How to Stretching, scooping, and cooking Pizza . 5 Great. Pizza Tips(Massimo Nocerino)

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hello guys welcome back to the channel today we're going to talk about stretching i'm going to show you how to stretch your pizzas how to scoop from your pizza peel and bake in the oven as well okay you can see here we go two types of pizza dough 24 hours 48 hours the first step when you have to scoop your pizza dough um i'm gonna show you first i'm gonna start this in more complicated four towers we're gonna stick more together so i'm gonna drop a little bit flour here this for the more little bit more complicated to scoop it so i'm trying to get that one cut all around right a little bit flour on my spatula trying to get it okay okay and then i'm gonna get one from the 24 hours as well okay we're gonna get here as well okay let's moving this one away now i wanted to show you are the stretching when you go you're 48 hours though it's a bit more fragile more too soft you have to be careful i will use semolina to stretch only semolina um just give a little bit if it's not straight around where your pizza trying to give a little bit shape again like that okay so back and cover this with the flowers and then i'll start with my fingers like that and then trying to go on the edges okay so start in the middle and then go to the edge trying to leave just a little bit ages three a kind of centimeter so you can pull upside down again all right and it's too way too stretchy there's an apple style because lap or normal classic like wrong style to stretch without okay now i'm gonna give it palm down i'm gonna show you like that okay with the flower if you want to do like an apple style so you're gonna put that like a course laps put your palm like that when you do that the same time your pits are turning your hand as well okay so one a pullback one that's it and then you finish like that okay that's very fragile pizza again we use another one 24 hours and you can see the shape believe to be no perfect round so gonna fix a little bit uh it'll be flour you can pull upside down your pizza bowl and then again stretching like that from the center to the middle as you can see you can see already you want to create your little crust here if you want to make nice bigger cross okay stretch like that i'm trying to pull front of the camera it's probably easy to see and then you go like that and then i'm doing kind of a napoli style so i'm sure you're getting a slap so you put down your palm and back at them side the same time i'm trying to your pizza keeping turning okay one two one two then you remove your flour okay and then you give a last stretch like that all right okay i'm gonna do it again we know that one so see here cut it because otherwise it's gonna cook all the pizza okay what i normally do i do more classic stretchy like a roman style and so again the middle and then you go down and you can see your the head go to the the side at the hand here if you stick if you feel stick your pizza base on the table put up so that again what i do see the fingers stay here and put the palms down and trying to control without touch the middle because you touch the middle it's gonna be thin they're gonna break your pizza so always trying to control with the fingerstips on the on the cross or the edges like stirring the car okay you don't want more flour on the table so when you before you put your pizza sauce your table have to be clean if you want you can sprinkle it a bit like that but just a little bit then say always here see your pizzas it's all even there's no parts so then you do that okay i'm gonna do one more stretching then i'm gonna show you the scoop in the pizza with your pizza pill so let's do it again here we are a little bit flour to get from the bottom done okay they're quite soft and then you said you can see but it's not a problem hover upside down with the flower also i use a marina in that case it's in the middle so your fingers will stick kind of like like that okay and then you go all around you want to see this little cornichon coming down hold the head go to the edges now okay down again and now i'm gonna use my palm down okay then left you can turn right if you wanted my i'm right hand so antenna left okay like that when you when you stretching you try to pull a little bit pull and stretch gentle pull your pits are coming bigger and bigger okay okay look at that okay the fingers stay always here all the time controlling the cross all right can make bigger i want you know you want to make extra feeling okay and stretch that's it okay that's all about the stretching now i'm gonna show you how to scoop your pizza with your pizza peel okay you got your own pizza pill i know it looks safe very simple but this is a lot of people struggling when i'm training the new guys so when you start you want to keep your pizza peel no like that come the same level of the table right don't do this so people just smash it you piece it fly away so keep the pizza peel on the same level of the table and you do your first step is the middle then you pull back and put the push back again so go to the middle and then you try to push back when you're gonna pull in the oven always try to do this checking things see if the pizza doesn't stack all your pizza pizza so always do that to check if there's any sauce or something stick on the pizza pail okay some people use it can do that i don't do that but show you if it's easy for you you can hold it and then you you fix it on your pizza pill okay say then you control him and uh all you can do like that as well let me see if you can do here just space to hold it like that no i want to show you another one okay you can do that or you can do that as well uh you can install that pull video and go to the oven but i really recommend to do very without any touch one two and then you can just fix it if it's not the shape it could be unshaped a little bit right so okay i'll show you one more time one more stretching then i'm gonna show you how to put the sus in and pack your pizza in your oven doesn't matter if you go go fire oven gasoline and electric oven the principle is pretty much the same we're gonna do right more stretching just to show you what's the simple way to stretch your own pizza okay as you can see this is a little bit unshaped and then trying to fix it up okay just a little bit flour okay middle of your fingers tips works if you feel speech sticky you feel stick a little bit put upside down again start it again you shouldn't feel stick your pizza base when you're stretching at all otherwise if it's this is um sticky you have to have a little bit more flour and you can see you want to start to see there's a little cross all around okay then one two so see the fingers down and then you keep in doing this spool leave it again all work on the on the cross never from also your fing your head just to be together no one here no one here if you do that you go risk to make your fin base at the middle so always keep the finger your hand same position here never do this this you're gonna mess up your pizza ball okay see how you stretch quickly bang remove the flour you do your final stretch before put your topping your sauce your mozzarella that's you ready to make your pizza so now we're gonna go in the second third step now are to make the toppings to the pizza we're gonna come back in a second okay guys now before baking our pizza i want to show you one more things to clean the oven and normally when i switch off the over and put the wood on the middle if you use wood fire over and put these little things like that put the wood in the middle and put the wood later and switch it off in the middle for an hour an hour and a half a day the oven will be right around minimum 200 degrees with this oven sweet ready pizza and then now i'm gonna clean it up before baking i've got this little pizza pie just for the food okay so we're gonna put step i put my fire at the back now i'm gonna give a little cleaning first with that little pizza still okay and now i am gonna use my my brush you need a fun good brush to clean your oven this is one of the first brush to you to use clean the oven from j metal okay you go in the corner see what you can see you want to clean all the walls inside as well the obvious big fully cleaned properly otherwise you're gonna go ash when your pizza is gonna be horrible you don't wanna eat in pizza with the ash okay as you can see all the corners is clean with the nice fantastic brush okay i can see the heat it opens very hot right and now i can take my pizza right now we're gonna bake it that's the last step guys now is the time for baking your own pizza i put the topping on okay again get a one pizza base this one my pizza base are around 200 grams i make 10 inch pizzas here okay little bit flour okay again stretch like that put upside down in the corner now okay go try to be slow so you can see better what i'm doing okay now no more flour you want your table clean okay bang okay that's the size i do for my pizza take one scoop four like that i put in the middle yeah then spit on just like that slowly i'm gonna spread all the sauce all around i want to give at least a nice centimeter away from the cross don't go over nap of the sauce that was gonna stick in your pizza peel you're gonna make a simple margherita a little bit few basils leaves a little before the latte mozzarella okay i'm moving this one like that i'm gonna put a little bit or reverse sorry for the noise in background we are in street food here we are always noisy we are middle of the street right now this is important now as i show you before the way pull your feet up okay ah see and down then you give enough final stretch of your pizza peel okay you can stretch it you can make a bigger okay what i do before you go pizza is moving checking so it's no stick anywhere okay now we're gonna bake it let's go to the oven i'm gonna lift it down slowly shake it and down okay and now i'm gonna use my little the pizza turning peel pizza okay let me see you start to growing do not touch your pizza until start to get a little bit brownie coke okay checking the bottom piece towards see now you can see the piece is cooking and then now i'm gonna lift in the middle and turn it see it start to burning the oven is very hot now okay very hot lifting down and turning lift in the middle and turning hovering is very hot it is towards this start to bend i just keep lifting down just to get me more color on the top okay that's your pizza it's ready you can see what's getting a little bit hot it's been a little bit it's not a problem you have to use wood for your oven span even if you use your normal oven just be careful the first pizza you can easily burn okay that's your margherita cook in 60 seconds your food for the oven we got a nice captain now we're gonna wear little cats see that see all hair inside nice and soft ready see that's your margarita reading 50 section 50 second nice and hairy here's lovely yeah and that's beautiful that's your that's why when you're stretching you want to leave her here to get air inside don't want to press down until otherwise it's going to be flat up there's no hair come out from your crust there you go guys that's a few tips i want to give you today because a lot of people keeping ask me things so i want this i decided to make this video to give you more information is possible for you for your business for your homemade pizza home uh hopefully this video was helpful for all of you and another question leave me comments below and i'm trying to back to you always reply all of everybody you ask me any question and that's my video instruction for today guys yeah i hope you like this video again and please if you're new to the channel subscribe i see at the next video thanks for watching thanks let's go to it now
Channel: Massimo Nocerino Pizza Massimo
Views: 73,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: massimo nocerino, how to stretching the pizza, how to scooping your pizza on pizza pell, how to make the slap, how to clean your pizza oven, how to flip your pizza in the oven, pizza, margherita, wood fire pizza oven, pizza tips, pizza skills
Id: HGmbDvCSgsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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