This Is Not An Egg Yolk

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today we're looking into diy caviar eggs via molecular gastronomy guys molecular gastronomy is a cool idea that involves using fun and strange chemicals to mix into your food to get different sort of like creations and results than you would get through traditional cooking and baking methods it's not just gelatin no no there's other parts to it today though what we're going to be using is a sort of a gelatin it's alginate not actually too different from the stuff we've used to make molds out of before okay but this is an edible version of it and it's clear and we can choose the flavor here's the basic idea we're going to use some fun chemicals to try making our own flavors of diy fish eggs now i've seen these before on like ice cream toppings and stuff when you go to like a frozen yogurt shop it's kind of like that is that we're talking about like little boba pearls it looks similar to that yeah so the the idea is that well those are usually made of i think tapioca yes this actually forms an alginate gelatin shell around a little burst of liquid flavor in the middle and they end up looking quite a bit like fish eggs so we've got multiple different kinds of liquids that we can try so this whole process is called spherification because it makes tiny little edible spheres okay there's also what's called reverse spherification you just switch the chemicals around the other direction and we'll get more into what's happening in a little bit but to start off these are the main two ingredients we've got sodium alginate and there are actually a couple different versions of a calcium salt that you can use what we've got is the calcium lactate gluconate so we're going to start off with the direct spherification method for which we're going to need both these as well as a flavor okay and some purified water ideally i would have gotten distilled water but the store nearest was out so this is purified drinking water and the important thing is that it has way fewer minerals in it the calcium that could be found in say our tap water might be enough to set off the reaction in ways we don't want let's start with otter pops you've already got them open all right so we've got this in a blender cup now let's pour until we hit 200 grams all right now take our sodium alginate yep and add two grams of that so we're going for one percent and blend it in the little blender on the counter behind you oh it's so foamy yes keep going a little bit just to make sure it's all well mixed in you commented that this is very foamy it is it's very bubbly the sodium alginate really makes it hold bubbles very well so your options are either you can let it sit until all those bubbles are gone or if you're impatient like i am you can put it in a vacuum chamber now while cali was preparing that i poured 300 grams of our purified water into this bowl here i'm now going to add three grams of our calcium lactate gluconate i'm just going to stir that in definitely foaming a lot and it may foam so much that you have to kill the pressure and let air back in now we're going to take some of this purple goo and just pull it into our oversized syringe so this one has the sodium alginate in it and this one has the calcium base in it these two are just water there's nothing else in them oh you like dip it in a water bottle it's for rinsing and then let it sit so i'm gonna see if i can just send off a little drip and see if we get a nice sphere out of this oops well i'm not that good at individual drips with this oversized syringe so for people like that they've actually come up with a cool little tool for it this device is designed for dripping little spheres that are supposed to be really nice now really quick i'm actually already going to take these out because they're only supposed to need five to ten seconds oh boy yep look at that i'm just going to take them out of the rinse and leave them to just sit for a while in this water bath cali would you like a single purple sphere sure does look like a fish egg that's fun and it pops and tastes like grape that is very fun as much as the otter pops ever taste like grape now it's supposed to fill everything and then drip evenly what it usually seems to do in my single use experience is that this one right near the fill point just starts dripping okay and you know what that's okay it's already working beautifully yeah it does a great job it's not doing all 96 at once that it says it will do but it's doing a very good job with the one they'll actually turn to gel all the way through if you leave them in too long so they won't be popping anymore yeah then they'll i mean they're still just like little spheres of jello at that point which is an interesting texture but it's not the one we're going for okay [Music] all right so this one we have is yuhu which is sort of a chocolate milk based drink we don't know if the calcium is going to mess with it we don't know how well the flavor's going to come through so this one should be interesting [Music] oh it's dripping down but it's not sinking yeah it's floating on the top that's weird they work we got little spheres pearls caviar i think they are smaller and obviously they don't sink as well for some reason now we have to see if they're any good does it work it actually comes through pretty well nice we've also got cranberry juice sparkling strawberry daiquiri and red bull let's try red bull all right now i do think all of the carbonation is just gonna be gone as soon as we vacuum it vacuum chambers pull all the bubbles out of stuff and when we vacuum soda in the past it's just completely flat it doesn't form as well no it definitely doesn't they're kind of weird odd little shapes yeah now i did some tests before we started filming and uh one of the things i tried was like straight pineapple juice acidity messes with yeah and when when those dripped in it didn't even do this it just dissolved completely so this it was just a gel but it didn't form like nice individual spheres yep it's a red bowl there's no sphere there's no fun texture in your mouth and no pop it it's just kind of like jello yeah like yeah it's kind of runny jello it's not not very good so now we're trying the reverse spherification where you switch which chemicals go into what parts so now our flavors have instead of the sodium alginate they have the calcium salt the bath that we pour it into now has the sodium alginate and at this point the gel will form on the outside of the flavor instead of into the sphere the longer we leave it in the thicker of a coating it will get but in theory the inside liquid should stay just the same instead of eventually turning into a gel like it was doing so we could end up with a really thick shell we could so you've done it with cranberry juice i have here some pineapple juice concentrate okay and in theory both of these things should work the usual technique is to very carefully take a spoon that's nice and clean on the bottom fold the liquid and sort of pour it all in at once and then it forms a little sphere i practiced a little bit and i'm bad at it but i was getting a little better at it and then at the same time i have another mixture of this the bath which is got the sodium alginate in it i have another portion of the same stuff on the stove that i'm trying to warm up to about 122 degrees fahrenheit now with the warm stuff what we're going to do is if we take our flavor and we freeze it in a mold or something similar and then we put it into this liquid it should help melt the liquid and start forming that gel shell at the same time this is what's often used if you're trying to make somewhat larger shapes rather than just pouring it in and hoping you're good at it you just put it in it holds its shape and then as the gel barrier forms it turns into a liquid again [Music] kind of you might be able to add a little oh nope it's sinking down in it looks like it's going to be getting your little sphere [Music] hey look and now just give it i think you're supposed to go longer you're supposed to give it like a full minute or something and i want to give it a shot with my pineapple stuff i'll be a bigger sphere bigger less spherical looking very much like an egg yolk right now [Music] okay that's a very thick shell but it was a shelf full of cranberry juice might work all right let's try and grab my little egg yolk the cranberry attachment oh that's the other thing is it pops just like an egg yolk so it's got a shell around it and then if you stab it like all the liquid will come out but i'm just gonna eat it can't taste the pineapple yet because it didn't pop [Music] really strong so this is now heated we have warm setting bath pour that into this cup here because i took some of my pineapple stuff and i filled a couple of water balloons a tiny bit and then i put it in the freezer so i have at least partially maybe all the way frozen little water balloons full of juice and now i'm gonna put it into a very warm 122 fahrenheit degree setting bath so in theory it will be melting it and then as it melts it will react with it and i can already see that gel shell forming on it and it's definitely becoming more liquid gonna get a good sized egg yolk out of this one oh good it's too thick to mix up because when you make a poached egg to keep it circular yeah you're supposed to spin the water and people sometimes do that method with the reverse where you've got the calcium in here instead of spin it so you get that nice perfect standard spherification but i think like i mean look at that you did it looks like a full-size chicken egg yolk now so i stabbed it a little bit by accident with a spoon but as soon as it hits the water it forms more of the it's very alternate coating look at that moves like an egg yolk you said blobbering isn't the word how else would you describe this process blobber blobber blobber like i think you could fool pretty much anyone into thinking that's an egg yolk all right i'm going to pop it it pops slightly less easily than that it's definitely runnier than an egg yolk on the inside it's so strong oh that's so much flavor intense let's see what's left there's our shell so next up we're gonna mix up our strawberry daiquiri which just sounds really good to me so this is gonna be a little bit different than what we tried before because the last carbonated drink we tried which is the red bull we put in the vacuum chamber this one isn't going in the vacuum chamber and i don't know how the carbonation is going to affect it we don't need it like frozen solid all the way through we just need a shell on the outside this is a bubble formed inside the gel shell now i don't know if that's because it was carbonated going in or if it just had so many little bubbles trapped inside the balloon but it is forming correctly it was just so solid that it's taking a while so now we've got two so these are both are measured one froze too much and we broke off apart the other froze i think just the right amount that's this one and it's formed nice gel sack but he still has like a middle bit that's not thought you want to try it i want to try it like it's an ice cube like if it were a drink this one's still chilled because you're getting it served with an ice in it it is cold and this one slightly less cold i let it thaw all the way it does have what seems to be a fairly significant gelatin coating around i'm trying to see if i can hold it like there you go that's a fairly intense flavor i'm not a big fan of the uh gelatin skin left behind pretty good huh like that works really nicely the fact that you can use liquid nitrogen to speed the process up so much i really enjoy that that's really cool so the reverse spherification process that's the second one which seems to work great using the balloons either in your normal freezer or with the liquid nitrogen we had good results just don't freeze or burn yourself it worked it worked really nicely and we happen to have the equipment that makes it fast mixing the sodium alginate it makes a lot of bubbles and those bubbles take a long time to come out if you don't have a vacuum chamber it's really recommended that you mix that up the day before just let it sit in your fridge overnight let all the bubbles come out if you have a vacuum chamber it takes like a minute just sucks them all out nice and clear we have the liquid nitrogen which lets us freeze things really quickly so we get that nice orb shape yeah we get the shape in the balloon and then we can easily just throw it into our warmed up mix and it works really well i'm very happy with how this has turned out and if there's anything you would like to see us try with all this stuff we'd love to because this was fun stuff frozen gasoline guys that's it for today but you know we've got tons of great content hit that box right there to watch another one of our cool videos and we'll see the next one talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 563,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caviar, boba, fish eggs, spherification, reverse spherifications, how is boba made, what is boba, gelatin, jello, cooking with gelatin, how to use gelatin, diy boba, diy caviar, caviar shaped food, king of random, tkor, nate, calli, random happens, popping boba, tkor cooking, king of random food, king of random experiment, king of random gelatin, how to make caviar balls, how to make boba balls, king of random cook
Id: 8eAeeB_TsUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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