The Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Australia in 2022

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pondering a career change or just curious to see how much australia's top earners make well you're in luck because i've gone through the ato reports and i've come out with the top paying occupations in australia hi guys my name is emily and i'm from grad australia and we help students kick start their career so that means we help you apply to australia's largest collection of grad jobs internships and volunteer opportunities that sounds amazing so while big paycheck isn't the only factor to consider when choosing a career because you know you kind of want to be happy get that work life balance well it's still a pretty important one okay so unsurprisingly jobs in the medical field actually make up for like half of today's list so that's probably why your parents told you to study medicine i should be a doctor huh but there's still a bunch of other ones in there that will really surprise you so i'm going to start at number 10 and be sure to stay to the end to see what is australia's highest paying job so coming in at number 10 we have an engineering manager so they are responsible for planning and overseeing engineering projects makes sense on average engineering managers make one hundred and sixty thousand dollars per year or that is two thousand one hundred dollars per week after tax sounds good to me so i feel like that's pretty good number nine we have ceos and managing directors so they own around 165 000 per year on average or about 2 200 per week after taxes i'm actually the ceo oh so these salaries can change depending on the companies because you know obviously a bigger company more money smaller company less money but fun fact ceos and managing directors are actually the most popular jobs on this list with about 190 000 individuals reported which is kind of surprising because i felt like it would be really hard to become a ceo or managing director but i guess there's a lot of jobs for it number eight we are back to engineering so we actually have mining engineers and they earn 185 000 a year which is about 2 450 dollars per week after tax i'm going to be an engineer and then within that group we actually have petroleum mining engineers who have a taxable income of around 190 000 a year next up we have judicial or other law professionals and they make a hundred and ninety thousand per year or about two thousand five hundred dollars per week after tax paid off cops we paid off lawyers we paid off judges okay also this group actually includes judges and magistrates but it doesn't include barristers and solicitors interestingly though the ato did include article quotes in this group so it actually skewed the income way lower how much can you trust data now okay so let me just put that into perspective for you so basically average judge has an income of about 420 000 and then an article clerk has a taxable income of 70 000. fun fact the legal team of the johnny depp amberhead case actually costs 5.5 million so they make a ton of money now for number six we have other medical practitioners so this includes dermatologists gynecologists ophthalmologists pathologists diagnostic and interventional radiologists that was a mouthful and radiation oncologists again incomes can defer depending a lot on the job on average though the ato says that these other medical practitioners have an average taxable income of around 220 000 per year so that is two thousand eight hundred dollars per week that's a lot of money it makes sense that our parents wanted us to go into medicine in fifth place we have psychiatrists so psychiatrists earn around 235 000 a year which is around 2 900 per week after tax so there's only a small number in australia so that's also why they earn so much we need more it's projected that there's going to be a significant shortage by 2030 so if you want to get into a career that has heaps of money and not much competition than become a psychiatrist become a psychiatrist work in an asylum in fourth place we have financial dealers it's not drug dealing god so after the medical field finally a non-medical position we have the finance industry which is actually the second highest paid industry after the medical field and these people actually make a bunch of money so financial dealers they make around 275 000 a year or about 3 400 per week financial dealers include stock brokers you know people who like wall street type vibes we also have people who buy and sell securities on behalf of clients wolf of wall street they call me look and then for number three we are back to medicine so we actually have an internal medicine specialist sounds really fancy they are the third highest occupation group and they earn 300 000 per year on average and so that's about 3 700 per week after tax okay so this group has a bunch of different occupations so let's go through we've got specialist physicians cardiologists endocrinologists neurologists pediatricians yeah it's a real tongue twister i hate all those words they're just so hard to say try again so we've got specialist physicians we've got cardiologists endocrinologists neurologists and pediatricians but there's also a really big difference in income because a cardiologist can earn around 470 000 a year but then an endocrinologist can earn around 250 000 a year so that is like 200 000 difference that's a whole salary difference number two we are still in the medical field and it's an anesthetist try saying that 10 times fast who would have guessed these people earn a whopping 390 000 per year or 4 500 a week after tax according to the ato during this reporting period there was only 3 400 people who were in this job so it's actually a really niche profession but it's also really not easy to get into it's amazing crazy hard to get into and finally we have surgeons who would have guessed surgeons take the cake as the top earning profession because they earn an average of 395 000 per year which is also 4 600 per week after tax plus on the positive side other than high income they reportedly have super high job satisfaction i mean i'm so happy i'm so happy because they are saving lives saving lives so surely that has to feel good okay guys so that was the top 10 occupations in australia and although we don't recommend you choose a career path based on salary it definitely doesn't hurt to have a bit of extra money at christmas time i get money i spend money let me know in the comments if you were surprised by any of the professions or if you think there's any high-paying jobs that we missed i don't want to miss anything and if you're a university student or a recent grad who's looking to kick-start your career in the actual field that you studied in make sure you click the link in our description it is to grab we have a bunch of grad jobs internships advice resources you name it we have everything you need to kickstart your career so go and check it out absolutely i'll do that right now thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Prosple Australia
Views: 16,451
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Keywords: australia highest paying jobs, highest paying jobs in Australia 2022, highest paying professions australia, highest paying trades australia, high paying jobs, high paying jobs without a degree, high paying jobs for international students in australia, overseas students auastralia, highest paying jobs in aus, well paid jobs in australia, best careers in australia, career for international students, highest paying jobs, highest paying jobs in australia
Id: iV_jduAtdW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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