Canada Visitor Visa Refusal Reasons 2024 | Canada Visitor Visa 2024 | Canada Visa Refusal Reasons.

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Hello friends welcome back to my channel if your visitor Visa is refused for Canada or if you are planning to apply for Western Visa then watch this video till end so today's video is very interesting and very special I will be sharing a lot of information about visitor Visa refusal reasons and what you can do to avoid those refusals so please do subscribe to my channel because on this channel I always share most recent news about Canadian immigration so if you like this video please share with your friends and do subscribe to my channel let's start with today's topic reason for visitor Visa refusal it is very common that if someone applied for visitor visa and got refused we will discuss what are common reasons for rejection and how to avoid these rejections and how to get visitor visa on very first attempt my previous videos were much appreciated by you guys that how to apply Vista visa and how to apply super visa for your parents this was a common question what reasons lead to rejection of your visitor Visa before we discuss rejection reasons always remember that in case of Canada visitor Visa we are not going in front of Visa officer personally we just submit our application on online portal so submitting right information in your file is very important as Visa officer will take decision based on provided information on your application this is where most of the people make mistake because Visa officer has very limited information which is provided on application so there are very high chances that if you don't provide right information your file can be rejected so without wasting our time let's discuss what are the most common reasons for refusal of Wister Visa here I want to mention that there can be many reasons for refusal but in this video we will cover only the most common reason for refusal so first reason which is very common and most of the time is given by Visa officer for distracting your visitor Visa file lacking strong ties to back home country which means whichever country you belong to for example India Sri Lanka Pakistan Nepal Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Etc you have weak ties to your home country if your roots to back home are weak and you will get most probably a refusal so you will get similar reasons for refusal as given here that I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident as stipulated in paragraph 179b of the irpr based on your country of residence so here it is very important to note that it is based on your country of residence so here if you get similar reason for refusal or you are applying for a fresh application then we need to know how to tackle this refusal reasons there could be many reasons for your weak ties to back home so one of them that if you don't have a good job offer so in this case Visa officer may think that applicant doesn't have a good job back home so applicant can stay in Canada Beyond its Visa expiring second reason for your week ties to back home could be if you don't have kids parents grandparents which can lead to your weaker ties to back home as well if you have a business which is well established and operational then Visa officer may think that you will come back to take care of your business after your visit to Canada if you don't have property or any asset on your name then Visa officer may think that you can stay in Canada beyond your visitor Visa expiry so always remember that if you have any property or any asset on your name you should provide those details in your application if you don't have these things in your application then your ties to back home are weaker so if Visa officer is doubtful about your back home ties then there are high chances that you will get rejection this is one of the most common and most important reason for your acceptance or resection so always try to provide all these details whatever applicable to you when you apply for visitor Visa for Canada let's move to Second reason Strong's Family Ties in Canada this is exactly opposite to First reason we just discussed which means that many person from your family are in Canada which shows your strong ties to Canada and weak ties to back home so you have weak ties to back home and strong ties to Canada if you're all siblings your brother sister are in Canada your parents are in Canada all your kids are in Canada or you can say that your extended family in Canada your cousins are in Canada so these are the reasons that you have strong ties to Canada so Visa officer most probably will resect your file and give you a reason that I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident as stipulated in paragraph 179b of the irpr based on your family ties in Canada note here that this line based on your family ties in Canada so Visa officer thinks that this person has very strong ties to Canada as his or her whole family is in Canada why would he will return to back home country so this could also lead to rejection of your visitor Visa for Canada so let's move to third point which is very important travel history so let's take one scenario here scenario one if the applicant never traveled outside of your home country or his home country the Visa officer thinks that he never traveled throughout his entire life why he wants to travel now which could lead to rejection again so you will get again same paragraph but the end line will change here so you will get a similar reason that I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay and the last line here will change based on your travel history let's take second scenario if someone traveled as a tourist to different countries like UK Singapore Malaysia USA then the Visa officer thinks as he traveled to different countries in Boston he will return back to Home Country after his or her stay as a tourist to these countries so there are more chances that your visitor Visa for Canada will be accepted and you can come to Canada let's move to next reason purpose of visit which means that why you want to come to Canada so let's take here scenario one that you are planning to come to Canada without any particular reason then there are high chances of rejection and Visa officer provide you a reason of rejection that I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit so the last line will change here everything else will stay same so let's take second scenario here that you are coming to Canada to meet your family your friend means that you are coming to Canada for a special occasion like wedding or marriage ceremony wedding anniversary housewarming party a caretaker if you want to come to Canada to help a pregnant lady or someone is sick any other Home Care reason that you want to help someone other reasons could be engagement ceremony business trip you want to come as a tourist then you need to provide all these detailed information let's say if it's someone's birthday party then attach invitation letter if it's someone's wedding provide wedding invitation card so if you provide all these detailed information then there are high chances that your visitor Visa will be approved in short you need to provide in detail why you want to come to Canada means that your purpose of visit to Canada so if you don't provide it there are high chances that your Visa will be rejected fifth Point financial status this point is very important and refusal is given commonly based on this reason if you don't provide required financial documents then Visa officer May refuse your application so you get a similar reason that I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay and the last line will change here because of your personal assets and financial status because you need to prove that you are financially strong and has enough funds to sponsor your trip to Canada to prove that you have enough money to finance your trip to Canada you need to provide following documents first of all provide income tax return statements of previous two to three years that I am earning this much amount and this much tax I did pay in past second here show bank statement of previous six months which provide information where this money is coming from do not deposit money at once just to show Visa officer because Visa officers are very smart people do not provide them fake information if you do provide make sure that you cover everything next point is provide your payslips if you have other assets like property mutual funds Etc which has market value you can provide as a proof of funds if you are retired show pension proofs retirement certificate indicating your pension in short you need to show that you have enough funds to pay your ticket your travel to Canada or you want to explore Canada as a tourist make sure that you have you know funds so you need to provide proof for those things let's move to the next Point employment status in previous section we discussed that you need to have enough money to sponsor your visit to Canada it is also very important to provide where this money is coming from so you need to provide your source of income for that you provide your stable employment or job details provide from how long you are working you should also get leave of absence certificate or NOC to submit along your application this will make your application further stronger as Visa officer will think this person is taking days off from his stable job once his trip is over in Canada he will return back to his home country so you need to prepare your application as per Visa officer's point of view if you are self-employed you have a shop or store provide relevant documents with your application if you own agriculture land your profession is farming then provide relevant documents along your application if you are a farmer from India then you can provide jform you can provide jform original along with translated in English as well but if unemployed or you are not working there are high chances that your file will be rejected and Visa officer will give you a similar reason that I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay and the last line will change that based on your current employment situation seventh point is length of proposed stay on visitor Visa someone can stay maximum of six months inside Canada people sometimes state in their application that they plan to stay six months which is the max stay under visitor Visa which makes Visa officers suspicious which can lead to rejection as well for example let's say your reason for visit to Canada is to attend a marriage ceremony or a birthday party or a business trip you guys know that marriage ceremony doesn't last for 6 months so you need to provide length of stay which meets your purpose of visit if you are going to attend a marriage ceremony provide a length of stay no more than two months so whenever you want to visit Canada for a specific reason provide relevant proposed day so that there are high chances for acceptance let's move to next Point host documentation host is the person who is inviting applicant to Canada so you need to provide host documents and details as well if hosts do not provide sufficient documentation then Visa officer can deny your application as well the most important document horse needs to provide first of all invitation letter a poor invitation letter can lead to refusal this is one of the major reason that many application got refused because of poor invitation letter if you have an invitation letter which is drafted very well then there are high chances of approval posts need to provide following documents first of all proof of funds for example notice of assessment bank statement Etc host also needs to provide immigration status for example his status in Canada a PR card citizenship or work permit or student permit whatever status host has inside Canada he or she needs to provide relevant document ninth point is applicants is and marital status let's say a person's is is less than 25 or between 18 to 25. he or she is unmarried as well on the top of that he has relatives in Canada if you want to make it worse he is unemployed as well he is not full-time student So based on above details Visa officer will resect your application because Visa officer will think that you are young he will work in Canada and applicant can find someone to get married eventually he can settle inside Canada so in this situation you will not get Canada visitor Visa misrepresentation do not do this mistake provide all required details and documents as per instructions sometime it happens that you withhold some information in other words you hide some information then this could lead to refusal as well for example let's say you applied for visitor visa for USA or Canada in past and your Visa was denied or refused now after few years you want to apply for Canada's visitor Visa while filling out the forms you mentioned that your visitor visa for USA or Canada was never rejected because USA and Canada share immigration information so Visa officer will come to know that you withheld some information so this is a clear case of misrepresentation without any second thought your visitor Visa for Canada will be resected second time second Point under misrepresentation that if you have submitted documents which do not appear authentic means like you have submitted some wrong documents or you are providing falsified or wrong information to his officers for example fake job letter fake experience if Visa officer finds these things you can get five years of ban and fine as well so in future you will not be able to come to Canada as well so these were the 10 most common reason for rejection which we have discussed throughout this video in the end of the video I want to discuss other reasons as well which can lead to rejection for your application so first of all is that if you have any previous history of overstaying in Canada second is if you have any illegal status in your country of residence the third is failure to meet Health standard as per Canadian government and the fourth reason is forms that are not filled properly if there is a wrong information or if there are some missing information this could also lead to rejection if you have done any human right violation then your file can be rejected as well so these were the most common reasons that can be given by the Visa officer for rejection again I want to say that there can be many reasons for rejection but we discussed most common that there are high chances that you get visitor visa for your parents for your family members on the very first attempt if you guys have any question about this video or if you want to apply for visitor Visa or super Visa you can visit to my channel on YouTube you will get detailed videos how to apply Vista Visa or supervisa how to prepare invitation letters for both of them so if you have any comment you can leave a comment in comment box I will definitely reply so once again please do subscribe to my channel so that you guys don't miss any future updates thank you very much
Channel: CanVisa Pathway
Views: 208,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visitor visa refusal reason canada, Canada visitor visa, 179b canada refusal, Canada visa rejection, why Canada visitor refused, visitor visa denied, visitor visa rejection, Parents visitor visa, Parents Super visa for Canada, reasons for Canada tourist visa rejection, Visitor visa strong ties back home, Refusal 179b Canada Visa, visitor visa refusal canada, Canada visitor visa refusal, Visitor visa refusal, Tourist visa refusal, canada visitor visa updates, CanVisa Pathway
Id: MgSzCSAvM8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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