How To: $500 DIY Kitchen Remodel | Update Counter & Cabinets on a Budget

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hey guys this is my kitchen as you can tell it's looking pretty dated the wife wants to redo it we're gonna do it on a budget I think I can do it for um $500 you'll see the difference hope you enjoy so the plan is to take out that cabinet right there it's always in the way talking to my wife right here and I'm always like hey honey how you doing and right back up in the way a bit of a problem there's nails between these two cabinets here and here that's sticking out at all so I'm gonna stick my oscillating tool right in between here and just pop those off yeah that's all that I do the same thing [Music] [Music] enjoy some home improvement we've been jumping under this for a long time yeah so we have to paint that but it actually come off a lot cleaner than I thought all right so what you can see is they put a counter in here I was able to put this beadboard on first and then I put these supports on when I bought the countertop the center came in a full piece I just slice it down the backside by flipping it over put the tape I use use a circular saw cookies con huevos five mils in the same place about the countertop and then there's actually a little bit of a lip here so if I push in actually it's under there I go to the wall and so now actually it's kind of trimmed up so I don't have to put trim there if I don't walk to this we painted white as well and I just threw a base cabinet extra this is a wall cabinet but I'm using it as a base cabinet so I'm going to lift that up and put a base under it just with some scrap wood or screws to the wall I'm not sure yet what we're doing here now is take this old countertop and make it look like this nice granite it's gonna have a nice glossy shine you're gonna be able to find this product in the description below with this but essentially is paint with gloss on top what you do first is make sure your counter is nice and clean any oils or anything make sure you take off then you gonna take this black primer and you're gonna put it on all the surfaces that are going to be that you want to look like granite so it comes the roller and a brush and just use the brush on the you know smaller edges and corners use the ruler to get all the flat surfaces what you want to make sure you do is tape off anything that you don't want this primer to touch so for us basically it was the sink we have to worry about any other surface because we're going to repaint everything else after once you have the primer on you got to start putting the different colors on it comes with three colors one thing we notice is to get the corner sometimes you want to cut a brush into kind of a triangle pattern we had an old brush there and it was really helpful getting into the corners but essentially you take those three colors and you kind of dab it on dab it on and then you have these sponges also that give it kind of a textured look my wife's not an artist but after a little bit of practice you really got the hang of it you can kind of practice on a piece of paper but you just tap on those different colors and you use the sponge to give it a texture and I think it turned out really nice now we're gonna do is take the gloss and you're going to dip it in there and then just kind of apply it back and forth you could start with I would start with with the boards and back or corners and then the larger flat surfaces you can kind of apply it on and then once you have it on there then you're gonna smooth it out by rolling it one last time now you actually want to put on two coats instead of just one and that's what's gonna give it to kind of protection but also a nice shine so that's what what its gonna look like when it's done it should be a nice smooth finish but here again you see it for rolling it on and then when you're done you just do one time pass through and so essentially you want to get that to get that smooth finish you want to get it down there and then go over a small area maybe three or four feet but overall really pleased with it even after two months of using it it turned out really well remember we taped everything off but now that the paint and the gloss is dried we need to take it off so use a exacto knife or a box cutter and just run it along the edge so that when you pull the tape up you don't pull any paint with it it'll need to drive for a couple days after your final coat but overall really pleased with it even after two months of using it and turned out really well so when cutting the beadboard use a table saw like I have here about it for my father-in-law or you can just use a circular saw it really doesn't make a big difference this is just going to ensure that I have a straighter line but even if your line isn't completely straight again you're gonna be covering up with trim so don't be too afraid of it you just screw it up you know these are cheap so not a big deal so we're doing is putting this beadboard on here's a nail gun just be mindful that you only want to nail it along the edges that you're gonna cover and trim so I'm gonna put some corner trim here and some wrong trim along the bottom top edges if using a nail gun just realize also you can turn upside down once you get along the bottom edge you're not using the nail gun one thing you can do also is just put a piece up on the back like liquid nails and then put it on there but if you ever want to take it off though it's also gonna remove whatever it's attached to and cause a bigger mess alright so we've been putting on the feed board here when we come to a socket luckily I came up right on seam so I'll be able to cut my board like this which I didn't have this notch in here I just had this panel here and I just kind of held it up but once you're once you get this out you can just slide it behind now the trick is please turn off the power to do this the trick is you have to get it behind the behind the outlet right here you're gonna keep those feet on the outside because you want to be firm you got to pull this out because otherwise when you put your cover on the socket would be too deep so you want it to look like that when it's done so once you have it in place you can then tighten it down oh but first we need to glue it [Music] now the reason I glue it is because I don't want to have to put tacks all over the place ain't pull along the bottom edge in the top edge look link in this area I don't really want to tack it I could I could use wood putty and fill it in but this stuff works just fine and if I ever pull this off I'm gonna want to pull that off anyways so you just put about a quarter inch bead in here putting a little more on the edges here looks like it's pushed in there pretty well so I can start pushing it down here and of course to really hold in place I'm gonna use some nails some people to say this is overkill but that's alright so while I'm pushing up right here I can tack it in spot so once this is all centered up like this I'm gonna tighten this down see these little tabs right here are gonna stop it from sinking in too far but it's still gonna hold it tight that way when you're using your electrical outlet it doesn't want to move when you plug things in and out give a nice tight feel so just snug he doesn't have to be super tight and once I put my plate on its gonna cover up all my mistakes right there here's where it gets tricky now why do I have a socket to work around where seam won't butt up to it but I also have this trim to work around here too so it's earned writing it all out but I definitely liked what I was coming up with so instead I grab a piece of paper and I just put it inside there and went around the trim just like that and that way I know I cut it just inside this paper I should be good and I can actually feel where the socket is so I can make some marks on there as well so originally I had this trim plan kind of cover up the seam and all these nail marks right here but you can kind of see this edge right here so I don't really like that so instead I got some of this trim right here and now that's gonna be a lot better so I don't have to really paint that edge I might have to get a paintbrush in there a little bit but it's gonna cover up these little nail really nice and it's gonna get a nice clean look here I'm going to show you how to paint cabinets these cabinets are 30 years old and have this gloss finish and I'm going to show you step-by-step on how to get these prepared to paint and then reattach them the first step is to remove all the doors and hinges you need to remove the hinges so you can paint the face but also you need to remove the doors because you're gonna want to sand those in a different location and paint them as well so now we just need to sand the faces we're sanding the doors out in the garage right now but W is 120 just kind of go over the surface now 120 might actually create a little bit of scratching if you notice that and switch to 220 after you're done but we're just try to get the Barna shop I notice I'm not feeling any sort of finished edge right here so I just ink up the face so it generally take very long the kilometer probably empty all the cabinet's though you can see we did in this cabinet just kind of cover them up with some towels because we only face painting the frame anyway so I don't want to take everything out maybe it's a good idea a bad idea I'm not really sure where to find out here I'm priming all the cabinets you can just work along if you don't worry about the walls you don't need to tape it off but there are areas that it was concerned with like the vinyl window so as I'm painting that area my wife also starts putting on some blue tape you can see that in the description if you'd like blue or green tape is fine it's called painters tape and you're gonna want to tape all that off while you putting the primer on so you can see here that we got everything primed now all the kitchen frames did two coats of using bull's eye primer and it went pretty well did Sam last night it seems to be holding I did kind of a scratch test just got to go up here scratch it make sure it's holding I know we had an issue before flaking off because the varnish underneath so be able to paint tonight after the secures for a few hours and now we're gonna work on the on the doors alright so now I'm going to do is sand these using some sort of palm sander just for the flat areas I got a clamp on here just kind of holds in place I can use two hands on this at once I'm just gonna take a 120 here you go 220 if you are a boat scratches I'm not gonna go in here and get all the details all the trim work again we're not standing it all off we're just trying to scuff it up a little bit so the priming tool hold on this time you're just gonna blow it off the air compressor break use a shot back and just suck it all off I'll hand this to my wife she'll just use a damp cloth to get all that any leftover dust and let it sit awhile it's pretty cold out here if we wanted to get to room temperature but we're gonna paint these in the basement so you can see we started sanding these and now that we have them all in the basement my wife started priming them and basically they put them on their backside or we're painting the back side first and then put two coats of primer on there flip it over two coats of primer and then probably let it rest overnight and then paint it tomorrow so you can see we flip these over or started painting we found it best to use a brush for just like the corners like you see see edging right now and then use a small roller for all the flat surfaces and it gets a pretty even look to it you know this is just primer so it doesn't really need to look even yet but it looks pretty good already oh also you should have a lot of good ventilation so we have our furnace vents open down here and our garage door open try to push some of the air out alright so now we're put on the cabinet doors you'll want to mount the to the door luckily I was able to use the previous holes for safes a little bit of time pick up the handle on there and a couple of bumpers it all came together from the Amazon link that I have below so to set this on there I'm just going to kind of line it up with the drawer and where that meets and then just goes about a quarter inch up from the rest now it wants to shift right as I tighten it down so I actually start a little bit off to the left and a little bit a lot gonna hold this with my knee and I will scoot in from this point they're dolphins and everything there we go I have two more screws to throw in there and I'm all set want to over tighten these because if I do a little strip out liquor secure nothing wrong with having a well-stocked soulful cabinet yeah so we got the new cabinet set in there painted but what we need to deal with now is that area where we took down the old cabinet I was able to use drywall mud and just smooth it in there where all the gaps are and now we just got to sand it down so we can we start the printing process you've got a tape off around the edge of the cabinets here we get that progress screen tape which will be in the description there and I wouldn't take off this door here because it was too close to the edge but we still wanna paint all the way there so we're making pretty good progress you'll want to sometimes bring an extra light into the room just so you can see the imperfections a little better and and wait up too many shadows when you're working up close to this stuff just loosen plastic up and taped around the cabinets that way if we dripped we have a problem not really necessary if you got to steady him also don't do that that was me I was talking my daughter and I just started painting the ceiling instead and then I tried to wash it off that looks really awful now so we have to paint our ceiling yeah wife's happy about it now I'll show you how to replace a light alright so the next thing we did was remove this light it was a fluorescent bulb and it just didn't look very good at all so I'm gonna replace it with an LED light and that's it'll probably look like when you take it down the light they'll probably have two maybe three wires left and I can explain how to put one back up it doesn't take long at all you'll need a light screwdriver and maybe a wire stripper this light was only about 30 bucks on Amazon and it's led so I should be able to save a little bit of money on energy costs three wire nuts two screws and a light it's all we need all right so what we have here is we have three wires there's two here that's because this yellow and green one is your ground wire and I do have some copper off there that's what you do is you attach it to unless you have a green or yellow wire but this is just LED light it doesn't really need a ground I know some people in the comments are probably gonna count on it saying you need it but I really don't think it's necessary for just a low powered switch like this but I'm gonna add white to white and then red to black this red is just some spare wire that my grandfather used but it should be black but as long as they got weight to white I'm good and then the black or red is considered my hot wire that's really what powers it then unless you have these screw openings here and what that is is on the front side you just click it in this pulls right out and the screws come through here even though this house is thirty years old I was happy to see that these supplied screws that came with the light are actually going to work with those electrical box so they're just going to go here and here so first I have the two white wires I'm gonna put them side-by-side just like this and then I will take the wire nut and they'll go in there together and then you just are twisting it kind of intertwines the wires together so they won't come apart and also nothing's gonna be able to touch it I'm gonna do the same thing with my black and red wire again yours probably black and black wire this house is just old my grandpa had a way of doing things just to test that let's see if it works here oh it works very well apply should trough the circuit for this but I got a light switch right over here and so I'm just doing that hey got the right spot now yeah a little bit weird lying that up there you go okay look at those screws right in there and tighten it up just fine you just take this wipes has these two little tabs just gonna line that up right here and then it shuts like that you can open it you just press it again flip it on and it works so if you ever before with this fluorescent light and then we had this would kind of covering in this area and then just don't like the look of that wasn't very clean looking this allows a lot more light to come in and I have this over sink light it's just really handy to have you know kind of brightening the area where I need to do some dishes right now so for 30 bucks together like this is a pretty awesome deal just go ahead and try it if you enjoyed this video please consider liking and subscribing you can also check out other projects I've done [Music]
Channel: Lee & Bri DIY
Views: 4,140,282
Rating: 4.8493223 out of 5
Keywords: Cabinet Paint, Painting cabinets, counter paint, countertop paint, beadboard, wainscoting, Kitchen makeover, replace light, how to, diy, brian rehmann, kitchen ideas, makeover, kitchen hacks, How to, modernbuilds, modern builds, budget, cheap, update counter, update Cabinets, Backsplash, home
Id: h76rtWSvBFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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