Can Salt Turn Into Snow? (DEBUNKING 5-Min Crafts)

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in today's video we are trying out some hacks with salt from a five-minute crafts video we saw do they work or are they bust [Music] guys have done several debunking videos in the past and several people have sent us a post by five minute crafts on Instagram which I believe is a cut of one of their longer videos on YouTube or something showing several different things you can do with salt and asking if it's real or if it's fake so we're gonna try them out personally I think it looks to me like some of them are real and some of them are fake so we're gonna find out which ones are which we've got five of them some seem like they are outright magic if they work so we got a no here's the basic idea five-minute crafts put out a video involving salt so I have different hacks that you can use with salt are they real we're not sure but we're gonna find out all right so the first one mm-hmm the clip shows they pour about a quarter cup of salt into a cup and then they just pour some unknown amount of white vinegar into the cup and it reacts it just expands and turns into this fluff white fluff that just goes everywhere so it seems pretty simple were going to take about quarter cup of salt pour it off into a cup and we're gonna take some white vinegar and the vinegar was not measured in their video no it's kind of like a corded until it got up to here so I'm just gonna pour vinegar in and see what kind of reaction we get [Music] what how all right salt and vinegar reaction there we go oh you think you'd see this more in science class yeah well at least you would if it was real at all this is not salt and vinegar this is water and the powder we use is a formula of sodium polyacrylate that's just designed to make fake snow you mix it with water that's what we did that was not salt and vinegar at all to them to thinking hey that looks like salt let's for millions of let's just lie alright there's that and this is water so we're not gonna use that here's our actual later and they just keep waiting cuz nothing's gonna happen hmm that's what it actually does well there's a mess I'll get rid of that let's go on to the next one go the amazing snow powder this stuff's fun you take like a scoop of it and add a quarter cup of water to it it makes over two gallons of snow and it's reusable you will dry back out and then you can like get it back in the powder but it's not salt it's sodium polyacrylate do not eat printed right on the container next up video shows taking coca-cola pouring salt into it and you get a geyser on par with Mentos and Diet Coke I actually don't know I've never poured a large quantity of salt into any coke but have you ever wanted to I've never wanted to I already don't like coke so adding a cup of salt to it does not seem like he would improve anything then they just poured it right in a porter right and they didn't pour it from this container they had like a little 2 cup glass container works for as much as you can as much as you can without stopping yep so it reacted it did we definitely got a foam reaction there's was like fountain you know way up out of there I get that it did work so that is interesting we do have some more so we'll try another soda I did start pouring very slowly cuz I just kind of wanted to see so let me grab another soda we'll try it one more time alright try number two there we go we're just going to try we had a little bit spill in early this time I think we're just gonna go full hog I think we're actually getting extra height because there's get so much salt around it looks like clogging part of it at first and so it's like angling it okay now you had a realization of what it could have been I thought maybe it was sugar because I know sugar reacts like makes fizzy things react when you pour it in so we'll try it with sugar and see if that has a stronger or weaker reaction than salt about the same yeah pretty similar mm-hmm probably tastes better to drink it after the fact since I've got the sodium polyacrylate out ruined my science yep I've contaminated science I'm just gonna pour some of the sodium polyacrylate in and see what happens here's the problem they tell you not to eat this stuff and I'm gonna want to eat this stuff good this is good this is very very good full of snow here this is very very good right now wait you're gonna make a city bomb that's gonna make a mess Nate [Music] I did think it was gonna be a dryer explosion I thought I was just gonna pop with like dust thanks Nate you're welcome this looks like hoax slushy but it's not it's like Coke diaper material all right so the next experiment involves taking vinegar and then pouring some salt into it to clean pennies but the interesting thing is that in this same video they showed salt and vinegar turning into this instant snow so their own video disproves itself supposedly this lovely vinegar salt reaction they didn't stir it they just did that they just poured some salt in and then they took a filthy penny and they dipped it in for half a second it's just like Talbot there took it out and it was bright shiny copper so let's see this works Hey actually this cleaner yep like there's a line you can see where is I'm gonna see how long it actually takes for that - yes because vinegar is acidic I'm not sure if the salt is helpful or not I've cleaned pennies with vinegar before it works great so we're getting somewhere it is cleaning it it's just not for seconds yeah I'm just gonna drop one in and leave it I'll come back to in a couple minutes well vinegar clean pennies yes yes it will get another cup can you just add some plain vinegar with no salt and see if it's fast or slow or different but you're gonna have to hold it there there's our one minute progress approximately helps vinegar is gonna clean it the acid is definitely gonna do something I'm just gonna see what happens if we actually scrub okay so in way less time than I spent just letting it sit I was able to get it much cleaner to a much shinier finish but here's a just sitting in the vinegar for like a minute min and a half and like 15 seconds of scrubbing it with a paper towel and the vinegar you know got some thoughts I think the salt might actually be helping all right not saying it doesn't just wasn't sure this one wasn't in there nearly as long I'm gonna put some salt on this penny and then I'm gonna use the vinegar look at that okay so that took like three seconds salt as it should have just by dipping it in salt and vinegar apparently will help you clean pennies pretty good cleaner but if you want it to go fast I recommend just grabbing a paper towel and actually put some salt on the coin so that it works as a slight abrasive as well all right so the first experiment I give a 0 out of 10 because I think it was a complete lie yeah the second experiment I give like a 3 out of 10 it does foam but it's not the found not Mentos and Diet Coke kind of reaction I don't know what they actually did for their video but I don't believe this result this one out of 10 it worked it cleans I think the salt does help because this is cleaning it off but it's going slower yep so this one went faster yep but it's not as the way they depicted it it was not true you can't just hold it in for like five seconds to take it out oh it's clean and shiny now so for our next one this is something that anybody who's probably been in a science class has tried some of you may have tried this you put down an ice cube you put down some string you salt the string and the ice it all fries this together and you should be able to lift the string and take the ice cube with it so I believe the idea is the salt combines with a little bit of ice that lowers the melting point so some of the water does melt and then it spreads out and the rest of ice is able to refreeze the water that has melted because it's become so diluted and that frozen bit will actually grab on to the little hairs of the string I'm not saying it can't be or is fake because I think that it can and has been done so I don't know where the error is user error I would assume I do think that you have to have ice that starts out like if your freezer is 31 degrees and you have ice in it and then it melts it may not be cold enough to refreeze what has liquefied some people's freezers are colder than that and you know they're gonna be set to 23 degrees and so their ice is starting out as colder ice problems Isis warmer and colder but it can obviously be colder I just took this piece of ice and stuck it in some liquid nitrogen salt on there you have a second see it might not melt it all now because liquid nitrogen is so much too cold this is still so cold that the salt isn't causing it to melt at all okay so it is it's starting to this one was much much much colder because it's just larger it is possible obviously like this is something that people do all the time we're having trouble because our ice is too warm guess we need to turn down the temperature on our freezer but it can't that's on us this piece of ice was too cold from all the liquid nitrogen so I just dripped some more water onto it to simulate it melting and then really freezing I mean it's good and stuck for our last trick glue the idea is that salt can be used I guess it's to clean spilled glue or something it says in the video that salt absorbed the glue so you can just brush it off so they covered their hands in glue and salt and then brushed it off all right so what they showed in the video there have the hand mostly closed like they're the magician doing a magic trick then they took some white glue and they just pour it down into their hands like a crazy person yeah they poured some salt in there after it all right so that's more salt than as necessary but Oh glue is dripping so they just kind of meshed it around this and it just fell out of their hand they were able to just brush their hand off you don't know bad wait it worked right not on this part where the salt didn't get there cuz the glue ran down my hand in ways that salted but it dried it immediately all right so let's assume I'm a child doing a craft project and I use too much glue and I missed by just a little bit but mom will be like oh don't worry I got this so there's definitely one of those yeah all right mom's just like okay fortunately my child did this on a hard surface and not on the carpet all right let's see if your mistake is reversible I think that did a pretty good job you're gonna have to you know clean this up but you should be able to sweep it or vacuum it pretty well so the first one total bunk second one had some truth to it but not as they showed mm-hmm third one was the penny cleaning and salt and vinegar it does work but again not the way they showed yeah but salt does make it clean better than just vinegar it looks like okay and then the ice one I think does work we can give them a pass our equipment doesn't cold enough and then the salt to clean up white glue that seems weird great there you go so definitely viable we like to debunk things and we also like to test out these videos so if you've got another one you want to see us do something with it send it over our way on Instagram [Music] guys that's not all you know we've always got more for you see click that box up at the top to check out our most recent video and we'll see you the next one docked it in [Music]
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 2,030,223
Rating: 4.8978901 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, 5 min hacks, 5 min hacks debunk, debunking viral science videos, salt science videos, salt and vinegar makes snow, can you clean pennies with salt and vinegar, king of random debunking videos, blossom videos debunked, mythbusting viral videos, us first media videos debunking, king of random mythbusting, salt in coke, ice cube string and ice melted together, clean up glue with salt
Id: L182LjbTtyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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