How To Apply For PR In Canada | Express Entry Tutorial | Canadian Experience Class

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it's a big day today we're doing immigrant stay and succeed Nova Scotia huge stuff because all of these amazing people here are on track to get permanent residency and make Nova Scotia their home welcome I know you won this permanent residency of Canada but you don't understand the complicated government websites and guides this is why in this video I'm bringing you along to my international student conference in Halifax oh and don't worry the Canadian experience class program is federal which means you can apply it to whatever Province you live in except for Quebec all these people came to learn about how to get PR in Canada and apply for the CSC stream Creed is here attending our event all the way from Toronto did you play in specifically for this yeah I came in yesterday and I'm living tomorrow that's incredible just for the events first I'll walk you through the main requirements and then my immigration lawyer will share a free tutorial let's do it we have Canadian experience class three main circles right we have the presence in Canada you need to have work experience that you gained inside the country you cannot get a remote work and go back to India China work from there and apply for this stream you need to be present inside the country then we have the 1560 hours which is the magic number for how many hours of paid work experience Canadian work experience you need to get in order to qualify another circle is we have tier zero one two three if you're not familiar it used to be knock a National Occupational classification this is how Canada grades your skill level so there's High skill jobs there's low skilled jobs these are high skill jobs we'll talk about how to find out which job you have what qualifies under tier zero one two three all right so some of you might be thinking I probably can get 1 560 hours within less than one year so do I need to stay in Canada work here for one year or maybe I can get 50 hours a week and then get to this number faster before 52 weeks right before before one year can I do that the answer is no so you need to start working to accumulate the 1560 hours and wait until one year in order to qualify because ircc will will not count anything beyond 30 hours a week and that's when you can finally start the application procedure for permanent residency but now you might have a question I got a job now I'm working full time and I'm on track to get my 1560 right 1560 hours but Max you said that you need to work continuously for a year can I have a vacation well you came here to Canada not to slave away right you're not slaves you can have a paid vacation so in your contract you'd be allowed to have usually it's a two-week vacation that you can request from your employer which will still be paid so this will count towards PR application another big thing is documents documents you might need we have quite a few requirements in terms of important documents you need to start collecting from day one because your CEC application Begins the moment you start work or even at the job interview stage you might ask me why because you will need to get a job offer and as you can tell a job offer is specific because it has a little star so we'll talk about what type of job offer you need to make sure you get from your employer then we have pay stubs pay stubs are important you get them if you're paid and you should be paid legally right not under the table t-force employment verification letter record of employment and employment contract might be the same as job offers so these can be interchangeable sometimes so let's talk about them one by one what do we have job offer this is very big please pay attention to what I'm about to say so your job offer has to include all of those things your job title your hours per week your a pay per hour and your duties why because ircc when assessing your job offer right the Department of Immigration a Visa officer will compare those two they will compare the job offer you have but the title with the duties with the pay to their standards their knock or their tier and they want to make sure that if you are a web designer web developer your duties include things appropriate to what you're supposed to be doing and not cleaning or wiping tables if they see your job offers has some random stuff in it duties that counteract what they have in their knock it will disqualify you and this job offer or even your knock that you're claiming might not be eligible for CAC Canadian experience class all right I have a pro tip those of you who watch my YouTube channel know that I like those little tricky things to share with my audience with so many of you amazing immigrants what is that knock Pro tip so make sure that you compare the knock description government log description to your job offer make sure these two match right so make sure what you see a knock matches your job offer if it doesn't you might want to talk to your employer let's talk about how you can actually compare that because it's a little tricky there is Three Steps step number one you're going to go unlock so who uses Google here Google hi my best friend Google you go on Google you type in knock right you want to type in knock and then you want to go on this web page it's going to look similar to this and in this search bar you're going to type in what you do let's say you do marketing right for marketing you're going to check what jobs are most relevant to you right for what I have right now is I have a tier zero and a tier one jobs then I'm going to copy this number I'm going to copy this number and I'm going to open another Google page so I'm going to search knock and then paste the number that I copied in another Google tab which will bring me to the official government website for knock or tier and I will check the duties that this one the government website has as compared to my job offer I'm gonna check my job offer which will look similar to this duties responsibility and I want to see that this one is somewhat similar to this one because the Visa officer will do this when they check your job offer now we've come to the actual tutorial part and this is why I brought my immigration lawyer Erica to the scene because she's gonna dive right into it Erica please introduce yourself thank you so much Max so my name immigration lawyer and I'm currently living in living in Toronto Ontario Canada I've worked with many many people helping them achieve their dream of coming to Canada whether it's through a work permit study permit or as we're going to be talking about today becoming a permanent resident Erica is a lawyer has the most prospective and experience to actually guide us through it so let's dive into it Erica first of all I just wanted to let you all know that the portal that we're going to be using right now is my authorized representatives portal so what that means is it's going to look a little bit different than your personal ircc portal yeah so you would go in GC key to make this application just declare gcg then scroll down to apply to Canada and then apply for Express entry now let's do it okay so the first question is a very important question which province or territory do you plan to live in so obviously it's hard to decide because there are a lot of wonderful provinces in Canada and you can change your decision it's it's not set in stone but this is important because when you select a province it opens you up to being considered by that Province for certain provincial nominee programs so I won't get into the details of that because it's a very in-depth discussion but let's just say it does open up some different opportunities if for some reason you aren't quite ready for Express entry but in this situation we are assuming that you're qualified for Express entry under the Canadian experience class so let's say you want to come to Canada and Max do you have a preference of where uh yeah many of our viewers are in Ontario so let's do that okay Ontario so the language test that you can and take if you want to take a test to show your skills in English that would be IELTS or cell pip and for French it's going to be the tech test or the TCF test and please do keep in mind that if you have previously taken a language test your results are only valid for two years so if you are applying for Express entry and you have previous results but you need to retake it make sure that you take it before you submit your Express entry profile so when did you take your test let's say 2023 your favorite month oh you got the high yeah Erica is filling it out it's very important that you study up and make sure you get the highest scores you can because it's going to change the score for cuc and that little difference in five to ten points can really make or break your application okay so here if you also speak French this is where you would add that so let's say we don't have French because most people wouldn't okay so in the last three years how many years of skilled work experience do you have in Canada you can select one year for now let's say Erica because most people would probably have just one year but you need to have at least one year so one year and then let's say it's uh three three that's the bare minimum so let's say the bare minimum so now based on the answers that we just provided it is telling you that you are eligible for Express entry which is great so we're going to hit continue and now we're going to enter our personal details so you can just enter my name probably Max medic let's just say 90 95 first of January there we go let's say single for this what do we have here Erica so this is actually going to be your Express entry profile so everything that we just did up until this point it's just the preliminary steps to make sure that you actually qualify now that we know that we qualify we're able to start preparing our profile and just as a little background when I say an Express entry profile once you hit submit the profile is going to be put in the express entry pool it's this imaginary pool where all of the profiles that are submitted go into and then as I'm sure you've previously discussed about the express entry draws when a draw occurs depending on your score if you get selected you'll receive an invitation to apply and I can discuss after we complete the profile what the next steps are when that happens okay so for each of these sections you're basically just going to hit start form and open it up our gender and our date of birth is already there let's pretend I'm from China okay so that was already inputted before so that we know is there and then ID documents so you can either give a passport travel Document or a national identity document so let's say that we're going to be giving a passport document so now you have your passport is there and all the details are here if you wanted to add an additional document you can do that as well but for the purpose of the express entry profile having your passport here is enough so here this is very important it's asking about your previous applications so have you applied to ircc before you add up because normally everybody watching us would have a study permit or a post-grad work permit right exactly or or a work permit if you came you know to Canada directly with a work permit so the next question is going to be whether you've applied for Express entry before and this is an interesting question and a lot of people have questions about this question and so the the main factor here is not whether you have previously submitted an Express entry profile but it's whether you've been invited to apply then submitted a permanent resident application so it's the second phase of the express entry application process so let's say I had a profile in the pool it was there for a year I wasn't selected I would then hit no UC would I find it on my post grad work permit yes you would find it on your postgrad work permit you would also find it on any letter that you received from ircc so whether it's an approval letter A Biometrics validity letter you would find it there and then country of residence we're going to say Canada so this is also a little bit of a tricky question so the question is asking how many family members does Max Max have so family members includes yourself so if you are applying and it's just you and you're single you don't have a spouse and you don't have any children you would hit one and then depending on if you have a spouse or children that number would change so let's say we said he was single so one and then for this question as well so technically for Canadian experience plus there is no proof of funds requirement so this question is really just you know for you to provide a number that is that you feel comfortable with usually we see people putting around 10 to 15 000 in here but there's no hard rule about what amount you have to provide here because you're not going to be asked to actually prove that you have that amount to be careful because even though Erica says it's not a requirement to show proof of funds but why would they put it on the application if it wasn't something important okay and then here so do you have a relative in Canada who is a citizen or a permanent resident let's say I do not okay so now contact details language of Correspondence English next and then email address let's put Max at Max oh that was easy that was very easy so now study and languages have you finished high school or any higher education and again this high school or any other higher education doesn't have to be inside Canada right right it can be outside Canada or inside Canada the only difference is that if your education was obtained outside of Canada you have to provide an educational credential assessment to show basically what it converts to in Canada so whether it's considered to be a bachelor's degree in Canada a diploma certificate Masters PhD and so on let's just say business to make it easy in terms of complete full academic years Erica let's say the person did an eight-month certificate so if this would depend on a few factors so the nature of the program itself at times is called a one-year program when in reality it's actually only you know a certain period of time it's very similar with bachelor's degree because you have it's four years but there is every summer you have off you know so it's not really actually four years of straight studying so usually I would say go with what appears on your document and this will also be a lot easier too if you get an educational credential assessment University of Ontario level of Education Bachelors that say yeah if you're applying from Quebec I guess it wouldn't be COC they have their own portal right yes they do yeah so it's that's yeah Quebec complicates that's if you want to claim experience in Quebec but if you studied in Quebec then you moved out to another Province it would be CSC correct exactly okay did Max Max study in Canada based on an award required them to go back to their home country to apply their Knowledge and Skills so a lot of people are confused by this question and my response to them is usually if you don't know what this question means then it's likely that it doesn't apply to you which is the simple answer so what this is is there's some scholarships that are provided or there's programs where as part of the program you have to basically promise to return back to your home country to apply everything that you've learned in Canada to the economy of that country and then did you complete at least 50 of the study or training programs through in-person learning save and add so now it's here quick little trick unfortunately the portal sometimes freezes and you get reset and you lose the information that you've inputted so I always recommend every once in a while click save and exit go back to the main page and then go back into it just so that you make sure all of your information is saved and you don't have to redo anything do I need to input my high school or just the highest level of education so just your highest level of Education what we're focusing on with the express entry profile is gaining points so what is going to give us our highest score and so it is your highest level of education but there's some instances where people come to Canada and they get work experience but they actually completed their education outside of Canada so in that case you would provide your foreign educational information here and you would provide your educational credential assessment to support that education my practice in terms of post-secondary education is for the purpose of you know completion and just showing everything I do like to include all post-secondary degrees even though you are earning points for the highest degree if you have a bachelor Masters and a PhD I would say just to be on the safe side include all three okay and then official languages so English so for the language test taken there's a little question mark here so you can hit this question mark and this will show you where you can find that test report number on the report form that you get with your results from the test so for IELTS the report the test Report Form number is found on the bottom right corner of the page it's a pretty long number and it also has some letters in there as well so you're going to copy that into this section right here all right now we're ready to save and go into the next one which is application details yes and this one is also short so this is where we are mentioning which provinces we would be interested in living in and so as I mentioned at the beginning of the video this is important because this tells the province that you're interested in them so let's say they have a provincial draw in this province they will actually automatically consider you without you having to even apply so let's say you're interested in Ontario and then it's going to ask here are you comfortable with providing Ontario with access to your information so I usually recommend saying yes because this opens up more opportunities for you hit next exactly a nomination certificate so this goes into the provincial nominee program that I've been talking about and so very very brief overview because it is a very complicated process but essentially what this is is if you get a nomination from a province you would get an additional 600 points added to your crs4 what that means is it essentially guarantees that you're going to be selected in the next draw so let's say that in this case you didn't so let's say no so so far it's been relatively simple now we're going to get to the the more challenging part so this is where we need to now determine what our NOC code is our knock code so I know that Max has spoken about this in his initial uh you know talk which is going to be included at the beginning of this video let's do the second one 11 202 yeah so when did you become qualified to practice in this occupation typically depending on your situation its use is usually correlates with your graduation date so let's say in your case I believe you would graduated in 2010 so let's put 2010 in June which is the date that we put for your graduation do you have a certificate of qualification from a Canadian province or territory again this is the type of question question where if you don't know what this means the answer is usually no so this is for specific occupations in Canada you might have to become qualified from the province in order to work in that occupation so like a doctor or a lawyer exactly I just want to make sure everybody catches that part so just a bachelor's degree a two-year diploma certificate doesn't mean that it's a certificate of qualification from a province uh it would be beyond that so if you had to go through some kind of bar exam or doctors also have their own qualification procedure you would say yes to it and then you would have to insert I believe the number of that certificate so it would [Music] okay perfect okay guys I just have to emphasize the importance of it please listen to it this is probably the most important part of our tutorial Erica go on Okay so develop offer you think that that just means a piece of paper with your job details offering you employment at a company unfortunately for the purposes of Express entry it's not that simple there's very specific qualifications or requirements for a job offer to be considered valid if you have a post-graduation work permit and it is an open work permit unfortunately that's not going to be considered a valid job offer a valid job offer has to be supported by a labor market impact assessment or if you are exempt it would be supported by something called an offer of employment this is a very brief overview though there's lots of little details in there so I would highly recommend looking at the specific requirements provided by ircc and making sure that you fit into all of the boxes that they provide this would have to be decided on an individual basis it would have to be discussed with a lawyer like Erica because it's a very tricky question about this job offer it's not your classic offer you get when you get hired it's actually l Mia supported so it's a little different that's why we would have to say no because most people wouldn't have this I believe but again feel free to book a consultation in the description below just to make sure that a person who's had a ton of experience can help you avoid mistakes that you don't want to make and mess up your PR application absolutely and another benefit in speaking with me is that we can look at your options and we can see because having a job offer is going to give you an additional 50 points but if you already have a very high score and you don't need those additional 50 points then perhaps we can explore you know whether that really is necessary but if in your individual case those 50 points are going to absolutely make or break your CRS score and whether you're going to be invited to apply then absolutely we need to make sure that your job offer qualifies and if not I can go over how do we make a change to make sure that it does and you do get those points work history so this is very important as well because this is your work history both inside and outside Canada so you get points for foreign work experience and you also get points for Canadian work experience but since we're focusing on Canadian experience class you do have Canadian work experience and that is actually what qualifies you for applying under this category yes you have work history and here is where you're going to input all of the details for every single job that you would like to gain points for so this section might be short if let's say you've had the same job in Canada for your full year and then let's say outside Canada you had the same job for six years you're only going to have two entries in here and the experience you gain abroad has to be obviously backed up by legal documents pay stubs and job offers so if the employment is not legally proved that you've worked there don't include it on here right exactly so and that's a really important Point as well because for this stage for the actual Express entry profile you don't need to provide any documents the documents only come when you receive an invitation to apply and you're submitting your PR application and again it's an interesting tick they have their little box for self-employed this would disqualify you sadly so you cannot be self-employed and claim Canadian work experience under cuc studying full-time while doing this job so we're going to say no because at this point you're likely now on your post-graduation work permit so you are not going to be your studies have already ended here you're going to fall under if we're talking about post-graduation work permit work permit required but no lmia required because you don't need an lmia for a pgwp hit save and add you want to do it all over again if you have multiple experiences like Erica mentioned before so for just the sake of the tutorial we're doing one experience for marketing advisor but if you have multiple it's best if you can include them again if you can back them up with legal documents and pay stubs this is just very basic research questions to help ircc gather some information about the pro about you know the process and the application process specifically and this is just for their research purposes again so this is not relevant to your application itself exactly and also you really could say no to this and you know not answer the questions but you know it's it's there's very few questions and yeah if you want to be nice and then just you know be nice if you want to be Canadian be nice yay we did it so Erica let's talk about what happens next yeah so I'm not gonna submit it because we don't want to submit a fake while into the pool so very similar to when you've submitted any previous applications with the portal It'll ask you to confirm your name It'll ask you to answer a security question say that you agree to the terms and then you're going to hit submit so your profile's in the pool and you're going to wait until the next Express entry draw happens depending on your score you might get selected in the next draw you might get selected in a draw that happens in a few months from now or unfortunately a year I might go by and you might not be selected at all so let's say you don't get selected your Express entry profile is only valid for one year so it'll automatically be removed from the pool after that one year mark at that point you can put yourself back in the pool you can see if perhaps there's some way that you can increase your score increase your chances and at that point potentially looking into provincial nominee programs might be the way to go let's say you're in the pool and you are selected so you are going to get a notification from ircc letting you know that you are invited to apply and automatically on the portal a slot for your PR application the actual application is going to be created so it'll be on your home page of your ircc portal and the great news is that automatically all of the information that you provided in your Express entry profile is going to be copied and entered into your PR application the hard part now as we were mentioning earlier is gathering those documents and submitting those documents and making sure that all of the details exactly match your documents if you are interested in applying for PR I would say you've come such a long way now and to mess something up something irrelevant something like a small number like Eric I mentioned would be such a waste that we don't want you to experience and the reason why I started sharing all this value valuable information inviting experts like Erica talking to ministers of Education immigration is because we want to make you successful and just like when you go to the gym to lose weight or gain muscle I'm talking from experience I get much more if I work out with a personal trainer because that person has been through it themselves and they've gained so much experience education that I get to my result faster and easier but this is not just something as simple as gaining weight or losing weight it's your future in Canada so I highly recommend you consider at least booking a consultation with an immigration lawyer like Erica it's going to be in the description below to see if you're on the right track and if you want full Help full support literally if you want Erica to hand hold you throughout the whole process see how to maximize your chances minimize your mistakes there's going to be a link in the description again to start working with us Erica thank you so much for your time it was incredible my absolute pleasure I know you don't see me I don't see you but for those watching very nice to meet you and I really hope that I get the opportunity to work with you in the future
Channel: I'm Canada
Views: 57,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canadian experience class, canadian experience class step by step, how to apply for canadian experience class, how to create an express entry profile for canada, how to get permanent residency in canada for international students, how to get pr in canada after work permit, how to get pr in canada for international students, Max Medyk, I'm Canada, express entry 2023, cec express entry
Id: 7DzrJz2i0qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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