How Badly Does Obesity Affect Your Heart? | My Big Fat Body (Obesity Documentary) | Only Human

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] i'm so fat that when i go to the beach people hire me for shade in my world gravy's a beverage my cereal [Applause] well i don't have to admit it you can see that and don't think i haven't heard or used every single one of those fat jokes and more my size has provided me with a living and now it's killing me i'm frank payne the big guy obviously i'm an actor writer and comedian and i'm a man who is morbidly obese which means i'm more than 100 pounds overweight i've decided to loan my body to science and take you inside deep inside my big fat body i'm going to let doctors and scientists using the latest in imaging technology show you what happens to the human body my body when it becomes morbidly obese since i'm willing to bare all here's what you're looking at i'm five feet 10 inches tall and 363 pounds my waist is 60 inches which means i'm 5 feet around the middle i wear a 5x and with this gut i never wear anything tucked in at this point you gotta be wondering how someone like me gets to be this fat in the first place let me show you how and what i eat in 24 hours what can i get for you today i'll take four double cheeseburgers i always like to order big enough where they think i'm ordering for a family so that way it's not like oh and if that guy just ordered all that for himself you know i don't limit myself to three meals a day over at 24 hour period i'm more of a continual constant grazer i'd like to get an eight-piece chicken only drive-throughs give you a little bit of anonymity i don't like uh really sitting on the restaurants too much because you don't want to be the fat guy there you know you don't want to be the biggest guy in the restaurant no i'm happy i got chicken [Applause] [Music] the only reason i get any exercise is because the upstairs apartment was the only one available and when i sit down i can polish off a few pounds of food in just seven minutes after burgers fried chicken and ice cream you might think i'm done but i'm not this is not a reenactment i really do order like this your ex large how many does that serve three to four okay i'm gonna need two of them then uh i'm gonna have a couple other people here and uh what is this uh nyx sandwich okay well i want that for me uh that'll be mine by now i know what you're thinking how can he eat like that which is why i do it in secret it sounds pathetic but food has become my best friend it's comforting it never talks back to you uh it tells you you're okay but i know deep down i'm not okay i'm 46 years old and i can't live like this anymore i'm taking the first big step getting a physical just relax it's really not very difficult we will not make you run more than you really can run walk okay that's supposed to be realistic here wow the blood pressure is so high do you take any oh yeah i'm supposed to be taking something i haven't had my screen yeah a little bit anxious the doctors put me on a treadmill for a stress test to see if my heart can handle the most basic level of exercise walking on a treadmill wasn't too bad as the incline went up i felt my heart rate going up and then i picked up some pace that's when i started getting shortness of breath that's when i get a little scared i'll start choking i start like you know my neck feels fat and i can't breathe and it's a scary place for me can you continue no there was a time when i actually looked and felt fit back when i was wrestling in high school but that's when i started binge eating you want to lose weight so you can get down certain weight classes so i would lose weight i gained weight i'd come in at the beginning of the season everyone comes in having to lose weight and at the end of the season everyone's like oh we can eat again so it was a definitely feast you know a feast in famine but my problems with eating started long before that when i was six years old i lost my little brother john he died leukemia at two and a half so he was in the hospital most of his life even at that young age we bonded pretty quick riding with his cats get to the graveyard you know you never see your parents cry you can't do anything saddened you you know i just started eating more i think that was something i'm looking back on now it's something i probably did as a uh an active defense maybe or something i found pleasure from food little by little that weight starts creeping up on you before you know you're 240 250 260. and i wasn't admitting it to myself you know i would i would stand in different angles in the mirror and say okay or oh not too bad you never really feel fat one day i thought something wrong with my heart i thought i was having a heart attack and so i went to see the doctor and i looked over and down on my chart i saw the words morbidly obese it shocked me because the doctor didn't tell me maybe he assumed i knew i don't know but as that was kind of uh scary it's kind of like you know you got the cancer you know kind of thing you got fat i've decided to do something about it i agreed to do this show my first stop is the west side medical imaging center in los angeles california where scanning devices will show me what obesity looks like on the inside this is a state of the art 64 slice cat scan kind of a high-powered x-ray i fit close with eyes okay well when i met frank the first impression is here's somebody who's a ticking time bomb we're imaging a moving structure so the heart's in constant motion and the arteries that sit on the heart are moving and here we're able to take pictures of a coronary artery that may be two or three millimeters in diameter we can actually determine whether you have coronary artery disease leading to what we call sudden cardiac death when i got out of the cat scan i knew the results couldn't be good dr lapore showed me the 64 slice cat scan image of my heart the yellow stuff is fat marbled through my heart like a piece of fatty steak this is a picture of the coronary artery you see those little speckles of white material yeah turns out the white stuff is plaque kind of like putty that's building up in my arteries and clogging blood flow the bad news is you have some plaquing which is unusual for someone of your age the other thing that we found is that your pumping chamber we call the ventricle is thick since the walls of my heart are thick and stiff it has a harder time pumping blood he also said my heart is enlarged that was scary to hear one of the manifestations of obesity is actually infiltration of the liver by fat cells you actually do have liver infiltration by fat i know my liver is supposed to be pink and get rid of toxins but now with the fat in it it doesn't work very well dr lapore told me if it gets worse my liver could harden leading to cirrhosis or i might need a liver transplant if it fails if we were to open you up we would see a lot of gooey fat in your abdomen and again what we're more concerned about in terms of of heart disease is what we call the visceral fat i wouldn't be surprised if someone like you in their 50s were to have some kind of cardiovascular event perhaps you may develop a blockage that just causes engine or symptoms or a heart attack i'm kind of in shock right now to tell you the truth you're kind of blown away i'm close to having like i don't know you know like an anxiety attack i think i'm feeling pretty horrible i'm feeling regretful my past you know it's everything that you were being told by everyone else you know by your friends saying you know you got to watch that weight shouldn't eat three steaks you don't need six burgers but i always felt strong enough mad enough to be able to do that you know let's drink more beer let's let's party harder it's you know uh i don't need exercise i can't just deny anymore i mean it's coronary heart disease it's [Music] scary [Music] it's not even about me it's about so my mom and dad they lost one son to a disease you couldn't do anything about it [Music] i wanted to lose another reality is starting to sink in i'm frank payne and i'm morbidly obese i've just seen the damage all this fat has done to my organs and now i'm about to get the results of my blood test from dr lydie hazen a specialist in morbid obesity okay i'm gonna weigh you first okay by the way she's five three maybe a hundred pounds in other words about the size of my right leg we're gonna go into this room your blood test last week showed um elevated cholesterol so your cholesterol is 287 when a normal cholesterol should be less than 200 your bad cholesterol which is your ldl should be less than 130 your bad cholesterol is 220. dr hazen says that ldl is the bad cholesterol because it circulates in the blood and slowly builds up in the inner walls of arteries and then turns into plaque hdl is to good cholesterol my hdl is 28. it needs to be over 40. we usually look at the ratio of your bad cholesterol to your good cholesterol that gives us your heart disease risk factor and so your ratio shows that you have twice the risk factor of having a heart attack than a normal average individual it means that you're at risk of having heart disease stroke heart attack okay frank is only 46 years old yet he has the body of a 60 or 70 year old i think frank needed to cope and so his primary coping mechanism was essentially denial he just ignores his health and pretends that he's healthy then he's able to carry on yeah i knew there was something things were probably wrong and um but those days you feel great so you can blow it off and right now the weight of this is really crushing down on my you know on me everything is reversible if you start now to really change and take this seriously and not think of yourself as healthy because nothing's happened to you yet and every decision you make from now on and for the rest of your life has to be a decision for your livelihood and for your health this really scares me because there's only one person who can fix this and that's me obviously i know i eat more calories than i burn i just didn't know how many more dr hazen set me straight so this would be friday night to maybe saturday night so maybe one day's consumption of food yeah pretty much i mean obviously just looking at it just objectively you know something's off a little bit so what happens is you eat so fast that you don't even give your body a chance to listen to the cues that are coming from your brain and telling you to stop we have a hormone called ghrelin ghrelin is actually made in your stomach and ghrelin increases before meals so as you get hungry ghrelin increases it's your appetite stimulating hormone once you eat your stomach is full your ghrelin decreases so normally your brain cues would be alerting you to stop eating but you're completely obliviating them essentially and telling your body i'm going to do whatever i want to do it doesn't matter what you're telling me to do correct so let's do the math i hate bad so normally an adult is supposed to consume 2 000 calories a day if you're physically active this pizza has 3100 calories this pizza has 3 500 calories so you're already close to 7 000 calories three days worth of food just with those two pizzas in one sitting now you would also consume four double cheeseburgers correct the calorie content of that is 26.80 that sandwich alone is 630 calories the chicken is 2 900 calories the ice cream 2 320 pounds you're consuming 15 150 calories when in a day you're supposed to consume 2 000 calories it means that from friday night to saturday you're essentially putting on four pounds so this is four pounds of fat it's heavy okay oh wow it's heavy fat is heavy i think i'll give this back to you but you've got a 40 times this 40 40 times that is already on your body so that's what you've got to get rid of it feels like all this fat is literally crushing me the next set of tests is going to reveal just how true that really is i was invited by stanford university to be the first morbidly obese person tested in their world famous human performance lab the best athletes on the planet come here to find out how their bodies can perform better i'm coming here to find out how badly i'm treating mine here's a chance to measure very accurately the way that obesity impacts on the body we are going to start your day off with a dexa scan phil cuddy starts my testing on a dexa scan it's a machine that measures exactly how much muscle bone and fat i have in my body okay how long will this take about three minutes three plus minutes i just don't want to miss lunch okay so the scanner is going to reposition itself just over your head okay here we go so what i'm seeing on the screen right now is your skeleton's coming into shape we're at about your fourth or fifth rib because of your excess body mass your arms are unable to hang naturally at your side your shoulders seem to be elevated you're not able to bring your legs close due to fat mass in the torso fat mass on the inner thigh you're not able to be in alignment looking at your numbers from today we have a body composition number of 48.5 body fat percentage wow so of the 363 pounds almost 49 of that is considered body fat so what that's telling me is half of these fat essentially half of you is fat i'm at stanford's world-class human performance lab where they're testing my body inside out i was stunned to learn that nearly half my body is fat 48.5 body fat percentage wow how does it feel to be 50 fat it's like you're carrying around a dead body on you basically i'm carrying death it's like you're so far in the hole right now can that be fixed and this is the problem that people that carry a lot of extra weight get into they need to be more fit to be able to lose weight but they can't get more fit because they don't have the ability to actually move to do that but that's exactly what they needed me to do next move so now we're going to really work you out we're going to do a stress test because of my morbid obesity dr ashley a cardiologist had to monitor me as i did my next test i am going to have you hold this here okay this vo2 max test measures how efficiently the body uses oxygen by pushing an athlete to the max obviously there are several problems in my case i'm way out of shape [Music] we're gonna get you up to a faster walk and then we're gonna start making it steeper all right diamond mountains rate is increasing it's hard to breathe the fats run to my lungs keeps you from being able to breathe deeply and use oxygen efficiently little steeper knife can you go a little faster this is challenging him it's starting to challenge him my heart can't pump well it limits how the oxygen is transformed into energy to my muscles but despite my limitations i gave it my all you've done a really good job keep moving push push through push through as hard as you can keep going keep pushing forward frank that was great you really maxed out on this test oh man it's hard to believe you're not kidding me are you no i'm not kidding you i did what i could but he was proud that i had the spirit inside me to push myself to the limit i did i know that spirit's inside me and i just got to keep that kindled right now because it's easy just to say no and go back to old habits vo2max is an evaluation a gross analysis of your cardiovascular system how you're using oxygen for exercise basically what he's telling me is that my heart lungs and muscles are so stressed by all this fat that my body really can't handle much exercise at all he has trouble walking let alone running on a treadmill he is severely limited he's limited in the way an 85 year old would be limited the next test will show what my weight is doing to my bones and joints tor bazir a biomechanist can measure those forces so we're going to look at the way you walk and move okay and the way we're going to do that is we're going to stick a bunch of these reflective markers onto your different body segments then we're going to capture the movements in 3d so what we're interested in understanding is well during your general activities of daily living what kind of loads are on your joints right and if we can understand what type of loads are on the joints that gives us some better indication of you know bone and cartilage health musculoskeletal health and those types of things dress like a sumo wrestler once again i'm the biggest guy in the room you can tell i'm irish by the way to my legs well you're gonna look like a christmas tree when this is finished so we have a motion capture system here it's called a vicon system and that allows us to track the motions of frank as he's walking along we also have force plates in the ground and those force plates then track the reaction forces you ready and ready go as frank hits the ground with his feet there's an equal and opposite force back from the ground onto him so we can measure those forces when you are applying a force to the ground you can see that on the screen and go one of the things that matters is the stress in the joint when you're walking you experience 1 to 1.2 times body weight so for frank who's say 360 pounds that means with every step he takes there's about 360 pounds of load interacting with his foot now when you go up to the knee joint they can be two times body weight so that's 700 pounds of force through his knee okay and the last one we'll do is a slow walk that's okay you ready and go that dead weight when loaded on the skeleton puts unusual forces on the joint the main forces we worry about are those to the cartilage and the cartilage is that shiny teflon type substance similar to what you see on the end of a chicken bone so once that cartilage is gone that can produce joint pain symptoms that we call arthritis osteoarthritis degenerative arthritis your mass is about 50 larger than someone of the same size which means the stresses in your joints are far greater so to account for that you walk slower so you have less force less stress on your joints more weights lower walk i mean yeah yeah one of the things that can change with walking speed is your step length and that's another thing that you find with people who are overweight is they have much shorter step length and they also choose to have their feet slightly wider apart for a comparison an athlete named james did the same test this is how my body should move here's the difference in our skeletons i'm the big bone guy on the right you have slightly more rotation sideways you have more lateral sway that trunks way your feet are slightly more side to side and compared to james who's walking with a much narrower stance his arms of course closer to his body as well you can see it from some dramatic changes and this is ideally where we uh where we'll head when when you lose a bit more weight like everything else i would blame joint pain and ankle swelling and all sporting events no the reason i'm feeling pain the reason i'm i'm not feeling good the reason my heart palpitates sometimes the reason i can't walk up a set of stairs without feeling pain is because i'm fat by this point i was tired the next test i faced at the high tech world of stanford university would take me into their virtual reality lab it's really high-end stuff i mean it's pretty impressive i'm frank hi i'm jesse and this is liz welcome to the virtual human interaction lab you can have a seat right there great thank you for agreeing to be a participant today yeah i really don't know what i'm getting into oh just you wait our lab uses virtual reality technology in novel ways typically the focus has been on the actual technological aspects of the equipment and instead we use that as a tool to examine social questions and social issues since i was going to be part of an experiment she had to read the standard protocol rules while inside the virtual world you're going to be engaging in a simple exercise as you exercise you will see your avatar exercise and experience the benefits of your exercise that is it will appear to lose weight when you don't exercise your avatar will not lose weight will it get bigger it's not going to gain weight it's just going to lose weight so i'm going to demonstrate the exercise you'll be doing today you're going to start with your right leg lift it up to waist level and put it back down to the ground then you'll move your left leg up to waist level and back down to the ground so one repetition is a right and a left so as you exercise like this you'll see your avatar exercise this is an hmd or a head mounted device we're going to put this on your head and this will enable you to actually see the virtual world so here are two screens and that's where you'll actually see the world being rendered this light right here we're going to turn that on because that's going to help the hmd be tracked by those four cameras in the corners of the room all right frank you can open your eyes do you see our virtual room uh yes i do you turn to your right okay and turn to your left all right great you're definitely tracking i mean this is like 22nd century stuff i mean it's it's real advanced i had to wear a helmet and see myself in 3d frank that's your face wow it's so weird seeing it without the extra chins hey how you doing there you're the good looking guy go ahead and start whenever you're ready we immerse him in the virtual environment so he dons the head mounted display the hmd and when he's in there what he is seeing is a representation of the room and an appearance of himself and as he exercises that virtual self will actually begin to lose weight so the quicker he exercises the more intensely exercises the faster he sees those results the rewards of your exercise are shown on your avatar so as you're lifting your legs each time you perform a repetition of the exercise your avatar is actually losing weight have you noticed yourself getting any thinner yeah i really do it looks like a 32 inch waist and the pants are loose it gives you an inspiration the more you exercise you see yourself get thinner and thinner and the less you exercise is kind of just you stay there at the same weight so it inspires you to you know to see what your future can be and what you can do [Music] wow this is pretty amazing i can actually see him losing weight as i'm as i'm moving how you doing there frank you're looking thin frank seemed to be having a good time in there as he was exercising and i could tell he was really noticing the changes in his body and in the end when we gave him the option you know hey frank you can take a breather you know you can sit down whatever you want to do he really wanted to get that avatar back into that skinnier version of himself so he wanted to see that ideal body shape and he was willing to put forth the extra physical effort it took to get there we get this avatar moving his butt i can see the pound's melting off yeah he's losing weight this is great this is more of an interactive motivator could actually be incorporated as they exercise as you exercise you see yourself lose weight that can help you push out an extra set it could help you you know operate at a different intensity level it could help you exercise longer all those things could be immediately beneficial all right great frank we're done i'm going to go ahead and take you out of the virtual world at this point we'll talk a little bit about the experiment oh that was pretty wild all right pretty intense huh yeah how'd you feel about your workout it was great to see myself lose weight you know to see it melting off is pretty cool so did you feel that that made you want to exercise more well yeah you can see a finished product quicker you know and uh yeah yes i'm kind of still blown away by it i mean it really was kind of quite surprising with this 3d image i can see it happen i can see my waist coming in a bit it's coming off it's coming off and sometimes you doubt it you know you you want to believe it but you know you're like man right even if your pants are getting loose it doesn't matter you're still like looking in the mirror going oh geez but with the imaging machine the 3d imaging you can see it come off it does inspire you to push a little bit harder because the faster you go the harder you go the more you go the more you lose weight as the first morbidly obese person who's ever been tested at the human performance lab i'm overwhelmed 48.5 of my body is fat all this weight puts 720 pounds of pressure on my knees a part of me wanted to give up we're gonna put you into our alter g treadmill my last test is on this odd looking treadmill it's gonna show me what it would feel like to weigh a lot less using air pressure a plastic housing creates a seal that allows the air to lift me up and magically take the weight off my body this is the first time that we've used it as a weight loss motivational tool it's more of a rehab or a training tool that we use for our athletes here at stanford and go ahead and lock that other one down just press it down lock and load so you're going to feel all the air coming in you might even feel like it's going to lift you up a little bit just another friday night my life okay whoa that's interesting it's nice and relaxed and you're at 100 of your body weight feels pretty normal yeah how's that feel wow you are now at working at 80 of your body weight okay going down one percentage point at a time you're now at 28 percent reduced body weight or 100 pounds this is what we feel like you have 100 pounds taken off exactly wow it's completely different it's night and it's not even night and day it's it's uh january and june i can't even feel the pressure off my joints what would it be like around 200 ah let's see here oh god i i want to run [Music] you're at 50 of your body weight right now okay [Music] it feels wonderful it feels where i want to be you know i i really don't want to go back to being my body weight again [Music] wow i remembered this i remember when i ran track i remember having that bounce that feel in my feet i mean i just feel more alive this is one of the greatest i love this machine and it's not just because it's lying to me it's telling me what could be it is telling you what can be it's a powerful tool so we're gonna work our way back here's eighty percent of your body weight whoa what just happens i just added ten percent oh my god oh my god you're at ninety two percent of your body weight now you're not starting to pay heavy already yeah so this is what you are experiencing on day-to-day life oh this sucks and now you're at body weight true body weight sorry 100 and a beat 100 of you all right slowing you down slowing you down slowing you down damn this is definitely an eye opener pretty powerful yeah how did i let myself get to this point i couldn't tell you i have a lot of work ahead of me i have to do it for myself i'm so shocked at what the stanford test revealed that i have no other choice but to get fit or die for the first time in 25 years i've decided to work out i found a trainer who's got a lot of experience with very overweight people like me charisse griffin hey hey how you doing huh i'm doing okay okay cool have a seat my plan for frank is to definitely keep him challenged because a lot of times a morbidly obese person already in their mind has said i cannot do this just think of me as your giant pumpkin you can get to carve me i love it i love it body engineering that's what we're going to do i'm going to come right around the belly button okay okay okay you do this yeah here give me a peck there it's been a long time since a woman has put her arms around me and now charisse can't even do that once again i'm embarrassed we're looking at about 60 and a half all right so that's what we're working from you ready to do this yeah yeah squeeze it tighten it and right now what i'm doing is just figuring out from a strength perspective and just seeing where you are right now we're going to start turning you into a furnace i need you to be a walking furnace okay back when i was wrestling in high school i could probably bench press around 250 pounds now i'm lucky if i bench press 80. i had a major concern that my body was going to be able to take it i like the fact that you used to be an athlete so you understand discipline you understand muscles so i'm just going to reawaken your body i didn't want to fail i didn't know what's going to happen i didn't know what the next thing was the treadmill this is going to be one of your best friends one of them besides me the key with us frank is always going to be challenge challenge challenge i just don't want to give up on myself because i gave up on myself for the last 20 to 25 years he's gonna be successful if i have to say get your heinie and gear immediately right now because i know you can do it dig deep within i will get your posture together pull yourself upright it is going to be a slow process because at his level being morbidly obese it's definitely one baby step at a time mm-hmm good pull that belly button in pull it in first time i ever had a trainer if i went to the gym myself i would have beat myself the heck and not showing up ever again it helps to talk to someone who understands what i'm going through because right now i'm having trouble hey guys how you doing hi i'm jeff jeff hey jim how you doing identical twins jeff and jim thiel lost nearly 100 pounds each on last year's national body challenge at the start jim weighed 344 pounds and jeff was 296 and like me they loved peace cannolis sausage parmesan ice cream but they had it worse they run their own italian restaurant in eagle rock california so they're surrounded by temptation the twins were in trouble they both had high cholesterol and jim was diabetic this is not about losing weight to look better this isn't that kind of a challenge they understand that they really have to take it seriously they started eating better with a little help from the national body challenge crew it wasn't easy some pork sausage this is definitely gonna go in the trash but they went to work all right man we got a lot of work for us to do today all right jim and jeff lost more than 60 pounds each during the 15 weeks the surprises that we did so well so well that we could lose that much weight in such a short time yeah we were surprised i was surprised i was too i couldn't believe it was almost like a dream i thought it was going to end but what's even more impressive is that they didn't stop losing weight once the cameras went away today jim's down to 241 a total loss of 103 pounds and jeff is at 201 95 pounds lighter did you have this goal in mind realistically we didn't think we were going to get this this far but we knew we had to lose i had to lose weight it wasn't a maybe or we'll see how far we go life or death yeah both mom and dad said you know what we want we want you to outlive us and the way you're going you're not going to do it after the body challenge and you lost a you know a huge amount of weight and you kept going how were you able to do that with no cameras no support exercise we work out with our trainer twice a week and then we go work out on our own yeah i go for a walk at lunch time blood pressure is down yeah blood pressure is good my blood sugar level is good and my cholesterol is good now the only problem is i'm getting aches and pains from doing all the physical activity yeah has that changed anything with with the way you eat here where do you do your menu or anything like that it does in fact it has we'll show you uh there you go whole wheat pizza and pasta yeah turkey sausage and an italian restaurant yeah yeah if you're gonna have a pizza you gotta have sausage we're gonna make you a healthy low-fat twins pizza yes here's their secret really thin whole wheat crust a light sprinkling of low-fat cheese lean turkey sausage peppers and mushrooms at 200 calories a slice it's a low fat delight fantastic guys excellent excellent nicely done thank you perfect i've been working with charisse for an intense month and a half but today an old knee injury flared up and now i'm in big trouble i can't get out of bed my knee is killing me i feel like there's a knife in there and it's just being twisted back and forth this weight has taken a bigger toll on my body than i realized i need to figure out what my other options are i've heard about bariatric surgery the procedure where a surgeon makes your stomach smaller so you can't eat so much i'm not big on surgery i'm actually kind of afraid of it but at this point a quicker fix is worth checking out today i'm going to uc irvine to meet with top bariatric surgeon dr noen essentially your stomach can actually hold approximately a liter to 1.5 liters of liquid or solid gastric bypass is an operation whereby we construct a very small stomach a pouch that can only hold approximately 30 cc so it's tremendously less once we construct that pouch we take the small bowel and route it and connect it to the pouch this is actually an x-ray of a patient who just recently had a gastric bypass and this pouch holds approximately an ounce an ounce once and immediately from the pouch it drained into the small intestine so that is your new pouch if you decide to undergo a gastric bypass how much do you lose when you get a gastric bypass if you're only able to put an ounce of your in your body 65 to 70 percent of your excess weight so for example if you're 100 pounds overweight after about one year we expect you to lose approximately 65 or 70 pounds wow that's small i know all right if you don't have any uh further question why don't we just take a walk over the surgical suite and i'll show you where we do our work great i'd love to see okay i'm ready doc all right let's go in offering room why don't you have a seat okay i'm not too comfortable in these uh i know i can't just totally understand okay we perform all these operations through small incision i don't want to scare you or nothing but we use instrumentation like these to go through there instead of using my hand like how would that go inside me through a little port we call it a trocar the first thing we'll do is we'll insufflate meaning blow up your abdomen you will look like the mission and man i already do we'll go ahead and place the trocar in just like this and we'll just go ahead and penetrate directly through your skin into your abdominal cavity to see what i'm doing we use a bigger trocar and what we have here is a high definition camera where we actually place through the trokar into your abdomen and i can actually visualize your internal organs i notice these things are slowly but surely getting bigger and pointier yes it is another instrument that we use is a stapler where we actually can cut and staple the intestine oh wow yeah it makes the operation very quick another instrument that we commonly use is the needle holder and this is used to really stitch your intestine together so you're you're actually sewing up my inside exactly we staple first and then we also sew at certain spot of the intestine so we wouldn't have any leakage that's correct we'll prevent leakage oh so you'd have the you'd have a camera in there you'd have that in there that's correct what else would be in there there's also a liver retractor sounds huge the liver sits directly on top of your stomach and we have to retract the liver in order for us to see the stomach when we actually goes inside the abdominal cavity we actually go ahead and tighten it and it form a rigid retractor we'll take this retractor and retract your liver away okay am i a good candidate for this you have high blood pressure gastroesophageal reflux and you've been struggling with weight loss for many years now i think you will really benefit from weight loss surgery well i got to give some thought to this i mean this is a big decision i can't really make right now i agree okay i'll have to call my parents because i can't make a decision like this without talking to them this is pretty fascinating and amazing stuff the possibilities are just fantastic but it is major surgery so i have to give it some serious thought learning about my body has been overwhelming i like the idea of bariatric surgery for faster weight loss but i'm too afraid of surgery to go through with it so i'm back to diet and exercise in three months i've lost 60 pounds i was lucky to be invited back to stanford's elite human performance lab to find out if even 60 pounds makes a difference on a body as big as mine the body fat says me pretty nervous so you know because when it comes to just measuring your body fat those numbers don't lie looking good looking like the exercise is paying off yeah i'm pretty excited uh highly energetic frank came in three months ago his body was not allowing his skeleton to rest easily due to fat mass in the torso fat mass on the inner thigh beyond pounds this dexa machine will tell me the exact amount of fat i've dropped today we're seeing something a little bit different your shoulders look a lot more relaxed a little bit slimmer profile it's looking a lot more like a normal skeleton if you recall you were at 48.5 percent pure fat so three months ago you came in here could barely fit you on the table today almost 10 percent lower 38.6 38.6 yeah yeah i'll take that that's not bad i've been working pretty hard to knock this weight off i've been doing two hour workouts and uh and it paid off next the vicon system details how my bones joints and muscles have responded to the weight loss hey frank you're looking great ah thank you i felt pretty good that everyone noticed that there was a significant difference in my body my face they'd come up and start smiling right away because they were happy for me and that was nice with a 60 pound loss in weight we'd expect those stresses to be about 20 less as well since you've lost that much body mass what we want to do is compare what is the effect of his movement patterns and the forces through his joints as he's lost 60 pounds so we can actually check if your natural walking speed is faster than what it was before once again i'm lit up like a christmas tree i caught a fish this big with every step that frank takes he's putting less load on his joints so he can probably take many more steps before my arms were further out the way i was walking i was lumbering it wasn't a pretty sight i've surpassed that even though i still have a lot of weight to lose i've taken pressure off my joints with just the 60 pound loss i was out of breath last time doing this just one yeah just walking back and forth and now feel great good well we'll get you running soon what i've done here is i've pulled up the data from three months ago and this is you walking at a normal speed before your stride was shorter you walked slightly slower and your stride width was further apart the changes that we'll see are changes in the forces in his joints if you're carrying less weight less mass you would expect those forces to be reduced now your stride length is increased your stride width is decreased you have less side to side rotation and less weight in the frontal plane so basically you're just telling me i'm lighter on my feet this is a very sophisticated noticeably he's lost a lot of weight he seems to be moving around much more easily he looks a different man a final test is the hardest measuring how my body utilizes oxygen the vo2 max pushed me to the edge in just seven minutes last time here we go increasing the gradient we're at two percent grade about three and a half miles per hour so you're actually going a little bit quicker increase that hill still feels pretty good i'm not breathing too heavy yet can you feel the difference now between the last time when you were 60 pounds heavier definitely i feel it in the legs the legs are they're stronger and they're carrying less weight all right we're at four percent grade three and a half miles per hour looking good last time i was in such horrible shape i was in pain i was tired i was sore father's happy to slow down all right we're gonna stop right there i couldn't go anymore this time just caught my breath and i felt great all right frank let's get those arms moving charge up that hill you're at seven percent gray four miles per hour stay with it we're cheering on buddy stay with it stay with it use those arms use those arms get up the hill they put me at i believe 8.5 was the incline which is pretty steep it actually felt like a beginning to a workout i was just warmed up i was ready to do more good job frank you're doing well phil and dr matheson were cheering me on which is kind of funny yeah it was neat 10 seconds come on stay with it all right nice job bringing you down 11 minutes your fitness level is up because you've got more muscle you're extracting more oxygen the muscle and you've lost body fat so this test is a great improvement good job last time this time i'm actually a little talk and yeah and make eye contact yeah the thing i noticed most about frank was he really looked different and before he looked a little beaten down and his shoulders were rounded and his weight was carried forward and he kind of trooped from place to place and now he just has more energy through today's assessment comparing it to the baseline three months ago exercise time was increased nearly 50 percent you went from about seven minutes to nearly 11 minutes at a higher intensity faster pace very good job right man the best thing i saw today was that frank just seemed more alive i think he's turned a corner i just see a motivation in frank that i didn't see before when i first came to stanford i didn't like what i heard coming back from stanford on this last trip i was really encouraged by the success i made now that i've seen the difference that some weight loss can make i'm not going to give up trying to lose more i've come a long way since i used to tell my usual fat jokes three months and 60 pounds ago have you been uh fantastic good a couple changes good yeah i can tell oh good to see you frank i'll talk to you later i do feel great and i know i look better it wasn't just the weight i i lost hope i made changes that have not only changed my life so far but they've saved my life these three months have been one of the best times of my life lost over 60 pounds i'm going to lose 80 more at least and i i hope the next time you see me on tv you see less of me [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 667,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: body fat analysis, excess fat effects, losing weight tips, obese community support, obesity awareness documentary, obesity crisis, obesity effects on organs, obesity examination, obesity facts, obesity health risks, obesity investigation, obesity rehabilitation, obesity struggles, obesity treatment options, overweight challenges, overweight epidemic, overweight health risks, overweight population, weight struggles, weight-related diseases
Id: t3Sbwq5XgvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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