BIG CHAPEL FIR FINALE!!! Craning out some HUGE wood on a very old Douglas Fir with Seattle Tree Care

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so going to church today [Music] all right coming in on day three here we go here's peter's crane what kind of crane is this looking good so this is a grove 55 ton uh at six wheel drive crane it's pretty sweet first we said it was too short but now here we are now it's too tall yeah the 90 ton canceled due to wind and so we're gonna make the most of using our own uh crane today we've got a big uh big tree to take down thanks for doing the climbing yeah no problem at stands for all-terrain do all the tires steer every one of them all six raises and what's your footprint you know it's 21 feet outside the outside so uh and we've got there's a couple different settings we could be sucking in uh halfway half spread but we're going 21 feet out 21's pretty compact it really is i mean uh it's amazing what you can do in that footprint and it's also pretty short like if you look at it's like 20 to 21 feet wide and then the outrigger spread is 22 feet long from the outriggered outrigger yeah yeah so that that footprint is pretty tight yeah i guess that's what you need in seattle so we're on an incline what we'd love to do to maximize our dunnage we're going to raise up the back and lower the front the suspension that's right man that's wild that's crazy i don't know if you can tell that in the video but look at this gap here versus this gap right here so before he even starts leveling with the outriggers you can actually move the suspension truck so it's actually pretty close to level already just starting out now that's incredible isn't that cool yeah like this is pretty much level but look look at how much height we gain on that outrigger so all we have to do is build it up and we're good to go yeah that saves a lot of time isn't that cool good thing we got these passenger staff this lets me drive in the carpool lane yeah that's a tree truck all right that's great it was really fast to level you know the suspension is crazy how big of a difference that made yeah yeah these trains are from europe and europe and seattle are somewhat similar a lot of hills tight streets uh you know hard to set up areas pretty cool what kind of slings are we using yeah these are really cool these are gunna boat chains you got a really good uh positive lock on them the more load you put on them the tighter the gate gets and then we're throwing them on a it's called like a sherlock hook really great so gunabo sweden what's nice about this is you don't have the typical little cotter pin and the narrow gate that can get damaged on a crane so when we're coming through a tree canopy this is probably the last thing you need to worry about because it is on there and then here that master link yeah look at that so that's your climbing anchor you'll put your climbing line right through that really uh simple secure yeah yeah so these are the synthetics that peter and his guys use so this is maybe your best option if you want something really reliable but also expensive i mean how much are they they're like you know you're really expensive right yeah i think each headset is like 800 bucks and the base station is over a thousand yeah so you have to have this base station nearby and they all link to that so if money is no issue this might be a really good option if you want something that's really bulletproof really high quality but the downside is you got to keep the base station nearby they're really expensive it has its pros and cons you know losing connection with the crane can be a really big deal and this is probably your best bet if you want to avoid that but they just use these so they have like dedicated helmets for the crane work portion they don't not everybody has these a lot of the climbers here have cena's because they have like 30 crew guys a bunch of crews so but they've just got a handful these genetics for when they're doing crane work because it's important that people don't lose communication with each other but you know i was wearing this all day yesterday and i gotta say the sound quality was much better than anything i've had with seen as our pack talks so all right we're gonna get to work okay you guys can all hear me yep i can hear you do you hear me yeah i just turned my volume up which is your left hand there's if you're finding it's not loud enough jacob yeah it sounds good uh yeah cable down my line is single line up there so i'm actually going to do this come on use my flip line um you're gonna pick me up by my flip line but i'm gonna be backed up by this rope that's up there already um okay i think we're good to go peter sounds good okay good yep okay cable down and keep cabling down good thanks for letting me ride the ball anytime think about how much faster this would have been if the crane would have just come out let us ride the ball get it all done monday and here were wednesday or it would have blown over i mean that was pretty wet pretty breezy that was pretty windy chain's right behind you watch those hooks how much stick do you have out right now so i've got 125 is that your whole boom yep that's everything i got without the jib well it looks like we're about the perfect height yeah what do you want to do for lengths oh also what are you good for so i'm good for line pull which is ten thousand pounds i'd love to be picking in like the seven to eight maybe even you know like five to six to start just until we get kind of like a feeling on the weight so i'm gonna open this loop cable down hold it spread this should i keep cabling down yeah okay hold it this basket way that you're doing so i've done exactly what i just did with slings before and the chains work way better because they're heavier they just slide down isn't that cool yeah yeah you kind of let them do the work yeah that was quite nice okay that's good hold it one sec um but i probably don't want do i want the gate i probably don't want the gate up against the trunk right it's fine i mean as long as the oh yeah the gate would face out if possible i'm gonna unclip this for a second and reverse that and and maybe i'm thinking a choker placement four feet lower four feet lower than this yeah what i really want is like a below a stub and i see a stub right below your flip line that could be a nice positive catch for it okay cable down okay good hold it dude i think it's good i think you can cinch that up i'm gonna set it if your fingers are clear yep fingers are clear man that was uh so you see one chain is clipped to that one that chain's clipped to this so it's actually grabbing is sort of one unit dude i like that that was really really easy to rig yep chains you think heavy and you know but you let them do the work yeah i've done that exact method with these big they're like giant nylon slings i don't know they're called endless loop slings and they've got a shackle on them and that was like four times as fast why don't i set it into the grapple that would be that would be the best so yeah let's just leave it the way you have it but leave it idling have you ever done that before just set it right in the truck we did on it on another um big crane job and it worked really well it'll just be really important to like you know always the shifting wood you can get pinched in a bad spot so um just communicate that's where those the you know synthetics is so nice so i i think this is going to be about 6500 i like it but it could be way off it's kind of dense wood i've got 3 000 on it i think that's great ready ready when you are to cut hey jacob yeah are we going a flat cut kind of towards the boom of the crane that's what i was planning is that what you like i like it yeah i think that'll work great um um what's it what uh 3 500. what are you serious yeah way off not even close i was probably overthinking it because of uh the age of the tree i was like maybe it's like extra dense but it's really light yeah really light i'm still bad at guessing these weights 3 500 pounds man nice cut and that thing was just puking chips and then peter would you get a chance yeah you'll take the chains off and then use the loader arm to just we're trying to maximize the space in there so so i like to go either close to me or away from me and then off to one side that's cool i feel so privileged to get to work on this tree really it's pretty cool yeah you never have an excuse this good for taking down a tree that's nice hey i don't need an excuse to take down a tree this nice but yeah i'm right there with you yeah i always look at like trees and think that thing is so beautiful i would love to cut it down just don't go to like sequoia national forest or anything like that yeah that's a little excessive great great placement peter cable down have you seen the uh the sequoias in the sierra nevada i am in awe of those trees really i mean have you seen them in real life i have visited a couple times i've never climbed one cable down i'm gonna hop on the ball just cable all the way down yeah all the way down i really like these chains aren't they yeah and they they've got a lot of grab to them and they're adjustable that's dangerous though that's one downside yeah cable down a little more okay good that would actually be super dangerous if you're trying to do like a balance pick and you got it all bunched up above you okay cable oh yeah that's right cable up dude yeah i'm all about this it's so interesting how many ways there are to crane slings there's so many options cable down cable down sorry hold on all right little mark keep coming you're good oh yeah i see a good knot on this side okay good that's so slick how you're on the ball that's a great call cable down good just freaking working it all right i think we're all good you can cinch that up okay got that pretty low it's probably like eight feet of stub above this that's okay so we'll go 12 feet below it so i think this is about 12 feet below it and it's pretty chunky i like it yeah you feel good about this yeah you know there's a knot uh on my side like are you gonna cut right above that yeah kind of yeah right here that feel good about that i like it i think we're definitely bottom heavy wouldn't you say we're bottom heavy i mean if you want to include that that stub maybe just like a foot lower yeah or yeah it's two inches lower yeah yeah okay we're good for the weight that's for sure this is a big log i don't think this is going to fit in your truck now we're logging well it's 22 feet the the truck so we'll find out yeah i mean this one might be i'm probably wrong i look at this and think man this might be like 9 000 pounds that's good you're going over though always favor the crane like i i think this one's going to be 56 you think so yeah or six dude i've done so much crane work and i'm always scared i'm never not scared when i do these big logs that's good yeah i've never had one like come undone or anything but it's like all that's running through my head every time which i will say like i'm rotating i'm picking and i'd like to rotate to the truck is it at all possible to like cut that way so so like your back would be to the church back to the church like cut opposite yeah just because so i'm picking in that i have to rotate over you oh right right yeah yeah i'd love to like rotate away from you yeah yeah of course sweet all right i'm gonna cut this peter ready when you are um i'm through peter [Music] nice cut thanks nice pick [Music] yeah that got heavy quick that's 7k that's 7 000. yep dude it's huge though like seems like it should be heavier than that some nice wood i've been uh i've been in the midwest too long there would weighs a lot more well there's plenty more tree left this is not a legit excuse you know it's crazy man that i i got maybe two inches of bar left so i'll be buried in the next one three cuts in yeah this is 42 inches and then yeah peter just staying out for now i'm gonna i'm gonna try to lay it down to the front okay chains off peter dude your crane is tiny does it really look pretty compact it looks so compact and you wouldn't having the the all-wheel steering is just crazy i mean like i could turn around in this cul-de-sac literally i can turn tighter than my ford 350. the 395 might be my favorite saw of all time i don't i don't use it that often because it's so big and bulky but whenever i use it i i'm impressed by it like every time i use it so riddle me this what about the chain tensioner on it the chain tensioner is horrible and it's got a lot of flaws like bolts always rattle loose and stuff and it's really heavy like it's not a pleasant saw to walk around somebody's yard or in the woods like falling smaller trees but when you have to like bury it into 40-inch wood like i don't know it's even though it's got a lot of flaws it's all worth it i know up on vancouver island guys just swear by that saw you know fell in old growth dude it's like the bigger the wood gets the more the saw likes it [Music] yeah i'm gonna hop on the ball again it makes dressing the chains easier labeling down okay good dude i like this master link too it's really clever it's bomber right no shackle to like always be wondering if it's screwed in tight cable up good all right cable down good yeah go ahead and tension it i like it that's some big wood now uh what do you think like right here i like it yeah getting chunky it really is now i like this bridge i can like suck this bridge all the way up so and then just to talk about it so our last one was seven thousand so we it was wasn't it three thousand five hundred then it went seven thousand so this one we'd love yeah i mean if it was like 65 but seven because it's a lot shorter isn't it it's a lot shorter it's also a lot it's a lot fatter too and i got huge stubs on it i think it's gonna be six d five hundred six thousand i think it's gonna be six thousand ready [Laughter] hmm wow that was a big cut oh man i love how you ream it out though that's so key what like like pulling the sawdust out yeah just back chaining revving you know you're not bogging down in it yeah i like to pull the saw yeah exactly two reasons i don't bog down and then i can see that curve like i can get down and look inside of it you know it's so nice okay so what'd you guess on this one i forget i guess 6 000. okay because i'm moving it's bouncing around it's like um it's 6'5 ah said 6'5 and i changed it guilty yep so have you ever stood on top of a spar it's so fun and it makes the best photo yeah like i could even crane you up and stand and then take the crane away or like if you're up for that yeah i'm up for it and i do after the next one because then i can get the church in the background okay cool yeah it'll just uh it'll look like you're superman you know sounds great okay good all right cable up i'm a big fan of these genetics man that's great yeah they feel i mean once they're connected it's good i think they'd be really good just going out with the same crew every day because then you don't have to like sink them yeah they definitely have their downsides they sure do like it wouldn't make any sense for me to buy no they're like a system you know i mean frankly you've already spent so much money by the time you buy a crane it's like and it's so critical the communication's so key you know so critical i mean it's just the base station you know i keep hearing about there's like better ones i think they're called tough talk or something maybe by uh peltor they gotta come out with a better one dude i bet like ten years from now there's gonna be so many good options it's pretty new technology hold it at least well these probably aren't that new technology actually it's probably like with this i remember nice guy dave telling me that he likes radio stuff that like the military uses that these are military like yeah or uh coast guard uses them cable down good the audio is cable down lamar is the best i've ever experienced in a helmet okay what do you think you liking it did i feel pretty good about this i got about four feet above the slings and they grab so hard like they just really sink into the tree that's good so i'd go ahead and cinch that up yeah yeah let's uh yeah i think that's good too much well uh right there is good right yeah i just i think in my mind the the weight is gonna get it's really gonna catch up to us okay so you like it right here you could go a touch lower i mean there's yeah there's no way that weighs ten thousand right no way um i i think it's gonna weigh seven seven thousand okay yeah go ten inches lower yeah right there it's really whatever height you want to stand on next i got a nice shot of the church right behind me here nobody's stood there for 110 years where you're gonna stand next it's pretty cool like you know right in the on top of the stump that's crazy so so many people have passed through this area never right there so you're thinking like two more picks after this it might be three it might be three that stump's probably really heavy if we maximize this we could probably get away with two but me um [Applause] [Laughter] yes [Applause] wow six five six five six five nice there's my photo op dude nice work that looks so cool it's quite the tree man oh hey uh patrick there's a bird of prey just landed to your left see him there's like a red-tailed hawk coming after me so have you been recording video this whole time patrick do you think you could maybe get a couple photo photos a man in his tree yeah anything to go viral okay cable down a little bit [Music] and the hawk came in that was so cool that was the spirit of uh what was her name florence yeah table down keep cabling down okay good you got cable all the way up just so i'm not you're not in my way when i throw this around a long commute for my footline cable down dude i love these slings right so nice yeah just start cabling down yeah a little more probably don't want it you can't get that's good okay with the last one away 65. he's 65. so you know this is this is definitely bigger i think this is good you know we've got good four feet above us and that chain bites so hard let me i'm gonna go down a lit a touch and then cable okay you like it oh yeah that's that's biting for sure yeah that's great so where are you thinking man i said keep going keep going i mean right yeah right in there this one's gonna take me a couple minutes to get through good thing you got gas so after i cut this pick i'd love to just hand somebody my husky so i don't have to hold it all right ready peter yep wow yeah buddy nice work thanks he has a lot of wood there's a lot of wood to chew through they're so big i'm having a hard time like uh pre-tensioning the boom like you'll notice they're drifting like away from you and i gotta i gotta dial that in a little more it felt good though yeah i'd love to hand this saw down yeah those are awesome that's cool nice cut thanks it took a few minutes man it actually worked it worked really good though just chasing the tip i actually walked all the way around the trunk and it worked rather well [Applause] jacob i i think we got to just take a little break and and you could even go to the ground but i gotta swap trucks i gotta come back with a hook lift dude i'm nowhere near the cambium industry i'm all in bark i was just about to say it's a little nerve-wracking and then yeah nice work on the grapple truck man thanks peter all right so that truck's full peter's gonna take it away and he's gonna come back with a different truck for this buck i will be back in a flash all right back with the second truck look at that he's got a big dump container he's just gonna drop it off right there i'm gonna hoist you up there okay and then you're gonna set that rig in and yeah and then you might be cutting like off your spurs right there you think okay because this is this has got to be over 10 for sure a wrap so [Music] [Music] hey can i try your 66 oh sure yeah start that thing up for him banks steel versus husky i i can see the thumbnail now okay so cable up cabling up [Applause] i don't know man you're kind of cross loading this master link okay and then you're gonna lower yourself is that how uh yeah if you just get right over the top of this thing i'll just propel the cable down good you know i might be tempted to even slide it a little high i don't know what do you think well i i feel you i i'm thinking that bottom part is going to be so heavy where and you're going to cut kind of low on this one i mean not low but like i like it i really do okay those those chains don't slip at all man that's good that's what we want honestly you know yeah see watching all your awesome videos on east side i was just like man they got to try these chains they would love these and i'm i'm a big fan where it is we we bought all the stuff they recommended when we went to crane school that's all the stuff they used we just bought all the same stuff and that's what we used but these are awesome all right i'm about ready to make my cut all right yeah i'll try that 66 out yep ah ah [Laughter] oh wow dude look it hold it hold it right there the sap is on fire dude dude there's literally so much sap dude it's just so much it's not on fire anymore it was on fire though i just flew it out yeah i was just getting clobbered with pitch on the inside that's a big cut man that's so much sap seriously puddled up here they say uh hold it that is so tense i feel good if you want to cinch it up [Applause] i think it looks good [Applause] look at that jeff schroeder special is the first time i've used it four pound plum 30 inch curved handle uh this this heads probably from the 40s or 50s what yeah it's a cool piece of history [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Laughter] [Music] [Music] um [Music] wow [Music] wow so wow all right here we go i think we're through peter what's it weigh 9 000 pounds look at that good [Music] there's so much staff you get another picture of us is that where you're from all right try to little kids yeah if you hop on the crane i can probably get a really good picture of you yeah that's cool huge stretch fracture in this thing crazy yeah really that is it feels like it's got the consistency of oatmeal delicious [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] nice rigging i'm actually surprised at that huge fracture in there [Music] yeah you got that nice [Music] that's like a pickup truck [Applause] [Applause] [Music] uh foreign [Music] i'm going to take off so it was nice job nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you i'll see ya hey i'm taking off so it's good it's nice to meet you good working with you nice job have a good one yeah you too man that was sweet yeah super fun project i'll remember that for all my life that was really something cool tree cool location i had a ton of fun peter thanks for having me along for this amazing thanks for doing all that awesome climbing getting through that really windy day that was pretty windy no that was a ton of fun man i had a great time yeah thanks again peter thank you jacob all right well that's it for this one that was super fun working with peter and his guys what a cool what a special treat i was really i'm i'm just really grateful to have been a part of the story for this church and this tree really something special so hopefully you like that i'd really appreciate it if you liked and subscribed and make sure you subscribe to this channel not my old channel and yeah i think by the time i edit this video i'll probably have some merchandise available too hopefully um yeah hopefully i didn't just back my i could just back myself in a corner right there so i probably have merchandise by the time i finish uploading this and you can support this show at treason i'd really appreciate it so thanks for your time thanks for watching hopefully you like that and i'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Guilty of Treeson
Views: 863,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, arborist, tree work, logging, logger, tree felling, tree topping, wood, wood working, construction, demolition, blue collar, manly stuff, wood cutting, chainsaw carving, tree, trees, dangerous jobs, extreme jobs, climbing, climber, Landscaping, arboriculture, send it, tub grinder, tub grinding, mulch, arborist chips, arborist mulch, grinder, Seattle tree care, chapel, seattle, shoreline, huge tree, wood turning, monkey beaver saddle, tall fir, Douglas fir, old growth, height, oak
Id: nTVMcB0J56c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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