Is Canada closing its doors?

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is Canada closing the door for international students and for workers in this video we're going to cover a few questions that we received uh from clients asking if Canada closing the door for uh foreign Workers International students and this is a very common question based on the latest updates we've received from ircc uh it looks like things are not doing well in Canada but we're going to cover all the facts and all the policy changes that have happened in the past uh four or five months and we're going to decide if Canada is closing the doors or not so the biggest change that happened late in 2023 was the change to uh proof of funds for international students so back then uh people could apply for a study permit if they had $10,000 uh in their uh savings account or checking account uh but that amount doubled uh in late 2023 and that put a a toll on some plans people who wanted to come to Canada and study so you need more money to come to Canada now to cover the living expenses and uh the other change that happened early in 2024 was that Canada announced a cap on the number of international students so that's the first time Canada is actually actually limiting the number of study permits and that also uh took a toll on the plans of people coming to Canada to attend college or university the reduction on the study permit applications will be seen throughout 2024 2025 and 2026 and for this year the plan is to reduce 35% the number of applications so in order to do this reduction Canada is implementing some changes International students will have to obtain an attestation letter from the province allowing them to apply for a study permit so that's a big change for international students and also for institutions here in Canada so Canada is implementing some changes for the DLI for the uh institutions College universities that welcome International students so they have more uh requirements now so if they want to welcome International students they also have to follow some requirements additional requirements especially related to housing and the quality of education so Canada is trying to fix a lot of PL problems that happened in the previous years with International students so they want to offer a better experience for people who are coming here to attend a program in Canada another big change that happened uh in 2024 is that people who are going to a private college will not be eligible for pgwp anymore the postgraduate work permit um some institutions that are private they had partnership with uh public institutions and they were able to offer pgwp for their students so starting in May 2024 this is not option anymore so if you're planning on coming to Canada and you will attend a private college just be aware that you're not going to be eligible for a postgraduate work permit but you may look into other options maybe a provincial nominee program or lmia so you can continue leaving here in Canada after graduation one of the biggest changes that happen in 2024 is that spouses of international students are no longer eligible for an open work permit if the student is attending a college uh here in Canada so you can still be eligible for the spousal open work permit if you're attending a MERS or a doctorate program so these are some of the changes that happened in the past couple of months and to wrap up the latest updates from ircc uh Canada just announced that they will try to reduce the number of temporary residents in Canada from 6.2% to 5% within three years and the whole idea of doing that is to reduce the pressure on our housing situation and also the health care so we covered all the the bad news that we had in the past uh few months but what is the advantage of this news so immigration is not trying to close the door uh for people to come in here and study and work um they are putting these new policies in place for a reason right and what is the reason they're doing that in my opinion they're uh trying to uh organize things here and offer a better experience for people who are coming to Canada in the future so it's it's not worth having people come here and struggle to find a job struggle to find an apartment to leave or to find a family doctor so Canada they need to work on some issues that are happening here in the country right now and I believe that these changes will be for the better and I believe people will have a better experience here in the future so if if the best option for them is actually to cap the number of international students for now uh and reduce the number of temporary residents uh in the next three years uh I believe this is something that they had to do in order to fix some of the problems here in the country but what are the good news right so what's happening that is good news here in Canada So lately uh Express entry had many changes uh and they are bringing more and more people uh every week right so if you follow myor times on social media you will see that we post uh very often the the draws of Express entry and we have more people coming who are speaking French so if you do have fluence in French or if you're thinking about learning French this is something that can open doors for you in Canada not only for Express entry but also for work permit so there are specific immigration streams for people who speak French or even work permit for people who do speak French so this is something that you have to look out for if you want to learn new language I highly recommend learn French and that will increase your chances of immigrating to Canada in the future another uh good news is that Canada is really really looking into uh helping people who are already here in Canada transition from temporary residence to permanent residence status right so if you're here as an international student or as a foreign worker you have good chances of actually uh applying for a permanent residence either through a provincial nominee program or Express entry so this is the best time for you to be in Canada and apply for a PR another good news is that if you're coming here to study uh you can still bring your family uh you could still apply for a spousal open work permit uh but you just have to understand what are the new policies right so if you want to bring your family if you want to give uh the chance for your husband or wife to apply for spousal open work permit you will have to attend a master's degree or a doctorate program uh or even some specific Bachelor degrees programs that will actually allow them to apply for a work open work permit so if you need assistance with that contact us we're happy to help with your plans of coming to Canada as a family right to sum up of the information that we shared here in the video I strongly believe that Canada is not closing the door uh in 20124 um I believe that these changes are necessary and Canada will need to fix some issues here especially with housing and health care and I believe these changes are for the better I I think that people will have a better experience if they can come to Canada and find a nice place to leave uh pay a fair uh reasonable amount for your uh rent uh I I want people to find a family doctor to have a great experience in Canada right so if if some steps are required to reach this goal then I I believe this is the best thing to do right so putting a cap on the number of students for now uh reducing some of the uh temporary residence for uh a couple of years I believe these are reasonable um changes to the policies and I believe people will have a great experience in Canada and Canada will always need people right so we cannot keep up with the population growth uh only with Canadians or permanent residents so we do need foreign workers we need International students we need people coming in here uh so that the country can grow right uh and we we are happy to help people who are interested in coming to Canada so if you live anywhere in the world and you want to book a consultation with us we can discuss this uh recent policy changes with you and your family and we can make a plan uh for you to settle down in Canada in the next year or so all right so make sure you contact us send us a message or book an initial consultation we're happy to help
Channel: Maritimes Immigration Consulting
Views: 4,335
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Id: tPIk85Imc1k
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Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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