How To Add & Edit VIDEO EFFECTS in Premiere Pro CC 2021 // Tutorial for Beginners!

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in this video i'm going to go over how to add adjust and animate basic effects in adobe premiere pro alright so the type of effects that we're going to start with are the native motion and opacity effects found in effect controls if you don't see effect controls just go up to window and then down to effect controls right here and then just make sure you're clicked on the clip that you want to affect because these settings are attached to whatever clip you are clicked on if we look up here we can change our position so if you click here and slide to the right or left you can move your clip left and right this will move it up and down and this little back arrow thing for any of these will reset it to its original position next we can change scale so if we click on this one it'll make it more zoomed in or bigger or smaller or more zoomed out then we can also rotate it right here and if we click back on motion up here we can do any of those things so i can move my clip and i can go to the edge here and expand it out zoom it in and if i go to the outside i can rotate it as well and all of those things are attached to this which is the anchor point so if i change the anchor point then i go and rotate again it's going to rotate around that anchor point same with scaling and positioning all the same so i'm going to reset reset reset and reset down here we have opacity so if i crank that down you'll see it becomes more see-through and it's going to see through to whatever is underneath so if there's nothing underneath it's going to see through to black now if i have this clip underneath right now it's hidden if i unhide it now we'll see the clip that's underneath it so if i bring this one back up we'll see that that's fading into the original clip and if i bring it down it's going to see through the clip underneath blend mode is just kind of like an opacity trick and there's a whole bunch of them in here so we can go to multiply and that'll have you know this kind of look to it so it'll keep kind of the darks and get rid of the light spots if we go to screen it's going to be the opposite so it keeps the lights you know each of them has kind of a different look to it let's just go linear light and so you can create some kind of cool effects if you use some blend modes having said that probably the most common use for blend modes is in combination with overlay effects so i have a bunch of them down here from a company called savagefx i'll have a link in the description below for their stuff i have film scratch like fire particles rain smoke vhs stuff so all you do is you i'm gonna go to fire here you just double click on the one that you want it'll appear up here and then just drag in the video piece right here over top i mean if there was audio you could drag that in as well but for these ones it's just video and then it'll appear like this over top of your footage then just click on the clip go back to effect controls and change your blend mode so i'm going to change blend mode to screen in this case if i pick multiply remember it's just going to see through the fire because it's keeping the dark spots so if i go down here to screen now it's going to get rid of the other stuff and then like we learned before you can now just scale and position rotate everything here so i'm going to you know scale it down and maybe you know put it over here on top of this building so now when we watch this it's going to look like that building is on fire it just so happens that it tracks perfectly good on top of this for this clip but most of the time you probably have to use like keyframes to have it move along with the building so you can add more to it if you want so let's just see another one here let's go smoke that goes well with it so maybe i'll try smoke 2 here so that looks pretty good just drag it in over top and then click on it go back to effect controls and change it it'll be screen in this case again and so you just push play and now we've got us kind of smoke in the foreground there and then maybe even want to add like this vhs thing to make it look old so i'll go to vhs4 maybe here these scratches same thing drag just that one on top click on it go back change your blend mode to screen and there you go now we got kind of this old vhs looking building on fire but there's also one more thing that we can do under opacity as well which is create a mask so these three things right here one's an ellipse mask one's a four-point polygon mask and the other one's a free draw mask so whatever clip you're clicked on so i'm going to click on this san francisco one just to show you the bottom one if you click on the mask it's going to apply it to the clip but notice we can't actually see anything we see this circle but nothing's happening because if i click this eyeball on the top one i've applied that mask to this bottom layer which was covered up by the buildings one so i'm just going to click on mask here and delete it and i'm going to make sure i'm clicked on my top layer now when i go over to the mask and click on it it's going to apply that mask which means it's only going to keep that section and the rest is going to be gone which means we see through to the bottom image by holding shift and going to the edge we can scale it up if you see the hand that means you can move it if you go to any of these spots you can stretch it out like any of these blocks this little handle right here changes the feather on the edge and you can also add new spots by going to this little pen and the plus to create other spots that you can drag out and reshape if you want and you can also go to the edge here and rotate it and all those things are all over here as well so you can change the feather right here you can change the opacity of just what's in the mask right here you can expand the mask by making it bigger and smaller just like that and you can even invert it so that you're kind of punching a hole through and now we see everything that's around and we only see through to the bottom layer right through this middle mask part and then obviously you can see we can still apply blend modes and stuff right here okay so the last of the basic effects that you'll find over here in effect controls is time remapping or speed but i think if you're just starting out the better way to change the speed of a clip is to actually go to the clip on your timeline right click and then go into this thing right here speed slash duration that's going to open up this dialog box which allows us to put things in slow mo fast forward or even reverse it right here so i'm just going to cancel so this is our original clip here this car just driving forward so if i right click and go into speed duration the obvious one here is you just click on this for reverse speed i'm going to click ok and now we'll see the car will obviously go backwards if we right click again and go into speed duration i'm going to uncheck that now under speed you can change this so anything less than 100 is going to be slow-mo and the lower the number the slower it's going to go and the higher the number the faster it's going to go so i'm just going to start with 50 and i'm not going to talk about this thing here just yet but i want you to pay attention to what happens in the timeline because we're making it twice as slow so the clip should be twice as long but i have a clip in the way right here so it's going to block it so i'm going to click ok there and you're going to see that it wanted to go twice as long but this clip blocked it so now when we watch it it's going to be slow-mo but it's not going to quite get through the clip because boom it's going to get cut off by this other one so i'm just going to go ctrl z to undo and then i'm going to go back in right click speed duration and i'm going to click this instead so i'm going to put it back to 50 but i'm going to click ripple edit shifting trailing clips and click on that box i'm going to uncheck reverse speed again and i'm going to click ok now you're going to see that yes it made it twice as slow but it made it twice as long and it bumped the other clips down the timeline to make space for it so now if we watch it it's going to be slow-mo but it's going to make it through the whole clip because it just bumped everything else out of the way if i right-click and go speed duration and change this to let's say 200 percent so that'll be twice as fast as the original one it should be twice as short and if i keep ripple edit checked it's going to move this one back with it as well so i'm going to click ok and there you go you're going to see it's going to be twice as fast and it was twice as short boom if you want to know more about opacity effects such as the ones from savage masking or change of speed effects make sure to check the links in the description below so the next thing i'm going to show you is how to animate your effects which you can do to anything that appears in here in effect controls as long as it has this little toggle animation clock beside it so to animate anything the first thing you got to do is make sure you're selected on the right clip so i actually want to animate this rally clip and not the running one so i'm going to move my blue line over and then i'm going to click on the clip that i want to animate so when i was clicked on running you can see that running was selected here when i click on rally rally is selected there and then you want to put your blue line where you want the animation to start so i'm going to start it right near the start of this clip and then i'm just going to go over here and let's just say it's for position you want to click on the toggle animation clock thing for the thing you want to animate so i'm going to go position and you can animate multiple things for the same clip okay so i'm going to click on that one it's going to put a key frame right here you can kind of you can see this little diamond thing i'm just going to slide it back into place when this blue line is hovering exactly at the point that the keyframe is you're going to see a blue dot right here but if this line is away you're going to see it's going to turn gray so once we put the first keyframe in that means that that's where the animation is going to start you might want to do this too i'm going to expand this out so i'm going to slide this over and then click to the edge here and slide this out you can also zoom in by sliding this little like circle thing here to zoom in closer and then all we want to do is put this blue line where we want the animation to end so you can do it up here or you can slide it like see as i slide it here or up here they're both moving at the same time so i'm just going to make sure that i go to about there and then i'm going to put another keyframe so clicking right here this time not back on the clock so i'm going to click right there to add that keyframe and this is where it's going to end and where i want this one to end is right perfectly in position and i'm going to click on this little triangle thing right here you can see that if you get this little like arrow thing back and forth that just means you don't have enough space so i actually have to slide this back a little bit so this little triangle this will move me from one keyframe to the next so this will move me a keyframe forward like to the next one and this will move me to the previous one so i want to go to the first one now and this is where i'm going to mess with some of these numbers so this will move it left and right and this one will move it up and down and you can see that when i'm selected on motion like i was earlier in the video we can also go in here and move it as we want so i'm just going to start this by having it off the frame like that and you can see these red like dotted lines help me to move it so it's exactly off the frame right there but if i click forward to the next one now this is fully in place so if we watch now it's going to slide from being off to sliding right into place and then the car is going to come in right so it's going to go from one keyframe so this one where it was off and it's going to slide to the end which is this keyframe where it's full frame again and just so you know every keyframe that we add in is initially set as a linear keyframe so if i click on this and then right click you can see that it's linear and that just means that it behaves at a constant rate so if i look at this clip that's zooming in it's traveling at the same speed the whole way until it's done but we can change that by right clicking and you can pick one of these other presets here to change its behavior or you can do this little drop down here and if you click on any of the keyframes so you turn any of them blue like this you'll get these handles and then i usually start on the right side here and i click and you can drag this one down and kind of flatten it out a little bit and that'll make this mountain over here and i can just take this one drag it down and maybe even move it over a bit like that and all this means is that whenever you have a high mountain that's when it's traveling fast and then it'll slowly kind of go into place and then stop when it's it's even like this it means it's constant and stopped so it's stopped then it goes fast and then it comes in slowly so now when we watch this you're going to see it come in really fast and then it's going to slowly ease into place okay so we watch fast and then it kind of drifts into place so anytime you can manipulate your keyframes like this to change it from linear to something else will make your animations look a lot more smooth the next type of effects that i'm going to tell you about are the drag and drop in program effects that come with premiere pro if you don't see your effects over here like this then just go to window and then click on effects right here now if we look in effects we can see that there's audio effects and there's video effects now i'm not going to explain every single one of these effects i'm just going to explain a couple of them and then you can apply what you've learned to any of the other effects that you find in here so i'm going to start in here under blur and sharpen so you just click that down and i'm going to drag in gaussian blur right here so if i click on it all i have to do is drag it to the clip that i want it to be applied to and you can see nothing happens a lot of the times nothing is going to happen because we have to go back over to our effect controls again and then now we can see that gaussian blur has been added to our effects over here and we can adjust it the same way we did anything else so if we see under blurriness i can now crank up the blurriness and there you go gaussian blur has been applied to this clip but if we remember we can also do this as an animation so i can slide this over click on toggle animation maybe go to the start of the clip and add a keyframe right here then click on this arrow to go to that second one and then turn the blur down so we can actually kind of use it as a transition to start the clip blurry and then it'll slowly transition into a clip that is in focus the closer that we make these keyframes i didn't tell you this before but the closer we bring these together the quicker the animation is going to happen and the further they are apart the slower it's going to be so i can move that there and then just make this a much quicker transition if you notice at the very start if we go back to this one where it was at 82 and i crank it up even more you can see that some of the edge is kind of messed up here so that's what this is repeat edge pixels so i can click on that and that'll fix some of that up and then blur dimensions it just says which direction it wants to be so right now it's horizontal and vertical i can switch it to horizontal i can switch it to vertical or i can put it back to horizontal and vertical so you can see that this effect here gaussian blur is pretty simple and straightforward there's only really one main slider and then just a couple other things that you can adjust as well if you ever want to see like a before and after of what your effect is and then what it was before just click on this effects next to it so that's without the effect and that's with it and if you ever want to get rid of an effect that you've added in just click on it and then hit backspace to get rid of it all right so now let's take a look at an effect that's a little bit more complicated so if i go under color correction and drag in lumetri color that's like a common color correcting and grading effect you can see that there is a whole bunch of little drop downs here so every single one of these has their own like sliders and adjustments that you can do so for example up here under basic correction i can adjust the color temperature of my clip i can change the tint you know the exposure there's a ton of things in here in fact if i close video effects lumetri color has its own tab over here that allows you to see those things so everything i just adjusted over here temperature minus 44 you can see that it's over here and over here you can see that it's actually a lot better to use so now i can actually see what i'm doing in terms of the color like i can see the blue and the orange if we go to creative there's also in here look you can go down here and pick i've added a bunch of other luts in here so you can pick a lut to create like a grading effect on your footage so i'm just gonna put that back to none so yeah you can go through here and change a whole bunch of things the the vibrance you can make it black and white so there's a whole bunch of things in here that's way more complicated even though it looks if we get rid of this and go back to effects it looks like it's just one little thing here lumetri color and you know gaussian blur was one little thing here some of them are way more complex than others if you want to know more about getting and applying lutz to your footage like this cinematic four lut from savage i'll just turn it off so that's what the clip was before and that's what it looks like with the lut applied then just make sure to check out the links in the description below on a side note if you've applied effects like let's say this lumetri color image grade and down here i've added edge feather if you've applied effects to a clip and now you have another clip or other clips in your sequence that you want to apply those exact same effects to all you have to do is one of three things actually one would be i'm just going to close this down you can click on one of your effects then hold ctrl or command on a mac and then click on the other one so they're both selected then just go edit copy and then go over to the other one here and just go edit and paste and that'll apply those exact same effects on to the next clip you can also click on your clip and then go up to edit and just copy the entire thing now just know that right now that's going to copy everything in here so for example if i scaled this clip up and then i clicked on this and went to edit and copy if i go over to this other clip now and go edit now i'm going to go paste attributes but you have a choice here so i want to click this box because i want to apply the lumetri color and the edge feather but i actually don't want the motion so i can unclick that because i don't want this one to be zoomed in so if you did want it to be zoomed into then click that otherwise unclick the ones that you don't need and then just click ok that'll also now apply that effect to this one but as you can see it didn't apply the zoom in so i'm going to go back here and just reset that one as well the third and probably best way to apply effects to multiple clips is to use adjustment layers and to do that you're going to go over to your project panel you might have to slide this thing like click on this dark line and slide it over so you can see this thing right here new item click on that select adjustment layer when this panel opens up just click ok and an adjustment layer is going to pop into your clips over here then just click on it and drag it above the footage that you want to be impacted by that adjustment layer i'm just going to slide this over and then stretch this out so it spans both clips because i want this adjustment layer for both of these clips okay so now whatever i drag onto the adjustment layer is going to impact everything underneath it so i'm going to go over to crop drag that on the adjustment layer this time not on the clips slide down here and maybe i'll just go off the top 12 and off the bottom 12 to kind of create that kind of wide screen effect and you can see that on rally now there's the crop on the top and the bottom and on running because the adjustment layer is impacting both of these two clips but you can still go in and adjust these uniquely if you want as well so maybe on this running clip you want to go in and scale it up that will not be scaled up for rally they're separate you know maybe you want to move this down like kind of reframe it so you can go like that you can also take like lumetri and put it on just running so if you wanted just that running clip to maybe be like you know blue and not the rally clip you can impact them separately like that and you can also drag a clip above the adjustment layer if you don't want it to be impacted as well so now rally will not have the crop and if we play it then once it gets to right here now running will because it's underneath the adjustment layer you can actually slice the adjustment layer into pieces if you want to to have multiple ones so i'm going to use the razor tool over here to just slice right where my cut is and i'll move this rally one back underneath so now whatever i apply to this adjustment layer is going to be separate for whatever happens here so if i put gaussian blur on this one and then go down here and slide it up you're going to see that it did nothing to this clip because this one is the running clip is under this adjustment layer and i only put gaussian blur on this one so if i go over here you're going to see that now gaussian blur is messing with this clip but not this one because it's two separate adjustment layers now and the reason why you're seeing gaussian blur also blurring the crop is because it's underneath right here so if i took gaussian blur and dragged it above crop in my effects now it's not going to impact it so the order that you place things in here definitely matters as far as audio effects go everything is exactly the same as what i just explained for video effects some of the most common ones in here would be in noise reduction so d noise if you have like static noise in the background or whatever so that would be a good one to use to to get rid of that another one that i use for all of my videos is under here and filter and eq i use a parametric equalizer on all of my clips that i've recorded for these tutorials and then kind of a fun one to use is under time and pitch you can use pitch shifter and that's just one that you can use to change people's voice to be like high pitched chipmunks and that's it that's all i got for basic effects in premiere pro if you got something out of this video make sure to drop a like and if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing and i'll catch you next time you
Channel: Shawn Dolinski
Views: 1,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion effects premiere pro, video effects premiere pro, keyframes premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro cc 2021, add effects in premiere pro, apply effects in premiere pro, apply effects to multiple clips premiere, How to Apply Video Effects in Premiere Pro, effects for video editing, slow motion premiere pro, reverse clip premiere pro, fast forward premiere pro, Video Effects in Premiere Pro, from beginner to pro, premiere pro effects, premiere pro video effects
Id: 8Mp63w44I5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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