How Many Layers of Glue Does It Take To Make A Glue Glove?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 3,510,931
Rating: 4.8444085 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, elmers glue, elders glue, random glue and dry ice, king of random dry ice, boiling liquid glue, boiling glue, making glue glove, random glue glove, hand in glue, king of random glue, king of random hand mold, playing with glue, boil glue, king of random boil, king of random hand in glue, king of random drie ice, king of random molds
Id: 93Q7jiDLHIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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