How to ADD TEXT to Video in Premiere Pro CC 2021 | Tutorial for Beginners

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in this video i'm going to tell you everything you need to know about adding text in adobe premiere pro let's go that rhymed way too much alright so before we actually add any text i just want you to know that this blue line right here this is where your text is going to be added to your sequence so make sure you line this up where you want it then go down here to this t the type tool if you left click and hold you'll see that we can do vertical type tool and just regular type tools so i'm going to pick that one regular type tool and then just go up and click on your screen where you want the text to be so i'm just going to click right here you're going to see this red kind of cursor thing show up and your graphic is going to appear right here on your sequence and it's going to appear at the lowest layer possible so if i was over here and clicked you'd see that it's going to appear on the bottom layer but because i had video clips on layer one already it's gonna pop in right above it now the issue here is that the red thing is gone but if i click back on graphic you're gonna see that that actually opens up two panels one is under effect controls and the other one if i scroll up here is essential graphics if you don't see either of those just go to window and you'll find effect controls right here and essential graphics right there and really they both kind of do the exact same thing so to activate that red box again if i click on here you can try and find it like if i hover over you can see it right there or you can click on this t right here or you can go over here and this little drop down with this little triangle thing you can click on text right here and that'll activate the red box again and then all you have to do is click back in there and add the text that you want so adding text is what i'm going to write in there and you'll see that as soon as i click away so if i click back over here under effect controls you'll see beside text now there's adding text in brackets so whatever i write is going to appear right there and then over here in effect controls it also added it right here okay so now let's look at how we can adjust our text so the first thing you need to know is that your text needs to be selected to be able to manipulate it so i can click in the box and highlight i can triple click to highlight everything in the box or you can go ctrl a just to make sure everything is selected just be careful because if you click anywhere outside the box it's going to add another text thing over here you see there's a blank one which we'll come back to later but for right now we don't want that so click in your box and make sure everything is highlighted and now we can start manipulating our text and because of what i said before it doesn't matter if you work out of effect controls or essential graphics so i'm just going to work out of effect controls because i like to start with my font and stuff first so right here under source text you can see minion pro so i can click on this and pick the font that i want so i'm just going to pick an old go to of impact just a fat font there this is to scale your text so i'm just going to make it a little bit bigger like that then you can center it but this is a weird one because these ones are to center if you made your text box a different way so you could also have made a text box like this and then start typing so if i typed in that box then i could go over to this text one right here and you know center it write a line you know do whatever so this is within the box which i don't like doing because we can mess with that stuff later over here so i'm just gonna delete that one out of there and click back on this one so i'm gonna go left align again that'll put it back where i had it before if we click down here and drag to the right each letter will separate further apart from each other if you drag left they'll get closer to each other this one right here this will do nothing if everything's on the same layer but if i click in here and drop this one down then this will separate your text to be further apart or closer in terms of the row that they're on so i'm just going to put that text back up there if i highlight it again and go down here this will make your text bold this is italic this will make sure everything is all caps this will make sure that everything is all caps but the first letter will be higher like taller than the other letters this will you know you have to kind of highlight a portion of it so if i click this it's going to make that part smaller again if we highlight this and do this one it'll make that text you know drop down like that and this will put an underline under whatever is highlighted right here obviously this is where you change the color of your text so i'm going to click on that and you know you can pick whatever color you want slide this down right here you can add a stroke onto it and this will be the thickness of your stroke so the higher the number the fatter the stroke the lower the number the skinnier two of the newer things that have been added are these two right here background and shadow and i'm gonna actually unclick to be able to do this so if you click on background and then slide this up you're gonna see that it adds just a rectangle behind there and right here you can slide this up to make that bigger or smaller and then to change the color of it same thing you just click on here and pick whatever you want so i'm going to pick this stupid bright red and click on it and that's where you see it so now if i make that kind of more see-through like that that looks okay and then down here is a drop shadow but this is the drop shadow for the text so it's not going to be for the box so if you click on that one you'll get all these other options here this is the intensity of the shadow this is obviously the angle that the drop shadow is going to be this is the separation so you can separate it further and this is going to be kind of the intensity of the edges there and then this is the kind of the blurriness of it so if we brought this both up you can see that's really blurry and if i bring this down it kind of sharpens up those edges like that now what's really good about being able to add the background this way is that it's actually responsive to what you type so if i added change text in here you can see that the box the background box there adjusted as i was typing new things in there so that's really good but probably the most interesting feature in here is actually this mask with text but if we click on it when in effect controls your text is just going to disappear even if you click on invert nothing's going to happen there so we have to make sure we're clicked on our graphic like on our text here and click on masking text over here in essential graphics and then all we have to do is go and get a new clip so i'm going to drag this winter clip right in here under masking text and let go you're going to see it pop in behind your text then just click on it and scale it you know position it how you want so i'm going to scale it down a bit and just kind of move it over like that now when we click back on masking text and we go down here to those same things that we're just messing with over here if we click on mask with text it's going to appear in our background there so this background that we added so i did this on purpose so that you can see that you need to have that unchecked and then it's also looking still bad here because of shadow so if you unclick shadow that's probably the look that you're going for and then if we go back to the top you can see that if you click back on winter now when we position it and scale it it'll happen within the text so something else you might want to do here is actually go to the clip that is underneath it and maybe you know drop the opacity so that that masking text thing stands out a little bit more now when we play it both videos will play the background one and whatever is happening in here you can see a little car right there okay so the last things that we can mess with are all here under transform but this is actually where i switch over to the essential graphics panel because all of these things here are the exact same as these ones here but this has a bunch more features right here under align and transform so let's start with those so this one will be vertical center so it'll put it exactly in the middle between the top and the bottom this one will align to the middle left and right this one will align to the top this one's also middle from the top and the bottom this is to the bottom this is left this is middle this is right so i'm just going to click on this and this for now and put it in the middle if you click down here and drag to the left and right you're going to be able to move this one left and right if you click here this is going to move it up and down or you can actually go down here to this selection tool and then move it wherever you want as well so i'm just going to kind of plunk it in there and then put it back to the middle and middle right here this is where you can further scale it up or down but notice as you scale it up it's going to lose its center spot so you might have to go center and center again or if you notice that it's actually scaling based on this center point here so you can move this center point to where you want so i'm just going to plunk it right in the middle so that i can realign here and here and that really comes into play as well because right here is where we can rotate it and it's going to rotate around wherever that spot is and then down here is just opacity so if i slide this down it's going to be more see-through or you know completely opaque okay so now what if you want to add more text well there's actually three different ways that we can do that the first way is to just make sure your blue line is over top of your current graphic or text thing and then just go over to your screen and click as we saw before a new red thing will show up you can also if i delete that you can also just go over to your essential graphics and right here this little new layer thing click on that and then select text right here a new text box is going to show up this time it's going to have text in it already so just kind of line it up kind of close to where you want then just click into that and type what you want so i'm going to go in premiere pro then just adjust it and position it where you want the bonus of doing it this way is that all of your text things that you add in here will be housed in one graphic down here on your timeline which means that we can move it and they'll move together we can also go over here to vector motion and scale them together you know move them together or even animate them together but it also gives us the opportunity to move them independent of each other as well so if we click over here on in premiere pro we can now move and scale and animate this one separate from this one which gives us a lot of flexibility the second way to add text is to just make sure this blue line thing is not over top of your current text graphic so just place it over here and click and that'll add that new box and i can type in in premiere pro as well and then just take that graphic and slide it over top of the other one here and in this case i'm just going to hide the other one there and then once again just adjust it and move it into place the bonus of doing it this way is that each of these graphics are now independent of each other and then the third way to add text is just to click back into your original box and hit enter then just type in what you want underneath or above or whatever you want and then just highlight that portion to be able to adjust it just remember that these ones right here or here are going to impact your text within the box and then these ones right here are going to impact your text box in relation to the full screen so i'm just going to click this to line it up there and make sure that this is in the center all right so the last thing that i want to show you is a few different ways to use your text again so let's say you made the best text ever and you want to use it again this is how you do it but first i'm just going to go to the selection tool and click on this you might be wondering about this right here this line it's simple to make you just go over here to new layer click on it add a rectangle and then obviously just resize it and position it where you want okay so the first way to reuse your text again is simply to go down here click on your graphic and then hold alt or option on a mac and click and drag this out that'll make a copy so you can now take this one and plunk it over here so if you click over it now you can double click in and change this to maybe you know worst text ever realign it and then maybe down here you can go in and go i don't want to use it again realign it and that will not impact this other one this graphic is now separate from this graphic the other way you can do it is just by dragging your clips out so i'm going to go kind of beyond here and then going to the razor tool and then just slicing at the cuts then we can just go over to a new one here so worst text ever and we can also just you know change that to i don't know worst tree ever or something but if we go over here i also want to show you that you can just put it over black so if there's nothing underneath it then obviously it's going to be over top of black i'm just going to slice this one off as well but if you don't want it to be black if you want it to be a different color all you have to do is go to wherever your media is and you know i just slid this over because sometimes it's hiding in here go down here to new item then just select color matte click ok pick the color that you want so i'm just going to pick a blue pretty quick name it click ok and then it'll show up within your files here then just drag it underneath and there you go and then finally if you want to just keep this for other projects you can also click on your graphic go up to graphics and down to export as motion graphics template now it's not a motion in this case but if you did animate it then it'll save all that as well so i click on that this thing's going to pop up i'm going to call this just worst and it's going to go in my local templates folder include video thumbnail click ok and it's going to create it now where did it go well if we go back to our essential graphics this whole time we've been working under edit you can also go to browse and there's a whole bunch of templates that you can already pick from that premiere has already installed so on this last clip here this one i can drag any one of these as a graphic right into my project and there'll be a template ready for me to edit and all the same rules apply so if i double click in here i can go best title ever and then now when we watch it it's a built-in preset template there so it will play right over top of my clip but if we go back to browse again and we go right to the bottom now the one that we just made will also be in there so i can click over here and just drag it on and use it in the future for anything that i want and that's it that's all i got for adding text in premiere pro if you got something out of this video make sure to drop a like and if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing and i'll catch you next time you
Channel: Shawn Dolinski
Views: 9,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro how to add text, how to add text in premiere pro, essential graphics panel, premiere pro type tool, add text premiere pro, how to add titles in premiere pro, add titles to video, how to add text in premiere, how to add text adobe premiere pro 2021, add text premiere pro 2021, how to add text to video, how to add text in premiere pro cc 2021, how to add title in premiere pro, add titles to video premiere pro, Tutorial for Beginners, add text
Id: Ap_P3y_ZM1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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