Setting Up Your AR

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hey what's going on guys it's Mike and I am ready to do another carbine video with you guys if I my eyes are tracking weird it's because I'm staring at my phone I'm trying to stare myself so looks consistent but I might be like Google Yad I don't think I'm a googly added person look I want to continue to do these videos for you guys and educate you and all the things I think are important in preparedness you know we're starting off with pistol carbine like the basics for people who are new to guns there's a lot of people who are buying guns for the first time and I want to be sure that we do our best to educate them to kind of get them into the fold right if you're a comfortable gun handler with pistols and carbines then you could join the club and come out and train with us and train with other people and upgrade your circumstance by enhancing your training but the basics are what we always need to start with that includes safety nomenclature knowing how things operate and I'm going to take you into kind of the level 2 version of this because I talk nomenclature I talk basics I did open up comments for those and I got some dumbasses commenting stupid stuff that's okay that's expected but I've disabled comments because I just don't like the toxicity for people who actually want to ask sound and intelligent questions so if you are a person who wants to ask a question just DM me on my personal Instagram it's in the notes hopefully you subscribed it's in the notes it's at mic dot a dot Glover that is my only Instagram account I'm not in Syria and that asking you to give me money so I can fly out of Syria that happens all the time to women and maybe some guys I'm sorry about that that's not me I promise look just a little bit on mindset you know one thing that we must do as a community is stick together I think it's a responsibility that all Americans should look at themselves as a valued asset to their community you know it starts with yourself you should look at yourself from the mirror and think that you're valued asset and if you're not because you're self assessing yourself then you need to take the steps necessary to make yourself better if you're obese if you're overweight if you're lazy if you don't responsibly think about preparedness then you're a potentially a liability to your community to your family and to yourself but it starts with yourself right when you wake up and look yourself in the mirror the greatest opportunity you have is the freedom of choice because you live in such a free society that offers you so many venues and opportunities to excel and succeed I I came here you know my mom is Korean she's an immigrant my dad was in the military very blue-collar very poor growing up and I didn't have a crap ton of opportunities but I had enough to set me up for success the only reason I had the opportunity to talk to you and I guess you pay attention to me it's because of my experiences and committing myself to something in this case it was the military was service find that something whether it's service to your country to your community the first responder or just being an entrepreneur whatever it may be find something that you are passionate about and stick with it gain the value-add and the experiences and take advantage of those opportunities to make yourself better than when you make yourself better then you can make your friends and family around you better and if we all think this way which is just simply thinking selflessly even in our own decision making that affect us directly then it just makes our communities better and I hope that means something to somebody a lot of people don't pay attention to those kind of things because you know they're selfishly caught up in their own lives but if you look at yourself as a potential value add to the people around you then you will do things like be better prepared get an education be physically fit and healthy taking care of yourself to take care of others I recently posted on my Instagram I've got a dog lover some toxicity that I experienced from some guys that went and dug into my background and called me out for stolen valor they didn't even understand one what I said to my actual background and I think they lost context it's disappointing when it comes from the people in my own community it's like my my service isn't enough to some people but that's okay some people just don't get it and I hope to educate those people and making them understand you're not in the moment sir anymore you don't work for the government you're not in the army you're not that big of a deal and when you're in this world which is the world where you're a lone operator in a world of a lot of selfish people and a lot of selfish institutions you have to do your best to stay positive to stay focused and surround yourself with good people those people who are toxic and dramatic I don't associate myself with those people because I don't have the energy I don't have the time and I refuse to disrupt my life for people who live like that yeah so stay focused be positive and always move forward all right guys here we go so the last time that we talked in a conversation i talked about carbines I talked about basic nomenclature one of the things that was misrepresentative was people calling this a pistol versus a carbine yes according to the ATF legally this is called a pistol because of the brace on a short-barreled rifle which is known as an SBR the alternative is this could be a regular stock which isn't very different and this would be called a carbine for four again basic nomenclature and understanding I don't care about the semantics this is a carbine meaning it handles like a carbine it operates exactly like a carbine but yes this is a brace and this is considered a pistol by the ATF make sure when you look at your carbines setup you first identify the object in which you want to accomplish with your rifle this is not I've made this point clear but people misunderstood this this is considered a weapon of war by some in our society what it's not is a weapon of war if you cycle in any weapon I've used Ruger Mark twos that are suppressed in war those pistols just because they're integrated into war aren't weapons of war meaning this in our society in modern society is used as a hunting rifle for varmint for for a small game even big game in different variations they are tens etc so just because it's black just because it looks Picatinny and sexy doesn't mean it's a weapon of war this is a point two to three it's a hopped-up 22 round with a whole bunch of propellant remember the point two to three represents you know in the metric system and in inches this size of the diameter of the bullet so when you talk 5.56 millimeters it's not that big of a round but it is capable of doing a lot of damage like mini firearms I just want to make that point clear because the idea that this is a weapon of mass destruction or weapon of war is ludicrous it's a semi-automatic rifle which most every gun is outside a bolt-action rifles it's a semi-automatic gas operated rifle that is used in different variations including sport shooting including hunting and yes and in combat so when I look at this carbine when I look at this setup this is set up for short distances and variations the the point effective range of this weapon system is 550 meters area is like 800 this is capable of engaging targets up to a thousand meters but you must understand that based on some limitations and they may very many you are not going to be as accurate out but out of that distance there is a limit on five five six four two two three ammunition rifles including barrel twist and optics etc and generally speaking I would say this is capable of engaging targets reliably out to three to five hundred yards and I say that sparingly because what you must understand about carbines is dramatically they start dropping off beyond 3,300 yards in fact the bullet dropped for an ar-15 at 500 yards it's about 50 inches give or take so that's that's like five feet above the target so if you wanted to engage a threat at 500 yards you would have to aim five feet above the target to engage it because the trajectory goes like this and then it falls off because of gravity so some of the things I want to want you to understand is the relationship of your optic in relationship to your right there because many people will choose the right rifle but botch it by by diminishing their capabilities are the rifle by choosing the wrong optic like this vortex QE uh-1 is a great option but it's a read done and it has it Emma way after get this one this is might be 3.5 MOA so it has a little red dot and if you imagine you wanted to engage a threat at 500 yards and you had to float that dot above the target somewhere five feet above to engage the upper body or upper torso that would be difficult to do so if your objective is to do long range shooting because you want to take advantage of what a carbine is that you would use a staged reticle of some kind to be able to have a reference point to drop or to compensate for the bullet drop to hold the reticle above the target to be able to engage the threat or the target so that's an important consideration one of the misnomers and misunderstandings about a carbine is that somehow it's not effective out the distance I've actually heard people say yeah might be talking about this engaging of out to a thousand yards which I routinely I did that at Canadian Texas I've done it and as a sniper is it the most effective thing in the world no because it's very inconsistent and consistent because this that hit probability because all the variables including environmental factors change and it's hard to track that in real time so if you have a five mile an hour wind west to east or left to right then you're compensating for that well when it when a bullet is subsonic meaning it doesn't have a lot of energy it's below twelve thirteen hundred feet per second it's not going to be consistent um I heard somebody say at a thousand yards it's like getting hit in the chest with a rock that rounds not effective at killing or destroying targets that's completely false because the muzzle velocity of a five by six round at a thousand yards is about 950 feet per second let's just call it 900 feet per second for the sake of math a the muzzle velocity in feet per second of a 45 caliber round coming out of the barrel of a hot 45 is about 800 to 900 feet per second so essentially it's like getting hit in the chest with a 45 but he said it's a tumbling five by six round maybe waffling or tumbling a little unstable so I don't know about you but I don't want to get hit in the chest with a 900 feet per second anything now does 8 lakh foot-pounds energy and is that a different consideration yes but what I'm saying is this is truly effective out the distance and we'll talk about optimizing that set up so this variation have two variations here I have DCM Bravo Company manufacturing and a try out systems ar-15 these two rifles are my favorite rifles they are generally the same meaning they are super reliable super durable and super well-made the tolerances between the lower and upper receiver are great to free-floating rail the gas impingement system is super reliable this gun is squared away and ready for whatever they whatever you want to do with it smart shooting hunting and using it in self-defense remember the capability of this rifle is the fact that you can have stand off from the threat the average distance according to FBI statistics of a law enforcement officer being in a gunfight with an assailant is about 12 feet so when you think about the understanding of defending your life and creating space this is super advantageous like I see a lot of guys running in the open on flat ranges slaloming between targets and shooting still and shooting paper that's like a zombie apocalypse and it's not really realistic as a scenario because if you told me to do the same scenario and you had a start point I would take a knee or go to the prone from that start point or maybe even do it standing and engage all those threats in depth away from me utilizing the distance away from target because that's your advantage is the standoff you have the advantage of that standoff with the right optic in the right gun this this particular system is set up for short range right I have a short-barrel rifle this is a 10.3 I also have a buttstock that's a brace which is just a normal buttstock to me and I could use this to running gun one of the biggest mistakes we make when when holding these guns is we hold them like their rifles we barricade ourselves by pulling back with a buttstock putting our nose in the charging handle and shooting but remember this is not this is not a deer rifle the reason we barricade ourselves on deer rifles is because we learned shooting from the prone if you're in the prone and you don't want the gun to go anywhere you barricade it because you reduce the muzzle clip and recoil the gun so you can get back on the scope for secondary shots so if you stood up with a deer rifle and you do the same thing what would happen if the scope would hit you in the face it'd be hard to control it would be hard even if you're a big guy like me to even reset on the target so this is not definitively a deer rifle it has a gas operating system which happens to be benjamín or direct impingement it has a milspec tube which reciprocates the bolt carrier group and bolt inside of the back of the tube using a buffer and buffer spring assembly and that recoil you got muscle clip which is upward rise of the muzzle but you also have downward movement of the back of the gun which is the recoil the gun doesn't do this so if the gun did this like a deer rifle and I took the gun and I pulled it to my shoulder what am i doing I'm facilitating recoil I'm helping it right because it's going rearward and I'm pulling it rearward but the idea would be oh it has nowhere to go except it does because it's so powerful it's gonna go up but a a carbine or in this case an m4 does not do that a lot of the gas is dissipated through this muzzle brake or this muzzle flash a lot of the recoil is dissipated through this milspec tube which adds five points of adjustment which dissipates all that energy so in addition to that the advantage of having a carbine is my ability to manipulate it around my shoulder and confined spaces so I'm sideways like this and I can have the gun here operating and confined spaces and vehicles around obstacles around my own mates I can do the same thing or downward movement and then driving the gun to the threat I want to hold a c-clamp on the front end of the gun to manage the muzzle flip but also be able to drive it to where I needed to be remember instinctually you have the ability to drive your hands faster than you drive an optic if I'm depending on visual acuity to drive my eyes to the optic line I'm going to be slow but if I just think about driving my physical body which in this case happens to be my c-clamp and I could drive my hand and what happens to be there is the barrel of the gun and if I practice that indexing the optic is going to be in my eyeline also I don't want to barricade this I want to lift it up because I'm depending on friction so the gun does it snap down I just have slight rearward movement to hold pressure or in this case friction but I don't want to overdo it I also have a light grip on this hand over gripping will disable your ability to run your trigger finger fast so have a light grip I apply a light grip and then I could run much of your finger fast so the way you handle this is not like a deer right because this is distinctly different one thing I put on this gun is a two point sling I have a two point sling set up which has QD dismount switch quick detaches from the gun which I think it's very important but I want an adjustable sling I recommend the v-tach or Travis Halley's a sling because it's super easy to use and you could cinch it down on your body back in the day we used to do we used to barricade this gun to our bodies but now the idea is you want to keep it loose because you want to be able to manipulate in this space if I can't do that I'm stuck in my gun if you're going to prone you're going to standing kneeling the alternate positions that you're going to need to be able to manipulate the gun in those spaces and you don't need a barricaded to your body the advantage of a two points thing also is if I'm right handed I could take my right hand through the sling slap it on my back cinch this down and then I could utilize this pinned to my back and you're building climbing and tree casualties and the list goes on so let's talk about optimized setups this setup right here is ten point three inches there's ten point three inches of barrel that starts at the crown which is where the screw a portion of it ties in to the muzzle brake and that indexes at the big bore or the breech which is where you see the chamber the bulk chamber which is the front of the the bolt locks into the actual chamber of the barrel that barrel is one piece okay and that's super important when trying to establish what you want to do with the gun back in the day in the army when I first joined we used one nine twist barrels one in nine twist barrels have been in the Army inventory it's been a NATO issued rifle for a long period of time that rifle is good for shooting 55 grain to sea see two green because it spins it appropriately but it's not good for pushing heavier rounds remember the the barrel twist if it's one and nine means every nine inches the barrel the bullet or projectile does one full rotation through what's called lands and grooves lands and grooves are basically channels which grip the bullet to allow it to rotate through the bore and then maintain stability as it exits the board as opposed to a clean bore which must get used where there's no lands and grooves to hold on or create stability in the round so what's optimal well what's optimal for this setup is one in seven twists which this barrel is I get one full rotation seven inches in and then I get a little extra with three more inches that's what she said so a one-in-seven twit or a one-in-seven twist will rotate it every 7 inches so I'll get in this ten point three inch barrel about one and a quarter twist so I also want to take the bullet weight which is the bullet weight and grains of the projectile and use the correlated weight which in this case would be 62-grain and up optimized with 11.5 inch barrel you're about seventy Grange is 77 grain that's a that's a good combination here's the analogy I hope you guys know about football or a play football so my arm my arm is the the barrel in length and speed and twist my fingers are lands and grooves if I take a football and I hold this football and I go to throw the football let's say the football is to like because it's a Nerf ball well if I over rotate because I have a fast rotation and I throw it too fast which means over rotate the the light bullet in this case a Nerf ball what's going to happen to Nerf ball take joe Montana's arm or my arm I'm just like Joe Montana and throw that football faster you can't what's gonna happen well if you over rotate a light or projectile it's going to cause instability in the realm and you're not going to maximize this path outside of the gun called trajectory so now let's say I get the optimal board weight let's say it's a collegiate or NFL leather football and then I throat well what happens if I have the right barrel length and the bright barrel twist in the speed in which I throw it then I optimize the trajectory and then ice in that spiral outside of the barrel and it has a longer trajectory so that's how you have to think about it lanes and grooves how I hold it the barrel length and then the barrel twist and the speed in which I throw it but it has to made up with the right round weight all right so let me take this try out and show you guys this this prior two of my favorite tryouts it's a it's a 14.5 inch barrel actually I think this might be a 16 this is uh yes this is a 16 this is a george's gun George is a bigger dude I'm 6-1 he's like 610 but he's a he's a larger guy and he wanted to go with something that allowed him to reach out and touch now what you have here is a 16 inch barrel again it's one in seven twist if I use an optimized round in this case I probably use a 77 grain round I'm getting full two full rotations and then some before this exits so I'm holding on to those lands and grooves onto the ball and then I'm drawing it optimizing the trajectory okay George in this case also decided to go with a one to four this is a Burris MTAC I met a fan of bursts I prefer razor HDS from vortex or night force one to eight either way this has a reticle actually let me check and savior's like they're wrinkled yes this has a reticle and the benefit again of a reticle is now I have an area in which to stage the reticle to be able to hold over in distance if you zero a gun remember there's always a 2.0 remember when you establish a zero like a 25-yard point of aim point of impact meaning you aim in a spot and you hit that spot at 25 yards it is going to give you a repeat zero for 25 yards generally speaking it gives you a 300 yard repeat zero for 50 yards it generally gives you a 200 yard zero so what does that mean well what that means is in the trajectory path it gives you a point in which your point of aim and put an impact of the same at 25 yards then you have a slight rise and then it falls through at 300 yards a game now what's the deviation between 25 and 300 it's very minimal that's why guys do a lot of weird stuff with zeros that it's popular to talk about different kinds of zeros but if you're only shooting out to 300 yards you can get away with a 25 300 yard zero point of aim point of impact yeah there's slight deviation between 25 and 300 it's very slight but when it falls to a 300 it's gonna fall off the planet and you need to be able to compensate for that as opposed to a 50 to a 200 which gives you a lot of a little flatter trajectory and then you don't fall off so aggressively you're going to have to develop the appropriate zero for you based on your circumstance I live in rural Montana I might have a 50 to 200 if I'm if I'm I'm sorry a 25 to 300 I live in an urban environment where I'm going to maximize my distance to 200 I'm gonna look at a 50 to 200 there's Sean Ryan does a 36 yard zero that the zeros go on the important thing to understand is between 25 and 300 there's slight deviation beyond 300 yards in order to compensate so I hope that makes sense because I want you to take full advantage of your particular setup this stage reticle isn't the best remember all reticles have dots or states reticles that represent minutes of angle at distance what does that mean well that means that at a hundred yards a one-minute of angle dot would represent a one inch by one inch duct so if you had a one inch by one inch pasty at 100 yards and he went to put that dot on that base T it would cover the entire pasty which you know pasty is just a little sticker but if you had a 3.5 MOA done which most dots are rated at and generally speaking then it would be 3.5 inches of dot covering a one inch pasty so how would you shoot a one inch group more than likely you wouldn't because you would be covering the pasty to be hard to quarter that small target that's the benefit of reticles most reticles are below point two mils which just means they're very small and very thin so when you're aiming at a one inch by one inch pay see if you have a thin reticle you could divide it or quarter it in half and then shoot the upper-left quadrant of that pasty to aim small miss small again not thinking about these things in the context of what you're going to use it in the application will set you up for failure I remember I shot that used to suck sniper comp and 2012 as a team sergeant or maybe 2011 we placed fourth overall first and the tactical division all the other teams were like instructor or calls or instructors at qualification courses like sniper courses etc and so we are the first tactical team we wouldn't won that competition if I didn't have a night force Oh point point 2 mil which was the the reticle at a one inch pasty covered the when it's pasty so I couldn't aim small miss small now I should have looked at that reticle and went oh man this is a thicker reticle I should have just went with something else but I decided to commit to it at the time John Nowitzki hooked me up with a 16 inch gas gun from the ves key but we did really well you have to pay attention to those kind of details it's a first focal points of first focal plane scope second focal plane what kind of break do you have a kind of accessories do you run what kind of system is the bolt carrier group JP rifles for example runs reduce mass ball carrier groups there's a whole bunch of things that you need to pay attention to when when purchasing a rifle guys I know this is a lot of information I'm going to keep this short because the next thing we're going to talk about is alternate positions and setting your position in stance that's going to be my next video on carbine but I wanted to leave you with some thoughts and ideas before you invest or commit to a carbine and if you did it's time to invest in a different platform because maybe you don't have the right rifle for the right job guys I appreciate you guys go to at Mikey Glover this is my personal YouTube channel make sure you subscribe if you find value man buy a hat be better prepared I don't care I'm not looking for anything here in return I just want you to be better educated and spread that education across your friends and family to make you better prepared and your community better prepared thanks guys until next time stay alert stay alive
Channel: Mike Glover
Views: 213,029
Rating: 4.9503894 out of 5
Id: otjU5DSGK6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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