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and the m80 no way the mad shoots out the bull lightnings what is up guys welcome back to the video so today i am doing another randomizer video however it is very very special because every single projectile is completely random like look at this look at this the regular zero zero dart monkey oh my god it literally shoots more to explosions like how ridiculous is that so basically definitely stay to the end we have to see if we can go to around 80 and beat round 80 with completely random projectiles now i don't think this is possible i i think we're just gonna get unlucky with everything but let's see what happens i am so so hyped for this and yeah if you guys enjoy it please like the video and also subscribe because if you want to see a part two of this we have to hit like let's say we have to hit two likes on this video then i'll do a part two of this series okay so i'm actually going to use the cash drops because basically the thing we really need for this challenge is uh towers that shoot really fast or towers that shoot multiple projectiles because it's no point just getting a bomb shooter because bomb shooter will just shoot really slow random projectiles so it'll be basically the same as the dart monkey however if we get something that shoots really fast obviously it's gonna do it much better and look way cooler than a slow shooting tower also many towers are pretty damn broken in this mod so i'm just gonna go near like the tag shooter dark monkey the super monkey i'm not gonna go anywhere near the dartling or the village or stuff like that but yeah let's go so this dart monkey is doing a great job right now it is actually annihilating the balloons but let's get the super monkey right here no way okay so the super monkey actually makes you money and i can actually collect it what is this okay this is a new uh a 10 000 iq way to farm wait let me put a farmer right here so i do believe so if we get a if we get a super monkey farm over here super monkey farm what even is this yeah see because it's not attacking it can't shoot the projectiles which are the bananas so i can't make money so actually this is great because i was a bit worried about how we'd make money in this mod but now i can just spam super monkeys over there and we have the world's first super monkey farmer oh my god we're gonna make an absolute fortune guys okay let's keep on getting these remember they can't do any damage because it's literally just bananas that they're shooting but it's gonna make me all of the money i need so that's absolutely great i really hope you guys enjoyed this video in fact a few videos ago i said let's try and beat my subscriber record of 1 400 subscribers in one day and we came up really close we got 1 300 in a day so if you haven't subscribed already let's try and beat that record of 1 400 and seriously you guys you have no idea how much it means to me for all of the support on the recent bloomster defense six videos like i thought i could just make entertaining battles videos but you guys have proved me wrong uh with you guys all liking these balloons offense six randomizers like it means so much to me thank you guys so much i'm really happy about that okay so we're making an absolute ton of money right now we'll literally have infinite money i think it's time that i i got a different tower over here so let me get a tax shooter right here what do we get for the regular tax shooter and oh it's actually shooting out the original projectile why don't we get more tax what does it shoot out now let me actually sell this because it's stupid uh what do we what do we get off this i i don't even see what it's doing what is it shooting out it's shooting something that's seeking wait wait it's shooting ninja shurikens i think it's actually shooting the ninja projectile let me let me sell these supermonkeys because they're getting really annoying now making me so much money yeah i'm pretty sure that's the shuriken right that's so awesome we literally have a shower contact shoes right here okay let's go for the next upgrade okay that's really cool i believe isn't that the glaive law projectile oh that looks so good on the tag shooter though okay let's go for the text remember every single upgrade randomizes uh basically the projectile so it could literally be anything let me go for the text spread right here okay it's not quite attack sprayer it's a blade sprayer i mean actually it's pretty similar just to the regular attack shooter but really awesome wipes if i get overdrive okay well i don't even know what this projectile is i don't oh it's glue it's we have a glue tank shooter right here okay taxon let's go for the tax zone and oh it's a ninja shower contact zone that is broken that is so good i mean they're not seeking so it's not amazing but it's still ninja sharks are still pretty cool okay let's go for the faster shooting what even is this what even is this i i don't even know what it's shooting out it's like some kind of dark golden dart oh oh look at that it's the bomb shooter tag shooter oh that is crazy and i believe it's frag bombs you can see there are like the remnants of like yep look at that oh no are we gonna die though okay no we're good we're good oh my god this is insane the tack zone bomb shooter okay i need to get a dart monkey though i need to get a dark monkey are we good oh that's so broken dude the dart monkey is so good with the mortar explosion okay let me sell this i want to try out some of the other upgrades okay let me put this down remember this could crash quite a lot so i'm sorry if it crashes there's literally nothing i can do uh this is going to crash a lot because it's completely random projectiles okay so i don't even know what is that cow chops is it shooting out like multiple couches at once i mean that's pretty cool it's not amazing it's nothing that special but it's pretty cool okay wait wait what does it do now oh that's fairly normal i guess i mean it's shooting out something but it's not crazy let's go for the blade shoot that is in dora we have the adora blade shooter right here like okay i thought i was gonna lose this challenge but literally just because of this crazy super monkey farm i think i'm going to be absolutely fine guys like i can have all the money in the world just to get so many awesome upgrades like a door attack shooter what is even happening right now okay so let me go for another upgrade on this thing let me get the blade at maelstrom oh wait what happened right there what happened right there let me sell that oh okay so it's shooting out like multiple mortar explosions at once because of course yeah this is why i wanted to look at stuff that shoots out multiple projectiles at once because this is shooting multiple uh mortar explosions at the same time which is really good super maelstrom what do we get for super maelstrom nothing no it's a terrible ice tower a board a board let's go for the next one really really awesome okay what happens if i used to play okay blade maelstrom is normal i kind of expected that that's fair enough whatever uh but look at that it's literally a magic tag shooter isn't that the coolest thing ever okay let's go for the even faster shooting i might regret this i might regret this what does it do what is it doing it's a door again okay it's a higher level of door though okay so the time you've all been waiting for let's go for some op um we're gonna go for some op super monkey stuff okay also just before we do that let's uh actually get some more tax over here and let's get the oh no i didn't want to get that that's the thing i didn't want to get what am i doing no i'm gonna die okay let's get the wizard no the woods is terrible okay well we're not gonna die we're gonna be okay but i do have to i wanted i wanted to check out the inferno ring guys uh can we go for the inferno ring thank you thank you okay so let's see what the hot shot says and everything oh a laser shooter pretty cool i mean that looks really cool ring of fire ring of fire actually looks normal is it just the regular ringer oh look at that okay so this actually gives me boxes of stuff that's really cool okay so i need to put something back here let's go for the super range okay super range actually does stuff super range actually gives me stuff that's good so let's go for it on that one sell this one okay so this actually does attack i don't know what projectile this is but i mean it's doing a good amount of damage actually it may be the subs like the the commander subs projectile i think okay we need camera detection um so i guess we go for this right well this is yep that's fine let's go for the dark knight what is this gonna oh no oh no this is what i'm talking about guys that upgrade yep that's not good that's not good let's let's exit out right there yeah you can't go near some of the upgrades because some of the stuff is really broken in this mod okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put one of these down we're just gonna get the bottom path and hopefully it works and it doesn't crash the game so we needed oh it's actually okay that's really cool it's a rocket shooter i like i don't see how we're going to die we just have to get to around 80. we have op towers and we have a fireball dark knight no way oh literally it shoots out fireballs that is crazy good okay well the time has come we have to get a super monkey right we have to get it up to the true sun god at temple and wow that is exactly what i'm gonna do um should we get sacrifices on the temple probably not that will probably crash the game so let me just get the uh let me just get it right here i think let me just get it right there so it doesn't sacrifice anything it can sacrifice the banana farmer that's fine so let's go for laser uh which shoots out oh it actually shoots out ninja shark and it's pretty cool ah let's go for the plasma shoots out alchemist again pretty cool let's shoot out this cow chops again that's really awesome but this is definitely the best tower so far apart from the banana super monkeys this literally shooting out the fireballs is amazing let's go for the temple i went for the temple is really really i'm pretty sure that temple is just shooting out the pin from the engineer the pin are you kidding me let's get knocked back does that make it any better okay that doesn't make it terrible it's actually shooting out magic now which you know i can live with magic temple like that's fine it's basically like it got the magic sacrifice or something ultravision oh okay that's really cool that is really cool it shoots up tornadoes for the temple i mean i don't know if that's really cost effective i don't know if that does that much but it's pretty cool okay truesango temple oh no we got the magic sacrifice what is this even gonna do is this gonna crash my game uh okay well let's go for it what does this do oh it shoots up blades for its main attack its main attack is literally blades that's terrible for a true sango temple with a decent sacrifice a magic full magic sacrifice the magic seems to be normal but it literally shoots out blades which is terrible that's no that's not good at all no that's terrible i really wish i could go for the darkling gun but unfortunately it crashes the game let's go for the ace though is the ace normal ah okay no then i'm pretty sure the ace is just a regular ace yeah i mean yeah that kind of sucks but i mean it probably would have crashed anyway okay i want to go over the dark monkey more right because the dark monkey had a literal mortar explosion for his attack i also i want to see what happens if you get a rubber monkey so remember it has two arms do both of the arms have the same attack or something so let's also i'm just gonna get one of these at the back because it's literally op let's go for the epic range robot no not that not that the bottom part there we go okay because this shoots up fireballs and it's absolutely broken we can also finally sell our banana makers we don't need you anymore okay so let's go for the super range uh what does this do okay i think we already know what that does let's go century guns it shoots out hypersonic sentry guns oh that's so cool literally we can have a whole farm of centuries which actually it doesn't seem like it's crashing in the game because as you can see i can only spawn the sentries when they're in the range of the tower and these sentries are killing most things before they're actually in the range but yeah you can see how broken this fireball shooter is this fireball shooter does insane damage also let's speed this up because i don't think there's any chance we're going to die uh okay so let's go for the rubber monkey what does the robot monkey do let's just wait for all of these century guns to sell themselves because that no way okay so with one arm it's shooting out literal mob eliminators right there and with the other arm i'm pretty sure it's shooting out like a terrible dart but still that's good that's really good the mob eliminator oh that's amazing okay so let's go for the tectara that's terrible that's i don't even know what projectile that is but it looked really bad okay anti-balloon please anti-balloon be something good because i've been disappointed with this passive no way is that the is that ice okay i don't even know what the other arm's doing i have no idea what the other arm is even doing but that is good enough literally it shoots out hypersonic ice that is broken nothing is gonna get past that look at that okay let's go for the laser blast i ruined it i ruined it i mean it's okay it's shooting out the darting projector on another one but it's not very good okay fireballs and will the fire it's just a wall of fire oh it's so cool look at that i actually is that no i think that's the balloon incineration or something i'm pretty sure that's blue incineration and you can see it nothing can get past when i have this this is really really good again guys i'm sorry that i haven't got many towels on the screen at one time it's just because it's very laggy and i don't want to crush the game okay let's go for a spy patriot what what even does the spider factory do and the answer is well it does nothing i mean actually it's doing something it says it's doing something oh it is actually shooting out things kind of uh not not very good it's actually can you see that this little spike factory is actually shooting out a glaive right there okay and now we're just shooting out i don't know smart spikes i believe that's uh benjamin's thing maybe uh let's go for that one nothing deadly spikes uh again i don't okay it's shooting out something it's not very good it's just not very good guys it's not very good at all it's only got 20 pops for a perma spike it definitely should be better than that okay so we should go for druid druid shoots out a lot of projectors at once again i have no idea what what this is going to give us so hopefully it's nothing bad ah let's sell this i want to sell i want to see what that dirt actually does what is the juror going to do against the balloons and okay that's that's really strange i what is what even is that it's getting no pops i don't know what that it's at the back of my mind i don't quite know what that is anyway let's go for the heart of oak uh what does that do wait wait wait look at the wall of fire did you see that let's go for the druid range let's just go for these because i can we got a bunch of camera balloons on this round but obviously it's no match for my fireball shooter uh okay this is this is not terrible it's shooting out like i don't even know what it's shooting at let's go for that one um again actually is that the regular oh no shooting out darts pop lost um some explosions avatar of wrath it shoots up mines that is really cool because those mines actually do good damage and actually do decent damage okay let's go for hard thorns now okay it's a magic one pretty cool let's go for uh let's just go for the reach on that thing and sell this i just i'm just so curious to see okay that is sick look at that it literally shoots out the undead mobs and only the mobs it doesn't do any of the bfbs doesn't do any of the regular undead balloons literally just the moves right there and it's really powerful actually drew to the storm i'm really scared it's gonna crash guys what is this sentries which disappear yup that's pretty crashy i oh i'm blazed as well it's shooting up blades as well for some reason don't know why that is bull lightning oh it shoots up spike mines that is broken super storm okay this better be good and honestly no this is not good it's definitely doing something weird it shoots out lots of different projectiles oh we got obin we actually have oban and i believe a tiny bit of green plasma as well or something that's pretty damn cool that is really really cool okay i want to go for the balloon jitsu ninja guys i just want to go for the balloon juice ninja i want to see what it is i'm so curious to see what this is so let's go for balloon jitsu and grand master and it shoots bombs that is really powerful guys you have no idea how powerful that is bombs on a grandmaster like let's see how good it is against the okay you know what it's not actually that good i take it back it does decent damage right but i think it's like on par with the regular one anyway let's go for destruction on this thing basically like an avatar of wrath counter espionage lasers again that's cool but it's nothing special i want to see something really special let's go for seeking cow chops right there let's go for another wait is that the same one did i literally just get oh no it's shooting up bananas it's another banana shooter oh that's pretty cool i i don't mind that at all that's absolutely fine so if i go for the darkling gun is this going to break okay no this didn't break the game this actually did not break the game okay this actually looks really cool this actually looks so cool look at that the darling guns just make me infinite money oh my god this is literally an infinite money generator it's even better than the super monkey it is even better than the super monkey right here look at this look that's so stupid having all these darling guns making me money well i don't need the money so i'm just going to sell all of them real real quick and let's see what we get for our other upgrades on this thing now i did say this is going to crash the game and you know what i mean what i said it's probably going to crash the game but for now it is doing a good job at not crashing the game we've got bombs let's get the lasers um what is that actually i don't i don't know what that is it looks like something from maybe adora uh we're not gonna go anywhere near those though nowhere near those those are definitely gonna crash the game that's still pretty cool okay what i really wanna get is the mad i wanna see what the mad shoots out so oh wait is that shooting alchemist bottles that's so stupid guys that is so stupid okay hydra rocket pods i've crashed the game yep i've had i've crashed the game nope we have to go back we have to go back this is not good but we've actually seen a ton of stuff i'm really happy with how much stuff we've seen from around 65 almost at the end of this video uh definitely sell this sell that okay let's go hopefully it doesn't crash i'm really impressed so far so let's just go for the middle path sentry guns look at that it's literally shooting out the sentry guns that's awesome that is super i can literally put that and put them anywhere i want that is broken that's absolutely broken okay let's go for the hydro rocket pods uh and let's go for rocket storm does nothing that's fine and the m80 no way the mad shoots out the bull lightnings that is ridiculous that is absolutely ridiculous look at this thing that's so powerful though that is so powerful like those are doing a ton of damage guys seriously those things do insane damage right there this is probably my favorite tower like seriously shooting out bull lightnings out of both of the arms that is ridiculous okay well we have to go for the box shot and let's pray that this doesn't crash the game either okay let's go for that faster swivel again banana shoots up pretty damn cool look at this literally shooting out bananas powerful darts uh alchemist pretty cool buckshot um does nothing that's that's fine is that actually doing nothing i don't even know but it's probably doing something okay we got missiles we got darts we got all of that kind of stuff balloon exclusion zone now what is this even doing oh it's crashing my game that's what it's doing let's go for the faster barrel spin yeah it's just shooting out loads of different projectiles but i'm gonna have to go back oh that's so it's so disappointing when it does that i mean i understand i understand why it does that but still it is disappointing okay so let's sell that okay yep so let's just go let's just go so what i want to do now is i mean we're obviously going to be this challenge so i should probably just spam a bunch of the towers that i think are going to break the game so let's just do that let's get a farm right over here now is this making me money is it doing any damage is it even doing anything let me get increasing oh oh oh oh it was spawning centuries i had a farm that was spawning me centuries what is it doing now uh no idea let's keep on going let's just get a fist tip farm what does the fifth day farm even do like it's not making me any money it's not putting anything down like i think it's doing something i'm not really sure let's go for valuable bananas right there yeah is it even attacking let me slow it down oh oh oh look at that it is actually doing something the farm can actually attack look at that it actually shoots out like i don't know if that's benjamin or azeelia whatever but that's really cool actually does something okay guys the mortar oh the mortar actually shoots out a mob eliminator the zero zero mortar are you kidding me that's ridiculous that is absurd it shoots out oh my god i should have got this stuff earlier okay well we have to see it we have to see what this other stuff gives us let's go for the signal flare let's go for faster reload rapid reload at shooting bombs it's shooting all kinds of stuff on the map right there oh i actually had it shooting nature's water totem from obama right there let's go for blue incineration what does this do the fifth tear oh it's shooting little okay that's kind of cool it's shooting kind of little plasma balls and stuff that's pretty cool let's go for the big one and the biggest one okay this remember this is a really powerful upgrade and what is it doing i am pretty sure it's shooting cluster bombs not bad not bad at all that's pretty cool and now it's shooting okay that's terrible i'm pretty sure that's like one dark knight projectile every couple of seconds absolutely terrible okay the last thing i want to do i just want to get a sun temple i just want to sacrifice a ton of stuff and i just want to see what it does oh we don't have enough money you kidding me how do we not have enough money here i guess i did spend a lot of money like buying and reselling stuff that kind of sucks oh well i really hope you guys did enjoy this video this was an absolute blast for me ah yeah if you want to see more of this just tell me in the comment section also if you did watch to the very end if you watch this point leave a heart in the comment section i will try my best to heart your comment and it means the world to me that you guys are watching to the very end of my videos it really shows you guys enjoy them so yeah thank you so much for all of the support on these videos i really do appreciate it we're around 78 right now let's just put a really op tower at the very very front right there which obviously the most opie tower we've come across i think is the 30 dark knight with no other upgrades on it this thing is just op with the fireballs it every single fireball does tons of damage and yeah we just obliterate everything okay guys we're about to go to round 80 and yeah the zmg does not stand a chance look at this you could barely even see it this yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed the video and i will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 477,659
Rating: 4.9062681 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: flEgaoAwEWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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