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This guy talks like a cool dude who steals the protagonist's girl in an 80s skiing movie

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/hentio 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

I like work. I could watch others working for hours.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MorrisM 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Thickensick 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

His voice sounds like Brian Regan's sarcastic voice. Good video though, just can't get past that similarity.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sparkybear 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

He sounds exactly like Will Forte

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ublaa 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

ELI5 but why ?? Why not only use gyproc ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Stucco, alright alright alright.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jordanloewen 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

Isn't this stucco not plaster?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/groundscrew 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2016 🗫︎ replies
Hi guys, Kirk and Jay here with  Kirk Giordano plastering. Today,   I'm going to show you how fast we can do a wall,  both coats scratching brows. Generally, I'll start   on my corners to fill that up. I won't start here  because then everything falls between it falls on   the ground. I'll stretch the bottom work my  way up. When I get to the top there, I want   that top to set fast, so I'll hit the top first  and then the edge. I'll cheat out the middle;   I'll show you how we do it. Of course, Jade  got a good mix going here, so it makes it a lot   easier fella like me to do my job get the bottom  stuff. It's always a drag bending down, guys. well, get that corner going Hey J, well grab me that scratch it  to please alright that's done then   generally what I'll do Guys, I'll hit my  top. Why am I gonna hit my top right now   because those are the words if you're doing  the same day materials same day material,   you better hit your top that's because you want  to give those time enough to set, by the way,   guys weird lastest, but we do a lot of work for  contractors homeowners you guys laugh your own   stuff that's okay we don't mind we'll come  in and just do the stucco work heck we don't   mind that at all so again what I'm doing is  I'm getting my tops first because those tops   first that are a huge thing if you do the  whole wall and then you hit the top laughs   what happened is everything will be set here  then when you go to the top it's going to keep   falling with you extend your time on a job okay  just take this down to where I could reach it. up mic coming out okay Alright, I'm gonna get back on these tops.  Guys press hard to make those because this   material has got the ability to set fast,  sometimes in 15 minutes, but I like things   materials because they set time we didn't  set fast it wouldn't be working with it okay. [ __ ] little trick I do to guys, not that Okay, I got my border out of the way. What  I'll do is grab my handy-dandy cheater.   These are called cheaters go Devils and  Liberace's. They called all kinds of things   when I worked in Union they actually didn't  allow them. Hey, it makes the men look too   hard. It's hard work anyway. Come in here  now. I like using this go-devil because,   well, the hawk and Charlie get kind of cockeyed  this you're using balanced a lot easier for me. I've been places where I've seen guys. This is the  only tool they'll do the tops of the corner and   use this as a Darby and a Hawking trowel and  he falls on the ground. Just pick it right up   immediately. If it falls on the ground and stays  there more than ten minutes, leave it there,   goes hey guys, you don't have to be big or strong  to do this. I had a fella email me and says, man,   I just weigh about 100 hundred pounds,  do you think I'd be able to do that,   and the answer is yes, guys, I've seen guys  half my weight; Out plaster me all day long. see, you guys barely 100 pounds that can do  this for 10 hours and not even break a sweat,   so they've got nothing to do with size or any of  that stuff guys consistency one step at a time and any drops on the ground, a few folks can see  this just pick it up immediately again if it this   particular material if it drops on the ground  and it stays there for say 10 minutes leave it   alone Portland cement, and you can drop it on the  ground pick a right up and reuse it, but not just   now I'm gonna get my corner over here without  this ladder in my way okay sharp in the bottom   just like I was saying earlier work my way up to  give us something to hold on to itself just like   that take this nothing to it if you know how to do  it just like everything else plumbing electricity   just take practice and of course if I don't have  it by now guys after more than 30 years I'm in   the wrong trade now I don't need to do this, but  I'm showing you folks if you wanna you can run it   instead just come up because we're putting another  finish another coat directly over this coat take this rod to go right up top and say guys that that was just a scratch coat  here's what I'd do I'd take a scratcher when   I'm waiting on more mud right now, and I'd  scratch it if I was using Portland cement,   and all we do is here back  and forth you get the idea and These scratch marks when you allow it to dry give  it something to hold on to. What it does is the   stucco keys in there, but we're doing a same-day  system, so if you are just scratching the wall   guys with Portland cement, that's what you're  going to want to do. Just scratch it like this   okay guy doing my second coat, we let that set  about 15 minutes. What are you doing the same,   guys? If that's that 15 minutes guess what the  whole mix is starting to set, so now we gotta   hustle a little bit, and that's what we want these  same-day materials they do set fast, of course,   it's about 90 degrees in the shade which depending  on how hot it is guys that's how much retardants   we put in here your material and here's what I  was talking about earlier if I don't hit my tops   first I'm putting another coat it would just fall  right down it would just keep falling because it   wouldn't take that much weight up there when I get  to this corner I happen to use a square trowel. I use a lot of Charles guys I'm partial to this  swimming pool trial it's got flat edges here but   it doesn't have corners okay so back to what I  was doing and I'll bring it down about here so   I don't have to work too hard with that stick  or a rod Darby a lot of noise on this job guys   we have street work being done you know we just  knock through the snuff through the borders to   get in here so this apartment complex what  I'm also doing guys is I'm opening this wall   that means I'm taking my trial on edge that'll  that'll dry it out a lot faster okay we hit my   corner here and then I'm gonna cheat the rest  or I'm gonna use the go-devil on the rest so   take my corner here give it that second 3/8 got  to have that 3/8 guys each code 3/8 if it's an   eighth either direction it's not a big deal to  doing commercial jobs 8th in either direction   is a big deal but this here skip child finish  doesn't really matter that much skip Charles   guys are very very forgiving okay now that  I got my trial work done I'm gonna take this   go-devil again what I'll do here is make myself  a little pile all right I'll take it up take it. J squalling me, he did all the lower  stuff. That's good. I don't like to   bend down. If I don't have to, I just pile  this up right here because I want the mud.   I don't want it going over the edge, but I  can put it on even if it's over the edge. We do this every day, guys. So if  you try to do it in a sit-down,   how do those guys make it look so easy? Because  we do it every day, we make it look easy. now Jay just looked at this wall and did a mix  and determined that's how much stucco he'd need   to mix and I'll tell you what guys we have two  small patches on this job and that's for the   two small patches that just shows you how much  time in he's got on here now the last thing I   need to do is make this wall true and plumb now  that I got the mud and it's kind of soft still   which is good I'm using steel now oh man I don't  want to use muscle I'll leave the muscle for the   young guys to do this right here just take skill  right on top I can settle out of there or just   turning this stick this way here take it back here  we're going around so on pull that top down come   back just like so get your top get your side if  you need any mud mud guy here's what I can do I   mean I can take mud off of here and put this mud  anywhere I can put it back where I took it from go   up and I'm using enough serrated Darby guys why  am I using a serrated Darby instead of a smooth   one because I want this to set when you use a  serrated darby it opens the stucco these little   grooves like a kitchen knife kitchen knives are  usually serrated no or tomato nice anyway now this   right here because I'm using the serrated Darby  I'm gonna have about all I would say ten minutes   before this gets hot as a rock and then when it  gets real hard go ahead and finish it off and the   finish is just a skip trial finish it's matching  an apartment complex texture which was done Oh   about 40 years ago piece of cake so when I get  to that stage guy I'll show you the final product   this has got to set at least 15 minutes in order  for me to hard rubber float it texture it okay   guys we just let this at about 15 minutes sort  of hot out here and what we do is remember your   drip screen but I got to get all the mud out from  underneath that drip screed use your finger use a   trowel cut it back this drip screen here is seven  eighths of an inch at the bottom so this stucco's   got to be 7/8 this corner lines up with this side  of the wall everything has got to line up okay now   I'm gonna hard rubber float it and it's still bit  soft if it was hard oh man you would see the sweat   pouring down my face right now we don't want  that I want to work smart I don't want to work   hard guys I've done enough hard work in my life so  this is just right right now if I wait another 15   minutes it'll be setting and then I'll be having  to push I don't want to push too hard guys again   that I rather use skill than muscle any day we  use enough muscle just getting this stuff on as   soon as I get this whole wall floated out I'm  gonna texture it and I'll show it to you guys   okay guys we're doing the easy stuff now  just the texture and yes you can texture over   boiling some and you can texture over either  wall you can texture over almost every kind   of exterior cement there is and I'm matching a  particular finish well the I know what I'm doing it's kind of knocked down as soon  as you put it on, you knock it down I'm texturing this exterior wall. My buddy,  Gary, is in here texture and with taping mud. The type of finish we have on here is painted,   and it's with the finest color coat they have.  It used to be. I think it was a twenty-thirty   when they originally started but may I'm  using a smooth using a Santa Barbara smooth   mission finish just to texture with because  we've got to give it a flat painted look. You see all this stuff of dropping guys. I don't  normally drop that much, but I put on top of this   Hawk a whole lot of color coat. I didn't need  to put that much on here after well. I rather   drop some but have enough on here to finish  this. We're going to hose this up anyhow. a little bit more cool beans well we were on the inside of a  wall tape him out everywhere,   and the texture on the outside  is like tape and mutters flat,   so we might want to make ours as flat  as possible also, but cement this okay,   guys putting my finishing touches up all we got to  do is clean the floor now I got my buddy Gary here   I'm watching him do sheetrock on the ceiling  I'm China I've been glancing over my shoulder   trying to learn how to copy his techniques  anyway there's my buddy Gary from Sacramento   license GC what's your number out there if you  wanted to know my number is 5 or 0 here we go Kirk here, and I think it's the best  plastic. I have a reward for whoa,   man I got to put you in all my video this  talk like that anyway Jason I thank you,   folks, for watching, and as usual,  we'll see you guys on the next one.
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 3,997,741
Rating: 4.3373017 out of 5
Keywords: stucco like the professionals, Plaster like the professionals for DIY warriors, Stucco Guru’s, stucco like the pros for DIY weekend warriors, external plastering finishes, Plaster like the professionals for you DIY weekend plastering warriors, plastering weekend warriors, learn to stucco, how to plaster
Id: t9FbRK1VuPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2013
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