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kitchens are often the heart of the home and previously our kitchen it was dark and was not married welcoming in today's video I'm gonna walk you through our three hundred dollar budget kitchen makeover that made a huge difference so stay tuned [Music] hey I'm Lindsay organized to save and I'm here to help you become more organized and productive with budget-friendly tips tricks and digital products to help you declutter and simplify your home I absolutely love to cook and entertain but our kitchen it was so dark and not very pleasant to cook in today so yeah I'm gonna walk you through how we completely transformed our kitchen on under $300 and share with you my budget-friendly tips and tricks that we used along the way in order to completely transform this space where you dive into any big project it's gonna be super important that you first establish a budget if you have been around here for long you know that I do everything on a budget since we had our budget established we knew we wouldn't be able to do too many crazy projects so we figured out what easy things that we could do in order to make a big impact but on a small budget and one of the biggest things that you can do is to invest in paint and starting a big project it's important to stay organized before we started painting I drew out a diagram of our kitchen on my iPad and then marked each cabinet to make sure we knew where they go but also what color to paint them now we ended up using a paint system from wrist Oleum which I highly recommend we found it from Home Depot and everything that I talked about I'll have it linked down below now this system was a multi-step process but before we started any of the steps we took all of the doors and drawers off and keep in mind when you're removing all of the hardware to make sure that you store it in the container so you don't misplace it especially if you're gonna be reusing it [Music] we had purchased some new handles a few months back but we decided we were going to use the same hinges and just update them by spray-painting them to prep for feeding I needed to remove everything from the cabinets and tape off all of the cabinets we only painted the outside of the cabinets so I taped out the inside to assist with clean lines while painting the first step in this kit is to use a degausser this eliminates the need to sand or prime any previous finishes so it's a super DIY friendly process this kit comes with most of the supplies that you're going to need the only other additional supplies that you might need art paint brushes or drop cloths obviously the tape anything like that let's use the d-class are all that you're gonna do is put the solution on your sponge and simply scrub down all the surfaces so the only thing that we modified about our cabinets was above our kitchen sink there was this little extra piece of wood that just didn't fit our style anymore and so taking this down with a super easy fix and made this base feels so much more open for our lower cabinets we use the gray cabinet paint and then for the uppers we use the pure white again I'll have all this linked down below now using two different colors I will say there was a big difference between how the gray went on versus how the white went on the gray went on super smooth and the paint was much thinner than the white paint but I honestly love how these turned out in the end so make sure you stay tuned to see the huge reveal if you are loving this renovation video so far please give it a big thumbs up and also make sure you hit subscribe so you don't miss it when I show you the inside of the cabinets real soon I ended up having to do several coats of each color we probably did a little bit more on the white just because with the dark cabinets that we had we needed more coats to be able to get a clear coverage to paint the cabinet bases I simply just use a paintbrush for the colors but then to do all the doors my husband actually used a spray gun so while I was inside my husband used this paint sprayer and actually tackled all the drawers and the doors out on our garage Jared set up a little workstation out in our garage that way he could spray all the doors and the drawers properly using a paint sprayer you definitely get a smoother finish to dry everything we simply just laid some slats of wood down on the ground but learn from our mistakes be mindful if you're doing it especially out in a garage if there's any wind that comes in things will stick to the paint so we did have to redo one of the drawers and just touch up a couple spots I ended up also painting our window which made a huge difference on this space putting the way paint on there and brightened up that space so much I also touched up this window because there were so many holes and divots from where previous curtains and blinds had been hung but just used some lightweight spackling to cover up all the holes and what a difference it made now this was a very lengthy process this took us a very long time to do but partially because we were dealing with some weather because to be able to paint outside with the spray gun we needed a certain temperature the last step was to use the durable protective top coat this is a clear coat that will help to resist scuffing cracking chipping and peeling on your paint surface [Music] even without having the doors or any of the countertop work done this was a huge transformation now I'm gonna be doing a whole separate video showing you the inside of the cabinet's but keep watching to see what we did to the countertops I'd love to know from you are you a chef or a baker I definitely loved eating the sweet treats but cooking is a little bit more of my strong suit let me know it down below which one you prefer or if you are a takeout diva now if you've watched any of my previous videos you might have seen me do this hack before but I just use contact paper to redo our countertops now obviously down the line we will be investing in new countertops and a new sink and everything but for right now this is a great solution if you're needing to just simply update your space on a budget this is also renter friendly I would just say to eliminate one of the steps that I'm going to be showing you I picked up these rolls from Target but you can find these anywhere and I really like this marble pattern just because it's super bright and light and it really helps to brighten up this space because that was the number one thing that I wanted to do was to lighten up the space to finish half the countertops I ended up using a polyurethane topcoat and just simply used a foam brush just to brush this on over the entire countertops now once you get all the coats done you're gonna want to let it sit for a while before you start putting things back together just because it needs to properly dry well once it was properly dried we went ahead and put on all the hardware reattach the doors and the drawers and this hardware I actually found for the entire kitchen up Amazon for under $30 and that we have actually been using this hardware for several months now because I put this on before we even tackled this project and they are holding up really well [Music] so if you remember the before of this kitchen it was so dark it just did not reflect our personality at all and and now let's go ahead and check out the after [Music] you honestly say that having this kitchen this way it has been such a huge impact in our house it makes it feel so much brighter and more welcoming and I cannot wait to be able to have people over again suppose who enjoy cooking for our family and friends but this space has truly been a game changer as far as setting a welcoming environment for our home we love all the finishing touches that we did a little touches of green just brings it a more lively feel to this space and painting out the cabinets and the window completely transformed it it's you other simple but inexpensive updates that we did were to switch out outlets to crisp full white ones and also updated the window just by spray-painting out the screen and the knobs as well as adding in new blinds it is literally a 9 day with this kitchen now looks like you're ready to start tackling your kitchen maybe get it a little bit more organized check out the video on your screen and out for us some awesome hacks in order to tackle those tricky spaces in your kitchen like those corner cupboards on a dollar tree budget you'll see in that video [Music]
Channel: Organized to Save
Views: 507,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: organize, organizing tips, organizing tricks, organize your life, home decor, organization, declutter, organized to save, save money, kitchen makeover on a budget, the power of paint, before and after, before and after kitchen, enjoy your space, frugal and crafty, Rustoleum kitchen, Rustoleum cabinet transformation, kitchen decor, kitchen renovation, kitchen organization, kitchen backsplash, DIY kitchen⁠, budget kitchen⁠, kitchen DIY⁠, kitchen cabinets⁠, makeover on a budget
Id: gygzakUuBEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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