how to submit documents in ircc portal for Canada visit visa (self apply)

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the Canada Visa help and today we will be discussing about how to submit your documents in your ircc portal for Canada visit Visa so I hope you have enjoyed our last videos and you have seen that we we have made uh an ifcc portal account and then we have uh created our profile cic profile and then we have also completed the questionnaire and after that we are directed to here your document checklist So based on your profile you have your J document checklist prepared here by ircc portal itself so now you have to fill out the profiles uh document checklist because uh it will be the last step before you submit your application so how to organize your documents in the ircc portal account this is what I will be showing you today so first of all you have to have your application form so the application form is called IMM 5257 it is required you see so you have to fill out the IMM 5257 form and to do that you need ad acrobate DC in your computer so if you do not have acrobat DC what you can do is you go to Google and you do adob acrobat DC download click here to download adob Acrobat Reader DC and then there are suggestions and among those you can select this one add the acrobat read DC or you can select this one adob reader DC download so uh by selecting any of those links by clicking any of those links you can go and install your adob reader DC so that you can open the file otherwise there will be problem opening the file opening the form imm5257 so first you have to download that and then you can fill out the form and you can upload the file here and after that you need supporting documents I will also be discussing supporting documents today so first you have to give the travel history so what are the travel histories so these are the things included in the travel history travel history means in which countries you had travel the history like you have to scan the um scan these things these things here mentioned here and upload there so what are the things that you can include your previous passports or and or sorry your previous passports and or visas used within the last 10 years to travel outside your country so you have to give the previous passports or visas that you used for traveling last 10 years outside your country okay and entry and exit stamps you know uh whenever you reach a country and uh come out of that country then their Customs issue entry or exit stamps so you have to scan those stamps the pages that carry those stamps and then you have to upload study and or work permit that indicates uh that indicat at your duration outside of your country so scan anything like study permit or work permit uh and then uh you have to down uh upload there and expired or valid visas boarding passes so these are the things you have to upload there in the travel History Section here and then passport so the pass Port means the travel Document that you use or that your country of origin has issued in your name so that you can do the travels outside the country whenever you go you need a passport that you are a citizen of a country so that is the thing and what of that passport you have to upload you have to upload the pages that shows sorry for that the page that shows your birth date and country of origin and any pages with stamps visas or markings so these are the things you have to scan and upload in that section [Music] so you understand which page I'm talking about the page of passport that carries your photo your country of origin your date of birth uh the office that issued your passport these are the information included in the pass it is also known as passport bio page so you have to upload passport bio page here and then proof of means of financial support so what are the documents you have to submit for financial support so it is also given here your bank statements for the past 4 months for Canada they accept at least last four months spank statement so it can be Beyond last four months but at least last four months a bank draft or a pay stab employment L proof of assets of business proof of payment of tution it is very important if you have paid any tution fees or any accommodation fees in Canada and you have received that is a very very good thing and Visa officer gets easily convinced uh seeing those kinds of documents so of course uh include those and and upload those tax reports declarations or statements proof of student or education loan from financial institution a letter for from a person of or institution providing you with money proof of funding paid from within Canada if you have scholarship or in Canadian funded educational program proof of a Canadian bank account in your name if money has been transferred to Canada so these are the things that come under this section so scan everything together and upload here so you have to scan everything together and upload here upload here upload here but no of those individual sections can carry more than 4 megabytes if any of these sections have a peri that has or jpg that has uh size more than 4 MB you have to curle that by resizing so keep in mind and then digital photo so how to size your digital photo it is given here this is the way your the direction is given so you have to follow the direction and you have to make a photo of this size which is 420 into 540 pixels okay and it can cannot be approximately uh file size can be approximately 2 40 KB no more than 4 MB okay so this this is a good uh size like 240 KB so try to keep it like 250 260 okay so there are only two formats they accept jpeg or jpeg2000 format so keep in mind you have to make a JPG file not other kind of file do not do a PDF for your photo okay so do this and then you upload the photo and then purpose of travel so what is the purpose of travel purpose of travel means you give a document that yes you actually traveling to Canada if you fail to prove it with a document it is very hard to convince the Visa off officer so if you have a flight ticket if you have a travel it itinary or if you have a proof of medical appointment then the Visa officer is probably going to be easily convinced about issuing the Visa so have that document and it is required if you do not have travel Document or flight ticket or medical medical uh appointment related document then it is really really hard for Visa officer to be convinced and uh become favorable to you and then you have to submit another form which is called family information form and it is IMM 5645 and again for opening this file you need adob acrobat DC so download it in your computer and open this PDF file with that adob acrobate DC not with anything else so that you can avoid any kind of interruption and now optional documents these are the optional documents schedule one it is optional IMM 5257 so you can ignore that if you want but you should not ignore client information you should make a file for client information which will include the documents that are not already given in these sections so there are there there are documents which you could not provide there but you want to provide here to further strengthen your application so make those documents together and uh make a file of less than 4 MB and submit here so that your file or your application becomes even stronger so you should not ignore this part client information you you can use this part to provide additional documents to the Visa officer and finally after you submit your all documents you can you will be able to pay the visa fee and you know do not be deprive uh do not be tricked by any agency or somebody that uh may take out money from you like so much more money from you do not be tricked by them this is $100 this is V the fee for visitor visa and for biometric the fee is $85 so this is $185 Canadian dollars so keep in mind this is the government fee and nothing else so then your file will be comp complete like you submit all the documents pay the Visa fees and your file will be complete and biometric fees and your uh visa application will be completed and then you will be able to uh wait for the decision of the Canadian visa officer and hopefully you will be approved the Visa so we hope all the best for you so thank you for watching and let let me know if you find any kind of difficulty but I will also introduce you with the IMM 5257 in Greater detail and also I will discuss proof of means of financial support and also I will show you how to fill out family information how to resize the photo and how to combine the client information section with the documents so hopefully you will enjoy our next videos so thanks for watching so bye have a good day
Channel: USA Canada VISA Help
Views: 6,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canada visit visa, ircc portal, submit documents, proof of finance for canada, cic profile, canada visa application
Id: 9t-5gsdfFqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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