Stucco over brick walls or chimneys

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hi guys Kirk and Jason here with Kirk Giordano  plastering, Today we show you how to resurface this brick here now you might look at this chimney and  say wow that chimneys is bad but, I look at this   chimney or what I see is on a scale of 1 to 10, a 10  being as good as it gets I'd say this chimney is   about a nine and a half what does that mean? Okay  you take the out of the house itself this is maybe   a half a yard of cement what's happy yard about  a thousand pounds I was just this chimney wait   guys this chimney weighs about 5 to 7 tons that's  anywhere between ten to fourteen thousand pounds   it's double bricked for inside now design for  heat it should last to 300 years why did this   little area fail well my guess was that the house  is about 90 years old about maybe 30 40 years ago   somebody walked in here and created a little hole  or they had a bush and they wanted that Bush and   with a crack it can go in and prevent or it it can  happen where you get spalling water goes in there   freezes and pops it off and then it starts this  chain reaction it could happen there's a lot of   different reasons but what we're doing we're using  a 15-minute set so this is the stucco right here it   sets really quick and plus the brick is absorbing  the moisture out what J&R I already did as we wet   this piece of wood here we put it right here as  a template or a rod and I went ahead and rotted   applied the stucco here and we pulled it up and  we made a rod meaning we got a clean edge here   this has been pressure washed it's been chipped  out then pressure washed well with 3000 psi how   clean is that it's real clean plus I put a bonding  agent on here I use weld creep but you guys always   call me so where do you find well Crete well  Crete is found at the material yards plastering   material yard they do not sell well Crete at Home  Depot or Lowe's so this concrete bonding adhesive   works too so anyway I've got ten minutes to put  this stucco on before it gets hard as a rock and   I have a hard time floating notice we got here  if you're loose with the grout no worries some   areas where deep I fished it in there really  tight so now what we're doing is we're putting   this next codon and and all we're doing guys is  just resurfacing it we're putting another layer   of cement on it this particular stucco J made  about ten minutes ago and we have about I'd say   another ten minutes to use it before I get nervous  and start struggling and saying oh man I'm going   to have to use a lot of muscle to get it on or  floated what I want to do first of all is get   the bulk done while I have the board full I'll  worry about my corners in a minute first thing   is get it all on there and notice I'm I'm pushing  a hard guy push it harder okay we take the stucco   here and I'm looking at my bulk get the bulk  on because if I run out of stucco that's on the   board there I want to be able to float it while  J mixes up some more Oh got a hustle guys when   you're working with stiff mud nothing we can't  handle you take it here and we feather into the   existing they right here call feathering  into the existing say like right here I'll show   the spot here all right now keep in mind guys  it's a pretty cold day but the brick is still   sucking the moisture right out of this cement how  many different cements are there Oh about 20 right   now we're using a cement that dries extremely  fast because it's got luminite in it and this   is the stuff that when dry that's about 4,700  psi you might say what the heck is that concrete   is usually about 25 so this stuff is really  really strong the PSI strength of 4700 you'll   get in about 30 days when you first apply it stuff  though is I'd say this about 2,000 psi what does   that mean to you guys boring stuff but I thought  since I know it I'd share it with you means it's   very strong okay so what I'm doing here is getting  out all of my own humps and straightening it all   out okay we are buds getting hard and it's about  time to start floating this but I can give it a   little bit longer before I float because I want  to use the rest of this up maybe you might even   have enough to finish this let's see here okay  the same thing I did over there I rotted this   side over here you can't see it so all that rowdy  means give it a clean edge we almost had enough   just a hair off but that's okay because what  I'm gonna do guy is finish this little piece   here and Jay is going to mix this some more but  before he does that I'm gonna float what little   bit we got because this mud is already getting  hard so okay how much do I need I need one Hawk   right here but for the sake of showing you guys  what to do next I'm going to leave that alone   and we're going to mix up that Hawk in a few  minutes what I have here is a floating bucket I   like these green sponge floats with a handle buy  these at Home Depot Lowe's usually get them at   the material yard buy box at a time about 100  because we go through them and now what we want   to do is this corner is tricky so we're going  to take it straight up and go to the right what   happens if I take it this way well I'd pull my own  corner off this float is full of stucco right now   which when it gets full you just take it off and  start over again when I say take it off I mean put it in the water cap it out flip it tap it what  I'm doing guys if you don't see is I'll take my   hands and just flip this flip it like this flip  it tap that water off now I'm going to go ahead   and get my joint again that way I'm gonna come  this way and clean it now this is the hard part   for folks who just are learning but for me I'm  close my eyes and do this I've done so much the   idea is I'm putting water on this I'm bringing the  aggregate out wood is an aggregate fancy word for   sand Portland cement or Portland is the submit'  we're using you add sand to Portland and it gives   you stucco you add rocks to Portland cement or  the Portland cement you get concrete so anyway   you see where we're going with this I'm going  to go ahead and show you this joint too because   now the joint is tricky the transition that's the  hardest part for any of you do-it-yourselfers and   the more water I use the more aggregate I'm going  to bring to the surface and yes I'm holding this   float flat too I'm not lifting the heel or the toe  off it's completely flat like any of you guys who   do snowboarding that this is flat right here I'm  not I don't have it on edge in other words so now   where I go to my joints right here sure how the  joints work now what I'm doing is I want to match   that finish there and I want it to match where  when I'm done the fella who's going to paint this   will apply one coat of primer top coat of paint  and match it so I determine how much water to   use how much aggregate I want to expose down here  I'm going to feather this into the existing now   that takes a clean bucket of water clean float and  this float should be flat you put it flat in that   transition I'm pulling this here but I'm lifting  at the bottom, you can't really see that motion   that's how it works guys I'll show you a little  bit more then J's got to mix me up a little bit of   cement I'll show you the transition up here guys  okay easier rather than all that bending down all   right climb on this guy here alright transition  here new toe first I want to wet it bring it back   to life you don't you could you could wet this  stucco and bring it back to life once you keep   bringing it back to life and you destroy the  integrity of it alright you see that's how we   bring it back to life now I flipped that float  just now because we're waters dripping I want to   keep that water that water is helping me bring me  agar get out do that and this is the finish that   originally was dashed so ah because it was dashed  I'm bringing a heavier float alright guys Jason is   indicating that that battery is going we're going  to finish this little piece off and show you the   completion when we're done okay guys you see the  finished product now this finish what is primed   and painted once should match this guy right here  we kind of I look at it and I take some of the   sand off I put more hair in there and it's just  got a match because of my buddy Rick here, Rick's been   painting forever Rick, knows all these little details  like say do you paint this the next day no no no   why because it's uh it's got a high alkalinity  right now it's like 14psi you gotta wait at least   a week guys on a whole house I tell everybody 28  days to dry out or cure before you paint otherwise   you have your paint or primer blistering ghosting  or bleeding you don't want that guy so give it as   much time as you can prime it with a good quality  primer and paint and you're ready to go my name   is Kirk, Jason on the camera my buddy Rick here  a great painter we thank you for watching we'll   see you guys on the next one once again folks we  thank you for watching and I really enjoy all your   comments if you guys like this video please click  the like button down below and also if you enjoy   what we do subscribe to our channel so we can  keep making these videos for you my name is Kirk   and Jay we thank you for watching and from the  entire giordano family we'll see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 679,602
Rating: 4.7951236 out of 5
Keywords: stucco brick walls, apply stucco over bricks, Stucco over brick walls or chimneys, stucco over a brick wall, stucco my brick chimney, stucco over brick walls, stuccoing a brick wall, can I stucco over my aging bricks, resurface brick chimneys, re stucco brick fireplaces, rendering brick chimneys, plastering brick walls, rendering a brick wall
Id: 9SfDt0wYr2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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