Premiere Pro Tutorial for Beginners 2021 - Everything You NEED to KNOW!

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so video editing is definitely a very valuable skill in today's day and age and in this video i'm going to show you all you need to know to get started as a complete beginner so without wasting any more time let's get straight into my computer and let's get started editing so adobe actually offers a free seven-day trial to anyone who wants to try out their program so i highly recommend doing that so you can see whether you even like it or not and whether you want to purchase a subscription for it or not so the first thing you want to do is open up a new project inside premiere there you can select the title of it and also where you want the project to be stored on your computer click ok and this is kind of what you should be seeing when you start your first new project i know that this can look a little bit overwhelming at first because there are a bunch of different panels here a bunch of different tools so let's just get started with the basics what you need to do to get started with an edit is to start importing your files so let's get started with that this right here is the media browser kind of like panel where you can see all your files now organization is something that is very hard to learn if you don't get started with that because i personally like started editing by just um first throwing all my clips in and all my audio files in um to the media browser and i could never find anything and that can become a habit and then your editing is going to take way longer than it should so get into the habit of organizing your files before you get started editing for now i'm going to create a new bin and i'm going to call one of those um b-roll because i want to edit kind of like a nice cinematic sequence right now i'm going to call one of those music and i'm going to call one of those sound effects alright so now we have these three bins and then what you want to do next is to click inside the uh certain bin that you want to import your files into and then um drag and drop them into that so right now i have all these different video files here and i'm just going to click and drag and drop them yeah you want to do this for each of your folders you can actually change the view of this kind of panel here by clicking on this and there is this list view and there is this icon view as well i personally prefer the list view it's just a bit more organized for my eyes but you can use whatever you want and then you can see that i can open up all these different bins that i've just created and see everything in just a second so the next thing you want to do so you can actually start editing these files that we have just imported inside premiere is to create a new sequence so to do that you're going to hit right click here and then create new item and a new sequence so here you can see there are a bunch of different settings here basically in the sequence you're setting uh the frame rate of your sequence and also the resolution of your sequence which you are going to be editing in for the editing mode i'm going to hit custom and then for frames per second i want to um pick 23.976 which is kind of like the standard in the cinematic um you know field and then uh for the frame size i'm going to select um 1920 by 1080 and um i'm going to quick uh select square pixels and that's pretty much all i'm gonna do for now so then i hit uh click okay and now you can see that i actually have uh this sequence here what i like to do is go here and then actually kind of like skim through it and then i'm only going to export the part which i actually want to see in the final edit so what i mean by that is for example you can see let's say i want to start this video here and now i can click i on my keyboard and that's going to set the end point and then i can you know scroll through it a little bit and then maybe i want this clip to end here i'm going to hit o and then i can just go ahead and now drag it on the timeline you can see that now i only have this selected part that i wanted so i'm going to do this with the rest of these videos and then show you the end result you can change the um tallness kind of of this video section here by dragging on this or the same thing with the video so you can see what you're doing better and the way you can zoom on the timeline is by dragging this little thing here or uh by using your trackpad if you are on a laptop or you're using a trackpad so now that we have these clips on the timeline i'm going to show you the very basic uh tools that you're going to use in your editing workflow so the first one is just the select uh selection tool and you um basically can drag things around with that you know click on anything change the effect controls of any clip which i'm going to go into a little bit and uh yeah you get that tool by clicking v on your keyboard or by clicking on this then the next thing that you're going to use a lot is uh the razer tool and you can get that by clicking c on your keyboard or by hitting on this and with this you can cut um a clip into two pieces or more pieces by just clicking on wherever we want to make the cut and then basically it's now cut into two different clips so if i want to cut out the middle part of this i can just make these two cuts here then press on v for the selection tool and then press on delete and now i've deleted it uh if you want to make um like if you want to get rid of the space now that is here between the two you can just click on the empty space here and then click on the delete and now you can see that it moved all the different clips um right up to the um like the cut before okay so now i'm going to show you how you can speed up or slow down different clips very very simple so you can see that i have this cool clip of my friend just walking in a forest so i want to slow this down now what i am going to do is right click on it click on speed slash duration and then i can uh slow it down now so for example i want to slow it down to uh 20 frames 20 and then i'm just gonna click ok and uh boom you can see that now it is in amazing slow motion now if i want to do the reverse of this and speed up a clip for example i can just do the same thing click on the clip and then go to speed slash duration and then here now i'm going to for example double the uh speed so i'm going to put 200 percent there and you can see now it's sped up my clip and it's going to be you know faster like that now let me show you how to use effects and transitions so what you want to do is first of all i want to kind of close up close these panels here that i've created for all the different bins i can still open these up whenever i want to by going here and then double clicking on any of these bins i've created and then i want to go into this effects section here to add any effects that i want to add to these clips and i'm going to go to video transitions and then you can see all the different transitions that are uh installed inside of premiere by default now i'm going to use the cross dissolve one which is probably one of the most uh popular transitions in uh you know film and all of filmmaking so to add it to a clip you're going to drag and drop it between two clips like this and now you can see how these two kind of fade into each other very smoothly now to make this look better i need to make this clip a little bit like longer so you can actually see the effect but you can see that now i have this forest that just fades into the shot of this controller so that's how simple transitions are to use if you want to change the duration of a transition you can just either you know click on it and then change it right here or you can click on it and grab it like this and change the duration by dragging it on the timeline you can also change the duration of clips um by dragging them and uh you know if you want to include less of the clip just drag it like that if you want to include more drag it like that straight forward now if you want to add effects to a video what you're going to do is go into this uh you know we are in the same section effects video effects and then uh you can choose from all these different effects that they already have in here so for example i want to add a gaussian blur effect to this so it's going to blur it and boom now i added it but now what i'm gonna have to do is to go into this effects control panel uh here in the top left and then here where it says blurriness i'm going to up this a little bit more so for example i'm going to put 30 there and now you can see that it has blurred um my video and this is how you add effects and this is where you can actually change um all these different effects opacity and uh strength and all the different settings that come with them okay so now i'm gonna show you how you can add a text to your video so to do that what you're gonna do is just uh press t on your keyboard and then click on the actual video and then just type your text that you want to um add to the video so i'm just gonna put forest in there for example then you can highlight that text go into this little panel here uh click this drop down menu and then you can change the size of the text you can change the font of the text for example i'm going to use monstera in semi-bold and add to 198 points then you can also change how wide the characters are apart from each other um here and a bunch of different things you can also change the position of the text here um and yeah that's pretty much all you need to know to begin with you can also change the opacity of this um and uh yeah that's kind of how you add a simple text to your video okay so now i'm going to show you how you can add some music and sound effects to your video so go into these folders that you have created for the sound effects and the music for your video and just go and drag and drop it into one of the audio channels right there and boom that's how simple it is if i make this a little bit larger um you can see that now we have this music here and to change the volume of that you can either click on it go to this effects control tab and then click on volume and make it lower by lowering the level there or you can also just go here and kind of like lower it by dragging it down with your mouse or your trackpad like that and then you can see how many decibels it's increasing it or decreasing it by and the same goes with the sound effects you can just go there and drag and drop it like that to one of the audio channels okay so right now i'm gonna show you a little bit of basic coloring um how to color grade your video and change the look of it so to do that i'm going to go into this color section here uh you can see that we have editing uh color effects audio all these different um kind of like layouts that you can choose from up here i like to use the color one to do color grading um because i like that a lot because it's very optimal it has the lumetri color here uh the lumetri scopes here or anything like that i'm not going to go into any like super advanced stuff right now i'm just going to show you very very basic color grading to make your footage look a little bit better so if you don't have lumetri color here you can just go to window workspaces and choose the color one or go here and make sure that the lumetri color one is ticked now also if you want to change the layout of your software you can just drag and drop any of these panels anywhere you want to make it very comfortable for yourself to use so what we are going to do now is just um go on this clip select it and then i'm going to go in and i'm going to use this lumetri tab to make it look a little bit better so i first want to add a little bit more contrast to it and to do that i'm going to raise the highlights and i'm going to lower the shadows so you can see how this immediately added more contrast to it now if i go into this creative tab um you can choose from all the lots that they have available here by default and lots basically help you like change the look of the whole image by one click these are kind of like instagram filters but for video and you can change the intensity of it uh right here with this slider and you can add all sorts of adjustments here as well like sharpening or vibrance or saturation and you can change all those right here now here we also have the curves uh and yeah i'm actually not gonna go super in detail um to these because this can be a little bit you know more time to understand but i hope this gives you like a good understanding of at least of um how to do some basic color correcting and how to add some more contrast and how to change the look of your video uh with lots um right here okay so right now i'm going to use all this knowledge that i just shown you and all these things that i've shown you how to do and then put together a quick cinematic sequence and then after that i'm going to show you how you can export your video alright so i actually finished the editing of this quick video this is how it turned out hope you like it but now let's get into how you can actually export this masterpiece that you have been uh working on so you're going to go into file and then go into export export media and then this is what's going to pop up for you so now you want to make sure that here the whole video that you created is selected so if that is the case then you can choose a format here i'm going to choose h264 which is kind of the standard for all sorts of video that's especially for the internet and then for the preset i'm going to choose youtube 1080p hd for me because i want to export this to youtube but there are a bunch of presets that you can choose from um and yeah actually this is the youtube um 1080p full hd here and then here you can select the output name so i want to call this for example cinematic sequence and then you can select where it should actually save the file so i'm going to choose my desktop and then you can choose the file format but that's going to be mp4 here because i choose h264 and then here there are a bunch of different settings as well i like to select render at maximum depth so you can get a little bit of extra quality out of the footage and then uh you can set the target bit rate which is basically going to determine like i mean it's gonna the bigger you put your target bit rate the more like um details it's going to leave in the footage kind of uh but the bigger your files are going to be as well so um i'm also i also like to select use maximum render quality and that's going to be it for all my settings for now um like again make sure that all everything is selected here and then you can just click on export and it's going to start exporting your video and then once it's done it's going to be on your desktop or wherever you chose to export it alright guys so that's it for this video i really hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to subscribe to the channel to see more content like this i'm going to create more premiere pro videos and also filmmaking and creative entrepreneurship videos so if you want to see that make sure to subscribe and i really appreciate everybody's support hope you got something out of this and i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Vince Opra
Views: 630,067
Rating: 4.9533548 out of 5
Keywords: learn premiere pro for beginners, learn premiere pro in 15 minutes, how to edit videos for youtube, premiere pro tutorial for beginners, premiere pro 2020, what’s new in premiere pro cc 2020, premiere pro 2021, premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro, Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial for Beginners, Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial for Beginners 2021, Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial for Beginners 2020, adobe premiere pro, adobe premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro cc, how to use premiere pro, editor
Id: jTCxUXGM6tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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