PGWP Application Explained - How To Do It Yourself

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there have been some changes to pgwp in 2024 that you need to know about in this video I'll share important pgwp question answers postgrad work permit tutorial and a bonus point about getting PR in the future my name is Max medic I'm the founder of um Canada one of the biggest online communities for new Canadians together with immigration lawyers and other partners we support people like you one thing about my Approach is I like to get information from the source that's why you often see me interviewing government officials and other decision makers so that you stay informed if you want to make your new chapter successful consider subscribing and liking this video pgwp questions answered number one what is the maximum duration of the pgwp I can get generally if you study for one year you get a onee pgwp two years or more a three-year postgrad work permit however if you're a student in a master's program that's one year long at least 8 months you may qualify for a 3-year pgwp with some recent changes number two what if I study two one-year College Programs if the college programs are in the same field you can request a three-year postgrad work permit wait to see it in the tutorial number three when should I stop working the day you officially receive your academic transcript or completion letter is when you should stop working you can continue working once you apply for a pgwp and receive the confirmation of submission number four when should I apply you need to wait until the school is done and you receive the documents mentioned in the previous question number five can I apply from a different Province or country yes pgwp is an open work permit you can move around Canada freely also you can make an application for pgwp from outside can Canada but there's caveats that I'll touch in the next answer number six how long do I have to apply you have up to 180 days after you graduate to apply for a pgwp and make sure your study permit has not expired if it does expire before you can apply you need to switch status to visitor or leave Canada remember to maintain legal status throughout this entire process it's very important number seven what if my passport only has one year validity but I can get a three-year pgwp I highly recommend extending your passwort if not you'll be able to request to extend your pgwp in the future through a paper application but to spare you from all the legal headache I just highly recommend you get a new passport number eight what documents do I need passport proof of graduation like a letter of completion academic transcripts or diploma explanation letter and some ircc forms we'll dive into it in in the second part of the tutorial number nine I have been working when I was a student can I apply for PR General answer no as that work experience does not count towards C but in some cases you may qualify I'll talk about PR at the end of this video so make sure you watch until the very end all right welcome to the pgwp tutorial the step-by-step guide the first thing I need you to do is to go to GC ke the irc's first platform not the new ircc portal at least that's what we have right now that's the relevant information in 2024 then you want to scroll down once you logged in to click on apply to come to Canada at the bottom you probably don't have this reference code but you're going to click on visitor Visa study and or work permit now with this one it's pretty straightforward a lot of personal information but for the first set of questions you want to select work temporarily more than 6 months and again depending on passport just because we have a lot of viewers from China I'm going to say China then the country of residence that's where you currently live so if you studied in Canada in theory it should be this country now do you have a family member who's Canadian citizen or PR this depends on you you might so you might have to say yes date of birth just for the sake of it let's say now that you've answered these click next um lawful PR of the United States I'm going to say no but if you are obviously you'd say yes what's your current immigration status in Canada we're going to say student because you're applying for a postgrad work permit now do you plan to work on campus I'm going to say no are you a full-time student at a participating postsecondary institution so again if you are um at a DLI and you want to work off campus for up to 20 hours a week this does not apply to us so we're going to say no have you recently graduated from participating I'm going to say yes uh and the was full-time minimum of 8 months right that's what you need to be eligible for this postgrad work permit is your work an essential part of your studies for example Co-op I'm going to say no next have you been told by ircc that you are approved in principle for PR let's say no but this may vary again depends some people are able to get PR like one of our clients received it before even graduating have you submitted a PR application I'm going to say no but you might have so it really depends on your case do you have a job offer important to understand you do not need to have employment or to have an offer of employment to qualify for pgwp so I'm going to say no this would be applicable to most of you now an official letter from your school that confirms your completion and final transcripts so again for you to apply for this document pgwp you need to have those so I'm going to say yes what's your marital status just to keep it easy I'm going to say single keeps it easy in many cases what's your Province or territory of destination let's say that I study in Toronto so let's pick Ontario because most of you are watching from there now it tells you your results what I'm eligible for and we're interested in this one pgwp postgrad work permit click continue now we're almost there almost at the most interesting part where I'm going to walk you through the document checklist and things you need to pay attention to so do you have your official letter from school that confirms you completed and a copy of transcripts they confirm this again yes I do now medical exam in the last 12 months I'm going to say no but in some cases if you want to work in some occupations you need to have your medical exam done boom that's the list so see if you're planning to work in any of those fields and in that case you will need to do it but I'm going to say no just to keep it easy and then confirms again so more occupations let's say that you want to work as a day Nursery worker then you'd need to do it but I'm going to say no it's for no for The Upfront medical exam but even if you do have that uh that applies to you it's no big deal you just need to book an exam with the closest physician you can look it up by typing in ircc list of Physicians or medical centers do you want to submit an application for a family member again if you have a partner and they are eligible for a spousal open work permit and let me remind you starting from 2024 it's only Masters and PhD students who are eligible their spouses so I'm going to say no in this case but you you might have to say yes for Representatives again if you have a pretty complex case you need legal support reach out to our immigration firm but in this case no next in the past 10 years have you given your fingerprints most likely yes when you applied for your study permit now fees Associated yes I'll be paying fees do not say that I will not be paying fees are you able to make a digital copy yes I am with a camera or a scanner now are you going to be paying online yes next we have reached now the middle stage where we've done the questionnaire and the system wants us to confirm go through all of it make sure it's right don't make any mistakes it's going to create unnecessary legal headache in the future and once you've done that continue to go to the actual document checklist the document checklist is on this page so there is two sets of documents these documents application forms and supporting documents are required then the second part is optional documents but I recommend you include it especially for those of you who studied one plus one who did a one-year program and in another one-year program and you want to get a 3year pgwp you'd need a letter of explanation I'll show you later for now let's focus on this form I'm not going to make it too complicated because it doesn't have to be that the goal of this tutorial is to make it as simple for you as possible so that you have the support you need to apply on your own but basically when you open this form so for example first of all when you download it what happens you click on it and this file opens up you would need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and fill it out so download that if you don't have it what you do next is you download the form and then you open it so once you've opened it it's going to look something like this it's very straightforward you would normally have your UCI on your study permit so check that and edit there and then you just want to follow basically this form so for most you it would be apply for a work permit for the first time with a new employer not uh an extension but for some of you it might be now uh these are very personal very straightforward like date of birth citizenship uh there's your territory of residence so Canada how long you've been in Canada there's going to be questions about if you lived in any other countries for more than 6 months you want to answer that uh obviously go through it it's individual uh then for passport report again I highly emphasize this is important because you don't want to mess it up in the future it's going to be a lot of headache you don't want that make sure your passport is valid for as much as possible so that all of your pgwp duration fits in that passport now uh the next one yeah this is just by accident didn't mean to highlight this one but your postal code then coming to Canada so the first Port of Entry what city you entered to Canada and when was the first time uh this maybe actually before your study permit if you visited Canada in the past and if you've if you've gone abroad in the meantime when you were a student you have to answer this question and provide dates and places um when you return to Canada from abroad what was the Port of Entry the airport then for details of intended work select pgwp self-explanatory you add the address you do not need to have an employer for this application so again you can ignore the name of employer the address of the employer uh this is just in case you have it if you are employed and you're continuing that employment you can include it but you don't have to duration as well so you don't have to do that uh so for P&P most likely for you it's a no but if you've been invited invited to apply through a P&P which is unlikely at this stage then you say yes uh previous education previous employment obviously fill it out then if you have not been employed actually you still need to fill it out just say it's not applicable to you but you still need to fill it out for this question for the most part health concerns will be no for you but if yes then you need to explain it there's enough room for that however many of you may have a refusal at previous Visa refusal that you need to reveal here and say yes and then explain it in the field so if your study permit the first application was refused you may say something like due to my misinterpretation of the study permit regulations I did not submit a full application or proper application therefore I was rejected and then when reapplied approved similar here probably you would say no to convictions but it might be different uh this one military service probably no uh and the rest is pretty much straightforward then what you want to do is sign it add a date and click validate once it's validated you'll see there's some bars generated here like a QR code type thing then you want to save the document and upload it over here so you go into the file choose the file and then you upload the file click upload and again uh if you did not fill it out there's going to be errors so you want to make sure those are fixed and you upload the actual thing now with these documents very straightforward you need a photo it's very easy to get that done passport obviously make sure the duration is good the letter of completion which says that you fulfilled the requirements of program XYZ at school ABC basically you want to upload that and your transcripts now there was a case when a student was refused after spending $250,000 on her education because in her transcript for the first year the first semester she took part-time studies just because she had to drop out her advisor said hey don't fail instead drop out and that caused her a lot of headache because she had to leave Canada and then try to re-enter her with a lot of support from lawyers and members of parliament it was very complicated you don't want to do it so make sure your transcripts indicate that you've been a full-time student the entire duration of your studies if there's any misunderstanding clarify with the school and make sure that the transcript shows that the number of credits that you took equals to being a full-time student that's important another important thing is here so you don't really need to fill out this form if you don't want to but of course it's better to to edit so that ircc doesn't have unnecessary questions but for client information I highly recommend you make a letter of explanation which will look something like this you don't need to make it fancy can be shorter than this but basically tell them that hey I've done this I've graduated I've fulfilled the requirements and now I'm applying for a pgwp you can steal this format or come up with something on your own but provide a good explanation and if you studied OnePlus One one-ear program and then another one-year program make sure that your letter of explanation mentions that I did two programs in one field therefore I would like to request a three-year postgraduate work permit as per irc's regulations and standards once you've done that you've uploaded all the files this button will unlock it's going to say submit uh you will pay for the application and submit it if you got some value from this tutorial make sure to give it a like and now let's speak about your future in particular about permanent residence with this pgwp applications many doors become open such as you can start counting Canadian work experience towards CSC and you can make an Express entry profile we had a client who actually got PR recently without that one year of Canadian work experience and while he was in school on his study permit as he qualified through one immigration stream our leag legal team made sure that the documents were correct then filed his application and then in 3 months he got his confirmation of PR if you want to work with an immigration lawyer or consultant to increase your chances I would highly recommend checking out our pgwp plus PR bundle where we walk you from A to B from pgwp to permanent resident status as you know the immigration door is closing so I would highly recommend you start thinking about your PR sooner than later now is a good time click on the link in the description check out the service see if you like it book a consultation to assess your case and decide what you want to do from there also make sure to give it a like this video and comment below if you have any questions now I recommend you watch this video next
Channel: I'm Canada
Views: 24,244
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Keywords: PGWP Application Explained - Do It Yourself, i'm canada, max medyk, post graduate work permit in canada, the immigration policy in canada, can i apply for a pgwp from a different province or country, how long do i have to apply for pgwp, how to apply for pgwp in canada, pgwp application guide 2024, what documents do i need for applying for pgwp in canada, how to apply for PGWP, pgwp from inside Canada
Id: 9v7nQ076t68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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