How straight people find out they're NOT GAY?

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our slash asked readied by reddit and chill serious straight people of reddit when did you know you weren't gay when I was super young I used to take and sometimes hide my mom's Victoria's Secret catalogs I remember an intense feeling while looking at the models and leisure II it wasn't too horny feeling being so young but it was exciting fun and it had a magnetic feeling incite me to look at them since I didn't even know what sexes I figured that feeling was what marriage was LMFAO so I'd be flipping pages and I'd be like oh I would marry her wow I really want to marry her and marry her um I wouldn't marry this one I love these type of questions that bring back things you never think about looking back at this foggy memory I can actually remember the specific perfumey smell the magazines had that is lovely I hope you marry the ladder remodel of your dreams and are very happy together there's a picture on a food delivery semi truck at my work of this Asian chef girl and I think I'm in love with her at the moment edit here's the chef lady far right when I first learned about the concept of being gay I think I was like eight nine I randomly asked my mom how do you know if your BAE and she said he would just have a feeling and you know I thought about if I've ever felt gay and I didn't so that was that that's a very healthy answer to that question if I had asked my mom that the answer would have been something like you'll know because you won't feel God's presence in your life or some such holy [ __ ] all this time I've been gay and didn't even know it I got sad as a middle schooler gettin harshly rejected by a crush and realized all my guy friends are amazing people to me so I figured could I imagine dating them couldn't get it up in the slightest so I quit I'm pretty sure I'm not gay but Neil Patrick Harris hasn't asked me out so that's an exception I was joking around with one of my friends and we my friends and I asked him how he knew he wasn't gay he told us he tried it three times and still hated it he told us the long story about how he gave three dudes [ __ ] and then realized he hated it so many laughs I just kept sucking dong but nothing was happening well you know boobies exactly this I realized I am a straight male when I couldn't stop myself from looking at hits at the beach of course I would also look at jacked dudes and think wow I want to look like this in the future but her post her boobs I would do that consciously looking at boobs felt more like an instinct I couldn't control all that much back at age 12 I hate myself for it but saying I thought I was B for a while but before Corona I was studying abroad in Spain and this French girl who was openly being super pretty was very obviously into me and when we would go to clubs she was all over me and I realized I wasn't into it it was fun for what it was dancing and drinking but I could tell she wanted to take it further and I did not I also thought I might be B flash forward to eating out the hottest chick I'd ever seen and was like now this ain't it hell of a time to realize you're actually straight eta o row my first gold good to know something good came of this experience because I sure didn't haha thank you you slashed a bullet 14 I had the opposite it been struggling with whether I was beyond lesbian and I managed to work it out while sucking some guys dong and thinking damn I actually don't like this when a girl strokes my back or plays with my hair it's very relaxing I'm like a cat I am so happy and comfortable and I'll go to sleep if a guy strokes me or plays with my hair I'm tense but in a good way and really excited and flustered and I want touch him all over reading the first half I thought you were a dude took me a minute lol I thought you answered the opposites question holy [ __ ] I'm glad I wasn't the only one I watched gay porn and I can safely say it wasn't for me for me it was that scene from x-men origins Wolverine where Hugh Jackman runs naked through a field I looked at his Mane but in thought oh no that's definitely not for me I know the exact scene you're talking about if I feel exactly the same way man butters are no no for me I was raised in a being gay as a choice type of house my mom was giving me a speech about how she didn't care if I brought home a black girl a Chinese girl whatever just as long I dated a girl basically an anti-gay talk I was confused about this and thought to myself why would I date a guy I'm attracted to girls dating a guy sounds nasty if I had to date a guy who would I date best friend you know preppy guy you know what's his name that is out as gay you know there's no guy I can even think of that I'd want to be romantically involved with and even if there was I'd really have to force myself to do so holy [ __ ] being gay isn't a choice edit typos this is actually a really interesting way to realize that concept I might use this story to teach this lesson to people in the future if that's okay sure if it helps people to understand that being gay isn't a choice then absolutely when I started checking out girls in high school but it would only go as far as thinking they're pretty the node desire to date one I went to an all-girl school but I was always thinking about boys I'm not opposed to treating things with girls if the opportunity came up but I then only ever been sexually attracted to guys or wanting a relationship with one I do this I'll see a girl and think she's really pretty and attractive this physical attraction makes me feel like I would want to have a sexual relationship with a girl but not a romantic one it's confusing I'm a straight girl I think and I don't know what to call this feeling perhaps romantically you are straight but sexually you are B or B curious I'm a female and I know that so far it is emotionally impossible for me to fall in love with a girl I could have sex with a girl but definitely would not be interested in pursuing dating a girl because there isn't that spot desire I have with men I've questioned my sexuality before just to be sure lol but I know that the romantic bond I have with men is not possible for me to have with women I could duck a girl but definitely would not be down to date or even flirt with a girl it would feel very forced and uncomfortable for me what is this called I feel the same way I feel like a sexual attraction to women as a woman but I don't feel an emotional or romantic connection so I would never consider a relationship I've only ever dated men and dating a girl would be weird to me but sexual things would feel normal you're bisexual pata romantic I think are the terms you're looking for you just have a regular terms you already know and then you can mix them to better fit your experience as a person honestly though I had been reading classic romance novels for a couple years nothing solidified me being straight more than someone in high school starting the rumor I was gay and it taking over the entire school for four years so much so I had gym teachers pull me aside to ask if I needed to dress alone so I wouldn't lust after the other girls it was then I discovered that not only was I not gay but even the idea of sexually touching a girl is a complete turnoff for me I'm not a touchy person to begin with bit of a mere thought to even having a threesome with another woman involved is like a cold bucket of ice water to my libido those teachers sound real unprofessional and inappropriate now that is so insane that a teacher felt it was okay to do that I have a funny story kind of related one time in junior high I was in the locker room talking to my friend while we were getting dressed for pay and this other girl behind us kept loudly talking about oMG what if there was a lesbian in here watching us all get changed and going on and on about how she would be so uncomfortable if there was a lesbian in our locker room and how they would be staring at her I finally had enough thought listening to her and whipped my head around and loudly said who says she would want to be staring at you she was real quiet after that lol I was 11 and I fell in love with Joe Jonas Joe Jonas is definitely the prettiest Jonas Brother I used to watch the scene of him swimming in camp rock over and over again I guess I know the scene well for a while I kind of wondered if I was bisexual because I can appreciate when a woman looks good and for a while I was kind of drawn to pictures of naked women then I realized that the thought of hooking up with a woman really wasn't a turn-on to me but the thought of hooking up with a guy well elicits a little different response in my body turns out I was drawn to images of naked women out of curiosity and for comparing my body to theirs this is interesting because I'm superficially and sexually attracted to men and women but each elicits a different sexual response in me and I'm attracted to guys for completely different reasons than I'm attracted to women I just don't get aroused by looking at men but I do get aroused by looking at women quite literally an image of a woman gives me energy is near an the psyche experiment and had me stare at images of either gender until I fall asleep I would fall asleep faster till a picture of a man balla me to I'm a B woman and I get turned on by anything and everything about women completely uncontrollably with men I have to be either really like their face or personality all women are beautiful and sexy to me edit completely uncontrollably sounds like I can't control my behavior but I actually meant that it's something I don't have to think about a completely natural reflex from my eyes to brain to body to tell me I like what I see when my rate up I think insert girl is pretty attractive got to a certain frequency in high school I thought about it critically it was pretty easy once I realized that the thought of touching another woman sexually legit makes me uncomfortable and not in an avoiding repressing way which I also considered I still get some looks from peers when I make those comments always have I'm positive one or two female classmates have thought I was lying about my straightness to make them comfortable or something which first of all get ducked and second of all don't flatter yourself but it's not my fault they're uncomfortable with my bluntness it's just how I've always been I'm currently crazy over the female baton twirler for my colleges marching band and I refused to be ashamed of that she did a routine freshman year in a Santa's helper outfit and her baton was on fire I'm still a little in love Hey do you not your fault if they've never heard of a girl complimenting other girls looks but also first of all get ducked best part of the comment I'm similar in a way have tried to picture the specifics of having sex with female celebrities and it's always pretty much nope doesn't do it for me whereas it's yes please with the male ones even some of the less conventionally attractive ones my dad owned a body shop when I was little typical nineties shop dirty posters of nude women all over the place there was one in particular they even to this day I can remember 25 years later the taste I have for women now and what I had in high school remains the same that poster I seen when I was seven let me know that I liked women that's funny my dad had his the same I ended up finding the drawl that the Maggs were in and was happy whenever my dad asked me to get a tool for him he eventually found out that I found his stash when it started taking me longer and longer to get his tools then he told me that he was surprised I hadn't into the stand-up cabinet open up the cabinet and there were calendars upon calendars of boobs a clock of two women boob to boob on a motorcycle it was insane even today when I go to his shop I'll go into that cabinet and just laugh at how old the photos are and how trashy the girls look Katy Perry did it so I kissed a girl and felt nothing might as well have been giving a handshake my girls and I would still kiss each other mostly for free drinks or getting cover waived by the bouncer but I had no desire to go forward with it Katy Perry did it so I kissed a girl is probably the reason a lot of women realized they weren't gay good answer I'm a gay dude but totally get what you mean kissing a woman doesn't feel disgusting or anything it just feels like kissing a wall or something not awful but I don't feel any pleasure met I've come to realize sexuality labels are stupid I mean sure I remember being taken to beaches on the Costa del Sol as a kid and perving over topless women I've only ever had sex with women I've only ever really been attracted to women then BAM you find out Henry Cavill exists and it throws the whole thing into disrepute are you sure henry cavill isn't like Ron Reynolds you know where the straighter a guy is the more attracted the guy is to iearn sometimes known as the Michael Fassbender paradox when I was super young and playing Sonic games on Sega Genesis I used to think tails was female and I would have dreams about living inside her vagina obviously I had no idea what this meant nor did I realize tails was a dude after that I remember dreaming about WWF female superstars a lot I love your honesty I watched Space Jam in like second grade and thought Lola bunny was hot or something then I started to compare her to girls and was basically checking girls out I read that and that's pretty weird but whatevs bro Lola bunny and Space Jam was I'm sure a lot of 90s kidz sexual awakening Lola bunny was stacked in Space Jam eventually you end up seeing another guy's dawn whether it's by accident in porn etc and I realized that the only dong in the world I thought looked good was mine there's a show that broadcasts a cool naked attraction it's a little bit like that old blind date show however the contestant gradually sees more of the bachelor slash bachelorettes naked bodies and it pretty much solidified that there's not a single penis in this world I think looks as good as mine god I hope this clothes doesn't come up in a background check oddly relevant given the recent ff7 remake but my answer is t4 locket ff7 came out when I was 13 won I was 15 years old I was drinking with two friends of mine the girl was good and back in those times I didn't get too much kitten so she said to me that if I kiss my friend boy she will kiss me back I did it and I didn't like the feeling of the kiss with a boy so him straight the kiss with the girl was worth it I've watched gay porn couldn't keep it up I've looked at guys in real life and thought about them sexually and there was less of a response than porn might like Lille shaved twinks butters is I seem pretty straight I'm not against the idea stimulation is stimulation but I just don't have the biological desire or else I'd probably be bf when other girls were making out with each other at a party for fun and I tried it something clicked in my brain that went now this isn't it massive love to my lgbtq+ people though we'll always have your backs equals this was actually a really legitimate question for me I guess I'm fairly far along the a spectrum because I didn't ever experience having so much as a crush on anyone until I was 19 that person was a guy but a sample size that one wasn't really enough to tell me if I was straight or B or anything at that point a friend asked me about my sexuality and I had to sit down and think about it I came to the conclusion that although I had many great female friends my feelings of love towards them were definitely platonic love and I couldn't imagine any of them spilling over into romantic I can appreciate a graceful figure on a girl as a seamstress you sometimes notice but I don't have any desire to be with a woman as far as I remember I've always felt a man's body to be one the most repulsive things in the universe I can shake hands but otherwise never touch one I get masturbating is out of the question then your mum does that for me yes I suppose I could be classified as either straight or bisexual as I do find women's bodies to be very attractive but from a very young age I always develop strong feelings for boys men I never had a crush on a girl in the same way even when I had marred their more thought they were sexy I never imagined or wanted my future long-term partner to be female so I guess it's like I knew I wasn't a lesbian when I had crushes on little boys as a little girl but even when sexual attraction toward women started creeping up it was not the same as the intense passion I felt for the men I really wanted to be with I don't know I just never saw guys as a potential partner why would I want hairy legs and a mustache in that basic behavior guys have in my life also the thought of sucking dong and ducking with another guy gross giving head to a girl on the other hand tasty as a teenager when everyone's hormones were Tom for maximum my group of friends were ogling and joined crazy over some girl so much so that they couldn't stand up I was like yep she's nice but didn't have any effect seeing their response and lack of my response led me down a train of though that's into thinking I might be gay so I tried it out and nope I'm not gay turns out I'm asexual d when I was eight why oh I saw Pam Anderson in Baywatch I never had to question it never have I ever been interested in a dude now and I've seen men hardly clothed all my life as an action hero fan never did anything for me other than loving all the awesome fights and feats of strength but seeing all the girls were their skin tight body suits who could do a boy so my answer is always I've always known when I got a chance to try stuff with attractive girl but I only felt an urge to kiss cuddle not do the sex the draw me like one of your french girls seen in Titanic I was seven I was even younger than that maybe five watching it with my mom on VHS when that scene came on she told me to cover my eyes I of course peaked and it was like reaching enlightenment that VHS made me a man I've always been so attracted to girls and think they're beautiful and tbh can be hotter than guys many times but I shudder at the thought of being with one myself I could never connect with a female on that level only males whenever wherever music video came out when I was in middle school nuff said sorry I'm not good speaking English still learning when I was five years old I started having mental issues about my sexuality like very very strong in the kindergarten one of my best friends used to play with me again named bositis Besiktas which is following each other and kiss the other everywhere and repeat now being followed by him until he kisses me and when he kisses me follow them until I kiss him I told that to my family and they said that's so gay don't play these game again don't play with him again and at this moment of my life I didn't know what's being gay when I was a little bit older like seven years old I searched in Google the definition of gay and I felt identified despite I thought that was a derogatory word at that point of my life I started to like boys but in seven grade first of middle school in my country I met a girl that changed my entire life because I loved a girl with that feeling that no one could make me feel before but help she said no that made me reconsider my sexuality and I thought I was bisexual I still liking boys but girls made me feel better I met a girl when I was 14 and we became like best friends and since she knows me knows about my sexuality I started loving her so much when I was 15 I told her how much I love her and she told me that she feels the same as me but was insecure off telling me do my sexuality now I still with her and we are about to have our third anniversary on the 15th of April I used to joke with her since I met you I'm not gay I'm not bisexual or straight I'm vana sexual because I don't think I would love someone the way I do with you vanessa is her name that's why vana sexual thank you for reading my story the day I saw Marion on Gilligan's Island edit word sometime in year 7 or 8 I got curious so I went to pornhub to find out watch the part of a gay porn and instantly knew that dong is not my deal boomer here goddamn you don't know how lucky you are can you imagine the only porn you get to see at seven or eight is the Sears catalog brass section was rather confused for a bit myself until I watched V for Vendetta with Natalie Portman somebody's told me if I didn't think she was hot then I could be sure I wasn't straight well it took a while but near the end I realized I was straight this was also when I discovered why I do not find most woman attractive I'm confused about the last part of this very high standards Romeo I hope you find your perfect woman someday I dress kind of boyish and always have when I was younger my mom asked me if I liked girls and I was hella confused b/c I didn't understand why I think BC she asked me that and BC everyone thought I was gay BC of how I dress that maybe I am turns out that I dress like this BC I am insecure and the whole you act like a boy thing has only made it worse I don't wear dresses not BC I hate them but BC I feel like I won't look like girl when I wear it a long story short I am actually upset that I have kind of masculine features BC what guy would want to date a girl that looks like a boy but the whole fact that I am worried about how guys feel about me let me know that I am in fact straights despite what anyone thinks of me ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
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Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit and chill, ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, reddit best, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit on tap, planet reddit, How straight people find out they're NOT GAY?, straight stories, not gay
Id: VUcuUmYFlPk
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Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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