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hi everyone and welcome back to my channel for  another super budget friendly diy makeover today   we are going to be making over the  master bathroom we are going to be doing   vinyl peel and stick flooring repainting  the walls repainting the cabinets   i am going to be using appliance epoxy to refinish  my countertops as well as creating towel hooks   and adding shelves and just adding some more  extra stuff to this bathroom to completely   transform the look of it on a budget i hope you  guys are ready for this makeover and i'm going   to walk you through all the steps that i took  to achieve this look on a super budget and i   am so excited about this video if you are ready  for another makeover give this video a thumbs up   as you can see the bathroom is a little bit dark  and dreary the floors are dark the walls are dark   and we have these oat cabinets that are not my  favorite they're a little bit too outdated for my   liking so we are going to change it all up in here  the main thing that i found to really upgrade the   look of the bathroom was changing out the flooring  the flooring is not my favorite the people who had   lived here before us had put it in we didn't love  it so we are going to change that and we are going   to be doing some vinyl plank flooring is the peel  and stick flooring it is very affordable and it is   very easy to do so we are going to do new flooring  new paint paint the cabinets resurface the   countertops and we are going to be adding shelves  and we are also going to be making some towel   hooks today out of wooden dowels and i will show  you everything as we go along this is the flooring   that we are going to be changing the floors to  and i am so excited to tell you a little bit more   about that when we get to the flooring part of  this video we are just gonna upgrade the look of   everything give it a bit of a more modern feel to  it updated and just really brighten up the space   we are going to tackle the cabinets first we  are going to prime them before we get started on   anything else in the bathroom but the first thing  we need to do is remove the cabinet doors get them   all cleaned up sand them and get all that stuff  done before we can prime i am going to use crud   cutter today this is different than what i used  in my kitchen makeover video but this stuff works   really well and it's a more natural safer cleaner  rather than the tsp cleaner that i used last time   spray it on clean them up and get all that grease  and build up off of the cabinets before you get to   sanding and priming and painting and doing all  of that lovely stuff if you've seen my kitchen   makeover video then you know this is not my  first time painting cabinets and we are going   to be doing things a little bit differently today  i am not filling the wood grain today but if that   is something you are interested in i will have my  kitchen makeover video linked down below i filled   the wood grain and i took so many steps to get  my cabinets painted and have the smoothest finish   possible we're not doing that today though because  eventually we are going to replace this vanity   and i just didn't feel like doing all of that  work so once everything was cleaned and dried we   are going to sand and i'm using 320 grit sandpaper  you don't want to stand too hard you don't want to   take too much of the wood off you're just trying  to remove that super shiny finish from the oak cabinets for primer today i am using a valspar primer  it is a bonding primer used for stain blocking   and it is a latex primer i did use a shellac  primer on my kitchen cabinets which i loved   way more than this primer this primer was  super thick and kind of hard to work with   especially because i was using my paint  sprayer so i had to thin it out a lot   but it did the job it got the job done however i  do like the zinser bin shellac primer much better   that is what i used on my kitchen cabinets and  i just found that it was so much easier to work   with and it covered much better so if you are  looking for a primer if you're painting cabinets   i highly recommend the zincer bin shellac primer  i will have everything linked down below in the   description box that i am using so that you can  find it super easy i am using the finish max   paint sprayer i love this it has saved me so much  time when it comes to painting the cabinets when i   used it on the kitchen i got my painting done so  much quicker than i had when i was rolling stuff   so if you are going to be doing big paint projects  like painting your kitchen cabinets or something   get a paint sprayer it will save you  so much time and so much frustration we are going to move on to  starting the floors because   i needed my husband's help and he  was around to start them with me   the cabinets are primed and we are going to hold  off on the painting until the flooring is done   first thing that we are going to do is remove the  quarter round because we are going to be putting   new cord around in and we wanted to have our  planks up against the wall as close as possible   without being completely touching the wall so  we're removing the cord around so that we can   put the new cord around on top to give it a more  finished look once the floor planks have been installed so it's all removed so we're gonna clean it all up  we're going to remove all the old pieces we're   going to clean up all of the caulking that  is on the floor from being stripped off of   the baseboards and everything and then we are just  going to take the shop back and vacuum up whatever   we can because we don't want to use the peel and  stick flooring on top of all that gunk and junk   that is on the floor so i'm also going to  go in with that crud cutter and i'm going   to scrub the flooring i got on my hands and  knees and scrubbed the entire bathroom floor   twice just to make sure that i was getting any  lotion cleaning products whatever off of the floor   to have a nice clean surface for the peel and  stick vinyl flooring to actually stick to we   don't want it sliding all around that is not  fun it did happen with a couple of pieces so   i'm going to walk you through the whole process of  doing the peel and stick flooring and let you know   what i would have done differently just to make  sure that it is sticking well so we are going to   clean everything up and then we are gonna get  to the flooring and it was so much fun to do the flooring that we went with is flax and oak  by stainmaster it is a peel and stick flooring   it is very very affordable i believe it's under a  dollar for each plank we were able to do both of   our bathrooms upstairs for under 100 so super  affordable and it's very beautiful and it has   held up really well and it's super easy to install  we are going to sort through all of the flooring   and we are also going to climatize it for at  least a day in our room in the temperature   that it's going to be at but we sorted through the  flooring so that we could find all the pieces that   looked exactly like each other or very similar  to each other so that we weren't putting those   pieces right up next to each other you want  to do it you want to stagger it you don't want   all of the same pieces right next to each other  because just honestly it just won't look good so   you're going to sort through all of the flooring  and put all of the pieces together so that you are   not putting them right next to each other when  you go to lay down the floor the flooring is so   easy to install you basically just peel the  backing off just like you're putting a sticker   down and then you're going to want to have  pressurized weight on top of it you can rent   a roller at lows or home depot and that is the  one thing that i would have done differently   when doing this for is just rent the roller  but since we both weigh well over 100 pounds   we are just going to step on each piece and have  it just stick to the floor that way because it   has to be weighted to make sure that the flooring  is actually sticking to the floor so if you don't   rent the roller you can walk on it you can dance  on it just like we did you just don't want the   pieces sliding around if that's how you decide  to do it so after we laid each piece we kind of   just stomped on it and had it pressurized that  way but you want to stagger out your flooring   whenever you're laying any sort of wood flooring  you see how the pieces are a little bit shorter   and then there's a long piece you want the wood  panels staggered whether it's real wood vinyl   plank flooring laminate whatever it is you want  to stagger them out you don't want it to just be   super matchy matchy when you are laying the floor  so like i have over here i have a little short   piece and then i'm going to put a longer piece  and then i'm going to put a short piece next to   it you just want to stagger out your flooring it's  kind of like putting a puzzle together it's really   fun to do i really enjoy doing this stuff so we  had a blast doing the flooring we had so much fun   renovating the bathroom and upgrading the look  as you can see what a drastic change it is from   the dark flooring that we had to the lighter  flooring and as we went along we just taped   the pieces and held them together because  obviously we didn't tackle the entire floor   super super fast so we didn't want the pieces  shifting around when we were having to walk   in and out of the bathroom grabbing pieces out of  the room and just working around in the bathroom   so the tape held the pieces together really well  so that they weren't sliding all over the place   this peel and stick flooring is super easy to  cut too so that you can cut your pieces down   you just take an x-acto or a razor blade and you  cut the top of it and then you just break it in   half you just kind of like snap it like you're  snapping a stick and it just works really really   easy really really well and it is so easy to do  this is definitely beginner diy friendly i am not   skilled at laying flooring that is for sure this  is my first time doing it and it was so easy to do we are going to be using this dremel tool by we  i mean my husband because he does all that kind   of stuff he's going to take the dremel and he's  going to cut the bottom of the door jamb just   so that the pieces are nice and flush up against  the door i'm sure you can get away with not using   the dremel and not cutting anything but this is a  perfect way of making sure that those pieces are   nice and as flush as possible to the baseboard  to the door jam and just fitting perfectly flooring is done and it is time to get everything  in the bathroom prepped and ready to paint i am   going to be removing as much of the chrome stuff  in our bathroom as possible such as this towel   hook that we have right by our sink this whole  wall is kind of awkward this wall space is big   enough for a double vanity but we have a single  vanity so there's just like that awkward random   space and we're gonna add a shelf to that today  and just kind of spice it up in the bathroom and   kind of close out the random awkward spaces i am  also going to be removing this towel hook that we   have right by our toilet that is nowhere near the  shower and nowhere near the sink kind of the most   pointless towel hook ever guess it's decorative  we didn't use it so it's getting removed   i took it off and then i'm just going to be using  the dry dex spackling and i'm going to let that   dry then i'm going to sand it down and then i'm  going to be using some texture spray because   we live in vegas and our walls are super textured  here i don't remember my walls being like this in   any of my other houses in any other states that i  lived in so this is all new for me but i'm going   to sand it with 320 grit and then i'm going to  make sure to wipe everything down every time that   i stand and i'm going to be using this knock down  wall textured it's heavy bodied heavy bodied wall   texture you just spray it on and then you are  going to take a spackling knife putty knife and   you want it to be wet and just a very very light  hand to knock it down it is easy to do i probably   should have been using a different putty knife  but you know it is what it is that is what i had   on hand and another thing that you can do after  putting your quarter round is caulk it caulking   is like the finishing touch for everything this  is my favorite part of any project that i do   is doing the caulking because it fills those seams  and it makes everything look so much nicer back   to the cabinets we are going to sand this primer  down before getting some coats of paint on it i am   using 320 grit this is my favorite grit it's ultra  fine and it's not too rough when you are painting   cabinets priming cabinets whatever you're doing  you're going to want to sand and be between coats   not super heavy you're not trying to remove what  you've already put on there but you just want to   sand it enough so that you're creating a nice bond  between your paint and your primer and you're also   giving yourself a smoother surface to work with  and a smoother finish whenever you sand anything   wipe it off after i cannot stress that enough  otherwise you're going to have dust sawdust   whatever in your paint and i'm using this cabinet  and trim enamel it's a bear premium this is what i   used on my cabinets in my bathroom and i'm using  this vine leaf color and we are going to use the   home right finish max sprayer again i wanted  to add a pop of color to the bathroom i'm super   into the popular navy and greens everything buddy  is loving right now so i opted to go with green   i felt like it was a little bit different but  not too far out there it is a dark olivey green   and i really just love the color i know green is  not everybody's thing but i love it and it was   the perfect pop of color to the bathroom because  you guys know i am a neutral kind of gal i like   everything to be black white and gray but going  out of my comfort zone today and going with green   and i just really love how everything turned out  it was still neutral enough but not super boring   i guess i have a lot of white and gray throughout  my house in other places so doing the pop of green   was really fun and after doing my first coat i  went back in with the 320 grit sandpaper and i   just barely lightly sanded everything removed  all the imperfections before going back in and   doing a second coat do as i say not as i do wear  a mask whenever you are using a paint sprayer   time to tackle these super dark walls i'm gonna  go in with primer first i'm using kills primer   it's just your basic primer by kills and i am  using my graco paint sprayer i'm not gonna go into   too much of detail about how to use the  paint sprayer because you can definitely   just do this with a roller i just prefer this  sprayer even though it's a pain in the butt   to clean up the sprayer after i just do not like  painting at all and the paint sprayer is so much   quicker for me but you can definitely use a roller  i did have to use a roller in certain spots and i   used this extendable roller so that i wasn't  climbing on chairs because i have a tendency   to get paint all over everything that i'm using  to step on so i'm gonna roll out whatever parts   i couldn't get with the paint sprayer and i am  going to prime everything before painting because   the walls were so dark and so hard to cover up  so a trick for painting behind the toilets is   cover your toilet with a trash bag wrap the back  of it up in a trash bag so that you can get into   all those nooks and crannies in those tight spaces  and then you're gonna want to use a skinny roller   i wasn't able to get back there with the paint  sprayer because i didn't cover up the toilet   and i just i don't know i just didn't cover up  the toilet when i was spraying everything which i   probably should have and then it would have been  easier but i'm using the color night blooming   jasmine to paint the bathroom i used this in my  son's bedroom in his bedroom makeover recently   and my great tip for you when you were painting  with a roller is take some sort of tape duct   tape works best and roll your roller on the tape  before painting and it will get any of the little   fuzz off even though the rollers say that they are  lint free they most certainly are not you should   see what comes off of the tape i tried to show  it on camera but i couldn't get all the fuzz on   there you couldn't really see what i was trying to  show you so we just cut that out but we're gonna   paint the walls this night blooming jasmine color  it's not too much different than the primer color   it's a white it's a very bright white very crisp  and very clean and i really love it and i use a   satin finish whenever i do any painting because  it is just so much easier to clean up the paint   colors the paint that i am using that will all be  linked down below in the description box as well the bathroom is painted so we are going  to move on to framing the bathroom mirror   and we are using poplar hobby boards that we got  at home depot they are very affordable and they   are thin we didn't want super bulky wood i'm  sure you can frame your mirror with any sort   of wood pieces that you want to but we opted for  the poplar hobby board because it was thinner and   i didn't want the wood sticking out and super  super heavy and we are going to do angled cuts   on the end so that they can kind of just fit  together my husband does all the cutting i   am not super skilled with the miter saw yet or  any sort of saw so my husband's going to cut   the wood for me this is teamwork team effort here  we do everything together he always helps me with   my projects even though sometimes he thinks i'm  crazy when i say i want to do all of these things   but we framed the mirror using the poplar hobby  boards and we cut them at an angle and then we're   just going to piece them together and then we are  also going to stain these pieces after cutting   them we brought them upstairs to make sure that  they were the proper size it is really easy to do   you could probably get your wood cut at home depot  or lowe's too if you do not have a saw or even ask   a neighbor that does have a saw so once everything  was cut i went out and i sanded it before staining   it just to remove any dirt or anything that got  on there at home depot i will try to link the   hobby boards down below in the description box for  you but this was just a super affordable easy way   to update that standard builder grade mirror  that we have in the bathroom give it a nice   updated and finished look and i'm just so happy  with everything how everything turned out and i   cannot wait to share the finished product of the  bathroom with you guys after this is all done but   for now we are going to sand everything  and then we are going to get to staining today i'm going to be using this verithane  premium wood stain in the color flagstone   i actually saw my friend grisel using this  in her kitchen makeover video and it's just   such a beautiful stain it is very neutral it's  not too warm it's not too cool and it was just   the perfect color for what i was looking for  i absolutely love this stain so if you're   staining a piece for the first time you can  use a brush or you can use a cloth like i am   you're going to want to rub it on in a circular  pattern and then you're going to want to wipe   off the excess it says to let it sit for a minute  before wiping it off i did not do that but if you   want to listen to the directions that is what  you should do but it's super easy to do it with   a cloth or to use a brush i've never actually  used a brush to stain i prefer the cloth and   once everything was all dried up i went in with a  very thin triple thick polyurethane spray in a mat   i did not want my wood to be shiny i wanted it  to be matte i really honestly didn't want to   seal it at all because i didn't want to change the  color of it and luckily this poly didn't do that   and it had a nice matte finish you can't even  tell that there is polyurethane on there but it   is nice and protected so that i can clean and not  worry about cleaning products ruining the wood or   any of that stuff and since it is a bathroom we  don't want the moisture getting into the wood   so to put the mirror the frame on the mirror we  used gorilla glue liquid nails the heavy duty one   and we just put my husband put it on the back of  the wood pieces and just stuck it to the mirror   that way you're going to want to stain both  sides of the wood because you can see the wood   on the mirror next up is the countertops and  we are going to refinish these with appliance   epoxy under five dollars for the whole can  didn't even use a whole can on the bathroom   you're probably like well your countertops look  white after you epoxied them so what was the point   the point was to get rid of those brown seams  that are on the end and just brighten up the   countertops because i just don't love the counters  there for mica they're old they're not great it is   what it is and i'm gonna use crud cutter and clean  the countertops off really well before i sand them   and yes i am going to sand them because i want  to create a nice bond between the appliance epoxy   and my countertop and i also wanted to kind  of round off the edges where there are those   brown seams that i just showed you that was  the biggest thing that bothered me about   my countertops and why i wanted to refinish  them with the appliance epoxy was those brown   seams like just not cute looks very outdated  so we're just going to take care of that today   to sand the countertops to get them all ready  for the appliance epoxy spray i used the 320   grit sandpaper you could probably go with a lower  grit just to scuff it up a little bit better but   this did the job and then you're gonna take your  appliance epoxy it is only 488 i believe at home   depot or at least that's how much it was at my  home depot it's rust-oleum appliance epoxy spray i   know it's appliance epoxy spray why are you gonna  put it on your counters well i got this idea from   my friend ashley ashkeen i think is her name here  on youtube she's a mama youtuber and she's just   awesome she does a bunch of diy stuff herself  and shares that on instagram and i just love all   of her stuff so she gave me this idea and it was  super affordable and super easy to do i got a coat   done in under five minutes although i do highly  recommend doing this in a very well ventilated   area because it is just like spray paint it stinks  it is a strong odor and you're going to want to   leave your windows open for a while after doing  this i had the fan going i had the windows open   and i am wearing a mask however probably not the  proper mask respirator mask would be better but   it is what it is can't find those anywhere these  days i did two coats and this was the finished   product it got rid of that brown seam that i  hated and it updated the countertop look so much   we are going to replace these towel hooks  with some dowel towel hooks we are going to   make these dowels i'm going to show you  exactly what we did we got a dowel rod   from home depot i think it's in like the hobby  section of the wood area you're going gonna cut   them at a 30 degree angle so that they are nice  and flush up against the wall and it can hold a   towel on there without a piece of wood just  kind of sticking straight out of the wall i am now going to take some 320 grit  sandpaper and sand down each hook dowel   towel holder that we are going to be using  in the bathroom we ended up having four   cut because i'm going to put two by the sink  and then one on each side of the shower and   i'm going to be using that same flagstone stain  that i used earlier to frame the bathroom mirror   and i'm going to stain all of the dowels and  i am also going to stain these two pieces of   poplar that we're going to create shelves out  of i will show you guys the brackets and stuff   that we brought in just a minute here we're  gonna make some shelves we're gonna have these   dowel hooks hung up to add some more wood and  little pops of natural color to the bathroom   once everything was stained and dried i did  go back in with that matte polyurethane spray   to seal them so that the water and stuff  from the towels that were hanging on there   doesn't ruin the dowel pieces and then these are  the brackets that we chose to use for our shelves   they were 11 each at home depot they are a little  bit pricier than the ones that i usually use but i   really love the look of them and how they had the  kind of lip on the front to hold the shelf there so everything is ready to go on the wall we are  going to use the drywall anchors and we are also   going to use these dowel screws and it's basically  just like a double ended screw if you don't know   what it is you're going to put the anchors  in the wall and then you're going to drill   a pilot hole into your dowel and then you're going  to put the dowel screw in you're going to want to   drill the pilot hole on the angled end if you are  wanting your towel hooks to be kind of at an angle   and then you just screw the dowel screw into the  wood and then into the anchor itself as you can   see what i mean by having the wood at an angle so  that the towel stays on there a little bit better   and then we ended up doing two of those right  under the shelf that we put up and now i am   going to decorate i am so excited with how  everything is turning out in the bathroom   everything is so much lighter and brighter we have  the black we have the pops of the natural wood and   i just really love how everything turned out i am  such a neutral loving person so i kept my shower   curtain i tried to shop my home as much as i could  i didn't want to splurge didn't want to spend a   ton of money on this bathroom makeover everything  was under 300 for the paint the flooring   and everything else that i used i am also going to  have my husband add these door pulls they are the   same color as the ones that we used in our kitchen  it's like this brushed brass color and eventually   we are going to get a faucet that matches and  to decorate the shelf i am using this r that i   got from home goods i'm going to try to find it  for you guys if you're interested and then this   little canister for cotton balls that i picked up  at target that will be linked down below as well   i am just loving how everything is turning out and  we also ended up putting a shelf behind the toilet   in that super tall awkward area i'm using some  art that i already had on hand one of these prints   and then a framed print that i have a candle by a  local candle maker wild west wix and then i found   these really cute matches that i'm also going to  put up there i'm just loving how everything turned   out i also got this bath mat from target and i got  this laundry basket from world market it is like   the more natural boho modern whatever  vibe to it that i really really love   so let's just pop back in time and get  the before before i show you the after and here is the final project i just love how  everything turned out the bathroom is so much   lighter and brighter i really love the pop of  green from the cabinets as well as the plant   i am just so pleased with what we were able to  achieve on a smaller budget like i said everything   everything in the bathroom was under 300 to  do and it did take me a while to complete   the bathroom makeover just because i kind of get  project burnout after a little while but it's done   now and i am so excited eventually we will get the  new faucet to match the door pulls we just kind of   can't decide on what we want because my husband  and i have two completely different styles but   we'll get there and then i will show you guys in  an updated video or in one of my cleaning videos   but i'm just so thrilled with how everything  turned out and i hope that you guys have gotten   some ideas on how to update your space on a budget  and how much you can get done for a little cost   and really really just update the look and the  vibe in your space i really love the bathroom i   love the flooring and i just am so so pleased with  how it all turned out i hope that you all enjoyed   this budget friendly bathroom makeover please  stick around and subscribe if you aren't already   i have a couple of other bathroom makeovers  planned and i would love for you to see them as   well as other makeovers in the home because i've  got all the ideas and all the spaces that i want   to redo thank you guys so much for watching i hope  that you have a super amazing day stick around   and subscribe if you haven't already and i will  catch you guys in the next video thank you again
Channel: Bronte's Life
Views: 1,660,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY bathroom makeover on a budget, bathroom makeover, bathroom makeover on a budget, diy bathroom, small bathroom makeover, diy bathroom makeover, epoxy countertop, easy bathroom remodel, extreme room transformation, extreme bathroom transformation, extreme bathroom makeover on a budget, bathroom remodel on a budget, bathroom remodel under 300, bathroom renovation, painting oak cabinets, peel and stick flooring, brontes life, diy makeover on a budget, remodeling bathroom
Id: DxGX_B9ehZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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