How Those Viral Science TikToks Are Made

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it's affecting everybody these days [Music] no in today's video we're going to be testing out tick tock hacks and to see if they actually work [Music] guys we've got multilingual make sure you check out their new tkor channel that's all in spanish grace it looks like we're going to be cooking we are going to be cooking we are going to be making things this we're going to be cooking and it was grace's idea this seems like something i can actually do though pancakes are one of my favorite thing in the whole entire world i have come to love tik tok also it's one of those things that you either love it hate it or you just embrace it here's the basic idea we're going to test out which tick tock viral videos are camera trickery and which ones are actually real pancakes are my favorite food in the whole entire world partly because it's the easiest thing to make and it's really hard to mess up so we're going to see if the viral video of cooking a pancake in a rice cooker can actually be done so i think you showed this to me and it's just pancake batter you add it to the rice cooker and let it cook slowly for how long i don't know but it's supposed to it's supposed to just turn into like one really thick pancake that's cooked nicely all the way through it's exciting so we need to coat the thing with oil so you coat the rice cooker with even though it's a non-stick coat olive oil i don't know what are you supposed to use not olive oil i guess if that's how you like your pancakes you could do that but sure can't imagine it's the best okay so from the tik tok video which mark thankfully reminded me about that one cycle of cooking the rice was enough so he dumped it into the rice cooker i don't want to do that i want to mix it here first because i don't trust myself mixing everything in the rice cooker plus we've got a whisk and that way we avoid the nonstick surface that we've already put in there you literally just take like a pancake mix the whole thing yeah how about like one batch two cups of this stuff one cup milk and two eggs two cups of this one cup of milk [Music] two eggs [Music] that's supposed to yield 14 pancakes but we're making one big one we're going to try and make one pancake that's worth 14. this one's cool it involves toilet paper a fan and tape the idea is that it just kind of stays out in front of it as a twisting shape right yeah but it would need the blowing air to stay out so does she like hold it until it starts going yeah all right let go [Music] wow maybe turn it up [Music] ah it has shredded itself okay so that one didn't work super well okay it did look like it kind of wanted to work but where i was holding it it had twisted itself up gotcha i'm just gonna go to high yeah it's kind of working a little bit it is kind of working it does seem like it's mostly just that it's wrinkled still at the end why is ours look like this i don't know high five it's really good at high well it's more like a high one once we get five of them on it might be like a high five oh you broke it grace so this tick tock video hack trick thing i declare as maybe if you have the right equipment since we're not using the exact same fan we have a hard time telling if it would work so we got the swirlies and then you know like hers just was very very tall and i don't know why different shape of fan blades different size holding them out more hers was bigger i think than this and i think like our fan blades are very flimsy and like we saw when we took the toilet paper off this sped up so i think any time it has interference it gets a little unhappy when i first told nate we were making piranha solution he said what and so here we are so i am following princeton's rules for piranha solution we're going to use an acid which is sulfuric acid and then we're going to use hydrogen peroxide this is incredibly aggressive this is incredibly aggressive it's a 35 solution of hydrogen peroxide the stuff you get at the brown bottles at the store is a three percent solution so it's a lot stronger piranha solution is able to dissolve anything so that's what this guy did on tick-tock is he dissolved a piece of toilet paper or paper towel in the solution and it literally like instantly piranha solution can exceed temperatures of 100 degrees when you mix these two chemicals together which is pretty crazy that's a pretty aggressive exothermic reaction that's why we've got pyrex for the glass it's microwave safe and everything can take a decent amount of heat yep so hopefully all of our reaction will happen in that okay so here's the sulfuric acid the piranha solution is a mixture of a three to one ratio so we're using three of the sulfuric acid so that's going to be 120 milliliters and then the hydrogen peroxide we're going to use 40 milliliters princeton told us to put the sulfuric acid in first and then we're going to use a different one oh look at it [Music] ready when you are i guess okay ready [Music] hey it went there's not really any brown gucky stuff left though it's gone [Music] oh there's the brown gucci stuff you were talking about oh and now the brown gucci stuff is breaking down too that's so crazy to be honest this deserves a yeehaw because i was so scared it wasn't gonna work [Music] this is honestly the coolest thing that i've done yet toilet paper highly processed plywood less processed i'm not going to just drop it in i'm just going to dip part of it in oh my gosh it's also reacting with any of the like glue that makes up the wood that's nice and crazy and then let's yeah you can see it's just kind of eating away in itself clearly clearing it all away that's so cool look at this layer it's created to simulate what would happen if we stuck a finger in it i have a hot dog i'm just gonna cause it's very finger like it doesn't react as fast as the toilet paper but it's fizzing i feel like it's because this is so much denser well it's incredibly processed yeah it's not a perfect analog for humans you know what that's enough i don't i don't want to have the stuff in here anymore even with all our doors open tick tock trend 10 out of 10 should you try this at home absolutely not you guys don't need to make this the fumes were incredible and like we are all a little bit itchy from this we handled it properly we were like protection super cool video super cool what happened here but do not try this at home don't do it in other news you can make a pancake at home let's look at our pancake yeah all right so we are we're about four cycles right yeah four cycles of our rice cooker because after the first one's like the top middle especially was still just liquid like completely liquid look at that that looks like uh a cake it's not a pancake it's a cake i think we could have done one last cycle i think you might be right yeah we're just learning obviously but it's so crispy on top a little bit of crispiness that looks pretty evenly cooked all the way through i gotta say this looks so good [Music] always so delicious all right i'm gonna give this a try take a bite right out of the middle here it's got lots of syrup on it the bottom is i think a little too crispy i like my pancakes crispy so i like it it adds a very subtle crunch there's a lot of syrup in there now i would say that this is a very valid option for a whole bread like if you're cooking breakfast for multiple people obviously not for like 20 people unless you have a whole lot of rice cookers but this is great you give each person like a quarter or six of this as part of a breakfast that's pretty good you just go yeah just put butter on syrup on it like it's a pancake it's just shaped like cake cake all right mark hop in here and get something that's sharp it was so rich it rise but i didn't rise yeah it grew some but not a ton i recommend everyone try this at home so we're gonna head outside and do this last one i saw this and sent it to mark because it looked so epic so basically it's this flowers and smoke bomb i want to know if this works or if this was completely fake so the idea is that it will dye the flowers yes pieces of me think this is fake and not real and they like spray painted them maybe um i have dyed flowers using the capillary action where you put them in the food coloring they soak up come through the flowers it's not like a perfectly even color when you do it like that right right so in this tik tok which i haven't seen yet does it it just turns like completely the color it's just like kind of splotchy smoke bomby kind of flower looking but we're gonna stick these in here and see if we can get some smoke bomb okay so our first test is going to be this um it's pain-free water-soluble and non-toxic which is good so i'm going to launch this into there i don't know what color this is going to be because it's a gender reveal it probably was labeled on the wrapper but that's been removed but here we are so we're gonna find out the gender of our flowers all right nate ready kind of i don't know what's gonna happen this might be terrible like line that up like here okay ready [Music] do we do we wanna do another one not into this container so we know if this is gonna be like dangerous it's a girl pretty powerful three two one also pink oh it's a girl again guess we got a pink pack how long do we let it the guy just kind of like close the container and then carried it somewhere to his girlfriend and then made her wear like some gloves while she handled the flowers probably just whatever it is now is where it's going well they are pink also we got the lid from the container all right so that is very pink at the moment it doesn't stick a ton wow i'm actually like shocked that this worked i don't know why i guess just because it just didn't look like it was going to work on tik tok but this is actually kind of cool so here's how this one works we just light that so it's blue put the cover on maybe and then whatever color smoke comes up out of it and we see if it stains everything [Music] yay blue flowers that's really letting out all the blue when you keep it concentrated yeah when it's in the air it dissipates but all in a container it's pretty concentrated it's gonna be really blue i bet we definitely have a nice blue circle on the ground oh yeah boy i've got some very pink shoes now well we've got some very blue glass so that i would say is stained it got the stem a lot too obviously whether you want that or not uh but like yeah it's color stays on this works way better honestly because the pink has my it's all over my fingers but with this smoke bomb like you said like it's not shaking off at all plus if you want your flowers to smell like fireworks then it really you're into that i like how like it has that really cool effect of like some of it's very colored in others it's just like a hint so all in all i'd say our tik tok trend video even the fan one that may have just been our equipment yeah i don't think it was faked or anything i think it was real it's just you have to have the right kind of fan it was a great day hey guys if you like this kind of content make sure you check out that video right there to see our other videos and then we'll see you in the next one talk to you then you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 525,247
Rating: 4.8967776 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, challenge, tiktok challenge, tiktok hack, life hacks, fun life hacks, flower dye, how to color flowers, smoke bomb, gender reveal, colored powder, piranha, pirana, tiktok test, debunking, mythbuster, mythbusting, debunking viral, fake tiktok, is this tiktok fake, debunking science, pancake, giant pancake, food tiktok, giant food, tkor, king of random, nate, calli, grace, tkor test, king of random debunk, tkor mythbust, tkor debunk, tkor tiktok, king of random bust
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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