How Facebook Ads Work 2021: Why the Learning Phase and Audience Overlap Don't Matter...

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what's up marketers in today's video i'm going to talk about everything you need to know about facebook ads more specifically about the facebook ads algorithm in 2021 and what you need to know to find success from your facebook ads now this video is something i wish every single new media buyer or business owner that is new to facebook ads would watch because it's going to really help frame the way that you approach your strategy on the platform and i even think that seasoned advertisers are going to be interested in my approach because every media buyer is different and there are very few best practices in facebook ads land so let's go ahead and jump right into it the number one thing that you need to know about the facebook ads algorithm is that facebook and instagram prioritize content including ads that their users want to see and engage with they have to or else people are going to stop coming to the platform otherwise advertisers could just get away with having crappy creative and essentially our news feeds would just be straight garbage so this means a few things for advertisers number one if people aren't engaging with your ads and they're not buying from your ads then facebook is going to penalize you with higher costs and maybe even disable your ad account and this is to protect their ecosystem and number two on the flip side if people are engaging with your ads if they're liking and commenting and sharing your ads or even going to your website or buying from your ads then facebook is going to reward you with lower costs and by showing your ad to more people who are likely to buy what i'm trying to say here is the facebook ads algorithm is completely dependent on engaging content and sometimes i actually see this play out in black and white on my accounts so for instance say i have a conversion campaign that has a few ad sets and inside each of those ad sets i have six ads sometimes i actually see that an ad that has a higher click-through rate which is a really good way to measure engagement on your ads is actually getting more spend as opposed to an ad that actually has more purchases and again that is because facebook is actually prioritizing that more engaging content regardless of the fact that it's not getting as many sales because again keeping the news feed stocked with quality content is far more important to facebook than you producing sales from your facebook ads and this is why creative is the most important lever that you can pull inside of your facebook ads account you need to figure out what kind of content is going to get your audience to engage so that facebook keeps on showing your ads to the right people and this is why things like the learning phase or even audience overlap aren't as big of a deal as people make them out to be now for the learning phase you need to have 50 tracked events in one week on one ad set to get out of learning and i actually understand that many businesses don't actually have enough budget to get out of learning then but the idea here is that if you get out of learning then you're going to have more consistent results from your facebook ads but in practice that's very seldom how i see it actually playing out the truth is even if you get out of learning phase and you strike gold on a certain creative and audience combination that is probably not going to take you as far as you think it's going to i often see that audience fatigue of course it's different for every brand can set in after three weeks or a month there are a few golden nugget ads that can carry an account for several months i've even seen one ad that was running for like more than a year which was crazy but these are outliers these things are very rare and really the best way to attain success with your facebook ads is to test as many creatives as possible which actually means you're going to be in the learning phase quite a bit the reality is is that the impact that the learning phase has on your ads is minimal compared to creative your landing page and of course ultimately your product additionally with audience overlap facebook actually has many safeguards to prevent you from blasting your ads on a certain audience again and again and this is true even if those audiences are in separate ad sets or even separate campaigns of course you should always keep a close eye on your frequency because facebook isn't perfect but the idea that there's massive overlap happening inside of several ad accounts and that's something that media buyers should be worrying about especially on a small level is actually just something i see not really making an impact on accounts now if you want to lean into the facebook algorithm on full blast which is like the advertising equivalent of jesus take the wheel then you need to check out the power five this is facebook's recommended set of best practices and essentially this means for you to use account simplification dynamic creative campaign budget optimization detailed targeting expansion and auto advanced matching and you have to use these on your entire account and essentially let facebook do all of your bidding decisions for you and i actually have a video that's all about that that you can see right here now in my day-to-day managing accounts i actually use several power five best practices but i generally don't use them all together anymore particularly dynamic creative testing i've just actually found that it's really hard to attain statistical significance on your creative combinations when using dynamic creative testing additionally i've also found it to be less and less effective in 2021 but you know test at your own risk i always test it on my accounts at least once now this is all great information but how do i find success on facebook ads how do you find success on your facebook ads that's what we're going to talk about now and number one i know i say this a lot in all of my videos but creative really is the number one lever that you can pull in your facebook ads in 2021 which means you're gonna have to test as many creative strategies and concepts as possible now i have tons of great videos all about creative strategies so be sure to take a look at those that are sure to help you generate some ideas and there are even some that show you how to make them yourself super easy now another key to finding success in your facebook ads is of course to use the right objective i still see people using traffic campaigns and brand awareness campaigns in 2021 please stop just use conversion campaigns or even catalog sales if you want to run dynamic product ads and yeah i've heard a lot of media buyers say oh if you have a new pixel you need to use a traffic campaign so you can season your pixel and this is just not true and if anyone ever gave me money to run their facebook ads i would never ever do this strategy with that said try at your own risk all media buyers are different additionally in 2021 you no longer need to trick facebook ads into getting the kind of results that you want if you want purchases optimized for purchase even if you are a new pixel now if you're finding that that's not working right out of the gate then i would try for something like add to cart but i am never going to be running those traffic or brand awareness campaigns to try to get those purchases now the last thing i want to talk about that's been really impactful for a lot of my clients is using that simplified account structure and i really prefer using the tofu mofu and bofu method now if you're not sure what that is i also have another great video that's all about that for you right here which essentially means top of funnel that's your cold traffic people who've never heard from you you're middle of funnel traffic those are people who've maybe been to your website once or twice or people who've engaged with you on social media and then your bottom of funnel hot hot hot traffic those people are ready to convert they've already indicated interest in a specific product by visiting a product page or even adding it to cart at the very least you should be sure to be separating your prospecting traffic from your retargeting this helps you learn a lot about what kind of creative is making movements in your prospecting versus retargeting so what i often see plays out is that there's certain types of messaging that works a lot better for a cold audience and then there's also a certain type of messaging that actually gets people to buy once they've already become familiar with your brand additionally this kind of structure is going to force your spend to be way more efficient in fact i actually recently took over an account that had a super messy setup they had several campaigns that had both prospecting and retargeting audience in each campaign and by doing a simple structure that was just tofu mofu and bofu three campaigns that's it it actually brought their costs from a cack of 95 to 65 which is incredibly significant especially considering that i wasn't changing their landing pages or their creative and that is it if you guys have any more questions about the facebook ads algorithm please be sure to hit me up in the comments below and if you are a media buyer i would love to hear your own theories about the facebook ads other room we all got them and some of it is just theory some of it's based in practice and i'd love to hear both and that's it see you next week bye
Channel: Dara Denney
Views: 7,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the facebook algorithm explained, what you need to know about facebook ads, how facebook ads work 2021, facebook ads learning phase, facebook ads learning limited, facebook ads learning phase how long, facebook ads learning mode, how to exit learning phase facebook ads, machine learning facebook ads, facebook ads audience overlap, facebook ads audience 2021, facebook ads algorithm 2021, facebook ads algorithm change, algoritma facebook ads 2021, dara denney
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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