How To add Text in Premiere Pro 2021

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hi i'm bjorn today i will show you how you can create a text in premiere pro okay so let's take a look we got a clip from a square in leo warden and let's say we want to have the text leo warden on this shield so to do this we are going to select in the menu the type tool which is this t when you have selected your type tool you are going to your video preview and click on it now you will see that there is a clip created by premiere pro for you which is the actual text okay so let's just type the text which is in this case learwater the name of this place as you can see we have it types out now and it is on our video let's say you have your text but you're not satisfied yet because you you want to change the font and size so let's just do that right now you're going to select the text and you're going to effect controls in your effects controls you are able to find the text and now you can control your text so let's say we want a different font so let's try to look for one let's go for ah i quite like this one um so yeah we still got our text selected and actually let's make it a bit bigger we can do this right here yeah i quite like this size but obviously now the test is too big and it's coming out of frame so let's fix that right now as you can see we now have to reposition our text we can do this in two ways the first one is this one for the first one you're going to your text menu and you're going to position right here you can drag the numbers and you will see that your text starts moving let's say you wanted a bit lower we can do it like this so this is one way but it takes some more time and the second way is actually much faster let me show it to you to do this you are going to select your selection tool and actually just drag your text across your screen i personally find this way easier and faster alright then there is one thing left i want to show you which is how to make your text appear longer or shorter on your clip to do this you want to select your clip from your text on your timeline and then you are going to drag the ends of it right now i'm making it longer but you can also do this by making it shorter like this okay then that's it for today i hope you guys learned something i wish you a very good day and i will see you guys later bye you
Channel: Björn Goossens
Views: 84
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere, premiere pro, premiere pro 2021, premiere pro add text, premiere 2021 add text, permiere pro 2021 add text, premiere text, premiere pro text, premiere text tutorial, how to add text, how to add text premiere pro, how to add text premiere, add text, insert text, insert text premiere, premiere pro cc 2021, premiere pro insert text, adobe, tutorial, premiere pro tutorial, adobe premiere pro tutorial for beginners, premiere pro tutorial for beginners 2021
Id: XSHt0R24Vg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 49sec (169 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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