How POWERFUL Is This MODDED Laser Sniper Upgrade! (Bloons TD Battles)

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what is up guys welcome back to the video so today we're actually playing the creator of this hack he's a really awesome guy and yeah as you can see we're playing on logs which is the longest map in the game in balloon starter fan six i believe and it's also the longest map in this game now because it is literally look at this the balloons go all the way around here like forever it's literally i think it takes over 40 seconds for red balloons to reach the end okay so he's using a spear monkey i'll link this guy's channel in the description of this video he's a really really awesome guy thank you so much for playing with me and also thank you so much for making this awesome hack it's just so cool okay so let's put a farm around wait oh my god the farmers they have infinite map range this is amazing so yeah i don't even have to worry about stuff for ages like look at this i can just put my farms down i can just let all of the ai gradually go over okay maybe we should probably get something soon i think i'll go for an ice tower oh yeah i didn't bring the best towers actually let's let's just go for one of these get a snap freeze on this so as you can see okay we are leaking now but it's still a ridiculously long map okay let's get um some upgrades on these farms so yeah basically we're gonna be mainly focusing on the ice tower because this thing actually has an upgrade where it's like an ice sniper it is so cool it's like one of the balloon starter fan six upgrades i really want to show you guys that it's absolutely amazing uh let's see what some of these upgrades do so razer okay that's normal these are normal upgrades for the ice top but trust me it gets way stranger than that okay so let's go for another farm it also looks like there are tons of spots of farms on this map which is great yeah we're gonna do some awesome hacks late game make sure to like the video if you do enjoy it i would really really appreciate that and of course subscribe if you haven't already it only takes a second and it makes a huge difference to the channel okay so it looks like we're doing a good job with just this one ice tower actually dude it's actually i don't know why it like you can see it follows the balloons around i don't know if that makes any difference because it just it seems like it just freezes the radius anyway but it's still pretty cool i think i'm gonna save up for the arctic wind upgrade because that's obviously pretty good um i probably should have brought wait i have really bad camera detection guys i only have the sniper that is actually not great also we're kind of leaking here we should i'm gonna get wait what is this dude what is this okay it's a laser shooter um hello we have a laser shooter right here that's amazing okay i had no idea i thought this is a regular sniper this is not a regular sniper this is a laser shooter oh that's so cool dude that's so cool look at this thing this thing is amazing and he's got a spare shooter over there he's throwing like two spears at once at the balloons this is incredible dude okay i was like so scared about our camera detection but no this is amazing okay advanced magazine construction allows stronger plasma the pops is 70 balloons each and the ability to fire three times as fast oh my god that seems truly opie oh my god okay so we should really start upgrading our farms guys let's yeah let's just go for the plantations and stuff we need money you definitely need money and if we die on this map it will be super embarrassing because this is literally the longest map in the game now so if i die on this map i'm terrible at this game i mean the guy i'm playing literally made all this he literally made everything so well i don't know if he made everything but he definitely like he made the mod oh man okay so if he dies i'll be embarrassing for him but we're gonna try our best to win with these towers i honestly had i completely forgot that the sniper was a laser shooter it's just amazing it looks so cool you did such a good job of this dude it's amazing okay so this actually cost three thousand for some reason i guess 16 bunches so it looks like a plantation but it's not plantation five boxes of bananas i'll go for that normal looks like he's kind of struggling over there with a spare shooter but i think he'll be okay yeah i will be fine against this yeah this is definitely one of the most high quality hacks i've played in a long time i mean i play it often on the channel but i had no idea about some of these towers like spear shooters laser shooters crazy ice sniper which i didn't know about okay so we have some camera balloons right here but we're fine against camouflage we're absolutely fine so we should probably go for more farms i guess let's go for one more farm and then i guess should we go for these premium stuff okay that's 50 more i don't know how much of a difference oh wait purple balloon purple balloon how can we pop purple balloons guys okay i should probably get i'm gonna just get a super up i don't know if we have camo do we have camo purple popping power i genuinely don't know what what does this do what does this do now splits into three lasers i don't know i actually don't know if we can pop them so what happens if i get that one what does this do 75 000 shots now split into an additional eight lasers that do 10 times damage to microcosms but i do i have wait i have ultravision okay thank god i have ultravision so i can pop camo purples right now that was going to be so scary nope we're getting against purples he's got villages he's got spare monkeys we've got super monkey ice laser and farm i'm actually feeling good about this now having the ultravision is huge and this thing this isn't allowing anything to get anywhere like you can see the balloons on his side they look hard to kill right no this thing is just shredding through everything okay let's sell one of those let's go for one of those now i don't know how much money we make per crate actually going to sell this let's see how much money do we make 900 per credit that's actually pretty good um i'm gonna say it very balanced i mean it is i guess it's balance i don't really know i mean this laser money uh monkey money what am i saying this laser monkey seems opened i wanted to just look at the ice tower but this is this is crazy yep definitely subscribe and also subscribe to his channel he's an awesome guy okay so i guess let's get the valuable premium on both of these because i haven't already we definitely have enough money now though like we have so much money i'm just gonna sell this for a moment i want to see how good it is like just a zero zero see look the zero zero on its own is awesome it still does so much damage like look at this thing this is just like a 2-0 it's amazing okay machina definitely gonna get that what's the uh what's this ability drops crates from three planes with anywhere from one to 850 cash while the plasma attacks balloons okay i don't know if this one is any better than the other one i feel like the other one's a bit better i mean this one definitely doesn't look bad it's faster oh man the pop count though it's going up so quickly i don't know if like one to 850 cash is good though kind of seems a bit lame to me if i'm gonna be honest oh dude the knee you need to get some more defense up dude those spear monkeys are struggling a little bit okay it's fine now i mean let's get this upgrade let's see what it does i'm so i'm so like i'm like hyped to see what they are cool in backup what are these oh wait oh i see they're not like oh okay they actually damaged the balloons and they dropped lots of crates they dropped at least like 12 15 crates right there okay that's better than i thought yeah he's doing really well against all the balloons over there because there are a lot of balloons those spear monkeys actually oh dude he has an ability oh that's insane that's insane i'm gonna send this a weird emoji he got the ice sniper that is the ice sniper look at that thing doesn't that look so cool oh my god the ice sniper guys that thing is unbelievable look at all of the ice shards getting out of that and i believe it slows down more up close balloons as well that thing is amazing but this thing i'm more concerned like i'm i'm more excited about this thing this thing is even better i wanted to show off the ice tower but no this this laser shooter is so cool okay let's use that again so 20 22 000 i mean obviously we're making money from our farms but we went from 20 000 to 35 36 000 that's crazy money crazy money oh we need probably need another one of these just to make sure we pop all the purples definitely need to pop all the purples with these uh obviously darts like magic and lasers and plasma cannot pop them so that's kind of a that's not good okay his ice tower seems broken it is handling so much stuff by itself that's insane i'm gonna sell this i want to get the other one i want to get the other one guys okay let's go fret oh dude i can't afford it oh god oh god oh god am i gonna die am i gonna die oh my god i'm so scared okay let's get the ice cream pail oh my god what is happening what is happening um quickly get some get some stuff oh my god what is happening i just had to sell all my farms i just had to sell all my farms to try and defend wait we have purples we need to find against purples okay with the dark knight i believe we can defend against purples okay oh that was so scary why why how why why what happened there how come we struggled so much right there so confused right now okay 75k for that man we just sold all our farms we just sold every single farm we have mana that's not good okay let's go for the other path what's the other path i guess we can go for a bia is this better than a normal bia i don't really know i guess we'll see we have the ice sniper uh we also have the dark knight we have this thing which is doing good damage but man that's so strange dude okay i think we're doing good against everything here yeah we're gonna be oh dude that's the smg he's going for a zmg against me are you kidding me are you actually kidding me why is he rushing me with the xeomg so the knee why why would you do this to me why would you do this to me oh my god he's okay he's rushing us guys he's rushing us he is rushing us okay so we're gonna get this to the purples because we need to fight against the purples um man what am i okay we're actually doing okay against it though what do these upgrades do uh we can go for an absolute zero i guess let's slow it down nice okay sell that we slowed it down uh rip our farms though rip our farms okay let's go for the machine i know that's a pretty damn good upgrade yeah this is gonna get a lot of pops okay i'm a bit happier now we have that i'm also gonna go for another dark night just to wait the dark night's not even doing anything against the purples dude are the dark places even popping the purples okay i don't know what to do how much money okay at least our farm is making us money guys that's at least good he actually no he has the lazy shooter too are you kidding me oh my god this is this is scary guys normally i have amazing defense up by now but this time i don't this time i really don't okay 15k i'm just gonna get another one i don't care i'm just gonna get another one and let's go for another one right here they're cheap they're really cheap which is nice uh i think we're doing okay now yeah we're doing okay this thing 13 000 pops where is it getting all its pulse from i mean it's somewhere i don't know where but it's doing really good oh he is oh my god oh my god look at that look at his side he has spawned so much stuff okay definitely this thing is saving us that thing's so good okay let's get another bia these things seem to make us money a little quicker than like they usually do in a regular game which is nice i appreciate that uh these laser shooters are useless against the purples and because there are so many purples it's kind of bad guys it's kind of bad look at this this thing slows down more customers you can see that clearly those mobs are going so slowly oh wow his defense is insane look at all those crates on his side he's just getting so much money right now whereas i'm just stuck with my stupid farms not knowing what i'm doing yeah i kind of suck at this not gonna lie oh my god this is so bad i mean at least we'll be able to go late game i think we'll be able to go late again i was if we go from like an ice shards right here is that gonna be good i don't know why it's more it's actually the arctic wind sorry yeah arctic wind but it has the other weird upgrade i guess uh or i could just get i don't know oh that's a lot of camera balloons we don't have that much camera popping power guys oh god oh god this is bad this is bad this is bad okay i'm just gonna get the dark champion oh my god are we gonna die are we gonna die please don't die please don't die please don't die oh my god i actually managed to defend right there i literally just sold everything and i managed to survive but this is so much scarier than i imagined oh i really didn't want to have to redo this so oh god oh god okay so we need this clearly in a better spot because this thing is not doing much work over there so let's put it let's put it at the front to slow down all the more close balloons right there we can't even afford it this is terrible i played this so badly played this so badly okay so we're gonna set this to strong right so this will this will slow down all the mob plus balloons um oh my god what is he doing he's just getting a bunch of villagers right there i oh and look at the green fire oh it's so cool i think you can stack villages i think you can stack villages to make hypersonic towers at least i think that's what he's doing that's really awesome if you can man i almost died that's so scary that's actually so scary wait wait let me just check something puncturing or i'm ruining all balloon types so does that mean if i get the laser and plasma this can uh this can defend against purples i think so okay so that actually makes this tower a lot stronger oh that's a relief dude that's a relief okay wait what does this upgrade do yeah we need to get this one at least before we end the game we have to get that one at least so i've gotta build up my money again i guess wait wait wait i know what i can do i know what i can do i'm not going to rush this guy i'm not going to rush him so i can send this 2 500 eco another 2 500 eco oh look at that the hypersonic ice that's so cool i had no idea you could do stuff like that that's actually amazing so we're getting 2500 eco from one okay this is how you make money this is how you make money in this game look at this look at this oh my god okay so we're making so much eco from each one of those and it costs ten thousand it means we can't rush in though but i'm okay with not being able to rush him i'm actually okay with that i'm perfectly fine with that now we have 14 000 eco i can afford the most expensive upgrades now why didn't i do that before man oh you can see he has the upgrade right there oh man it looks so good it looks like he's doing so much damage okay so 75k i just need two more ecoboost i'm actually just gonna sell that we don't even need that and i'm gonna sell this one as well we don't need you either the more of a domination right here how good is this thing how good is this thing is it doing good i don't know i mean it seems to be doing a decent amount of damage yeah i think it's good because it does like 10 times damage to more cloth spoons and it like shoots out a ton of tiny lasers uh but unfortunately we don't have that much money which kind of sucks okay i guess i'm gonna put this right here so what we're gonna go for is a absolute zero arctic wind right there and then of course we're gonna go for an eye shards or a nice corn pale short let's go for an ice sniper or whatever because these things are pretty awesome unfortunately we can't slow down the ddt's as you can see it as you can see ddt's ddt's oh my god are we okay ddt's are scary okay let's set that to actually first let's say that's first uh that's it's first as well okay ddts are still really scary they're very balanced i agree no i don't agree oh my god okay so ddt's is still scary everything else is okay uh we can actually we can use the ice ability calm way so i'm gonna get one more over here just in case it looks like balloons are going to accept so let's get one over there perfect so it's like a viral frost i think um but with the ability and then you have the ice compel for the other one yeah he's definitely doing better than me i must admit he's doing much better than me let's go for another dog champion though i mean we have the money it's a good upgrade and actually we'll go for another one of the other one okay 95k 95k for this upgrade man it's it better be powerful it better be powerful i think it is though oh god ddt's let's slow everything down okay so this thing is 95k we'll get it next one the anti-balloon okay that ability that red ability is pretty awesome um it looks like you can see the red plasma it does tons of damage oh my god it literally obliterates balloons it's so good um which is our best popping tower i mean this has like 133 thousands this one has 197 000 uh yeah so i think i mean this one was more expensive i think this one was the most expensive thing i have like selling it for 82k um yeah definitely the most expensive i think oh god this is so scary we've got bar balloons already you kidding me what am i meant to do against the bad guys okay let's slow everything down it's laggy why is it laggy it's laggy because look at his side oh my god he's demolishing this thing i wouldn't be surprised if it crashed like literally it might actually crash why did i get okay wait if we cool in the back up will this will this destroy stuff is this actually good is this is this worth it i don't know i'm gonna go for another one though i feel like i feel like that did do good damage let's go for another one right there let's also go for another one of these ones okay 75k that's pretty damn expensive it looks like we're doing good damage against stuff uh let's slow everything down again okay slowing things down unfortunately does not work on the bad as you can see uh but however the good thing is this map is insanely long so hopefully we'll be okay let's go for another cooling backup we need our backup slow everything down oh my god let's just keep on spamming these oh my god okay 75k we got that nice okay we might actually die to this bad balloon like it's it still has a way to go but it's looking like i can't destroy it dude it's actually so strong it's actually so strong oh my god i think we're gonna die to this i mean we're doing good damage you can see it's it's in a damaged phase i just don't know if we're doing enough damage okay we're getting our abilities back though these things are pretty cool because they attack everything on the screen as you can see plus they give me money and like i like money okay that's good we're not doing terribly we might just be able to pop that i think wait do i have one unupgraded one over here there we go mod domination okay those things are pretty cool those things are really really cool wait is that bad exiting the screen no it's not okay this one will be exiting the screen soon though so we really need to make sure we defend against this i'm gonna send in the crying this is really scary hypersonic towers in this hack though are awesome dude okay it's not lagging anymore that's nice okay so oh man can you see that babbling right there it's about to exit i don't know what comes out of it but we have to make sure we have everything ready okay let's use tech terribility hope it works okay it's over it's over we didn't defend it guys the bad is going through guys i really hope you enjoyed this video i showed off a lot of awesome upgrades and yeah sadly we couldn't defeat the bad but it was awesome nonetheless yeah really hope you guys enjoy it that was awesome make sure to subscribe to this guy's channel and i will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 326,673
Rating: 4.8968883 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: vGQpa1SDYW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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