Fall Is Here | Canning Bread in Mason Jars!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back we are in the kitchen again today for you guessed it more candy videos so today we are actually going to be rendering some lard this is from the pig that we processed earlier this year and this is all we have left of that pig and we've just been waiting to render it and another thing we are doing today that we're very excited about is making zucchini bread and a can so super cool we haven't done that before we have frozen it in the past and we have also dehydrated zucchini but for us I think that canning it seems the most economical so we're very excited for that recipe and we are going to get started all right so the first thing we're going to get started is the lard since this is going to take the longest this bard is primarily leaf lard which is fat that comes around the pig's kidneys and usually when you process a pig you'll get a lot of fat you'll also get it off their backs but because we skin the pig we lost a lot of the fat on it so we mainly have just the leaf lard which is actually some of the best Lord you can get off of a pig and what I mean by that is it's usually the lard that has the least amount of flavor it's just a really pure clean fat so when we render it we'll get a really nice white lard that will be great for anything from pies to tortillas to any sort of crust or anything like that even biscuits - so when wondering lard it's always nice to have a heavy bottom pan some sort of cast iron skillet we're going to use our Dutch oven because it has high sides and you will have lots of oil or fat splattering outside it and be quite messy so if you can do it outside go ahead and do it outside but we're going to be doing it in here today on our propane stove so what Eric is working on is cutting up the lard he's getting it cut up into small chunks which is very crucial to when you're making or rendering lard if you have a meat grinder that's a great way to do it we used to do that in the past when we were processing larger volumes but because this is such a small amount we're just gonna chop it up the reason you want it smaller is because it will actually melt down that much faster for you this whole process will take a good three hours to get the lard ready to be canned so we never used to really cook with a lot of lard until we started raising our own pigs and we realize you know how awesome and versatile this stuff actually is and probably our main reason that we like to use this stuff and go through the hassle of processing it is that this stuff once we get it in the can is gonna last us a long time without any refrigeration at all okay so we got the pig fat all chopped up into small pieces and it's ready to go on the stove what Eric's gonna do is we're gonna heat the pig fat up at a medium level right now that's crucial when you're first heating it up you don't want to just crank it because you can burn it and that's essential to getting a really clean flavored lard at the end you don't want to have it go really high at the beginning so we're just gonna kind of watch it wait till we see some melting and then we can skip it a little stir and let some of that fat break down a little bit more there so I have this lard on low I turned it down a little bit it started to make a sound like it was cooking and I didn't want it getting too hot and what you can do is two things these are pretty big chunks so if you have all day to render this go ahead and do it that big but otherwise I do recommend getting out the grinder or chopping it up a little bit smaller you know we're gonna be here all day so that's okay but it does go quicker the smaller the pieces are and I also recommend if you're new to rendering lard and it's not a bad idea to just put a little bit in at a time and make sure you get that first melted and then you can keep adding the lard in on top of that and again that's just to give you kind of this safe zone where you're not going to be burning the fat on the bottom that's crucial for not getting a really cooked Pig smell you know lard at the end so maybe you've never even heard of rendering lard why would you want to render lard rendering lard is getting rid of the in purities in there getting the meat getting rid of the water that's all gonna be cooked out and boiled out so we are left with just pure fat and that is what is going to be the key to storing it for so long it will store for years that way it won't if it has any sort of meats or water in it it will actually go rancid I'm gonna keep stirring this and just keep really close eyes on it until it gets to the point where more of the lard is broken down and we are starting to end up with some of the fat in the Dutch oven okay now that we have a good half inch or so of a liquid on the bottom we are safe to start our zucchini bread and we're just gonna keep an eye on this and keep it on a you know lower heat and keep stirring it and again this process is gonna take several hours so it is well worth it and then so we are going to making a zucchini bread that we're gonna be canning in mason jars and first step is to get to the zucchini shredded we have a yellow and a green variety that kind of ballooned up it looks a little funny but these are just some extra ones we had we did not do very well with zucchini this year but this is gonna make a good amount of bread for us for winter so Errol is going to be chopping the tops and the bottoms off of these and I'm going to get them all shredded we're using a total of nine zucchinis but they're a little mismatched shaped so I would say if you're using a standard zucchini maybe seven to eight Geocities that you've got at the grocery store Eric finished getting the zucchini shredded we measured it out and we have 12 cups of zucchini I did split it up into two bowls because I don't think that this big bowl is going to be big enough I'm going to include the inspiration for this recipe in the description it is someone else's recipe but we are actually changing up quite a bit and using lots of different ingredients so what we first need to get started with is adding our oil and sugar to our bowl here I'm going to be adding four cups of oil in total with 8 cups of sugar first thing I'm going to start with is one cup of melted butter it's not hot but we did melt it you can use softened butter of course too and then I'm going to use two cups of coconut oil generally Eric and I like to use coconut oil instead of other oils that are recommended in recipes but it can lend a pretty strong flavor especially if you're using at large amounts so that is why we are using some different oils the last oil I'm going to be including in this recipe is one cup of olive oil same thing goes for the olive oil we ended up adding just a tiny bit less because it does also have a pretty strong flavor so we opted to lessen the sugar we just are going to be putting in six cups instead of the eight that I mentioned before and I'm gonna go ahead and get the oil and the sugar all mixed up in here the next step is to add four teaspoons of vanilla and then we're gonna want to add our eggs we have eight eggs and we're going to be also adding some applesauce in and one mashed banana now that I have the eggs mixed in I'm going to add a quarter cup of applesauce and a banana so I went ahead and mixed that batter with the zucchini shreds and I am going to get our dry ingredients mixed up in this bowl it is a lot of flour so I'm gonna be starting with just some of the ingredients in here I'm gonna put them in the bowls and then I will be adding the rest of the flour into the bowls directly first up I am going to start with salt and we need two teaspoons of salt for this recipe and we need four teaspoons of baking powder and baking soda I'm gonna add four teaspoons of cinnamon now now I'm gonna add cacao powder and this is just chocolate powder it's a really good flavor when you are baking and we're doing about three teaspoons now that I've got this all mixed up I'm going to add flour I need 12 cups I'm probably gonna fit 6 in here for now and then I'll do what I said we're all add the rest of the flour in each bowl and I'm measuring out 3 cups or a little over 3 cups for each bowl so I'm gonna add just 2 more cups of flour to this instead of 3 and the recipe that we're following does use water but we opted not to because our zucchini was pretty wet it had a lot of moisture in it to begin with and in general when we make zucchini bread I don't use water so that is the consistency we are looking for I'm going to chop up some almonds now to add to this and then I'm also gonna be adding probably a quarter cup of chocolate chips that I have left - so now that I have these chopped almonds ready I'm gonna put half of them in each Bowl and I believe it's about a cup of chopped almonds and then we're gonna add these chocolate chips and then go ahead and get that mixed up and then the next step is to get the jars ready so I went ahead and combined both of those mixing bowls into one and we have our jars ready we've done some math and I think we're gonna make quite a bit I think it's gonna be 32 of these pint sized jars originally we were thinking we could do quarts but then I realized that courts have a neck and I don't think that'll work for the bread once it cooks and once we try to get it out later when we want to eat it so we are going to go with pints since that seems what most everyone does we have our oven on at 325 degrees and I went ahead and sterilized these with hot water and some soap and then I went in and put some coconut oil to help the bread not stick so we're gonna go ahead and get them filled up and we're going for about halfway full okay we've got these filled up I did do them a little bit over halfway I think that'll be okay and I'm not quite sure how long they're gonna take we're just gonna kind of keep an eye on them and check them and see when they are ready so I'm gonna get them in that butt now so while those are in the oven I was gonna give an update on the lard that we are rendering you can tell there's a lot more liquid now and you are going to end up with two parts of this so what's happening with the bubbles is that the water that's coming off and then we're gonna end up with cracklings which is this part on top that will not break down and then you'll end up with the lard which is the liquid so we still have about two and a half hours left on this and I will show you guys what it looks like once more of this is broken down the lard has been going for about two hours total now and we are at the point where we're going to be taking out these cracklings and generally if you grind up the fat you will actually get a little more at the end of the day so I do recommend that option if you can do that we're ending up with some big cracklings here and I'm gonna drain them out you know they're done once they're crispy like that you're not gonna get much more out of them when these guys are super tasty it's basically just fried pork skin so you can imagine how they would taste and we do usually set them aside this is a lot so I don't know if we'll actually be eating all of this now that I finished getting those out we are actually going to strain this liquid once it's done it's not quite done and you'll know it's done once it stops having little bubbles and I don't even see any little bubbles right now if you come in close you can see there's no bubbles at all besides just the boiling or simmering that's going on and so that's a good sign that means that it probably is done I'll probably let it go for a little bit longer just to make sure but if you do still see bubbles that means that there's still water in that lard and you don't want that again because that'll make your Lord go rancid so I'm gonna get back to you guys once we get this strained in the meantime our zucchini bread is done I'm gonna start pulling them out one by one and what I'm gonna do is just wipe the rim make sure it's clean and then I'm going to put a rinsed lid and band on here and the reason we're pulling these out one at a time is to get a good seal on these they need to be nice and hot when we put our lids on so it looks like we have one maybe two an area that it went a little over the top so I'm just gonna cut that off okay so those are incredibly hot but we've got them put aside now so we're gonna get started on our next batch and I don't remember how long they cook for 50 minutes 45 minutes so they cooked for 45 minutes and we just tested them with a skewer to know when they were done or not Eric and I went ahead and got another batch of 9 in the oven and in the meantime these ones have popped down so that's how we know that they are sealed and ready to be put away obviously not yet they're still very warm but we're pretty excited about them they look really good I'll show you a close-up but they look like bread and we tasted some that we had to cut off and it was really tasty wow that second batch is in the oven I'm going to strain the lard and get that put away in cans as well so I'm gonna go ahead and grab this and strain it through some muslin cloth and then a strainer and into a bowl so those are more of the cracklings and then you end up with just pure lard down there my guess is that we'll make maybe three pint-sized jars so not very much at all but I will get that put in those jars now once I get them cleaned and it is also important to do it while it's hot kind of like the zucchini bread because we're counting on that to make a seal and it will store longer that way so we've got our jars ready and I'm just gonna pour this in and it does have that amber color to it but one it hardens it will actually turn a whiter color and I will let them cool and I will show you guys what they look like once they're cool we're back to filling up these jars since the second round of our zucchini bread is almost done and I have been filling them up just slightly above the halfway mark and that seems to be where they won't rise to much that we need to cut them off we've also found that they cook for about 45 minutes until they're done and I just wanted to get these done so I could tell you guys about how many that recipe makes that we did and I believe we're coming in at 22 pints so a little bit shy of what the recipe that I am going to include in the description says I think that with you quadruple that recipe get 24 cans but all in all we're very excited for it and it made less than we thought but it's still a lot of cans so something to look forward to in winter so I have to finish up with these last four and then we'll be putting them in the oven and I will show you guys tomorrow what the lard looks like and all of these breads when they're done all right so it has been a few days and we were going to show you what the lard turned out like it is a little bit darker than white lard and that's traditionally what color is going to be when you render it but yesterday we were a little distracted we were making our zucchini bread and I let those cracklings sit in there a little too long so we did get some of that coloring and part of it and the lard not a big deal it's still going to be great for cooking with and it doesn't have a piggy odor or anything like that if you're interested in rendering lard it'd probably be easier to grind up those pieces a little bit smaller when you're first melting it down and then just keep a closer eye on it so you know when it stops bubbling and it is done Eric who's gonna go ahead and open up a zucchini bread so we could try it okay so yeah this zucchini bread looks like it turned out pretty good we're gonna pop a jar open and see if it comes out this one wasn't filled up all the way most of the ones we did we tried to fill about right to the rim which is about two-thirds of batter in each jar and that popped right out I came out really easily pretty much this looks like ray there's a key bread in a roll all right so this stuff is really good it stayed nice and moist inside that can and the coolest part about happening in two cans for us is we've frozen this stuff in the past we don't really have means a freezing it now so these are just gonna go right into the root cellar and it's kind of like a quick snack just pop open a can you got fresh zucchini bread so we're gonna finish eating the rest of this and we will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 583,788
Rating: 4.8940978 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, off grid life, living in alaska, off grid vlog, alaska vlog, homestead alaska, garden alaska, cabin life, debt free living, tiny house alaska, life in alaska, home canning, presto pressure cooker, high tunnel greenhouse, greenhouse alaska, off grid cabin, rendering lard, how to render lard, canning lard, canning bread, zucchini bread recipe, how to can bread, zucchini bread in canning jars, keeping bees alaska
Id: panBjpAHxok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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