How They Log Trees in Norway!

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foreign [Applause] so here we are logging in Norway so Sandra is going to take us up so he's like the one of the only Tree Guys in this town in this Village so his family has owned this farm for literally like hundreds of years there's a beam in that Barn that says 1798 so that that Barn has been like added to and sort of reshaped because this Barn's like over 200 years old and they have lived here since the 1800s how big is this property again 2 700 you say mole there was a mole yeah I think it was like 700 Acres or something yeah is that about right about right yeah and this is like a small kind of farm not small but it's like medium sized medium-sized Farm wow so he's got a whole bunch of family members that they all live in different houses on this property it's almost 700 Acres I guess we're going up we're going up there right yeah so we're going up there that's basically there's a river over there to the top of those mountains over there is all their families Farmland it's a dairy farm and then Sandra actually Farms the lumber up there and he's just a one-man show and so we're gonna go after what are you doing I got bad news for you it should go fast though right oh it's got a dead battery yeah I got that battery yeah yeah I'm making that's like a brain because of the hydraulic system and I forgot to put that off so what is this thing this we don't have any of this in America what am I looking at here the BMF Timber Reagan they're just getting popular now we rigged with legs on the sides you have to have that it's going to tip over if not turning tongue makes it easier for turning backing up you know yeah it's incredible where you can go with this you'll see in a minute I guess they've got these tractors all over the place yeah that's a it's the main kind of weird color name is harm or forestry as well tractors are just unbelievable you get anywhere with those almost we train I think it goes a little over seven meters I haven't actually checked it never tested that yeah it has a winch it shoots out extra far so he goes up into the hills and he he Farms the trees out there he brings them down and down one of these roads I think it was down this road there's a there's a mill there's a guy that runs a Mill and he'll give Sandra an order he'll be like I need so many boards and he'll go bring him the logs or what he'll also do if the mill doesn't need any orders he'll make firewood and they sell it by the leader they have some weird measurement so they don't do like in the states we do chords here they do they measure it by the leader I think it's 30 centimeters I don't know I'm guessing it's 12 inches we do 16 to 18 inches they do about 12 inches so it's smaller pieces they've been selling a ton this year because the price of electricity has just skyrocketed in Norway this year I think it's like five times as much as it costs in the United States right now so a lot of people are buying firewood because it's just so expensive to heat your house in any other way so this is interesting so he does tree jobs around town for the villagers you know and then he also does logging and it's on their family's property so this is way different than what anything that I've ever seen before so we're gonna head up the mountain here in a minute wants to get this bad boy fire it up and we're going to do some forestry in Norway so this thing's not starting it's been charging for a while it's just been like one thing after the other I had all sorts of plain problems getting here it was days delayed and then it was days delayed to get my gear and then it's been raining my wife is with me but she's sick she's like sick in the cabin it's just been like one thing after the other for this trip both of us have just had like terrible luck I forgot to tell you because I was telling Gordy how you couldn't get his stuff in Norway he actually gave me this to give to you because he you couldn't get his stuff in Norway you're telling me yeah so this is for your saws no way so you're joking no no no that's from Gordy because you couldn't get the stuff in Norway and dude at least something went something went right for you today you've been having a rough day dude thanks so much yeah oh man yeah you got to get foam he said if you if you don't have a foam filter oil that you can't get that you can use the um saw mix for this because you gotta wet the filter and squeeze it all up okay sure so yeah dude thank you gory thanks so much for that yeah yeah dude I kind of feel bad for that now yeah we're like I deserve that no no it's fine me and Sandra are just talking it's like dude everything this is like late in the afternoon we had like all sorts of issues this morning too and just it just feels like nothing is going smoothly on this trip everything is going against us the weather and the traveling and the customers are rescheduling everything that he had planned so we're like trying to kind of find stuff to do but then I just we were just talking about and I was like oh I've got that Wesco sauce stuff actually hopefully that cheers you up a little I didn't really know how to act for that these are expensive stuff you know yeah well you know you're just starting out dude nothing for that no no he was happy to help dude yeah thanks no Gordy's a good guy yeah Gordy's a good guy dude I gotta I gotta bring something back now yeah you'll have to come you have to come visit us you know thanks so much for that I appreciate that I had serious issues with the playing getting here I mean we they rebooked us for absolutely no reason like we were at the gate to get onto the plane and they wouldn't let us on the plane and they booked us out a day we ended up staying in a journey for a day and a half and then my bags didn't show up forever he was going to pick us up at the airport it was six hours from his house and he ended up waiting like by the airport for two days you know so it's just like for both of us it's just been one thing now this thing won't start like I said all the customers rearranged the jobs we're getting there it's just been kind of a rough go at things a little all right it's been a couple hours let's see hey foreign okay I'm going in there too okay yeah nice so you're sitting here okay now we're logging now we're going tonight yeah it is what it is right this is what luxury yeah so how long have you been doing tree work I've only been doing tree work for six years actually six years yeah started when you're 15. yeah that's when I got my first chance I was up to Steve 231 wow you're a veteran you're a veteran I'm a veteran yeah yeah that wasn't even small so I traded in and got a really cheap 362. yeah the one that I have today this is the first chance I ever bought I actually got the 231 for yeah they're working all your life living on the farm I guess huh yeah actually it was an accident coming over this I didn't know that I liked this until I started my education as a yeah agriculture like a farmer but found an interest for this and I changed the direction for first lager and then our breasts yeah I'm still learning yeah of course experience always comes with a lot of accidents and close calls I've had mine I think most people have had theirs that is really cool how you can control the tongue yeah so cool that your family has their own forest yeah actually most farms in Norway have it's another thing for apartment that Forest is is like it's his bank there's a lot of money in that some foreign depending on how big it is depending on the lumber the quality when you rent someone to come and cut it with their big puns machines it's expensive but if you do it yourself it's it's it's really expensive and it's the further it's the drive the longer it'll take in our case they said it was long to drive I think it was a kilometer yeah until we are in the forest it's the time that it takes to drive up and down and we're not driving as fast as we are now and we won't be driving this fast down you see we're spinning right now this is steep it's extreme it's really steal it's why I don't drive when it rains wow look how high we've climbed already yeah wow the tractor just gets after it though he's a beast you know it is wow yeah regular Seether is this where we're working right here yeah are we going for the wrap this is why we're working okay good I have a lot to do wow all these trees this is what I've been doing since we started talking wow being alone takes so much time wow yeah so here we are this is the work site here look at there's waterfalls and Creeks absolutely everywhere look at this Forest this is super cool and there's their shape they just roam around so yeah I guess this is all uh mostly Spruce so we're gonna get to fall in these bad boys who's that no idea oh really yeah she actually came up the hill a little more so we can turn this baby around this thing is cool what's the plan now I thought we'd just get the cutting um maybe I could show you like the way we kind of do it the typical Scandinavian way I guess yeah you can demonstrate I'm going to call it the day because it's gonna have any way I don't know how they do it in Germany I don't know how if you do that do it like this in America on smaller trees the typical Spruce um Pine Way Yeah we actually have a lot of lumber already so I don't think we need that that much there is some here and some there so you were saying that so you guys will let a stand get 60 years old then you'll Harvest it yeah and then you'll let another section and then do it so there's like always a 60 year old section to harvest more or less kind of not exactly like that but if if you do it like that that's that's really really good to have a 60 year old section for every generation that would be the best but you have to have the area for it you know we have a lot of forest it's planted a little bit messy some is planted like 10 years apart 20 years apart this is like yeah this is 62 years old while we're cutting off this is just a sliver of the forest you have this is a small section like no I'm just focusing on this part and up to the stone and straight down to the fence although I will not be cutting what is all the way down with the fence I'll leave a row of three trees there for wind resistance cool you can see has been going on there and that's because of the day you see a lot of trees have fallen you can see the news right there cool yeah all right let's get cutting let's get cutting forest floor is amazing it's all this Moss underneath these trees it's really incredible the sun goes down so late here it's only dark for a few hours and in the north it's never dark in the summer so a huge thank you to Husqvarna I was not sure how if I was going to be able to bring saws with me or not and Husqvarna literally gave me three chainsaws two top panels in this for coming out here they're in Sweden we're in Norway and a guy from the Husqvarna Factory drove these saws that well sundry met him halfway he was gonna drive like 12 hours to bring these so that I could have saws when I was here super cool this is a 572. it was like a Tesla or demonstration saw at Husqvarna like in Stockholm it doesn't have dogs for some reason but it still Cuts really well so a huge thank you to Husqvarna it's so sweet I talked to somebody at Husky and I just kind of explained what I was doing trying to try to document tree work or you know in Norway and they were they were just like all excited about they're like yeah we'll give you some sauce really awesome company [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh man I'm not I got the 362. [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] hey that thing's cool that's awesome we should bring it just take that with me on the plane you know that's awesome nice job nice how come you bore in like that instead of just going straight to the back cut but it's so that you get the we're just in you know like it sucks so you don't run out of room yeah kind of if you go like straight from back and the bar is going like this and yeah you wedge it and and you know targets stuck suddenly and yeah yeah you can't get the wedging because well maybe you've read your bar and yeah uh too many it's interesting yeah interesting easier to wedge it because you have a lot more room man and this part you know it's really strong it'll hold it yeah great job thanks all right my turn yeah your turn oh what are we gonna do with that we're gonna cut that into lengths right now or drop more trees I think we'll drop more trees first um all right I'm gonna do it the same way you did Scandinavian Style foreign [Music] this baby Works dude show those muscles you know it is awesome dude that worked great yeah that thing was sweet dude that thing worked awesome What's this called uh we call it fellas yeah your words are too hard dude yeah I don't go into the forest without it dude this thing is sweet yeah all right another one uh another one yeah cool and just next time yeah don't put the bar straight through no all the way through like halfway a little bit more halfway okay it hurts maybe right the thing we struggled with there was you know yeah we didn't have room because the bar was still in the tree right is that you can actually take the bar out if you really need it yeah I see what you're saying okay well that was really good though yeah thanks perfect that was awesome foreign this is called the cut and all you do is you just keep undermining it little by little and then the weight of itself will collapse it only works if it leans the right way or straight up and down but watch this no back cut [Music] foreign [Music] like sometimes I'll do that like if I have a fence behind the tree or something I just keep taking slices out of the face yeah and then eventually it has to go that way yeah yeah sure that that works great I'll remember that yeah no this one's much easier or not easier but more fun to take as well it'll be safer yeah dude awesome you probably have to cut this part off afterwards oh yeah you can actually just leave a bigger stump you could use the stamp later for stopping Lumber above air a normal thing to do is have any logs laying like this and we'll be following the trees on those logs and as we live in them they will start to grow something has to stop them of course and having some high stance would be great for that so you'll cut this one high I think I would cut this one high yeah that's rotten anyways right there yeah [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign yeah that was a narrow Gap right there nice shooting all right my turn your turn [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] that's like the most annoying thing about these words you know how awkward it is to sometimes just position yourself or maybe get the bar to the end hard to stand on this yeah I'd say this is a like easy kind of field yeah yeah there are people who has it like basically straight down yeah you know the wood would crack when it hits you know yeah okay so he's gonna I don't have a log tape so he's gonna measure he's gonna Buck I'm gonna limb mmm [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this is great you're gonna yard him down hole and then Buck them or I think so yeah I marked some of them not this one though because it's like on the bottom yeah gonna start yarding yeah I think so okay foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] six months ago you asked me what this was where is sitting in it yeah so these ones are for the legs okay leave those alone probably this is for the okay that is for the move it works like an excavator exactly the same unit back one yeah I'm trying not to hit anything so these first one just try to put them in that hole okay [Applause] ha ha ha ha [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] thank you back up we can put it in the trailer put it in the trailer yeah have the stump towards you foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] this thing is really cool yeah I mean it actually reaches really far in front too yeah I I'm not sure but I think it's like seven foot meters yeah like 7.50 yeah like I couldn't tell if you were pissed or if you were concentrated oh yeah I was just focused this is my focus face you did so good really yeah I was so impressed oh really it took me so long to get into this thing oh man that's cool that makes me feel good one of the things I've learned about Norway they like to eat really fancy look at this they got bread and they got caviar in a tube this is right on there can you believe it it's caviar in a tube this is it's pretty good actually this is like what the poor people eat here this is fancy eating yeah in the states anything comes out like a star shape because we are stars you can't tell it was ever eggs it's like it actually looks like toothpaste it's very good it is it's addictive you know it's just so salty though I mean fancy usually I eat tube salad but out here in Norway it's too caviar dude that is so insane I've been doing that since you showed it you know you tried the tube salad of course they did yeah that is really dude it works good huh yeah easy to eat and you just squeeze it and go straight out this is the way you have when you have your guests over fancy fancy tube of caviar just take a caviar tube and we squeeze it in like a nice little cup or something so it looks like it's like yeah it's so weird it's like the cheapest thing here yeah this is the tuba caviar I wouldn't be eating tube salad if we had this you know [Music] [Music] all right here we are we're just dropping off the smallest logs right here I think it's going to become firewood later and then we're going to take the bigger logs to the mill it's just it's right down the road actually it's really close but yeah he's just unloading the little guys first all right so here we are at the Mill look how clean this Mill is everything in Norway seems to be like just smaller than America and cleaner than America from everything that I've seen like not even any bark on the ground right here so we're just unloading the big logs here and we're done for the day [Music] foreign [Music] yeah so this is the this is the mill here Sandra didn't cut all this wood um you can see that in Norway everybody runs really short bars I mean you can see like really short bars this looks like fur dude I think this might be fur weird I haven't seen any fur but I think that's what it is yeah this is the mill let's look right down the road from this house it is kind of a Teamwork because he gets the lumber and yeah then he's paying for it obviously but in return we got sawdust yeah for the animals for the animals yeah look at this building yeah it's incredible these guys are think of the craftsmanship these and this is a remarkable building yeah show them the sawdust yeah I think this guy's on vacation or something hey look at that door look at all that sawdust it has the consistency of flour if you could bake with it look how clean this room is I mean it's like covered in sawdust obviously but man I wish you could smell this so this is like from the saw yeah and it's like different types of blades yeah so this is the finest one and this is not from the from the size from the you know it kind of big peeler yeah yeah I feel wow so one comes out of that vent one comes out of that yeah it's like even this room is beautiful yeah they put a lot of work into it yeah it smells it's like the best smelling thing you can imagine all the buildings here in this country that I've seen are beautiful even the dilapidated old ones are some of these buildings are so old this one's obviously new but I mean they put a lot of work into making this thing absolutely beautiful so yeah that's it for this video thanks for watching thanks for taking me out there that was coming that was super cool where can people find you you're on Facebook and Instagram I'm on Facebook on Instagram hard to spell your stuff yeah I'll put it on the screen yeah I think that would be better I can't even say these Norwegian words yeah but this is quite the experience to be out here doing forestry we call it logging they call it forestry all the way out in Scandinavia it's just an incredible experience it's been a bumpy ride but we're making it yeah it's been yeah we've had some bumps for sure in this this trip but what time it's like nine o'clock at night isn't it yeah it's like mine for them or something yeah we had a late late start but anyways you can support this Channel at treason you can buy my signature coffee at treason you can buy my merch go to and really big thank you to Husqvarna for sending me that saw as easy it doesn't have dogs which is weird but for a free saw I'm not complaining that thing actually Cuts really well I really like that saw a lot actually the 572. it works awesome I think it doesn't have dogs because it's like actually from their Factory it was like a Tesla or something and they drove it all the way out here so huge thank you to Husqvarna they've been so cool to work with I just they're just an awesome company so yeah thanks husky oh sorry I dropped you sorry forgive me you're still here sorry please forgive me and like And subscribe to this channel I'd appreciate it I'll see you guys later
Channel: Guilty of Treeson
Views: 624,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, arborist, tree work, logging, logger, tree felling, tree topping, wood, wood working, construction, demolition, blue collar, manly stuff, wood cutting, chainsaw carving, tree, trees, dangerous jobs, extreme jobs, climbing, climber, Landscaping, arboriculture, send it
Id: 4NjJvpslh80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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