Merlo MADNESS!!! The FASTEST tree removal I have ever seen in my life. Last job with Reon Rounds.

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all right we're just saying lunch let's go check out this merlot don't worry youtube i'm putting my seatbelt on does anyone have a song request do you have barbie girl hey don't do any more burrells that was just okay all right grabbing the trucks and headed out to the merlot job yep well first we gotta load the wood and grind the stone for that all right here we are job two because it's like four o'clock it's actually pretty late i hope it goes fast so this is our tree dead ash again is that there is do you do any trees other than dead ash it's not today and here is the merlot this is what i've been waiting for ever since i showed up i've been really eager to see this thing in action it's really small it's crazy how small it is so he drove it here this morning it goes like 26 miles an hour i think he said it took them like 45 minutes to get here quick job meeting okay uh this is really busy with bicycles and it's not going to stop so what i'm thinking is we set the merlot up here maybe we just block the road if anyone comes down here they'll have to turn around and then i basically grab branches and i set them down there and i kind of push them out there and then you guys can feed them to the chipper we're all going to be really close together this is the other weird thing is like like the knuckle boom crane you've got this huge boom and you can kind of like turn the branches any way you want where like this i just have to go like this and set it down and let go so we can't like we can't like spin the branch 360 and then like point it that way because you're not grabbing in the middle you're grabbing it at the back okay felipe how long have you been with rion almost 10 years wow yeah that's a long time yeah it's not bad yeah yeah you like you like doing tree work i do what's your favorite part uh going home i don't think that's true you were working super late you're driving the event yeah you're super good at it yeah it's really impressive to watch you run that thing yeah it's like one of the best machines that we have for true work so yeah it's amazing very very excited to drive every day you drive it every day wow so i think um that's my favorite part yeah that's cool like this is was originally sticking straight out and then they modified it so it's unhinges so the avon wouldn't be hitting it all the time it makes a lot of sense actually because if the winch line snaps too it's a lot easier to fix that yeah so flip it doesn't hit it with your font it's a really good idea yeah so the used to be touching every time with the hoses put hydraulic hoses on the front grapple when you get the stop very short in there but now that that thing is out of the way you can get a stop very very small it's not in there yeah cool that's crazy all-wheel steering wow it's like a little pickup truck radius so how big is this thing rion 17 feet long and when the outriggers are set up it's 17 feet wide that's insane yeah that's tiny yeah it comes away it weighs 50 000 pounds it's a stout little guy right wow and how long is the stick 96 foot of boom i think it says in the back 96 feet and it weighs 11 000 pounds no it it is that its capacity 11 000 pounds so this this thing can lift 11 000 pounds yeah wow yeah [Music] dude that's a lot of buttons but i guess this is what you this is the cabbage so you you're driving and operating from this chair yep that's so wild some space age tree cutting technology come on buddy [Music] what's it okay good to go yep just like that huh ready to work so no way so um [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah get it jacob or a long time so uh [Music] now he's going to drive forward a little bit to get closer so that he's got more capacity without even getting out of the cab so [Music] [Music] ah oh [Applause] got it she [Music] so so so where's my stump cut let's go let's go let's go me [Music] so [Music] uh um [Music] hmm [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think that's the fastest i've ever seen a tree disappear really sick right insane i couldn't believe it we almost need a bigger chipper huh an hour and nine minutes that's great and i think we were here maybe 10 minutes before i started it so and you know if i didn't have to do cleanup i get out even faster right it's just rihanna's ryan doesn't like i couldn't believe it so maybe maybe we've been here an hour and 20 minutes that's not bad right it's a big tree you got to think what would it take without a crane at all you know maybe you'd be here all day you know you did an hour hour and a half maybe when i saw this thing in action how could you you can't unsee it when i know that there's a faster way to do something i have to do that that way yeah i i'm like in shock really i couldn't believe it dude and the saw pull this thing off [Music] is it's a lot of wood in that truck man that's a lot of wood for one day there's still one [Music] [Music] it's kind of overwhelming day for me my first knuckle boom job and the merlot big day we've been here for about an hour and 40 minutes since we showed up it's a big tree we should we should ask for a pay raise be like you got the merlot we need a raise it's getting harder yeah i mean i've never given any of these you're really going to drive a manual right now but your standards are like don't close the door too hard so you know i don't want to say i'm really good i can drive i can drive whatever you want you can ride manual really good yeah yeah like split shift or just regular rather super car yeah i can drive that no problem yeah you're a really good manual all right really good manual drive you're driving the crane all right headed back brian driving the merlot home so i'm taking the chip truck we're almost back he looks pretty close started this day in the dark ending in the dark get them chains unhooked let's go all right well all good things come to an end eventually and it's been an absolute pleasure being here at rion's place he's taken off for work this morning i'm taking off for my new destination in just a little bit so before we go i had some questions for you rion yep so we used three different yeah this on here yeah it's quite the wood pile we use three different types of cranes and i was wondering if you could just you know real quick give me your thoughts on you know maybe the pros and cons of each one like the stick boom you know start with the stick boom then the tree mech then the merlot it depends on what kind of stick boom you're talking about all right let's just say a hundred or well let's say 80 ton or bigger stick boom um pros you can reach a lot farther with that than anything else and you've got a higher tip height so if you need to lift tree parts or branches over other trees the stick boom is definitely going to be the best bet so if there's a dead tree behind another tree and you need to reach over that stick boom is probably the best option for that type of removal what do you think the worst thing about a stick boom is um having to set slings and the manpower that it takes to do it as efficiently as possible i like to have one person setting slings and one person making the cuts because then there's no down time in between the cuts then you've also got one person operating so it's a three man so it's basically a three person operation to do the stick boom jobs the way that i like to do them okay and the tree mech um i'd say the tree mech has a lot of pros number one being you don't have to set slings for most of the branches um you can reach underneath other tree canopies and the more you boom down your capacity doesn't change and it has a grapple saw and it has a grapple saw yeah so you can make cuts with the grapple they are small cuts but i've cut down entire trees before without a climber with with the tree mech it's you know people do it all the time yeah what do you think the downside of it is i mean we didn't use it the first day i'd say one of the biggest downsides of the tree mech would be setting up on unlevel ground a stick boom you can lift the tires off the ground and get it perfectly level where a tree mech you always have to have the tires touching the grounds and now you have to put down edge underneath the tires to get it level and uh it's definitely not as good of a tool to use on a hill right okay and the merlot i mean that thing blew my mind that thing was crazy the merlot yeah um that has i'd say the pros for the merlot are you can take crane sized picks without setting slings and without a climber so you're just taking you know two to four thousand pound cuts with a grapple saw and you can't do that big of cuts with your grapple saw on the tree mech it's just telling that the tree mech you can only maybe take 20 foot long pieces and there's no shock load when you take the piece on the tree mech you you grapple saw cut a piece the grapple folds down and kind of like moves the boom around where like the merlot grabs a piece cuts it and the piece stays standing straight up and down there's no shock from it right but i did notice with the tree mech when you're putting the pieces in the chipper you know you had the piece and then you were you would turn it and then put it down whereas the merlot you put it straight down yep so it looks like the landing zone yeah you're a little more limited you can set pieces away a lot further obviously with the tree mac than you can with the merlot another pro of the merlot is getting it into backyards it has all-wheel steer so all four wheels turn so when you lay out a plywood path in someone's backyard you can turn the plywood around corners and the merlot tires track perfectly around the corners it's a dream to put into someone's backyard and it was 17 feet by 17 feet set up yep it's uh 17 feet long not including the boom of course but just the tire footprint from front of the machine to the back of the machine 17 feet long and then when the outriggers are out it's 17 feet wide and the tree mech setup was 28 by 32. the tree mech is 35 foot long truck and when the outriggers are set up it's 28 foot wide outrigger span and usually stick booms usually 40 foot long by 24 feet yep wide so so the merlot is tiny merlot is tiny that's insane the other definitely the the best uh you know power to weight ratio oh yeah um the merlot is also pretty special too because the height is a lot smaller so the tree mac and a big stick boom are all going to be at that 13-6 mark and the merlot is only 10 feet tall so when you're driving that into someone's backyard you don't even really have to trim the tree branches to drive it underneath other trees and the boom is 90 feet right 96 foot of boom and it's six feet boom okay but uh the merlot the ideal work range i would say is 60 feet or less so if you can get that thing within 60 feet of the tree it's it's the fastest way it's the fastest taking down the tree the fastest and the safest because you're not putting a climber up in the tree right yeah that's insane and what about like say you know from an economic standpoint purchasing them i mean i imagine the prices of all of them are probably well at least tell me if you agree with this statement like if you're buying your first crane it seems like if if you buy a stick boom crane you probably have the most options right like if you're hard for cash but you want to buy a crane you probably have the most options for stick booms because there's probably somebody on the market to buy a used one right especially like a boom truck right you can get those for 200 or under that's probably going to be your cheapest crane but the tremec or the merlot gonna be quite a bit more yeah only i'm guessing only because they've they've only been around for here they've they've been around for the shortest amount of time so they're still like the new thing right yeah so okay well i really appreciate you having me out here yeah i'm glad you came so yeah enjoyed a blast so have fun today didn't really feel like work did it no it really didn't well you're welcome back anytime thanks man well cool all right well have a good day ryan thanks for having us you too have a safe drive thanks man all right well that's it for the end of my trip here in wisconsin so i had just an absolute time of my life here i love to hear but i'm off to my new adventures and yeah so so just real quick so rio and gave you his thoughts i'll just give you my thoughts super fast on the crane so as far as i can tell it seems like if you need to sheer lifting power or you know reach capacity you just need to pick a lot of weight it seems like the the stick broom pretty much reigns supreme in that department that's going to be your strongest crane that's going to give you the most lift it's going to give you the most reach depending on its size you know if you get a big one also if you're renting a crane that's probably what you're going to get because there are so many options the disadvantage is it takes a lot of manpower to run there's a lot of time spent picking slings and stuff but it's also going to give you the most height and you can set it up on steep hills so in the pacific northwest it's a more the stick boom has it's a better option where i live because our trees are really tall and the stick boom is going to give you the most height and we have lots of hills and you can set it up on really steep hills so those are the advantages of the stick boom the knuckle boom you have the most versatility you know you can trim with it if you want you just take a big one big branch one big leader you don't have to set slings you can do balance picks you saw you might have noticed on the first the first day we had two climbers in the tree and then the next day we had one climber in the tree and then the next day we had no climbers in the tree with them or low so the knuckle boom you know you've got your it works as a crane you can lift you know and and he was able to really finagle some stuff into a tight drop zone so it seems like if you want sheer lifting power and height go with stick boom if you want the most versatility possible go with the knuckle boom and if you want to just demolish a tree the fastest possible way go with the merlot i mean i've never seen a tree disappear that fast of that size the disadvantage of the merlot is it's a bit shorter and you need it seems to me like you need actually a pretty a pretty big drop zone to drop those except that you can actually suck it in and lift the tires and you can actually drive with a piece too and put it down but you still have to put it down this way you know if you remember the knuckle boom he turned it if you are slinging something with the stick crane you can turn and spin the pieces around too by hand on the ground but the merlot you really have to just put it down like you grab it so if you have the access and this you know i think and also you noticed that the chip truck was like if the truck had been perpendicular to the merlot when we were putting pieces down or opposite of the merlot then felipe would have had to turn those big pieces around in the street and that would have been not quite as efficient as it was perfect the way it was being having the chip truck nosed up to the merlot so it seems like yeah sheer height and lifting power stick boom versatility knuckle boom get a tree down as fast as possible i i would pick the merlot the merlot was freaking awesome i loved watching that but yeah those are basically that's basically you know my thought on which cranes are best in their pros and cons but they are they but i would definitely say it depends largely on the region in which you live and the trees which you are working on you know if i lived out here i think i i think rion really did it right you know buying the tree mech for he had a stick boom and he sold it for the tree mech and he only recently got the merlot but you can always rent a big stick crane when you need one you know you can't rent knuckle booms or merlots as easily as you can the stick boom so i think that he really did it right if i lived out here that's what i would want to do it but if i were to buy a crane where i live i would try to get just the tallest stick boom that i possibly could i wouldn't want to have a tree met because of the hills and i wouldn't want to have a merlot because it's too short for our trees and also our our trees are tall and you know uh they're they call them x-current trees you know they're tall and skinny they're d-current trees here where they're they're spready you know we don't have so anyways i'm rambling now i think i've kind of made the point clear and now you're probably falling asleep so that's the end of this video like and subscribe i hope it was helpful to you if you want to support this channel you know support my travels you can support me on patreon i'd really appreciate it and mostly i just appreciate your time i want to thank you for watching this video i had a lot of fun making it for you these videos so all right you have a good day i'll see ya
Channel: Guilty of Treeson
Views: 1,546,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wisconsin, tree work, crane work, arborist, logger, logging, chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, arboriculture, construction, demolition, skilled trades, manly stuff, wood, wood working, emerald ash borer, Reon rounds, Jacob rogers, Jake rogers, tree topping, crane removal, palfinger, grapple truck, avaant, wheel loader, excavator, dirt work, landscaping, tree felling, idiots with chainsaws, motorhome, travel, traveling, traveling for work, merlo, crane saw, cranes, merlo in acrion, merlos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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