Region Based Category Draws in Express Entry? Canada Immigration News

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there is a new category that we are being talking or rather we are now looking at and that is primarily have to do with the region based category uh ircc would now like to or rather is already testing on conducting region based draws now how these region-based draws will be implemented again we don't know there is no Clarity on it yet but one step in that direction was when ircc ch CH to make it mandatory for you to include your Canadian postal codes especially if you're living residing in Canada or where your employers are and their postal codes and it's a step in that direction where they may at some point of Time start conducting region-based category draws so this was the bill c19 it received the Royal Ascent on June 23 2022 if I actually just go to the text of the bill very quickly so you know what is happening where and this was the immigration and Refugee protection act in this under Section 377 it basically allowed the immigration minister to be given the authority to create groups immigration Minister had now the authority to create groups based on occupation based on economic priorities based on uh whatever the immigration Minister thought was required uh to promote uh healthy immigration into Canada specifically under this law geography is not mentioned geography is not mentioned region is not mentioned categories are not mentioned but it basically said that the immigration Minister had to consult with the stakeholders who could be provincial government lobbies uh the trade organizations and any other stakeholders including the the law practitioners as well uh in order to agree upon the the categories now it basically Roots out from that particular motion m44 text right that's where the first time it was asked for something like this then the strategies document came out then the bill c19 came out so this is this is how it has been transitioning for the last 3 years here 2023 what ircc has been doing is ircc has been testing within Express entry now we all know Express entry is very glitchy right every time they try to make some small change the system goes Bonkers right uh we saw that with the with the knock system right when they changed the knock we saw that when they Tred to do category draws the system went total kaput and and there was a big long gap of draws and we did not know what the hell was going on and there was a big pause right last year they tried to not they tried but they did introduce that if you were inside Canada then you had to correctly indicate your postal code that was the latest IM that was the latest change that has been introduced into the express entry that you have to now uh include your postal code not only for your residents but also for your employer where is your employer based that employer address remember if you're entering the information in your Express entry profile about your work experience you have to also very clear clearly indicate the postal code your residential postal code and your employer postal code what I want to show you now is so this is the actual source of what I'm talking about this has been obtained through the ATP notes by my very good friend Steven murin who's an immigration lawyer based in BC you can go to his Twitter account and you will find the same thing on his Twitter account as well this has been obtained through ATP notes and here it says which is a communication between I guess two officers in in ircc which says business requirements for regional selection in category based selection uh please let me know the outcome blah blah blah text changes into the CR scheduled for the regional based selection this is where it's coming from so you guys should be aware that it's going to come it's going to happen and then this is the next exerpt from the same text of the ATP notes which says business requirements for the regional selection in category based selection if you can see here it says it's looking for information on job offer postal code of job offer work experience postal code of work experience Canadian study where have you completed your study so postal code of your Canadian study the DLI of Canadian study current residence in Canada and postal code of residence in Canada and intended residence in Canada where do you wish to decide all of these are going to play a huge role once and when never the geography based or Regional based uh category comes into play now whole of 2023 ircc has been working on this this has been tested a portion of it as we now know has already been implemented through the postal code this has been at the root of where this whole categories are coming from I showed you in motion m44 it was very clearly mentioned that ircc would or rather that there is a big demand for for moving or for for diversifying the immigration into the smaller communities into the uh rural areas of Canada and it has always been the demand of several provinces several locations as well that the immigration should move to those locations I mean it's quite quite normal right you've seen an Ontario if you are submitting an application under any of the PNP streams other than human capital you get more points for the location of your college if you're looking at International students ring you get more points if your job offer is in in an area like in in North Ontario right versus if you are in Toronto same thing in British Columbia if you're looking at British Columbia P&P you get additional points for the geography or for the region if it is outside the main Greater Vancouver area uh same thing with the British with the Alberta PNP right you have the Alberta PNP then you have the rural Stream So with each province as you will notice that there are there is a push or even even uh I think in uh Manitoba if you're outside the winipeg you get extra points if you're inside winipeg you get less points and there has always been this push to move people away from the main Urban centers into the less populated areas and I guess now this push is going to be even more why because this way they can control the housing crisis from the main Urban centers and by by trying to spread people out uh so a collective effort from the government by by curtailing the temporary residents by encouraging rural immigration by different programs there will be another program which will come at some point of time which will be the municipal nominee program uh rnip has already been made permanent and with these kind of draw changes that are now anticipated because the backend work is happening I've just showed you the document as well you already know that the changes are already happening in the postal code or rather they have already happened as far as the postal code is concerned and it is only a matter of time by the time when we see that what exactly and how ircc plays it out now there are no details there is nothing no no information is available as to how this will be implemented of course we will continue to get and and try to gain more a tip notes from ircc so that we can understand how will this category be uh implemented at this point of time for at least the remainder of the year I do not anticipate any changes uh Mark Miller has already said very clearly through one of the advisories that the categories will remain the same for the remainder of the year so at least for 2024 you don't have to confuse yourself you don't have to worry about will there be a new Cate atory this year will CC draw happen will domestic draw happen will this category not happen will stem not happen all the category draws will continue to happen it is just that this new category that we are now aware of when will that be implemented that is just a matter of time but I've been doing this live streams since 2022 in the sense of what to anticipate this was a very very important information that I had to share with you if you are aware of this kind of a change then sometimes you are able to plan and pivot and and you know course correct if you have to uh so therefore It's always important to be in the no to have the knowledge to understand how that can impact you for your future plan or or Journey way ahead so that is the reason why we do this thank you so much for joining in it was nice catching up with you guys nice bringing this to you stay tuned and I will bring you more when I come back [Music]
Channel: Ask Kubeir
Views: 20,376
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Keywords: canada immigration, work visa canada, canada work permit, express entry update, how to, go to canada, immigration canada, immigration news, canada visa channel, ontario, oinp, sinp, nsnp, bcpnp, canada pnp program, easiest canada immigration program, canada pr, canada permanent residence, ask kubeir, Region based draws
Id: EwnKC_RIc0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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