How to write Invitation letter for Canada Visitor Visa| Sample Letter Included| Letter Format

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hi guys welcome to the new video I hope you all are doing well so if you are in Canada I'm sure at some point of time you do want to invite your parents siblings or your friends to Canada on a tourist visa and if you want to do so one of the most important things you need to do is to write an invitation letter to invite them to Canada so in today's video we are going to thoroughly discuss about how you can write a correct and convincing invitation letter for them as a good invitation letter can make or break their tourist visa application so in today's video we are going to discuss about how you can write a good invitation letter for the person you are inviting to Canada covering all the different aspects that need to be there in the invitation letter we will also review the irc's requirements for an invitation letter that they need you to write as well as see a sample of an invitation letter that will help you to write an invitation letter yourself also so if you want a sample so that you can write an invitation letter yourself you can go and follow me on my Instagram Channel and then DM me directly and I will send you the sample also if you haven't subscribed to my YouTube channel yet you can do so because I make a lot of informational content for immigrants and students which might be helpful for you all right so now let's start with the video so the first thing is that we need to know what all we need to include or write in the invitation letter so I'll give you a brief description of what are the most important aspects or the things that you need to include in the invitation letter so first of all the first paragraph in the invitation letter should mostly consist of the purpose of visit of the person you are inviting to Canada so for example let's take an example of if you're inviting your sibling to Canada so first thing is you need to give a purpose why they want to come to Canada of course tourism and visiting is one but you need to give a solid purpose because you are inviting them to Canada so just for example I have written an invitation letter so I'll give you my example I am inviting my sister to Canada and it is because I am hosting a house forming party so this can be one of a one of the strong reasons why you want to invite someone to Canada apart from that a lot of people apply for their parents and they do so when it's their convocation so you can invite them on their convocation because it is another important event in your life for which you want your parents or siblings to be in Canada so that is going to be the purpose of visit now in the same paragraph which is the purpose of visit you also clearly write that after their visit they will go back to their home country and you can write various reasons for it so for example if you're inviting your sibling you can write down that they have a job in their home country so that is why they're going to go back or if you're applying for your parents you can write that they have a job or you have grandparents back home for whom they have to take care of so they are coming to Canada only for a short duration of time so this covers the purpose of the visit the second paragraph will mostly cover the duration of the stay as well as where they will be staying and how they will be supporting themselves financially while they are in C Canada so this paragraph should mostly cover their accommodation and their stay and how they will be financing so for example again we'll take an example of if it is your sister you are inviting to Canada and she is going to stay with you for most of the time you mention it clearly that your sister will stay with you for the entire duration of her time in Canada secondly how she will be supporting herself um in can Ada or how she will be paying for her tickets so there you can write that she will be paying it herself from her savings or in any case if you are supporting her financially you have to write that clearly that you will be supporting her financially and then give your proof of funds Etc but uh you just have to clearly write who will be supporting them and then the third thing is you have to write a third paragraph in which you are just going to emphasize on the fact that the person you are inviting to Canada will abide the immigration rules and regulations and will go back to their home country well within their duration of stay so this is going to be an important paragraph As it will emphasize and assure the ircc that the person you are inviting to Canada will go back to their country so how exactly to word it I'll show it later but let's now see what are the other important things that you 100% have to include in the invitation letter some of the little details that you have to include in the invitation letter so that there is no confusion with the immigration officer so let's see them all right so I will put this link in description also but this is the link where you can find out what all things ircc needs in the invitation letter and these are the things you should definitely make sure to include in the invitation letter so the person you are inviting make sure that you write their complete name date of birth address and telephone number your relationship to the person the purpose of drip we have already discussed about and then how long they plan to stay in Canada and where will they stay and how they will pay they we have already discussed this and then when they plan to leave Canada Canada we have already discussed this now on the same letter you should also include this information about yourself which is going to be your complete name date of birth address phone number job title whether you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident and then a photocopy of the document providing your status in Canada and then you also must provide details of your family such as names and date of births of your spouse or dependents in Canada now as you saw all the details that you need to include in the invitation letter you also saw that you need to attach a proof of your status in Canada so whether you are a permanent resident or a citizen or on work permit or on study permit you need to apply the proof along with the invitation letter so that the immigration officer can see that proof with the invitation letter now let's jump in and see an actual invitation letter written by me and see how I have incorporate the different paragraphs we just spoke about and the details we just saw on the ircc website into the actual invitation letter so this is a sample invitation letter which I have written for my sister the first thing you need to write here is your address and then you need need to write the person whom you are um writing this invitation letter to which in my case is going to be the Visa officer uh the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi and then you make sure you write the subject which in this case is going to be invitation letter for sister's visitor Visa the first line says that the letter is supporting your sister's visitor visa application and that you have attached all the necessary information about your sister these are the things we just discussed uh which were also on the ircc website you need to write them in detail then you write about the purpose of visit why your sister wants to visit you here you can write your own purpose and also make sure to write two or three lines about why your sister will go back to the home country so for example I have written that my sister has to come for the house forming party and that she will go back to the home country because she is enrolled in a postgraduate program which she has to join once she goes back then you need to write the duration of trip make sure you write the exact dates whether or not the dates are yet decided you write exact dates then write the details of stay and finances so for example as we already discussed I have written that my sister will stay with me for her entire duration of this St and also that her mother will be financing her entire trip if the trip is financed by you know your parents or your sister or your brother themselves then you can write that also or if it is being sponsored by yourself then you have to state that clearly also and then you have to give your information in which you will give all the information again which was also on the ircc website make sure to also give your status and your spouse or your children's uh names and date of births if applicable as I said that we need to write a last paragraph clearly emphasizing that the person you are inviting will go back to their home country after their stay so you can write something like this I have written here which says that I would like to emphasize is that my sister will not be a burden on the government of Canada and I'm confident that she will comply to all the terms and conditions of visitor visa and will depart Canada well before the authorized St period so it is good to write something like this at the end of the letter and then in the end write your name and today's date also make sure you do not forget to copy or paste your proof of status here so for example if you're permanent resident just pay your PR card here or your study permit work permit or your passport if you are a citizen of Canada all right so I hope the that this entire process of writing and invitation letter was made more clear to you by this video a few things that you need to keep in mind when you're writing an invitation letter the first is that be detailed and include all the details that ircc has specifically mentioned on the website in the invitation letter second thing is be clear and to the point so do not write big paragraphs just be on point and write whatever is required and the third thing is do not make very very long invitation letters an invitation letter of one to one and a half page should be enough don't make them too long or too complicated for the immigration officer to read through also as I told before if you want the sample invitation letter just follow me on my Instagram Channel and DM me and I am going to send you a sample invitation letter if this video was helpful to you do share it with your friends and family members who are planning to write an invitation letter for someone's tourist visa you can also write down any comments in the comment section and ask any questions you have or also ask me directly on my my Instagram Channel and as I said if you haven't subscribed already you can subscribe to my channel and like the video if it was helpful to you and I'll see you in the next video till then bye guys
Channel: Navreet Vlogs
Views: 17,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: invitation letter, canada visitor visa, invitation letter format, canada invitation letter, IRCC invitation letter, sample invitation letter
Id: r6V3vdi--AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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