and when he comes back the second time he's going to be the same way that means that in between those two times he is the same Jesus now he's just as easy to receive from now as he was then he is these same Jesus Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever now I'm going to give you just about three instances of how easy it is for to receive and in these places we look I want you to realize and know that whatever they said is what Jesus did whatever they however they said it with their mouths Jesus accommodated them now in the Old Testament in the negative in numbers it said so be it as as you have spoken in my ears so be it done to you in other words they murmured they complain that they they were disobedient and what what they said is what God did in the minister and they went to the wilderness they went to a dry place for 40 years but Jesus in his ministry what these people said is what he did when they said in faith something to Jesus he accommodated them now I want you to watch for that and realize how easy it is or it was and he is since he hasn't changed to be healed now let's look at the one with issue of blood in the mark-5 I tell you she will teach you how to receive my faith this is a faith woman she did it right and a certain woman now Jesus is going about it says in 24 much people followed him and throng to him and this woman first of all let me start with gyruss I should start with him first since he's first in his chapter when Jesus in first verse 21 when Jesus was passed over again by ship to the other side meant much people gathered unto Him everywhere he went that happened and he was not into the sea and behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue Jairus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet now this is a very important man he's the ruler of the synagogue but I'll tell you he fell at the feet of Jesus and when he did that and he did he besought him greatly saying my daughter life at the point of death I pray you I asked you come and lay hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live that was his faith speaking he said you come and lay hands on her and she shall live that was his faith speaking Jesus went with him now that's how accommodating Jesus is he went with him and much people followed him and thronged him while he was on the way he ran into the woman with the issue of blood and it says in verse 26 she had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had was nothing bettered but rather grew worse she didn't she not only was sick but now she'd spent all of her money she was sick and broke she could have stayed in a room and felt sorry for herself but something happened that changed her when she had heard of Jesus she heard about Jesus she heard about people getting healed she may have heard about the mad men of Ghaderi which got healed and delivered and put in his right mind in the same place in the same chapter she heard about Jesus and she came in the press behind and touched His garment far she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold she said something her face was speaking she said if I touch his clothes I'll behold that faith that came into her when she heard about Jesus and what I was happening with him caused her to speak something and it caused her to get out of her room although she was weak and sick and in according to their loss she shouldn't have been out in public with an issue of blood but something more important then the law was happening in her it was her faith she said and the Amplified Bible says for she kept saying her faith was coming out of her mouth she kept saying this if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold if I can just get to where he is and just get close enough to touch his clothes I'll behold and immediately she made her way in the press she fought her way up there pushed her way up there hey was not easy because there was a throng there and straightway the fountain immediately the fountain of her blood dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the plague exactly what she said what she said happened she touched his clothes immediately the issue of blood dried up and she knew she felt that anointing in her body and she knew she was healed and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue our power our anointing had gone out of him turned about in the press and said who touched my clothes when that anointing left him then Jesus was aware that somebody had made a demand on the power of God and His disciples said unto Him see thou seest the multitude thronging me and say us thou who touched me in other words people were touching him on every side he looked around about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing heart was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter your faith has made you whole go in peace and be whole of that plague your faith you're saying those words in faith has made you whole when Jesus hears faith words you always get his attention you always get his attention he heard our words he stopped he was going somewhere that was very important it was a critical situation where he was headed but he stopped in minton and when he knew that birch had gone out of him he stopped and he wanted to know who did this who is it that's pulling on me now now the anointing of God is always present to heal and in situations with Jesus you could see the gnawing of God was present to heal and the Pharisees and the critics were there but they didn't get healed but the man that came down through the roof they had faith he and his friends had faith and he got healed but other people sitting around just there to criticize find something wrong they didn't get healed but those that had faith got exactly what they believed for now here is this woman she was acting on what she believed and the norming floated in her the anointing is here present today when you release your faith that anointing will go into your body and you will be made whole and it doesn't matter what is wrong with you how serious it is or how lightweight it is when that anointing goes into your body if you're a receiver and you are ready and you're your there's you know you're believing God and accepting what he has for you you'll be healed it's easy Jesus is easy to receive from gyruss said come lay your hand on her and she'll be healed so Jesus just turned to go to his house then the woman with the issue of blood came she said if I touch His garment I'll be made whole she touched his garment in the anointing went into her and then he said to her daughter your faith has made you whole go in Shalom go in peace and be whole of that plague then another one we like is the Centurion he's in Luke 7 I think Luke 7 he did the same thing he said what he wanted and Jesus headed for his place in Luke 7 2 through 10 a certain Centurion servant a certain Centurions servant who was dear unto him was sick and ready to die so it was a serious case here I didn't tell you about gyruss he did exactly what Jireh said he went to the house he laid his hands on her and he caught and meantime this is important after he dealt with the one with issue of blood messengers came and said don't bother the teacher anymore your look your little daughter's dead your daughter's dead and it says immediately in the amplified bible immediately Jesus turned and said to gyrus I only believe just can't believe it don't be moved in other words just before it says before immediately as soon as I mean it before G iris could say well that's ok Lord I appreciate your effort I appreciate your thought but my daughter is dead before gyrus could say a word Jesus stopped him and said just keep on believing keep believing just believe only believe only believe and then he went to that place he did what gyrus asked him to do he laid hands on her commanded or a comeback little girl I say unto you arise she came back from the dead but he didn't give gyrus a chance to change his words in that something I mean God he was Jesus was so easy to receive from he was a representative of God the Father and you know you will never find him telling anybody no you don't deserve this you have to stay sick now he was always willing even in Nazareth where they didn't receive him he laid hands on people and it said a few people sickly people are people with minor ailments were healed he was always willing to give to to let people be healed because it was the Father's will God is a good odd hallelujah and he's looking for receivers and so now we're back to the Centurion I didn't want to leave the little girl out didn't want to leave her in the bad shape so Jesus in verse six Jesus went with him he said he sent the elders he didn't feel that he was worthy he sent the elders to talk of the Jews this was this man was a Gentile he was a heathen man and he sent the elders to go after Jesus and they did and so they they went and they asked Jesus they said he's a good man he's helped us he built us a synagogue he wants you to come in other words lay hand he wants it said he sent for the ell he sent unto him the elders of the church that he would come and heal his servant so the elders went to Jesus and Jesus was willing he left with the elders to do exactly what the Centurion asked for but in verse six he was now not far from the house the Centurion sent friends to him saying unto Him Lord trouble not yourself for I am not worthy that you should enter my roof under my roof wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come to you but saying a word and my servant shall be healed for all so I'm a man set under Authority now he's changing what he's asking of Jesus for I'm a man under Authority having soldiers under me and I say into one go and he goes into another come and he comes to my servant do this and he doeth that and when Jesus heard these things he marvelled at him and he turned about and said unto the people that followed him I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel in other words he said he decided well you know I shouldn't really have him come here all he has to do is say the word so now he he's changing directions for Jesus he sent people to Jesus and he and they gave him the last word so then Jesus did what he said he didn't come to the house anymore but in in in another gospel and I don't see where it is here but it said he did he spoke it said that Jesus spoke and the servant was healed so he did exactly he was willing to come to his house he was willing to speak the word he was willing to do at whatever was asked of him Jesus was willing to do when they are receiving faith is receiving what God has said when faith was there when receiving what was what God has said was there Jesus accommodated he was so easy to receive from let's look and see if this is the scripture where he said I think maybe in Matthew 8 but I'm not sure let me check it out hey yeah 8:13 you don't have to look it up but it says Angie talking about this same situation and Jesus said unto the Centurion go thy way as thou hast believed so be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the same hour so he said it as thou has believed so be it done he said the word and it was done isn't that something whatever whatever it was that their faith said or however they wanted to receive it whether it was touching the garment whether it was speaking the word but it was laying hands on their daughter to be healed his daughter to be healed Jesus did that he was so easy to receive from I want to give you one scripture before we pray and that's Isaiah 53 this is Jesus on the cross this has already been done it's already been taken it's part of your covenant and then we're going to let Jesus do what he does best hallelujah first for surely how's that 53:4 surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed we Barnum a Scott Hill Jesus hadn't been to the cross but now he's been to the cross and he took our sickness he took our sin he took everything of that curse in his own body in his own spirit and he did it for us where are three people now you stand up and receive your healing today I'm gonna lead you in prayer Jesus has heard what you want him to do and now what we have to do is just receive it so let's put ourselves in a position to release our faith you can you just shut your eyes and you think about him he is the healer he is here today after we pray you just begin to do what you couldn't do before and act on it Jesus is in our midst he's never changed he's still so easy so you repeat this after me this gospel that I've heard there's a power of God unto my salvation I confess Jesus Christ Eduardo Ramallah and body I received the power of God to make me sound delivered on the Word of God receive the power of God sickness disease and pain I resist you in Jesus name you are not the will of God I enforce the word of God on you five days of sickness and disease are over [Applause] allow sickness back I've been healed I'm not in this world without a savior Jesus for my sickness wake this in pain and I'm free you shall not lord it over me Sam shall not lord it over me there shall not lord it over me addictions shall not lord it over me I've been redeemed Jesus is my healer he is the same yesterday [Applause] I receive my deliverance now to God be the glory now I'm going to take authority so you just keep your hands up receiving now I take authority over every sickness every disease every infirmity I take authority over every weakness weakness every damaged part in your body anything in your body that has been borne by Jesus which would be every sickness and every kind of curse I take authority over that in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ over every addiction drug addiction alcohol addiction tobacco addiction pornography addiction or any kind of immoral sexual addiction I take authority over you in the name of Jesus I take authority over every homosexual spirit that would try to come on you you can go free now in Jesus name I take authority over everything that has bound you in Jesus name I command you to go free to be healed [Applause] we save your healing and be made whole from the top of your head to the soles of your feet in Jesus name we praise you Lord gave worship and more we honor you we bless you every person healed in the name of Jesus we thank you Lord we praise you we praise you we praise you for the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever forever [Music] this is Cindy Lindstrom and her babies and this is Gloria's sister Jan and this is Daniel Lee and Micah Elizabeth and Cindy has come up for at least 10 years every year to healing school believing to have babies and this was the last time they were gonna try and they had two eggs and here they are they got to talk [Applause] thank you Lord God this is Michael from Maryville Indiana and he was healed yesterday of his shoulder he couldn't turn it now show him what you can do Michael this is Sandra from Arkansas and 20 years ago she was in a really bad car accident where both of her thighs were crushed her ankle was crushed her knees been replaced her hips everything and she's been in pain for 20 years taking pain pills every single day home until Wednesday and she has not had one pain pill we have Mike Scott from Elgin South Carolina and you and brother Copeland prayed for him to get a new body part in his finger grew back but he had no feeling in the finger and today he just received this feeling two years ago you come down the aisle and you said new parts new parts then they cut it slap all they say weakness can't put we keep putting nothing back on and they cut it too close it's nothing there you it just be there be short but look and so it's how you got I got feeling back today I can feel it [Applause] amen I told you God's got parts this is Ralph from Arizona and come up here Ralph he hurt his back from jumping out of airplanes and with the army and so for five years he's had pain and he couldn't bend over and touch his toes and when he was standing up there he started bending over and touching his toes this is Doreen Stevens from Granbury Texas and since she was a child she's been blind in her right eye and now she can see she was healed this morning [Applause] citing my goodness now isn't that something that is really great two hours you got you know man praise God [Music] I've been coming for several years but I came to be healed but I've had back trouble for my entire adult life and it went into my legs and I've had trouble the last three or four years I've been in a wheelchair and walnut Walker and a cane I came here with a cane during the teaching she told him I think it's been my ability to receive I had a hard time I suffered it so long so I had a hard time really believing that God would heal my legs and so I asked him and I began to feel in my heart from the inside I am healed and so I got up and I walked back to the back and I walked around and then when they call from me for testimonies I got married for four years she's been on a walker or cane and she came in on a cane today Gloria and somehow during the meeting she lost her cane and when you pray today she started walking for the first time without a cane that's during the meeting can you show [Applause] this is Montrose Lily from North Carolina and she came to the meeting with blurred vision which she's had for the last two years and when you prayed this morning her vision instantly became clear fuzzy you look too real fuzzy and this morning when he was teaching I was telling the Lord Lord I need a miracle and they're like they read a lot and I was having pain in my eyes and when you pray it's don't we praise God did you hear what she said he said lord I need a miracle and Jesus said okay here it is glory to God [Applause] [Music] actually I almost wound up not coming because I didn't sleep very well last night and that's because of the depression that I've had this is amber Carter Ella from Dallas and she's been healed of a lifetime of depression she set her mind was filled with hatred and in depression and today it's like a thousand [Applause] [Applause] anger and forgiveness hatred in my heart has it's gone I feel happy Gloria this is Eden Matthews from Florida and she said when you prayed for mental problems and depression that she asked God for peace and he just flooded her with the peace of God and it's still with her now and that she didn't even ask him to heal her neck and she was having neck problems and she moved her neck around and realized that God had healed her neck - she told him what she wanted and she got that plus some more good stuff this is la Vida Reinhardt from Oklahoma City and she's been blind for one year and today after you pray she was before the monitors the screens were just quiet and today after you prayed she could see television [Applause] the doctor said it couldn't be done but it came but it got done geez Jesus done done it's a great beautiful baby we got this is brandy Moore and her daughter seven month old Nicole Moore and grandma Carol Robertson from Port Neches Texas and they brought up Nicole Monday night when brother Jesse had that word of knowledge of the acid reflux they had given her a seven to ten percent chance of living when she was born because of that disease and she'd throw up just that not even eating she'd just throw up and even tears run down her eyes because it burned as it came up and she hasn't had any reflux since Monday night [Applause] Oh I want you all to meet joy at Peters this beautiful young lady he's been coming with her family for five years from the Virgin Islands she has six brothers and sisters and her parents they're all here and they don't know this so this is gonna be news to them but in April she found a lump in her breast and she didn't tell anyone because she didn't want to be worried she didn't want to scare him but she's been praying and confessing the word over it during the service this week she could feel it begin to diminish and today she went to the restroom and checked and it's gone [Applause] let's just stand up and give God glory Lord you are good and your mercy does endure forever and we thank you for every healing all that you've already done Lord we thank you for these great and wonderful testimonies we thank you for showing us your goodness and letting your goodness pass before us this week we thank you Lord for increasing our capacity to receive and we give you all the praise and all the glory for everything wonderful and good that you have done in this place today we thank you Lord we know you're continuing to heal even as we speak we believe Lord that every person is healed of every infirmity every disease every missing thing is fixed or put back every broken thing is fixed Lord you are merciful we are receivers in this place today and we give you all honor and glory we praise you we thank you thank you for your word thank you for revealing truth to us Lord we thank you for healing the people listening on the radio and watching on the broadcast we thank you Lord that your healing anointing is there and if they are home now I'm asking you if you're listening on the radio and I'm watching the television broadcast you write us and let us know you send your testimony in lift your life to new levels now be healthier live longer get stronger and live a more satisfied life fully enjoy your family work recreation and every blessing God has for your future begin your lifelong journey of health and wellness faith and strength with the get well stay well packaged designed to help you live life without limits Gloria Copeland's book live long finish strong will show you how to take the promises of God for your life by faith with every scripture you'll discover how to live in God's blessing of wholeness every day the life line series healing and wellness your 10 day spiritual action plan by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland has everything you need to get well stay well the plan includes daily readings for the morning and evening scripture cards worship music and video segments give yourself a lift get well and stay well Kenneth Copeland ministries wants to bless you request your FREE copy of the Get Well stay well packaged today take advantage of this free TV offer by calling us toll free at 877 six one five four 267 or by going to KCMO org /b vov on offer God's will is that you receive your healing and walk into fine health learn to stand on God's Word and receive your healing request your package today one per person please we are here for you so call us for prayer at anytime or visit our website to check out all the great resources we offer to help you grow in your faith remember God wants you well and Jesus is your healer [Music]
Channel: The Victory Channel
Views: 112,936
Rating: 4.7681499 out of 5
Keywords: How To Be Energized By God's Word | Healing School, How To Be Energized By God's Word, word of god, gods word, healing, faith healing
Id: TyHK1org3Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 48sec (7068 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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