How to Create Express Entry Profile (2024) | Step By Step Guide for Canadian Immigration

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in this video you will be getting a step-by-step  walkthrough on how to create your Express 90   profile effectively so you get your permanent  residency in Canada to give you a backstory I came   in Canada as a student and I have completed all my  applications related to the immigration in Canada   all by myself and currently I'm a proud citizen  of Canada so definitely I have gone through what   you are planning to go through and I'm here  to help you answer all your questions [Music]   foreign [Music]   okay so once we log in we go into uh determining  your eligibility so we'll click on the express   entry after that we'll select which province  do you want to live in so here in this case   you don't have to say the province where you  already are living in let's say if you are   already in Canada but this is more about which  province do you want to live in or interested in   so let's say I'll say Noah's question after  that the next thing is the English language   test results please make sure that you have given  the test and you have the results ready with you   before continuing okay after that this is the  date of the test for those who don't know the   ilts test expires after two years so you have  to make sure that you have enough bandwidth in   terms of your dates and filing this application  because once you file this application you get   a PR invitation and you apply for PR they do the  processing this whole thing can take almost one   year so you want to make sure at least you have  one year worth of LTS time frame in case if your   ilts expires while you are in the pool or while  your application is in processing after you get   any mutation you can always give the ilts again  and update the score here so you get a new expiry   which is worth two more years which serves  the purpose so we'll continue uh we'll have   to provide the English test score if you have  taken any other language test please accept it   here for the Simplicity of this application I'll  just say no here in last three years how many   years of skilled work experience do you have  in Canada so as you can see it tells me that   I am a peer to be eligible for the express entry  based on my answers and right now I have to go   through the two steps which is when you click  on continue it will be guided to the steps to   complete the profile so we'll have to complete  the profile review the profile and submit the   profile after that once you submit your profile  you will get a confirmation message in your   account and you will also get some next steps and  information in your account in terms of messages   so let's continue and check all that out so  here we'll just add our personal information   make sure that if you are not sure at any point  of time you can always click on question mark and   it will give you a brief detail of that that  particular field which you need to fill up so   you don't need to worry about oh what am I doing  am I doing something wrong uh just click on the   question mark and read the information what's your  magical status uh here for married uh there might   be some additional questions where I'm selecting  single for the Simplicity purpose but if you have   any questions related to that please do let  me know now as you can see that in this page   it tells me that I have to complete the six set  of information to be accepted as a candidate of   Express entry in the pool so I'll start by filling  out my personal details and I'll spend more time   in the places where most of you are confused  please bear with me here as I'll be explaining   each and every thing step by step and I'll try to  cover as much information as possible so as you   can see you already filled out some information  while checking your eligibility that's already   filled up so that's why it says it's grade here  it's logged so you can change that we'll just   click on next uh in case if at any point of time  you feel that oh this is grayed out I did a typo I   did a mistake you'll have to start again uh we'll  just select the birth of country let's say yeah   as you can see the magical status is also grayed  out so click on next so this is related to the   IDE okay if Raj Patel does not have a password or  trial document we will need the national identity   document in this case but if you are a student  or an immigrant already living outside your home   country you should have a passport document and  that's that's it but if for some people who do   not have a passport document and just have the  national ID document then in that case you can   select no and provide more information but I'll  just say yes for now uh so here in this case as   you can see I can select either of those and I  have to provide my document number so I just say   do make sure that you have enough room for  the expiry in your password document as well   while doing all this because if anything changes  you'll have to change this application so let's   say if you're almost there you have to update your  passport or you have to update any other document   which you are mentioning here I would suggest  that if it's just 10 15 days worth of difference   please do that first and then come back here but  in any case you can always change this application   or while they're processing your application at  all so you don't have to worry about it it's just   for Simplicity gives you less headache so we'll  continue as you can see I've added one you can   add multiple travel documents if you have we'll  click on next as raj Patel applied to immigration   Refugee citizenship can of Canada before you  have to say yes in this case if you came on work   permit if you came as a student or for any other  purposes you will have to provide that as a Raj   Patel applied for Express entry before if you did  you'll have to provide that if you did not then   it's no I'll just say for the simplicity purpose  know here for any purposes if you have entered   Canada your UCI number would have been generated  for sure and you would have the document setting   whether it's your study permit whether it's a work  permit whether it's any other document through   which you migrated to Canada then you would  have the UCI number given to you if it was an   online application you would when you go into your  profile you will see the UCI number right when you   log in on the top right corner and if you do not  have that let's say you have a study permit then   write when you open your study permit right in  the top right corner you will be able to see the   UCI number right there so please use that number  and paste it here if you don't know more about it   just click on the question mark and it will tell  you more about this detail it will be there in any   official document related to you provided by ircc  so just provide more information if you have dual   citizenship of the countries then do provide both  of them now the country of residence here if you   are already in Canada living in Canada then you  have to provide Canada as country of residence   in this case let's say if you are on a tourist  visa and you are filling this application that   does not count as residency because you are not  living here and paying any taxes so you have to   provide your home country as residence right you  do not have to use Canada in that case for more   information just click on question mark the person  must be in the country legally but that does not   count visitors now once the immigration history  is done we'll click on the family how many family   members you have now this includes yourself your  spouse partner your dependent children or any of   their dependent do make sure that your parents  or grandparents are not dependent on you so they   are not counted but if you do not have anyone  and let's say you are single then you just say   one in that case if you have your spouse you said  two and depending on how many childrens you have   you can go up till seven and greater than seven so  I'll just save one here for the Simplicity purpose   because I have selected I'm not married how much  money money will you bring in Canada now for the   people who are in their postgraduate work permit  and are planning to apply through the Canadian   experience class for those who know you do not  need to provide any proof of funds so in that   case you can just provide whatever money you have  in your account this is definitely needed this is   required to provide because this is a General  application pool right this is not specific to   CEC or fsw or anyfs federal skill trade this is  General Pool so this question is very generalized   for federal skill workers if you are not in  Canada and let's say you're applying to be in   the pool you need to make sure that you follow  this so just click on the question mark click   on this table and you will be taken to the proof  of funds page so when you scroll down you will be   able to see the latest number as of April 2023 in  this case but if you're watching this in future   you always come back to this page as I mentioned  and you can see for one person right now at this   particular point of time 13757 so if you are a  single person you need the some much amount if   you're coming with spouse you need 17 127 so  this is the minimum proof of funds you need so   you will have to mention that here otherwise you  will not be able to enter into the pool you can   obviously show more numbers here but at least  this is the number you'll have to say but the   Exempted program is CC so if a candidate wants to  apply through CEC they can provide any number so   let's say if I say thousand four thousand dollars  and if I submit this application it will just tell   me that I'm eligible for the CEC application as  long as I provide that I have a work experience   in Canada let's say I provide complete let's say  fifteen thousand dollars then it's going to tell   me that I am eligible for CEC as well as fsw right  so it totally depends on what criterias you match   and you want to make sure that you can match  as much as possible so let's say if you have   more money with you then just at least try to  to provide whatever is truth right now we'll go   to the next section here which is do you have any  relatives in Canada the relatives mean anyone who   is 18 years older and living in Canada and who is  a citizen or permanent resident in Canada now if   you do you just have to say yes and in this case  you can select who they are whether it's your Aunt   daughter granddaughter grandmother mother niece  nephew sister spouse anyone counts and where do   they live but in this case for the Simplicity  I'll just say no and I'll save and exit so as   you can see the personal details is fulfilled  we'll go to the next section contact details   I'm not spending much time here because this  is very simple so I'll just walk through this   study and languages this is where you have to  provide all the information about your education   and your language test scores so in this case  have you finished high school or higher education   if you did you have to say yes because if you  say no then technically you are not eligible   for any of the programs so you have to say yes  because High School is the minimum you have to   be graduated and we'll just select the field  of study do make sure that you are selecting   the right field of study if you are confused  then just select whatever the generic field   of study you can find related to your studies  what time did you start now remember here if   you have any questions regarding what should I  select just click on the question mark and it   will tell you how you should select particular  option for a for example here in full time or   part-time study you must be at least in class  for 15 hours per week during the Academic Year   to be considered full time right so if that's  the case you can always say yes for full time   otherwise it's a part-time study similarly for any  questions you have just click on the question mark so here in the level of Education I'm selecting  bachelor's because that will make me eligible   and I can show you the entire steps but do fill  out all the details here as needed so do make   sure that you start from your latest education and  then work your way backwards if you were awarded   a Canadian degree you say yes in this case you  have to provide more information if you say no   so you say you don't need any further information  in this case so in this case if you have not been   awarded a Canadian degree then you need to do  the education credential assessment within the   past five years if you have already done that  that's okay but if you have not done it there's   an organization called World Education Services  called West and through that you can do your ECA   I am linking the video down here so please go  and look at it I've also provided step-by-step   instruction on how you can apply for your ECA for  any education credentials so I'll just say yes in   this case that I've done it if you have done it it  will ask you to provide the education services so   I'll just say World Education Services in this  case and when when did I do it so it has to be   less than five years and I have to provide  my certificate number and I have to provide   the level of Education equivalency came in that  certificate right because they will ultimately   pull that certificate as well to verify but  for now you have to provide whatever resource   verified as so let's say I did bachelors and they  verified that yes indeed it was a bachelor's so   I get the level of Education converted for some  degrees let's say they will just say okay it was   Bachelor's in your country but it was like two  or more years program for us then you'll have   to select that and you only get points for that  program you don't get points for your Bachelors   so make sure that your ECA is done properly so  in this case if you say no if you say you have   a Canadian degree right then there are different  set of questions which you need to answer uh was   this degree diploma certificate so you have to  say yes if it was what is the designated learning   institution number of the school so DLI is very  common if you do not have a DLI which means that   your University or the college which you studied  from is not eligible now that never happens that   your you do not have a DLI number and you can  always find it through this side so you can find   it on our site just click on it and you will be  taken to this page here you find your University   or college and then that's it so let's say We'll  select British Columbia let's say We'll select so   UBC you see a DLI number here similarly you will  definitely have a DLI for yourself so just use it   sure sometimes what happens is when you are given  a scholarship or any awards terms of the award is   that you have to go back to your country once  you finish the studies to apply your knowledge   and skills there if you have been provided any  of that award you will have to say yes but if   you have not taken any such scholarship just say  no now just to be clear in this section not all   the studies or scholarships do require you to go  back to your home country right so you can make   sure that even if you have received it you have  to say no here unless the terms specifically say   that you have to go back to your home country now  you are getting why they are asking this question   because you are not eligible to apply for PR under  this education program if you have been given such   and such scholarships so we'll go to the next  part here did you complete 50 of the study   through in-person learning now this is for those  kovate students if you were doing digital classes   or not if you studied in person or not was always  the question after code for more information just   click on the question mark it will tell you even  the date and timelines of when do you need it   and that's it for more students I know if you are  applying for PR you have completed your studies 50   in person next question is did you study in Canada  for at least eight months so while you are in   person but were you in Canada for at least eight  months if you were not then that kind of raises   some questions you can see in the question mark  here more details about it and if you were mostly   you'll just have to say yes so that's simple and  did you completed at least eight months worth of   studies to earn this degree diploma certificate  which is the minimum so you will obviously be   saying yes in this case and similarly you have  to add all your educations so do make sure that   you fill up whatever the two or three level of  Education you want to add here you have to add   all the education for which you are claiming the  point in this case let's say if you have done an   advanced diploma in Canada and technically that's  not your highest education but it helps you to   claim the point because it puts you in the section  of two or more degrees diploma or certificates so   click on next here so you have to say whether  it's in English uh French or both in this case   it does not tell you whether you casually speak  English French or both but it's it's more about   the assessment so if you have been assessed only  then select both if you have not been assessed   let's say in French then do not select that let's  just have to provide the certificate number the   language tester result form or the certificate  number for your language test for ilts you will   find it if you'll open the certificate you  will find it right somewhere here and just   use that number and paste it here so I hope that  helps the date of the test result would also be   given in your test form so just use the test form  the the date in it and just paste it here along   with your certificate number everything else was  preferred so you don't have to worry about it so   as you can see we have completed three parts of  the form now while we are 50 done let me tell you   some of the some things which you might encounter  so let's say I am updating this form and I forgot   to fill out something let's say I did not fill  this and I clicked on save and exit it will say   in progress if you are getting this in progress  that means you have not completed the form you   go back to the form and then you see there is  a tick mark here this section is completed and   then I go back in the official language as you  can see there is in progress so that means there   is something which I am not build in the official  language so I go back and then select whatever is   not done so English language test version here as  you can see in the training I just click on this   I click on save and exit and now it's complete so  for those people who are wondering about this here   is your solution now we go to the next section  application details now this is a quick part but   it is very important so I'll take some time in  explaining about this as well which provinces   would you consider living in now if you know that  you might not get a lot of score as a part of this   Express entry pool and you might want to change  your Province from where you are living right   now or if you are not living anywhere then you are  totally open to provinces then you can just select   all provinces and territory but let's say if you  want to stay in a particular Province because of   your job or where you are already situated then  just select that Province and no other provinces   will try to send you the provincial nomination  program invitation and we'll just select yes   for British Columbia I will just say yes for  Ontario everyone else is federally governed   so nothing to worry about them have you received  certificate from any Province now this is for the   people who have already got the certificate who  never entered the pool through the expression of   Interest a lot of provinces including Ontario  Alberta and British Columbia they there the   candidates do first apply to the province through  the expression of Interest through their own pools   and nomination they get the invitation they  fill up all the details they get assessed and   after that they get a nomination certificate and  then they come here and apply for their Express   entry pool right so in that case if you already  have it then just say yes right if you have it   it will ask you what province you have let's say  British Columbia and that's that's it you don't   need any more information but for most people you  will not have this right now and there is another   way as well so you are not only obligated to do  that process to get a nomination certificate from   Province you can technically be in the pool and  if a province finds you because you selected that   you are interested in all the provinces here for  example if a province sees that you match their   eligibility criterias for the express entry pool  then they will reach out to you they will send you   a message in your Express entry account which we  have created as a new message will come and then   you will find something like this where it says  that okay this is the notification of Interest   by blabla provinces and that's where you go back  to the travels website fill out your nomination   certificate application they assess you and then  they give you the certificate that works as well   so do not get confused between this right now and  what you're getting you do not need to refill your   Express entry pool just to say yes in this case  right this is only for the people who have already   got the nomination certificate and then creating  their Express ND profile so we'll go next now as   we have completed almost half of this application  I would really appreciate if you could like this   video because if more people like this video it  gives me a feedback and it also helps reaching   out to the people like yourself who are in need  of this application so let's continue represent   YouTube so in this case if you are Consulting  a representative whether it's your immigration   consultant lawyer friend or family member and you  want to appoint them to look at your application   then in that case you can just say yes now  remember I'm just a YouTube guy I'm not your   representative so you have to say no in this  case because I'm helping you out but if it's   a designated individual or representative just say  yes or if it's both then just say but in this case   pretty simple we'll just say no and continue work  history this is a big section we'll spend some   time here and will help you with most frequently  asked questions in this case so you don't struggle   the occupation here your primary occupation would  have a five digit NOC or people say knock code   and you have to find it so to find your NOC code  you can either search here for example software   Engineers you can easily find it so we click on  find your NOC and here you can search for your   particular knock core so let's say supervisor  in supervisor you have like multiple set of   Supervisors whether you are in the supply chain  Library correspondence finances general office   administrative support workers you can select any  of your knock code depending on where you match   so if you have any job offer letter or if you are  already doing a job that occupation should match   one of the knock codes in order to be eligible  you will have to make sure that the duties of   this snoc code matches with your duties and the  title of this knock code also matches with your   title if that happens that's an easy easy fix  sometimes what happens is you do not get the   title but you get the responsibility that works as  well because different companies use a different   title and that's totally fine so here you will  have to provide the date during which you were   qualified to practice in this occupation now for  some people where you need to study and then you   need to take a license examination and and only  when you have the license you can practice then   in that case you'll have to provide the date when  you got the license but in other case if you just   completed your study and you are eligible to  start the work for example software engineers   then you can just say the date of your graduation  this does not necessarily mean that you have to   provide the latest date of graduation this is  something where you have to provide the date   where you first graduated from the studies and  became eligible to do this occupation whether   it was your first diploma or first degree which  helped you to start this primary occupation right   so do not worry about getting the latest date but  get the oldest date instead I'll go to the next   section do you have a certificate of qualification  from Canadian province for people who do not know   the certificate of qualification is needed for  some skilled trades in Canada if you want to use   that trade as your primary occupation for example  electrician you need some sort of certificate in   order to continue working on this and if you do  that then you are also eligible for federal skill   trades program As You Are a licensed practitioner  for that trade but I'll select no in this case and   we'll just continue let's see if you say yes then  you have to provide all the details about your   certificate in this case whether on what territory  or provinces it was issued because different   provinces have their own certification uh given  the occupation associated with the certificate   so here you will be given an occupation let's say  I was a I was a metal working or forging machine   operators licensed and I could do that and the  date when you obtain the certificate right so   that's pretty simple but to keep the application  simple I'll just say no we'll go to the next   section intend and work in Canada so do you have a  job offer in Canada now let's understand what the   job offer means because it's not your job offer  given by your employer to you so let's say in   this case you have a postgraduate work permit or  an open work permit of any sort of case and you   are expecting that okay I do have a job offer does  that count in this case unfortunately no you are   only supposed to select this if you are getting a  job through the LMI which is labor market impact   assessment we'll go through this a little bit  just to help people who are going through the   lmia process but for most people you'll just say  no here for the people who want to say yes that   you have an LMI you'll provide the information  about the job as long as it's one year you say   yes then is the job offer non-seasonal you have  to say yes because if it's seasonal then it still   does not count it has to be at least one year and  full time continuous for it to be counted allowed   to provide uh the NOC code of the job title of  the job as it is in the offer letter and how many   employers made this offer you can say how many  of offer letters do you have if the employer is a   high commission or Embassy of Canada you just say  yes otherwise say no an employer on the list of   eligible employers you will have to make sure that  your employer is not in the list of ineligible   employers which you can find here so here Canadian  government has a website which basically says   the employers who are found non-compliant just  make sure to search your employer and if they   are found eligible or not eligible you will be  able to know I'm providing the link down in this   description for you to go and check for your  employer in case if you are going through the   LMI process okay so we'll just say no in this  case let's say employee of the employer's name   foreign most likely in this part you will have the  lmia issued for this job offer letter if not then   you will have the LMI exemption letter for this  job in either case you will have to select either   yes or no if you say yes you have the LMI number  then you'll have to provide all the details about   your LMI number if you say you do not have the LMI  number then you say no are you currently working   in Canada if you are just say yes then you'll have  to provide all the other details about the job if   you say no then it's just a job offer letter given  to you within lmia and you are planning to come to   Canada as a permanent resident and then do the  job if you say yes in this case then you have   to provide more information such as do you have a  valid work permit for the current job because you   are not PR right now but you have an lmia you  should have a valuable permit given to you as   a part of this job if you have it yes if your job  does not require the work permit and then just say   no so we'll just say yes in this case it will be  asking me whether my current employer's name is   is provided in my current work permit generally  that's the case because you have been invited   to work for that particular company and you are  working for that particular company so you'll just   have to say yes if no then you can just provide no  but all these answers which you are giving right   now will determine whether you are eligible to  be in the pool for Express entry or not so make   sure that if you are going through this complex  route of lmia you are Consulting someone so we'll   continue with the other questions let's say if  you're working full time for this current employer   for at least one year if you are just say yes  otherwise just say no you have to provide the NOC   code for the current work permit which is given  to you if the lmia was issued for the current   work permit if it was then you just say yes if no  if you're Exempted then you can just say no and   LMI wasn't issued due to either International  agreement Federal provincial agreement or the   other reasons if you have any otherwise most  likely the case will be that yes you have it   and you just say yes and we'll just continue in  the next section but before I do that I'll just   say no here just to make sure that we have all  the information needed to count the score now   the work history section in this section you have  to provide all your current and previous job for   the eligibility of Express entry and this will be  used to calculate the scores for me in this case   so make sure that you have all the information  been filed up if you have any work history just   say yes since since what year so you just have to  provide an year if it's your current job you just   say yes there the two will go away otherwise  you provide till when you did your job and how   many hours per week it was if it's not 30 hours  per week then it's not counted as full-time job   generally it's 37.5 hours per week and five digit  NOC code allowed to provide the NOC code given for   this particular job and what was the job in the  employer name and other details I'm filling in   now while you are working legally in Canada during  this time say yes in this case if you have a pgwp   just say yes because you have a valid work permit  in this case to do this particular job if you are   studying full-time while doing this job you  say yes otherwise you say no but do make sure   that if you select any of these where you are not  doing full-time job then it you are becoming not   eligible for the CEC which is Canadian experience  class uh what was your work permit like which was   your no work permit required work permit required  no LMI required or work permit an LMI required so   I'll just select work permit and no LMI required  for the people in Canada for any other experiences   as well for back in your home country do that  do that it will be far easier because you don't   have any of these further details you have to  provide for Canada so we'll just click on Save   and add do make sure that in the work history  section you have provided all the job details   including your current job to make sure that you  are getting all the points for those jobs you do   not necessarily have to provide the part-time  jobs or any jobs for which you will not be   able to get any documentation because if you do  not get any documents for any job you are not   eligible provide that or use that to get some  points you can avoid any jobs for which you do   not have a proof next is the research question  this is completely voluntary so if you want to   provide some answers just say yes and provide the  answer so otherwise just say no so as you can see   all the sections are now completed do make sure  that you go back to each of this section review   the details step by step again and make sure that  everything is complete correct and accurate as per   your knowledge and as per the documents you have  once you will finish the application you will be   assigned a score depending on the information you  have provided but you are not required to provide   the documents at this stage you are required to  provide documents once you get the invitation   and you file for your permanent residency do make  sure that whatever you have provided exist because   you are getting points out of it and if you are  getting points out of bed they will ask for the   documentation when you are getting invitation  and eor so at that point if you will not have   the documents for the information you have  provided here or probably you can update it   before you get invited it is totally possible  for you to update this form but let's say in   such case you have provided some information  but you are not able to collect the document   for that then that creates the issue that may  make you ineligible for your permanent residency   even though you are meeting the points and all  the information is correct but you don't have   the documentation so let's continue now finally  it's a declaration page where you are declaring   uh you are providing all the information just say  I agree provide the name the given name and the in   the last name as per your passport and will just  sign the Declaration now when the Declaration is   signed we'll go into the last where it says that  now you transmit basically you are submitting your   application into ircc so click on submit and as  you can see congratulations you have successfully   submitted your application in the profile and I  will exit the questionary now as soon as I have   it my application or profile will be updated I  can check my application status here and as soon   as my application is completed I'll get a message  whether I'm meeting the eligibility criteria or   not so it says you meet the minimum entry criteria  I have my profile number created I have my UCI   number which should be same as what you have  in all your ircc official documents profile was   submitted on this one the profile expires exactly  after one year in that case you'll just have to   create this profile again so for those people  whose profile is expired do not worry about this   just follow the steps and recreate your profile I  meet the eligibility documents I need the Canadian   experience class as you can see but I do not meet  any of the other programs at least as of now and   my CRS score is 280 depending on what words things  I have provided and the criterias it basically   says here if you want to calculate the CRS score  even before applying for this Express entry then   do check out the video I have provided on the top  of the screen and also in the description to help   you calculate your CIA score even before filling  out this application so you make sure that you are   reaching that minimum eligibility criteria and  where the points are landing these days before   you even get into the pool my Express entry  profile is created I am already in the pool and   and if the score reaches to 280 maybe someday  I'll be invited hypothetically I'm already   a citizen in Canada thank you very much for  watching the video please do let me know if   you any comments questions or suggestions for me  and if you have seen any of my other videos you   know that I try to answer all my comments in case  if you are getting the notification of interest   from government of Ontario and you want to submit  the PNP application under human capital's priority   stream then do check out this video here there you  will find the entire step-by-step process on how   you can apply for the PNP with Ontario so I hope  this was helpful and I will see in the next one
Channel: Raj Patel - Invest4K
Views: 54,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raj patel, canada immigration, express entry, canada pr, canada immigration 2023, how to create express entry profile, express entry profile creation, canada express entry 2023, canada pr process 2023, canada express entry, Canada Immigration, Express Entry Profile, Immigration Tips, Permanent Residency, Moving to Canada, Step by Step Guide, Express Entry Canada, Express Entry System, Immigration Guide, Canada Express Entry, Immigration Canada, Path to Canada
Id: tYmim-D1PPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.