How to add VIDEO inside TEXT in ADOBE PREMIERE PRO (as seen in the 1917 trailer)

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Nice video. I really like this effect.

Started learning how to edit with Premiere Pro and somewhat recreated the 1917 trailer but then for detroit become human.

If you would like to "Fly through" the text, I would use the "Basic 3D" effect to zoom into the text.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vorkot3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for the tip πŸ‘ I’m gonna do this week 🎞

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mikeeeymo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know this is late but what program do you use to highlight the cursor and zoom in on what you're working on?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Whoa_Bundy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
sin o'clock what's going on welcome to Sinag walk today I'm going to show you how to add video inside your text I saw this most recently in the movie trailer for the movie 1917 it looks really awesome it's a cool effect and today I'm going to show you how to do that so let's go alright so here we are in premiere now the first thing you want to do is drag the video that you want seen within your text onto your timeline in this case I'm just using a piece of stock footage I purchased from pond5 but you can use any video clip you want so let's just drag this along here and maybe we can make it last for how about 6 seconds so the next thing you want to do is go to your text tool you can either click on it right here or just hit T on your keyboard and find the part of the frame where you want your title to live so let's just call it title and let's just adjust the size of this approximately we'll probably adjust it even more later but let's just sort of make this super large so it takes up the majority of the frame let's go to our graphics workspace and hit edit and let's just highlight the text and let's change the font to something a little bit more cinematic impact looks nice and let's just enlarge this even more and we can just auto align this on the X and y axis so that it's perfectly centered in frame and let's just adjust the title so that last for the exact same duration as our clip beneath it so as you can see now we just have a simple title over our video now here's where the magic happens what you want to do is go to your effects library and type in an effect called track mat key you'll find that in video effects keying subfolder and drag the track mat key to your video layer do not drag it to your text layer drag it to your video layer once you have the effect on your video layer go up to effect controls and go to your track mat key options go to where it says Matt and hit this little drop-down menu and select video 2 now the reason why I select video 2 is because our title is located on the video track 2 if it was located on video track 3 we would select video track 3 and basically what this effect does is Matt's out everything that is not the title so as you can see here we now have some beautiful video inside our text next thing we want to do is animate it so that the text starts behind us and slowly animates on to screen so the way that we do that is let's just highlight our text layer and drag it all the way to the very first frame and let's scale all the way in until we don't see any more text it is just our video for me that is at 1688 scale and let's set a keyframe for the very beginning then let's just drag it forward a few seconds and let's set another keyframe we can just revert it back to normal by hitting this reset parameter button right here and so now as you can see it animates from our 1688 value to normal and just so that it doesn't sort of slam on to screen abruptly we can right click this keyframe and select ease in and that way it sort of comes to a little bit smoother of a stop and maybe even drag this out a little bit just so that it doesn't come on to screen as quickly it takes a little bit more time and there you go now just to make it a little bit more dynamic we can set another keyframe all the way at the end for let's say 90 let's drag this all the way to the end so now the moment that the title comes on to screen it continues to sort of move away from us now we could end it there that looks pretty good but I think it would be a little bit more interesting and a little bit more like the 1917 movie trailer if we slowly cross dissolve to a nice color gradient so we'll dissolve from our footage to a nice four color gradient so the way that we do that is let's just go to our project window and let's click on new item' color matte and we can make this any color that we want I'm gonna make it purple because it's on brand purple and let's drag the purple color matte onto the timeline now let's find our halfway point at about three seconds to be exact and let's just overwrite this right there so now halfway through our clip it cuts from our video to our color matte and let's just drag this in so that it matches the exact same duration of our title then what we want to do is drag the exact same track matte key effect that we put on to our video layer onto our color matte so let's just go back to effect here it is drag the track matte key on to our gradient and go up to effect controls with our color matte highlighted and go to track matte key matte and hit this drop down menu and select the same option in video two so now as you can see we have a hard cut from our video layer to our color matte now I think it would be a little bit more dynamic if we add a four color gradient to our color matte so instead of it just being purple it will sort of be a nice blend of colors so let's just go to our effects panel and let's type in color gradient and here under video effects generate subfolder we have a four color gradient effect let's drag and drop that on to our purple color gradient and as you can see by default it selects four random colors on the top left top right bottom left and bottom right and with that color matte layer selected we can go back to our effects controls scroll down until we see the four color gradient effect and here we have all four points we can change these colors to whatever we want so again let's just sort of keep this on brand make that purple let's make this blue value a little bit more green and now as you can see it fades slowly from pink to or purple to green so now we still have that same hard cut from our video layer to our color gradient so what we should do is go to effects and type in gradient and you'll find a gradient wipe in your wipe transition subfolder and just grab that gradient wipe and let's drag and drop it right in between our video layer and our color matte layer and let's just increase the softness so that the transition is not as sharp it's a little bit softer and hit OK now we can just zoom in here and let's extend the duration of this transition effect so it's a little bit longer a little bit smoother and when we play that through we have a beautiful animated title with video inside the text as it slowly fades to a color gradient thanks for watching hopefully you enjoyed this video or found it helpful I spend a lot of time putting these videos together so you know just show me your love and hit the subscribe button I'd very much appreciate that and I guess I'll see you next time later
Channel: cineguac
Views: 208,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe premiere pro, 1917 trailer, how to, tutorial, text, video, effect, cineguac, aaron fradkin, learn, filmmaking, editing
Id: 0Glr2P0JX_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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