Filing an Express Entry application and common problems that you may face

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[Music] thank you welcome to the channel my name is kuber I'm a cacc licensed immigration consultant this channel is all about Canadian immigration news updates things you should do things you definitely should not this video is about Express entry application before I get to that to everybody who's celebrating uh wish you a very very blessed Eid Mubarak to all of you who are who are celebrating this is obviously a great great occasion so enjoy your day and obviously uh gorge on all those furnies and sweet mates that you've been waiting for but talking about Express entry very recently 21 000 invitations were issued over a span of two weeks and from there on then we had another expression redrawal 3500 invitations issues so in total there are about 24 500 people out there somewhere who are in the process of completing their applications and because uh I do a lot of consultations and and one of there are so many times people are perplexed overwhelmed um in in seriously stressed out with all these different issues sometimes those are really a concern sometimes it's not so much a concern but they are really stressing out because they read some blog they read some YouTube they heard some YouTube video they read on our Facebook group post etc etc and therefore they get totally stressed out and in that stress sometimes they make a bigger mistake than they shouldn't have so this video I want to concise a lot of common mistakes that I have known of uh common things common questions that people usually ask so that if you are one of them who is facing a similar situation then you will be able to sort this out quickly first things first as you already are aware ircc is currently on strike more than 100 000 members of psac Public Service Alliance of Canada are now on strike including ircc cbsa and not cbsa irccc CRA tsdc which is employment and Social Development of Canada which is Your Service Canada all these departments are on strike and therefore processing will be impacted no doubt about it but that does not mean that you should not submit your application on time you on the other hand have no extension or leave it in delaying your application nothing if you do not submit a mandatory document then your application will definitely be rejected so please don't make that mistake please do not assume that you will be given an extra time at any point of time so just make sure you submit a complete application within the 60 days period of your application deadline first things first that is one of the biggest questions that is coming up based on which a lot of people also decline their ideas and that is having less than one year of continuous full-time work experience in your primary lock code now these are two different variables here two different variable variations first of all if you're a Canadian experience class which most of you maybe uh you do not need a continuous work experience to be eligible under Express entry because your Canadian experience class which basically means you could have multiple knock codes multiple job periods multiple Employments you could have 12 periods of you know different employment different employers different law code as long as all of those knock codes are valid uh and you were of course paid for it so therefore as a Canadian experience class what you choose as your primary knock code does not matter as well as of course you have valid work experience in that block code and you have shown it in your work history but for the federal skill worker program Federal Trade categories this is a very very big issue so therefore if you're a federal sale worker program candidate you definitely have to have at least one year of continuous work experience within the last 10 years that is a mandatory requirement if you somehow choose your primary no code or if you change your primary not code to a knock code in which you do not have a continuous work experience then uh this is what impacts your eligibility right off the back your application will be refused 100 there is no going around it so please always choose your knock code in which you have the most amount of continuous work experience not the most recent doesn't have to be that in the amount where you have the most period longest period of continuous work experience because that is what gives you your eligibility points you know that's 67 points a barometer that's that's where you get it from and therefore please choose your primary knock code sensibly also obviously you should have corresponding uh work history for that same lock code in your work history so this is about the primary knockout which appears first when you are entering your work history so this is one of the biggest concerns a lot of people make a lot of changes after they have received their idea some sometimes I change the primary output sometimes knowingly sometimes unknowingly because they're fiddling the drop down menu and bank they click on something which is not relevant and that's that's the end of their application so don't make that mistake don't be that person changes post receiving an idea sorry before I get on to that this there's another one which obviously concerns a lot of people and this is primarily the Canadian experience class and which is you having received an ITA without you having completed one year of work experience I have said this so many times you don't need to decline your idea you can absolutely continue with your work with your PR application just make sure that you complete your period of work experience and then submit so basically what happens is the system Express entry system which is obviously not the perfect system it is a bit flawed in the sense of how it calculates your work experience so it calculates month year okay so the starting period of your work experience it starts from the first of that month and the ending period of your work experience it ends on the last first day of the that month so it basically gives you your credit for your work experience one month before you actually complete that period of work experience it's not your problem it's not misrepresentation you did not disclose or declare anything incorrectly therefore please do not freak out please do not worry about all those agent Consultants blogs posts that you see that you have to decline you don't have to decline you can continue rscc themselves alsoever several Twitter accounts elsewhere have said this is a system glitch they are aware about it if you have received an idea please continue with your application but submit only after you complete your period of valid work experience because hey this is where you have control it's not the system fault anymore if you submit an application before having completed one year of work experience at least for which you're giving points then you are in trouble so don't do that don't be that person changes post receiving an ID this is another commonly commonly asked question and this is where a lot of people freak out a lot of people decline their ideas a lot of people fall into the situation where they are completely stressed out I've just had one consultation two days back whether where a licensed consultant an rcic actually gave them incorrect information incorrect advice so what happened basically is that this person uh had incorrectly mention their name on the express entry profile so for example if my name is kubair Kamal then um and if let's say I also had a middle name let's say my middle name let's let's I'm just going for the heck of it right maybe I did not state my name correctly in the express entry profile let's say I have entered all of my names uh or rather I split them but my passport says all my names as my first name which is quite a common thing with the Indian passports right your let's say for example you are gurdeep Singh and your entire name will be shown as the first name your last name will be blank but when you are entering your Express entry profile let's say you split your name you put first name as gurdeep you put sing in your last name and now after the ITA when you're completing your application now you realize oh my god what have I done or somebody told you and then somebody says decline your ID because this is incorrect information you've read it incorrectly no don't don't decline your ITA guys don't treat your ideas so carelessly don't treat it uh yeah so it's extremely fragile and obviously the express entry draws are so inconsistent so unpredictable if you decline your idea you might not get it again we don't know what's gonna happen with explicitly draws now with the strike looming whether the draws will happen but they will not happen it's like on everybody's mind plus unpredictability anyways so don't do that what you can do is in your Express entry profile right on top there is a tab where it says modify family information everybody has everybody's application just click on that you can go into your own profile you can change your name you can change the way the name has been formatted you can change from spouse accompanying to non-acompanying you can make all these changes if ircc didn't want you to make these changes then you wouldn't have been able to do it right so your Express entry profile is locked you can't make any changes in that but in your PR application which you now have a separate entry which you'll click on continue button and then complete this application you can make these changes there is no problem this is not misrepresentation you're not doing anything illegal missed a presentation I will explain to you what it basically means but for the time being let's talk about changes post receiving an idea you can make this change okay this is the first one second one is changes in job title uh for example I was a business analyst but when I got my reference letter it says analyst can I make this change yes you can let's say name of the employer my employer's name was askable immigration Inc but I entered only ask kuber uh can I make the change and add immigration Inc yes you can there is no problem uh let's say in my Express entry profile I entered the information that I started my work experience in January of 2018 uh until September of 2021 but now that I have received my documents I have realized I didn't start in January I started in February can I make this change yes you can there is no problem you see these are not impacting your scores this is not impacting your eligibility this is not impacting anything these are small errors spelling mistakes name changes uh name of your company completely changing the name of your company because let's say it has been bought over by some other company it has been Amalgamated with a different company merged with a different company all these changes are absolutely fine there is no problem please go ahead and make it at most if you're really stressed out uh go ahead and provide a letter of explanation in that letter of explanation you will explain why did you make the change and that sort of keeps you in the clear because you already told the Visa officer what the whole situation is and that's fine it's not misrepresentation don't worry about it don't freak out and another biggest one that absolutely uh foxes people out and that one is change of knock code can you change your knock code after getting an idea yes you can I have done it so many times that I even forgotten how many times because often we will have clients who have received their idea and then they come to us and say can you handle our application and the first thing once we start looking at their application is to check their work experience because hey this is one of the most important factors and we realize that the knock code that they have chosen is incorrect so what do we do we go ahead and change the knock code okay because I can we can we can do it as because you see Express entry draws are not based on your knock code they are based on your eligibility and your CRS score that is not impacting so therefore changing a knock code is not a problem again add a letter of explanation telling the Visa officer that once I received the ITA I reviewed my work experience I reviewed my documentation I realized that YZ knock code was a better match and hence I made the change now when you're changing your lock code again very very important let's say you only have one work experience let's say your work experience is only for four years one company only one single line earlier your knock code was 21231 which is software Engineers but now you realize it's two one two two two uh analysts or whatever so you go ahead and change your lock code in your work history but you focus was to one two three one and you didn't make the change there this will get your application refused please do not make that big mistake if you are changing and not code make sure you change the primary note code as well as the relevant work experience not code in order to keep it consistent because keep in mind that knock code that I told you about Primary in our code is where your eligible your eligibility is established so don't make that mistake please if you're changing not codes please make sure you you know do a corresponding change so this is about post receiving an idea these are the changes you can absolutely do there's no problem with it next one not providing intention to recite ourselves go back there are a lot of people who are living in Quebec and they are told that you cannot apply for Express entry because you're living in Quebec that is absolutely wrong they are also told that your work experience in Quebec will not be eligible that is absolutely not not true that is wrong that is incorrect that is misleading your work experience across Canada no matter which province no matter which territory no matter which city is acceptable including even if it was in Quebec even if you were an lmia work permit it is acceptable even if it is go back the only thing is that your intention has to be to decide outside Quebec that is the most important you cannot apply through Express entry if your intention is to decide in Quebec so do not also make a mistake of mentioning when it asks you where would you want to live in Canada don't choose Quebec because if you do that your application gets refused so please if you let it go back you can submit your application there is no problem but you do have to intend to reside outside Quebec as part of your application you also have to be able to prove and provide evidence if possible or supporting documentation affidavit at most to say that you would leave Quebec and you would live outside Quebec and at times ircc may come back to you and ask you for an update have you moved did you assume you said you told us in your application you could move have you moved so be prepared for that but absolutely as long as you intend to decide outside of Quebec you are fine to submit your application in extra century waiting too long to submit now this is another problem that I've seen there are people who wait right until the 60th day to submit the application and then they freak out system goes down system crashes there are problems with the system or they realize they haven't done some small thing or they're having a problem with the payment portal or the credit card doesn't go through but the debit card doesn't go through and they freak out they do not know what to do because Bang come the 60th day then their timeline is over and then the the system freezes for them and therefore they cannot submit their application anymore uh also what happens what people don't realize is the 60th day ends as per the UTC time zone not as for your local time zone not as per the EST Eastern Standard time zone not as per the mountain or Pacific time zone the deadline for all Canadian immigration applications is always that day UTC time zone midnight of UTC all right so people confuse that as well they think it is their local time zone it is not this applies to all immigration applications study permit visit visas work permits if it says the deadline if it shows when your work permit expires if it shows when your period expires if it gives you any deadline whatsoever that is midnight of UTC UTC midnight of that particular date so your 60th day will end at the 12th am UTC uh sorry 11 59 UTC of that particular date so please be careful of that and always submit your application on time otherwise you might just raise a lot of problems employment letters that don't prove work experience what do I mean I mean of course if it's an employment letter it proves your work experience right right no it does not so many times you will provide an experience letter experience letter just States immigration from 2018 till 2021 that's it and he was working as an immigration consultant he was 40 hours a week he was paid that's it but how does ircc know that the knock code that you have chosen of a software developer actually was matching with his role as immigration consultant now you see there are hundreds and thousands and millions of job titles across the world and everybody globally is applying for Express entry or your applications uh the only way for ircc to validate your lock code is if you want to give them a set of job descriptions and not you giving it to them but your employer validating it and verifying it and saying this is his job description and then ircc will match the job description with the knock code that you have chosen and therefore verify and validate your work experience hey we've already been talking about the validity right so your eligibility is established based on your work experience you get CRS points based on your work experience and the growth experience basically means it is paid valid knock code and for the period of work so your job description so your employment letter has to establish these three very very important factors one obviously that it is you right and it's for you the period of work so from which period to which period were you working that's extremely important how many hours because hours if it is less than 30 hours it becomes part-time it impacts the period of work so it has to mention this period of time you're working for second it has to establish whether you're being paid so your salary has to be mentioned if it doesn't mention your salary then you can always provide payslip pay stubs job offer letter and other documents but you have to be able to establish that you are paid and third and most important is your job description which validates your knock code these are the three main important things that they're looking for in your work reference letters because work reference letters comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes and formats so there is no uh perfect format or there is no ircc format any format in any which ways that it is written as long as it's in your company letterhead signed by our boss or your authorized signatory and includes this information then it's fine I also recommend to add additional documents in your work experience always remember more is less which basically means no matter how much you provide it is still less so this is you trying this is your one-time opportunity you're not going to be applying for PR again and again hopefully not right and you only want to become candidate we have once so this is your one-time opportunity so more is less payslips pay stubs uh bank statements that show salary credit uh income tax returns please add this as part of your proof of remuneration proof of salary it's extremely important sometimes they will ask you for it so why waste your time later on just provide it upfront it's always always going to add more credibility into your application uh I know there are a lot of other people who are not able to get employment reference letter so please keep in mind if you do not provide a reference letter then you are basically telling ircc I cannot have you validate my work experience hence they are absolutely right in refusing your application so please provide uh a good comprehensive reference letters if your company is refusing to provide it to you provide a communication with your company where they said we will not give it to you so denial email a company HR policy then go and get it from your manager uh get it from your supervisor have them write your job description and your employment reference let us I do not recommend co-workers because co-workers you're not reporting to your co-workers your co-worker cannot say these are the job description that you were performing and therefore co-workers is never a good idea manager supervisors team leads always works uh yeah and get that document notarized now there is no there is no requirement for not review because ircc is not giving you the alternative document uh conditions right so there's no requirement for no treat the reason we recommend Note 3 is because in Canada a notarized document has a very high credibility has a very high level of acceptance and therefore it gives a lot of weight and hence we ask you to low price if you cannot even get a document from your manager supervisor then what do you do uh you are really in bad space then well you can get your offer letter in your offer letter for job description is mentioned or your company's HR policies or ask your company to give you your job description but you have to provide the job description self-declaration or saying I was doing this this and this hey that doesn't work because I can say I was flying an aircraft I am a pilot I am a lawyer I'm a doctor I could say anything for myself how does that prove so you always need a third party proof for something like this of course there is a different set of documents for self-employed individuals because you also need to now prove that you are owner of the business and that you are dealing with your clients your clients have to provide you with the reference letters your clients have to prove and validate your job experience your work period or how many hours you are working for them what was your job description what all were you performing what are you providing as services and of course then you also have to provide invoices payment vouchers bank statements of the business uh income tax returns of the business and provide with this business was generating Revenue profit or loss is not the criteria generating revenue is the criteria so obviously self-employed documentation becomes a bit more complex than this but at the end of the day as long as you can prove three factors as I said I'm repeating this again the period of work the job description and that you were paid for it you are absolutely fine with your work experience documents police clearance certificates it has been the biggest reason why applications get rejected and refused your police clearance certificates first of all this is the only document that is required for you to provide any color color scan that is a requirement uh even if it's a black and white do a color scan a lot of people say Indian pccs are black and white well yes I know they are black and white but the stamp and the signature is in color so please provide it a color scan of that document also uh police clearances have to completely include your entire duration of stay in that country the pccs that are from your country of current residence those are valid for six months unless otherwise stated on that police scans uh any other country where you have lived for six months or more in a row or after your 18 years of age within the last 10 years you have to provide a police clearance for those countries please provide a police clearance after you have left that country uh in most cases excuse me in most cases that police clearance will remain valid until you return back to their country and if you return back to that country even for one hour then the police that police clearance is no longer valid now I know what the ircc website says I know the ircc website says for six months if you have gone back to that country and you only need to give it for a six months or more if you have lived there again for six months or more in a row but trust me I have seen so many refusals from from applications where people said hey I I do not know I don't need another PCC because I did not live in that country again for six months or more in a row but then RCC has come back and said that's not your country of residence and it needs to include the entire duration of your stay in that country hence we are refusing your application and then yes you can keep banging doors you can appeal you can go for judicial review if you want to and challenge that in the court but until we see a case law where the court has said no this does not apply I would always always recommend please if you are living in a country which is not your country of residence always get a police clearance from your last after your last visit after you have left that country not even when you are in that country after you have left that country get a police clearance from outside that country it remains valid until your next visit if let's say six months have passed one year has passed from that stay at that PCC date then add a cover letter to that document stating that hey you know I got this PCC when I was outside that country I have never gone back this PCC is please still valid if you still need it I will give you another one but that's the cover letter you can add and in my experience those usually have always always gone through no problem at all another big one is proof of funds no I know we can make a whole new video or big video on proof of funds because it's such a such a detailed or complex subject but at the end of the day what you are what you're required to prove is first of all that you have sufficient funds available first of all proof of funds is required only for federal skilled workers and for federal skill trade category Canadian experience class does not need proof of funds if you're being asked approved for funds upload a plain document stating that your credit experience class you don't need to provide you for funds if you have an lmia approved job offer or if you haven't arranged job offer even in those situations you do not need to provide food for funds but for federal skill workers for the rest of us you need to provide proof of funds where you have to show that you have enough suitable funds available which are which can be encashed which are which can be liquidated on demand and on cash value uh or on the face value of that document and that you can provide as two for funds the proof of funds counts for the number of members in your family your family means you your spouse or partner and your children dependent children your parents and your brothers and sisters did not count as part of their family for the immigration application so if you are married to or if you are a partners then two you have children then three four five depending on how many children you have you have to provide proof of funds for the entire family regardless whether your family is accompanying you when your application or not people make that mistake as well sometimes they show their family as unaccompanied because they do not have sufficient proof of funds but you do have to provide for the whole family now it also happens uh currency devaluation happens it is happening all the time it is happening with so many countries so if you are one of those people whose currency you are afraid will devalue or has devalued then in my again it's a recommendation and I've used this a lot for for clients who come out of Pakistan Egypt uh Nigeria and some other countries where and of course in India as well what the currency the evaluation happens and sometimes where the proof of funds is absolutely on the border right for example single person needs 13 310 if my client has only 13 500 that I'm already worried that during the course of the application their currency might devalue now there is always this debate whether ircc locks the exchange rate when you submit your application or when they will assess your application in my experience I have seen that they checked the exchange rate when they are assessing the application not when you submitted the application so I always go as for that I always recommend the clients to have additional funds available in your account and in order to overcome the currency devaluation what I do is as part of my application documentation I add uh the Bank of Canada or the Reserve Bank of Canada Reserve Bank of that countries or any big Banks of that countries exchange rate on the day I'm submitting the application to show that as per the exchange rate on this and this date the car client had sufficient funds in their account to meet the threshold of the proof of funds and that has usually worked in so many cases the currency is devalued I haven't done anything and the application has gone because I have provided proof of what the exchanger it was on the day I'm submitting the application so you can do the same thing gift needs Etc I'm going to talk about it in this video because that is as I said completely different subject but if your funds are not in your account within the last six months they are being deposited into your account then you have to provide proof or evidence as to where did the money come from uh you also have to disclose all your loans and liabilities it's not a problem to have a loan on liability you just need to be able to explain to ircc uh how will you clear out your loans and liabilities without that impacting your proof of funds so that's that's all the need is uh but yes proof of funds is an important document I I have seen applications getting refused because of inappropriate documents or not being able to establish clearly last but not the least misrepresentation what does it even mean Mr presentation basically means when you are providing or not providing material information which will directly influence the Visa officer in making a decision which would have been different had you provided them the required information or document that's what misrepresentation means so if you're changing a bit of an a spelling mistake that's not misrepresentation if you're changing a knock code that's our misrepresentation if you're completing your application uh because you got the ITA sooner but you're completing it after your work experience is completed that is not this representation not disclosing your previous Visa refusals is misrepresentation because you're trying to hide that information so that the Visa officer thinks you have no other refusal previously refusals could also be because of inadmissibilities for example maybe drunk driving or criminal assault or criminality if you're not providing police clearance then you're basically if you're not providing disclosing your previous refusals then you may also be hiding some other information and therefore ircc considers not disclosing your prior refusals as part of your PR applications as a very very serious issue and also considers it as Mr presentation your application will be refused and you may also get a fine Year back in addition to that false documentation or false claims fraudulent documents fraudulent IELTS fraud and WS reports foreign work experience documents called you know proof of fund documents all of these are missed a presentation fake job offers uh getting lmias or buying and selling lmis and getting those if you obtain them fraudulently all of that is misrepresentation because you wouldn't have received the ITA in the first place had you not had that plus you got them fraudulently and hence that's a problem all this is this representation as I said that will bring you a five-year man in addition to refusal that my friends are the different problems that you can face in your Express entry applications I have gone through most of them I'm sure there are tons and tons more and and they can never end because there are so many different people who have so many different issues but I have covered by and large majority of it if you have other questions I I know I can see a lot of questions I'm not able to answer the questions because I have to hop onto a consultation actually I'm late for the concentration already and I have to hop on to that one but if you have questions please by all means drop it in the comment box under the video I will come back and try and answer as many questions as possible of course if you want our services to handle your application that is the email by all means drop us an email we'll be happy to take over your application and obviously not make these mistakes uh if you wish to make an appointment one-on-one then this is the link we can discuss your issues your stresses your questions your queries and then sort them out thank you very much for joining in uh this was me one time again Eid Mubarak and I wish you all the very best take care foreign
Channel: Ask Kubeir
Views: 17,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life in canada, canada pr update, ask kubeir, easy pnp canada, application backlogs, sowp, mandate letter, fsw draws, when will cec draw resume, when is the next ee draw, canada pr, canada pr process 2022, how to immigrate to canada, canada visa, canada express entry 2022, canada express entry, immigration canada, immigrate to canada, fsw draw prediction, move to canada, immigration canada 2022, ircc, Express Entry Draw, PNP Draw, Canada PR draw, PR card, ecopr
Id: q6LOtEya8Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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