Document required for Canada Visitor Visa 2024 | Canada Visa | Canada Tourist Visa | CanVisa Pathway

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hello everybody hope you all doing good in today's video we will discuss about required documents for Canada Vista Visa if you are applying for Canada Vista Visa or tourist visa you should know all the documents you may need this video is very important for those people who are planning to go to Canada and they want to apply Vista visa application by themselves we will discuss required documents in detail for Canada Visa but make sure you guys watch this video till the very end that you can get maximum out of this before we start this video if you are coming to our channel for very first time please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel to get most up-to-date news about Canadian immigration so let's start first is invitation letter which is also called sponsorship letter as well one of your family member or friend or relative who is living inside Canada will provide this letter in the end of the video we will also discuss what is the basic format for invitation letter so that you guys can prepare invitation letter by yourself I will share my personal invitation letter which I use to sponsor my parents to Canada so let's move to Second Point proof of funds we will discuss about required proof of funds where we will need to prove that we have enough money to sponsor our trip to Canada so that we can convince Visa officer that we have sufficient funds to explore Canada and we will not be burdened on any person and government for that we need to provide following details first of all we need to provide bank statement of previous six months it will make our file stronger and there will be more chances to get Canada visa on the very first attempt bank balance certificate if we discuss about required bank balance certificate for single person it is around 6 lakh or 10 000 Canadian dollars for one person in your saving account if you are two person husband and wife then you need to show around 8 lakh or 14 000 Canadian dollars per couple you need to get bank balance certificate which is issued by your bank let's say if you want to launch your application today then try to get this certificate from the bank to three days before you submit your application if you have got this balance certificate from the bank around 20 days or month before you submit your application then bank balance certificate is of no use always try to get bank balance certificate two to three days before you launch your application it is very easy to get balance certificate from Bank it will hardly take around 10 to 15 minutes to get this certificate make sure when you get balance certificate it is printed on banks or official letterhead and it is stamped with manager's signature on it I have made a detailed video for how much bank balance you need to have in your bank account if you want to apply for visitor visa for that please visit our YouTube channel or you can find a link in description as well Network see a report you need to have Network report you can contact a CA to make net worth report for you CA report will have valuation of any property you own for example your house agriculture land or any other property you own you can also include gold valuation as well if you have a car or any vehicle on your name then you can also provide this valuation as well this is very important because it shows that you have strong ties to your home country and Visa officer thinks that this person has property back home and after his trip to Canada is over he will return back to home I have made a detailed video on how to show strong ties to your home country you can visit our YouTube channel and I will leave a link in description as well investment and other income Source apart from things we have discussed about if you have any investment then you can provide investment details for example if you have an LIC policy or if you own shares then you can provide those details as well if you have other income sources for example if you have a property which you have rented to someone and you are getting some income out of that or if you own agriculture land then you can provide land valuation as well then the next is inviter's proof inviter is a person who is inviting us to Canada or sponsor who's sponsoring US to Canada so we need to have following proofs for the person who is inviting us to Canada bank statement inviter needs to provide his bank statement which is very easy to get then pay slips or pay stubs job letter or business letter ITR or notice of assessment if the inviter has a job then he needs to provide employment letter from his employer on the company's letterhead with job details and responsibilities if inviter has a business then business letter is required then inviter is also required to provide ITR or notice of assessment of previous year so provide these details from inviter side then passport copy provide inviters color and passport copy then we need to have inviters status inside Canada if inviter is citizen then provide proof of citizenship if inviter is permanent resident then provide a copy of PR card provide relevant documents for inviter status inside Canada if you are on work permit then provide relevant documents national identity documents for national identity document you can provide aadhar card if you use aadhar card then you need to provide date of issue as well which you will not find on hard copy of aadhar card to find date of issue you need to have digital copy of your aadhar card where you can find date of issue when you fill out online form then you can provide these details the next is valid passport of applicant it is important to note that your passport have to have a minimum validity of 6 months if you don't have it then get your passport renewed the next is proof of relationship so you need to prove that the person who is inviting you from Canada that has a relationship with you for example if you want to bring your parents or you want to apply for parents visitor Visa for Canada provide birth certificate of inviter as it has both parents name on the birth certificate and also provide inviters passport as it has both parents name on it if you want to bring your spouse on visitor visa to Canada provide marriage certificate for sponsoring your spouse to Canada and also make sure that both inviter and invit has each other's name on their respective passport in other words wipes passport should have husband's name on it and husband's passport should have wife's name on it the next point is employment information or business information of the applicant if applicant has a job and he's working then provide employment details if the principal applicant on a business then provide business details if you have a job then you need to provide employment letter from your employer on the company's letterhead usually it is issued by HR department mention your name how long you are working with them when did you start working your job details and other responsibilities you should also provide payslips of previous six months other than that you should get a letter of absence from your HR or manager that your vacation leave is approved lastly provide your previous three years of income tax return which means that you are paying taxes back home and you have strong ties to your home country if applicant has a business or you are self-employed or you have a shop back home then provide article of incorporation you can also provide Revenue documents for the business if you have a GST number then you can provide that as well farmer or you own agriculture land then you should provide proof of most recent J forms as well make sure that you provide original and English translated J forms these all document will demonstrate that you have strong ties to your home country and it shows Visa officer that after your trip to Canada is over you will return to your back home these all documents and details you need to collect and you need to make a PDF out of it and then you can upload under proof of funds you can also make a table of content to make easier for Visa officer to understand which documents you are providing the next is travel history if you have traveled out of your country then you can provide these details when you fill out these forms online for visitor Visa I have discussed in detail how to enter these details when you fill out online application for visitor Visa you can find a link in description or you can directly go to our channel to see how to fill out these details the next is travel itinerary or purpose of visit cover letter provide all details in cover letters such as why you want to visit Canada when will you come to Canada what will you do inside Canada provide your activities how long you want to stay when you will leave Canada all these details you should provide inside cover letter flight details it is not mandatory to have flight details when you don't have Canada visitor Visa so it is not mandatory to provide flight details here but if you have flight details you can provide always here hotel reservation if you are going to Canada and you have a hotel reservation or booking then provide confirmation reservation details as well event reservation in case you are going to Canada to attend an event then provide reservation or registration details of the event use of Representative im5476e you need to fill out this form only if someone else is representing your application for example let's say you want to bring your parents to Canada and you are submitting application on your parents behalf then you need to fill out use of Representative form and upload online but if you are submitting application for yourself then you don't need to provide use of Representative form let's see briefly how to fill out IMM 5476e if you are representing someone's application use of a representative so you can read all whatever written here so here if you are appointing a representative then we need to tick here and we need to complete section A B and D if you want to cancel your representative then you need to complete section A C and D so for now as we want to appoint a representative so we need to fill out section A B and D so let's say section A applicants information so we need to provide here applicants surname or last name here then we need to provide under given name applicants first name then you need to provide here date of birth of the applicant then you need to leave these columns empty if you have you say number you can provide if you don't have it then leave it blank then we need to move on Section B appointment of Representative so here the person who is representing your file then here we need to enter his name or last name here or surname then you need to provide a given name of the person who is representing your file in this column here 0.6 is your representative tick one box if you are representative is a friend or a family member so simply tick here and scroll down here on number seven your representatives contact information so here you need to provide mailing address of your representative then provide here your representatives phone number and then provide email address of your representative and then scroll down eighth point is here your representatives declaration so the representative who is representing your file need to sign here physically you need to print out this paper and you need to sign here then provide the date representative is signing this application form then scroll down and here's section D your declaration here you need to print out this form and applicant has to sign here with the date once you sign here and you have a date here this use of Representative form is completely filled out and you can upload under your application when you are applying for Canada visitor Visa the next is affidavit you can also provide an affidavit in which we will give undertaking that you will return back to your home country after your visit to Canada is over let me share a sample with you which I use to sponsor my parents to Canada so this affidavit I provided for my parents so you need to provide your father and mother name here that we would be visiting Canada to spend quality time State your reason why you want to come to Canada with our son who's permanent resident of Canada and we undertake that we will return back to our country that is India after completion of our planned visit to Canada so you can read this affidavit and you can make a similar affidavit for yourself if you want to come to Canada on visitor Visa here you can provide your father and your mother name and their signatures let's go back now let's discuss how to prepare invitation letter if you want to come to Canada and for that here you can see format of invitation letter this letter is made as per instruction provided by official website of I will leave a link in description where you can download it but don't copy it and modify it as per your situation I have also made a detailed video on how to prepare invitation letter you can find on our YouTube channel and you can find a link in description as well you can read this letter and you will understand it completely the letter which I am taking as an example this is my personal imitation letter which I use to sponsor my parents to Canada on visitor Visa so you can have a look at it here you can provide inviters information inviter's name inviter's passport number present address inside Canada Etc in this paragraph you can provide inviters status and occupation inside Canada then in next paragraph provide information about the person you want to sponsor to Canada for example if you want to bring your parents to Canada provide parents details here in next paragraph explain why applicant want to come to Canada so you need to provide explanation why applicant want to come Canada you should read this invitation letter couple of times you will understand each and every detail then you can make an invitation letter for yourself if you want to sponsor someone from your family to Canada we have discussed most of the documents which are required for Canada Visa in case you want to check what documents are required as per official website simply go to this space you can find a link in description if you want to visit this page click on sporting documents sporting documents for visitor Visa applicant why are you visiting Canada so you can select here out of drop down menu as a visitor for business purpose for family visit let's say we select here as a tourists you want to visit Canada here you can see all the documents which are required for Canada tourist visa there are some documents which are optional in case you have these documents you can provide them you can read this page and you will find Which documents are required and which format you need to prepare these documents if you want to apply Canada tourist visa let's go back and select here instead of theories for a family visit what is your family member status inside Canada so you need to select your family members status inside Canada if the family member is citizen of Canada select citizen if his permanent residence collects permanent resident if he's on a temporary Visa inside Canada then select here temporary resident inside camera for example I'm going to select here Canadian permanent resident do you plan to visit your children grandchildren for more than six months I would say no then again you can see we have details of documents which are required for Canada Vista Visa so here you can see that you need to provide Letter of Invitation proof of relationship in short you can read all this space and you can see that which documents are required as per official website we have already discussed most of the things which you see here so just to double triple shot just visit this page and make sure everything is okay when you apply for Canada Vista Visa I hope you guys find my video useful I always try to bring videos which could help you and help you learn and be independent if you have any question you can leave a comment in comment box I will definitely reply thank you very much
Channel: CanVisa Pathway
Views: 37,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documents required for spouse visa canada, documents required for canada visitor visa, visitor visa documents, tourist visa documents, canada visitor visa, Canada visitor visa process, documents required for immigration, visa documents, visa documents for canada, canada visa document list, parents visitor visa, canada super visa, canada tourist visa, canada visa, canada tourist visa documents, canada tourist visa latest update, trv, CanVisa Pathway, canada tourist visa 2024
Id: xbD6-LuQSvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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