How Many Layers of Glue Does It Take To Make A Glue Glove?

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today we're going to see what happens if we boil a small pot of clear elmer's glue [Music] elmer's glue a classic adhesive staple this is the clear version it's not the kind you see quite as commonly i feel like in schools normally you see the white elmer's glue unless you're making slime which i'm pretty sure is why these now come in gallon buckets is just so many people use to make slime we've used it to make slime quite a bit in fact that's why we had a few gallons of it here's the basic idea we've got two gallons of elmer's glue and several experiments we want to try what happens if we mix it with dry ice what happens if we boil a pot of it away how thick of a layer of glue can we really build up on our hand first off i think we can play around with this dry ice yep i think that was the original idea it was just dry ice and elmer's glue what would happen [Applause] that's one way to do it yeah but i had more fun doing it the nice thing about dry ice is it just disappears so if it gets into like corners of the room ready go it runs right off the side oh very uh vapory though now do you think it's gonna bubble or do you think it's gonna trap i was kind of thinking the dry ice might even float but i was thinking it was gonna freeze the glue oh i bet it gets there so we are getting fun bubbles that then pop uh-huh this is pretty fun it does make good bubbles and it just you can see they're white and then oh i just that one had a bubble inside another bubble i'm gonna see what happens if i if i put some on top will it sink it does in fact it sunk right under and started adding more vapor not terribly cold 54 ish [Music] so i have some stir sticks but i'm intentionally not stirring it because it's fun to see how the green swirls itself around yeah it's traveling there very frozen to the bottom well personally i think this looks very cool it does but i want to be able to see more of it so we do have our glass container and try the same thing quite a bit more glue i do wonder if it's all going to freeze once it hits yeah at some point i i suspect a lot of or a lot of time you put dry ice into water it like forms an ice shell just around the dry ice so maybe we'll get some of that happening all right what do you think should i just pour the rest of this gallon in yeah go for it already it's amazing that looks so cool from the side i'm thrilled pretty entertaining just the glue is thick enough it just slows it down some and you can just watch it glob glove gloving up big bowls surrounded by tiny bubbles i kind of wonder if after a while there would just be so many tiny bubbles yeah it's getting hard to see as it is [Music] oh weird it's over on this side it's like a falling past and getting now it's just getting pulled back that's why i did one drop because i thought it would cycle pretty well and it definitely is getting cycled a lot one drop was more than i needed it does still smell like glue this is fun yes it's good that's a cool effect and it does seem to last a decent amount of time all right this has now been sitting here for i don't know 15-ish 20 minutes total and so i'm gonna pour the glue off and i want to see like what result we have do we have frozen glue around the dry ice what's happening in this i think we've got a layer of frozen glue that's formed around most of the dry ice here so you can see this this right here it's frozen it's not the dry ice itself that's the glue so it definitely is still making that frozen shell around it it's probably led to the bubbles slowing down considerably now we've got our very bubbly glue over here we now want to see what happens if we boil a full pot of this glue it sounds like it's boiling behind us already it does sound like bad but it's a nice blub blub gloving noise so i'm wondering if we're gonna get a similar bubbling effect from heat instead of cold let's find out [Music] my other fear is that when it starts to boil it will bubble everywhere so that's pretty good i think we'll give it some heat and we'll see what happens to it we'll we'll decide in a bit if we want to stir or just let it sit i wonder if it's like cooking full of bubbles and like that's rising up so once it's up to the top we can investigate a little more if you've ever wanted to stick your entire hand into glue which i know you have i have guys i really have it's a weird thing but now i get to try it and see what happens not much hopefully ew oh don't kid you enjoy it okay no it feels like corn syrup though to be entirely honest it feels like my hand is just coated in corn syrup that makes some sense it does my hand looks larger now it also makes sense though all right we're gonna try to make a glue glove low heat i've decided i am going to stir this mostly because it got to a point where you can't really see anything oh it is warm okay i can't feel it through the glue yeah so i'm going to be very careful because otherwise i could accidentally cook my hand without realizing it and i keep going up to my uncovered skin to test where i'm at with heat to make sure i'm not burning myself i like this little streak i know i'm just like [Applause] spreading everywhere so we've got some like burned gooey stuff that kind of scraped off of the bottom of the pot i've also turned it down to like two you might want me to turn it back up because i i got nervous there for a second [Applause] that was a new noise so far i gotta say not much is really happening here it's just a little too thin to really notice well when you have white elmer's glue and it dries it turns clear it does and your clear elmer's glue and you cook it it turns white but who knows what would happen if you tried to cook white elmer's glue for all we know [Music] how's your glove high five it's mostly for the most part it's dry but there's some spots you're touching you're just like oh no that's still sticky do you think you can peel it off i don't know i'm on coat three guys and this is taking quite a bit of time so i'm gonna attempt to pull it off now and see what how many pieces it comes off in the pot we basically have a dried layer of glue all the way around you can see that it's just like surrounding the glue all like you can peel it away from the wall of the pot a little bit and it's not terribly strong so as i do that like oh hole forms and it leaks out a little bit but i i think what we're going to do is pour out this glue and then see what that skin is up to i like it and see what happens to this glue as it cools down as well there we go all right this is much less satisfying than i wanted it to be because it is coming apart in pieces this is not fully dry so basically what i've done is i've created a horrid mess for myself and no one is surprised this right here is the mold of cali's hand oh good i don't want to we're going to pour the glue into the mold and i think it will probably just cool down and be gloopy glue again that'll be fun to clean up but we're just going to try pouring it in anyway and see what happens [Music] i thought i'd be able to peel it off in one piece the answer is no maybe if i'd been a little bit more patient and like painted the layers off now i'm starting to get like claustrophobic and panicked about the fact that i can't get my hand out of this nearly fast enough so i'm just really kind of losing my mind here and it's really freaking me out a little bit you know normal things it dissolves in water you'll be okay there be going to the sink i didn't really think that one through [Music] well i'm just trying to peel it out like i poured it onto the cookie sheet [Music] [Music] we'll give this sheet at least a little bit to cool down and once it's cool we'll take a look at it i think it's probably just going to end up as like a thicker paste type texture but i do want to see and if it does turn into anything more than just thick liquid i'm very curious to see what will happen with the hand mold as well because maybe cooking it like that has removed enough moisture that it will kind of set we'll find out we let things go a little longer than overnight we actually let things sit for about a week and a half because overnight not much happened so we gave it some more time we did um so here is some that we just poured out onto foil this is delightful have you ever just wanted a giant sheet of glue plastic i haven't but now i have one anyway this is what came out of the pot that we had boiled oh yes yes yeah this did not solidify at all oh even the top didn't i wonder if it has something to do with the fact that we added so much color to it it feels thicker this one's a trampoline so that one we poured glue all over dry and then we left it outside and it did get rained on yeah so like there was glue and water what we ended up with is like yeah there's there's glue on the bottom of the bowl and then there's a layer about a centimeter above that that's also nice and smooth but in between it's just air there's nothing there so i kind of wonder if like there was water and glue and it separated and then part of it dried and the water evaporated i don't know what happened we just left it outside for a while and this is what we got so it's kind of neat how about you show us what's in your hand mold well this stuff on the outside is pretty nice and solid hmm it's now pouring glue oh gooey gooey gooey gooey completely gooey that's going to take run in a bathtub for a while to clean so casting elmer's glue not so much no it doesn't really work um this weirdly enough so this one is like nothing but this one has started to dry it has like a there you go skin on the top of it like this part here isn't sticky the underside is sticky but it's not like as sticky as that so also not cured on the top so i'm thinking the dry ice does something to it well this had a lot of dry ice in it and i think that one had a lot of dry ice and i don't have dry ice in it now i'm doing this just because you got to and i didn't and now i'm curious do you remember how long it took me to clean my hand off nope i'm not gonna tell you wow the refractive properties of this glass combine with the glue my hand looks enormous like a hulk fist in there it's really weird because i'm seeing your hand from a profile so your pinky looks like a normal size but the rest of your hand is gigantic and it's odd it's a weird thing to say but if you've never tried it you should try it once it's worth it maybe get some friends and you can all try it at the same time so you're not wasting too much glue guys that's not all you know we've always got more for you to see and if you like this kind of chaos remember to hit that box down at the bottom to subscribe so you never miss out on the fun and we'll see you in the next one talk to you then you
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 3,510,931
Rating: 4.8444085 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, elmers glue, elders glue, random glue and dry ice, king of random dry ice, boiling liquid glue, boiling glue, making glue glove, random glue glove, hand in glue, king of random glue, king of random hand mold, playing with glue, boil glue, king of random boil, king of random hand in glue, king of random drie ice, king of random molds
Id: 93Q7jiDLHIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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