Can Marching 500 Miles Help Me Lose Weight? | Too Big To Walk S1 Ep1 | Only Human

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[Music] 24 stone hayley rental has hardly left her house in years i'm just scared when i go out uh that people are staring at me but now she's leaving her young kids for eight weeks to join some of the fattest people in britain in a unique experiment they will try to march from one end of the country to the other in an effort to lose weight and transform their lives gone through the valley of the shadow of death and come out the other end but can people who scarcely walk to the shops scale languages this is the seventh level of hell can they track across 500 miles of countryside from devon to scotland right now i feel so weak no normal person does these things [Music] and will they be able to regain control over their bodies i've lost a stone oh my god in the first part of their journey a two-week 100-mile trek from the south coast to bristol they'll be allowed to eat their normal diet but will exercise alone be enough to lose weight and will any of them have the willpower to even reach bristol i've wasted a decade being a fat lazy [ __ ] bastard do you know what i mean i'll squish your bum i love you it's hayley's last hours at home with her kids three-year-old ivy and harvey age two shortly after my son was born i didn't really go out of the house for about a year um i'm scared i was worried that people were pointing and not even pointing just looking at me going oh she's so fat after handing her kids over to her sister she leaves home to join the two-month experiment [Music] hayley joins the other walkers at one of the most southerly points in britain to start their 500-mile march [Applause] [Music] haley's not been on a walk for years and she's had a restless night six and now i'm feeling sick i need to eat breakfast i can go without lunch and dinner i have to have breakfast i won't stop i can moan and cry about it all night long i'll get up in the morning and you'll still get 100 out of me i tell my friends what you did to me what did they say 22 year old stacy is here because she wants to become an air hostess but she's worried she's too fat to squeeze into a plane seat it's going to be like really hard and i've just realised how hard it's going to be she grabs a final snack before her battle to lose weight begins most nights they'll be camping out and 31 stone vincent from brighton is scared he'll break the equipment i've spent the last five days using portals they're not built for us no i'm sure i'm gonna want to go no i can't do this anymore but i'll keep going i'm not going to stop but i'm sure there's going to be a point where i'm just going to say it checking the walkers are fit enough to set off is olympic sports physiologist matt wilson this is an absolute massive undertaking for some of these guys they're so so unfit we have a four or five hundred meter hill here and they couldn't even walk in our in my lab for four five six minutes so it'd be very interesting to see how they cope with the very very first hill let alone six miles that we're hoping to do today nothing like this has ever been tried before and the local press have turned up to see the walkers off i do not want to be the fat mum at the school gates and have my kids teased for me being big or anything like that i really genuinely hope that they actually can complete today let alone what's letting in store for them tomorrow their 500 mile adventure will take them from the devon coast up through the welsh valleys over the peaks of the lake district and across the scottish lowlands to edinburgh five minutes into the walk they face their first challenge stockholm's hill why did you start us on a hill after just 300 yards stacy is really struggling i can't even hold in sucks it's barbed wire i don't want a cigarette again i'm dying there's a bench stacy is 22 and lives with her mum in east london she's under no illusions as to why she's so overweight i really really badly i won't eat breakfast i'll eat lunch probably about two o'clock and then i'll have dinner probably about six seven o'clock and then i'll have a snack about eleven o'clock and if i'm still alcohol i think to eat probably about three or four in the morning and then i got beds and it starts all over again and if i've gone to the pub and i've had dinner about six seven o'clock i will then go to the pub and get kebab yeah oh i've got two old now stacy admits she's lazy the only walking she usually does is across the road to the corner shop my fat is holding me back i just think that if i was locked for night if i was like even a size 16 or whatever i just feel that i could do everything i wanted to do my back's hurt in and my legs hurt in and my toes hurt in and um that's it i just want to lay down now even i don't care if i have to lay in the cow one hour in and actor vincent is still only halfway up the hill he's sick of getting only comedy fat parts so he's joined the march to transform his career vince is struggling he is the biggest guy he weighs over 200 kilos um so he's packing a good 50 more than a lot of other people here fitness expert matt wilson is carrying life-saving equipment in case any of the walkers collapse someone fit this is embarrassing hayley's struggling she's mentioned to me now that she gets a sore calf walking around sainsbury's there's no doubt that they are in shocking condition absolute shocking condition these guys think that we're going to help them all the way but really they've got to help themselves so we're essentially giving them the bear essentials and then they're left to their own devices we've made it it's a miracle at last they've covered the first half a mile in their track across britain [Music] stacy thinks they deserve a reward we wouldn't be able to get a nice couple of beers we'll get seized into it thank you yes ma'am like this is a bad idea that's not going to kill us is it it's all about you making your own decisions not me telling you what you can and can't do is it more sensible to not have a beer or is it more sensible to have a beer if all of us have willpower none of us would be facts we'll say you know what i'm not gonna have that cake today sandwich in there somewhere running late they agreed to skip the pub but have a snack instead half an hour later they head off with five miles still to walk to tonight's camp student adam storms out ahead yeah so much weight person sets the pace i've waited for all of them and they've been the slowest yeah i'm facing my own battery do you know what i mean i'm just sort of head down dig on keep going adam is 30 and lives with his wife cherry they're both into chinese cooking but the more they cook the fatter adam gets so i'm carrying 10 stone around with me every day you imagine having to hump that around here every day it's clean it's tiring people don't appreciate that they just see you and you sort of they don't realize there's ten stone extra on you you imagine they're able to carry a sofa around with you all day adam's nearly doubled his weight in 10 years but he's determined to change you know i'm 30 i'm still salvageable you know i need to just do something i need some get up and go they might need your help to just have a bit of encouragement what the mandaneers do is they climb the top of everest didn't they it's all every man by their self he's giving it our husband selfless you know the fact that we're not all walking eight you know holding hands going down the road but you know to be honest i'm sort of doing my own battle that is a campsite up there i can see the sign after eight hours they reach camp they've walked just six of the 500 miles they're still the tends to pitch and stacy's convinced she's injured so we'll see i bet it's all gone blue hope it adds everyone feel sorry for me let's see if it's gone show you the others the group will be camping most nights some have never pitched a tent before pitch into the wind the pass okay no wind adam charges ahead as usual and gets his tent up first [Music] he's got an extra large sleeping bag and a futon because he's too heavy for camp beds [Music] that's not normal but putting up tents is the last thing on stacey's mind my toes hurting is it yeah i don't want to have to like be dropping that or nothing or you send me home in a couple of days and you go actually do you know what you fractured it if it was fractured now doing this you'd be screaming fitness expert matt can't help but vince thinks he has the answer see i do a lot of um psychic stuff as well do you i love sidekick [ __ ] yeah can you read people um only if i'm doing healing work generally i can show you what i do yeah just close your eyes take a deep breath nice cool school do you feel it though hey um do you feel something though not yet all right yeah no it's okay it's okay people find it funny the first time sometimes it's a very new technique [Music] with 494 miles ahead of them the group is going to need more than vince's psychic healing to finish the march eight people are trying to lose weight and transform their lives by walking across britain stacy nearly gave up last night and she's struggling with the healthy outdoor life i don't like camping i don't i don't do tents i don't do them and i'm living out of a bag i don't even know where anything is i had to wear a thumb today because i can't find my normal knickers so i'm like i'm going to have chef's arse again by the end of the day and so i had to wear them it's like you're gonna have white by the end of the day chef's ass why is it the other day what does that mean it's when the sweat trickles down you're back into your crack and you just have to keep going and it just rubs and then it gets all sore and stuff and you can't knock it about yesterday's six mile walk has given 24 stone hayley blisters but she can't reach her own feet to treat them jane's just padding out my heels for me because i'm having trouble with my heels today they've got to walk another six miles to a campsite in honniton but they're running late because of pr girl alice from leicester started being sick in the toilets i was sipping water but just kept coming so just this morning because i haven't had any sleep i think i feel really weak but that's it alice is hoping this walk will change her life with boyfriend craig forever i want to get married and wear a stunning dress and not a fat dress that makes me look even worse chocolate every time she's tried to lose weight so far she's failed but alice is convinced this time it'll be different it'd be all too easy to give up for me after the first couple of weeks and i'm not willing to do that this time around alice may be confident but craig is not so sure she'll look at the negative side of everything she'll try and find excuses to quit or to give up or an excuse to say why it's difficult the team eventually get going but half a mile in alice stopped you're right are you wireless she's feeling sick again come on you're doing really well no you don't i need to get some um food in me i think otherwise i feel like i'm gonna pass out so beer luckily for alice lunch is just around the corner getting the plowman's platter i think they'll put more cheese on sixteen ounces it's worth it you know it is but before they can even order there's more trouble from alice she's sitting in vince's chair i mean no i'll just do another one is it yeah oh i didn't need to tell me to watch it i forgot it's fine no sit back down i'm already moving the chair sorry i know you've been ill and yeah i was complete dick no i just didn't know it was your seat honey no no that's fine i shouldn't have that's a total overreaction you're right then yeah i'm fine it's just homesickness is really affecting me at the moment so i'm i'm looking some way to have such a great family and a great friends but um in other ways it's really hard to leave them but you've got to remember this by doing this you're making your life with them so much longer you know you're adding an extra 20 years potentially to your life i know i mean right now i'm here on my hands and knees because i can't you know sit any other way except for in a chair will you go sit back down no no because that means getting up and walking again for a bit honestly alice obviously isn't feeling herself and she orders just a sandwich thank you cheers but that doesn't put the others off tucking into a hearty me where do you start two hours later and with more than half the day gone the group still has four miles to cover and it's not easy going [Music] styles brambles and another steep hill straight up people [Music] actor vincent soon struggles stupid hayley's blistered feet are holding her back too finally they make it to the top of the hill but they have to stop to wait for alice again and hayley for one loses all patience with her she's told her today she's homesick because she's not feeling well no no i'm sorry she's got me through life you're not sympathetic every one of us told her she didn't have to do it can we just calm it down now yeah she wants to go home yeah both times i've said something stacy's gone off got a bit nuts and then i've been accused of being cold-hearted when i said look come on we can't keep putting up with this we've gotta do you know we've gotta carry on regardless and i've been seen as cold-hearted and harsh and unsympathetic and i'm not you know i'm quite a sympathetic person as they wait team leader matt tries to get to the bottom of what's upsetting alice so i had to watch everybody staying in gyms while i was trying to force a sandwich down myself i know that sounds really pathetic no no far from it because that's where i get a lot more comfort from and i'm not even getting that at the moment i think if you gave up now you'll regret this for the rest of your life this is a fantastic opportunity and the reason why you don't face up to emotions in your life is exactly what's happening at this very point in time now it's cause i'll just give up yeah and i go for the easy option all the time and this time the easy option is calling a cab and checking into the nearest hotel i feel bad i don't feel good about the decision because i think it's giving up but enough's enough i know myself as a 27 year old adult but when i'm gonna break and i'm close to breaking points so the rest of the group finally complete their six mile ordeal and reach the knights camp they pitch their tents knowing alice is recuperating in a local hotel no one's actually witnessed her being sick but she says she's been sick so you've got to take a word for it because you can't go around calling people liars without evidence fat people are full of bloody excuses do you know what i mean i'm not trying to sound [ __ ] or anything like that but you know you knew what you're in for a little bit at least give it a bloody shot you know day one day two checking into a hotel you know i don't know what might be really today the group have another six mile journey to complete they set off from the campsite and alice joins them from her hotel yep okay let's get moving but she soon starts to struggle and an hour into the walk matters take a dramatic turn for the worse you're gonna roll on your back for me and it gary if you can just stand here for me there you go and alice just sit up for me and gary will support you with his two knees behind his behind your back okay there you go okay so just relax what would you like the group to do whatever you want alex we will do carry on i know i'll have to sort my hand out and see how i feel tomorrow with alice unable to go on the group has to decide whether to continue walking or wait for her hayley has made up her mind i'm not being funny if that was me sitting in alice's place i would be hoping eulog would be having the strength of mind to make the decision that we're only just doing six miles at the moment we're never going to do 10 miles tomorrow never who wants to go on a day i do i will try and carry on today and finish today well are you going to be with us i'm going to be with alice see you guys later have fun yeah the group splits in two and even jane who's been sympathetic to alice so far is losing patience she's been given a lifetime chance here yeah and you've got to grab it and go for it she needs to toughen up and that's exactly what she needs to do yeah yeah yeah definitely i think we've definitely made the right decision in carrying on not just in miles but in bleeding achievement you know what i mean first time in our life we said yes and said enough and we got this done and i just feel bloody magical yeah yeah meanwhile alice has been driven ahead to tonight's campsite and put to bed okay i mean it's it's fine it's 37 exactly you haven't got a drop in internal body temperature which is a great thing matt can't find anything physically wrong but alice is still thinking of giving up and later decides to seek boyfriend craig's advice i know you think it's going to be a lifetime but believe me it isn't you almost finished the first week yeah we're not going to let you give up on a great opportunity we just can't you'll hate yourself and you'll hate us [Music] alice decides to try harder the next morning she takes the lead at last the group starts to make good progress they pass through the heart of the devonshire countryside and head north into somerset [Music] but after lunch as alice takes the lead again it's single mom hayley who starts to lag behind her blistered feeds are getting far worse my legs don't feel like they're getting any better i just feel worse and it's the same free spaces it's not even like my toes they hurt then they stop but the three main problem areas are getting worse [Music] back home hayley spends all her time with her kids as a result she's put on weight and lost her confidence i don't go out with my friends i don't really have friends now i just shut myself off i just don't want to go out i don't have boyfriends because in my mind about being so big um i just don't want to be touched um so yeah it stops me being intimate with people which way which way which way thank you sorry i can't stop because i'm never gonna start again hayley's attitude is starting to grace with the rest of the group especially alice left or right because we were stood there looking at them that's all right the thing is we are still you know still only in week one and getting to know each other and she obviously has got a few anger issues but she needs to work out herself you know we're not here to give her um psychology psychology support psychiatrist support whatever support and because we've all got our own demons to conquer deal but there's a certain sense of i don't know niceness that you've got to be i think and she's not really doing that finally they reach the campsite but relations don't improve please do not call me darling yeah i don't like it it's creepy all right it's i find it creepy she like just moans man look at this sky it's all blue your [ __ ] sun's coming out look at that grass it's all grown you know something green grass later that night the group decided to confront hayley well i just want to sort of ask what's up with hayley there's just something about you vince that i can't quite get to grips with yet yeah but there's something about you i can't quite get the good exactly there's something about it exactly but i can't be warned of people that i haven't asked that completely yet you understand you know we just got to dig in with it i can't be warm with people that i haven't completely sussed up it's gonna be a bloody long eight weeks for you if you if if you go down that road you know what i mean we don't want it to happen at all just bloody take it on the chin and just people are different man but also take into consideration i've spent the last three years in a house with two children i spent the last year and a half on the yeah on my own three years with two little kids alone in my house i don't see that as an excuse everything that everybody says to you you know you just get a negative comment back there's some things here that we're trying to help you with because for your own good okay you've said that you've been stuck in your house for the last three years well this is a good chance to you know socialize with people and get on with them and see different kinds of people we're all completely different you can't keep being negative about it it's lonely see this is how i felt at home just lonely really oh were you hoping it was gonna be different i was hoping it was gonna be different i was hoping i was gonna maybe make a friend just one would have done haley is close to quitting and the group's about to be put under more strain when someone is taken seriously ill after five gruelling days trekking through devon the group enters somerset and reached their first big town [Music] [Music] me and jack got cool teletubbies yeah i mean you get some people that drive drive by i mean i've had it before yeah and i'll just shout abuse at you and like fatty or yeah oh my god look at the size of that freak yeah things like that the group has walked 42 miles in five days and everyone is exhausted there's no campsite in town so they decide to check into a local hotel to recover have you got it back in your room i don't know someone's dropped you have i'm in it this is it come in oh my god this is proper luxurious look at the bathroom look at how look at the size of the room brilliant oh this is fantastic oh i'm going nowhere this is it for me alice gets straight on the phone to boyfriend craig again oh yeah you're right i'm not very good i need to talk you through some stuff sorry i've got to take my shoes off you want to see what's under my socks oh that is swollen and my socks are stuck to my blister plasters that's relief see what the damage is on this one now they're an absolute agony hayley's feet are in a really bad way simply because she is so overweight if you take anybody's foot they actually have a fat pad that sits underneath the heel and as you heal strike that fat pad is essentially a natural cushioning except because she's so overweight you're actually compressing that fat pad so it's very very thin and her heel bone is smacking the floor my legs must weigh like i guess eight stone a piece and it was like they were made of lead at one point in today's walk i was like had tears because of the pain adam and hailey decide there's only one way to soothe their aching muscles a full body massage so then we're particularly sore on your back yeah not really no we're athletes at the moment often i've kind of not looked after myself for a while i'm not in denial about anything i know i like to eat it's hard but then when i've been in my house and it's just been with my kids and i get lonely and you know food is my friend and there's no one else to talk to but i'm starting to learn it's not my friend because it's caused all this problems now that i'm having it's down to food well i've learnt my lesson because when this weights off i do not plan to get big again reinvigorated by the pampering they persuade the group to have a night out but that looks wicked actually says i don't know way out can i um i don't want to wear it it's so long since haley's been out that she has to borrow an outfit i'll try them on they're wide okay but i need to be we have no social life being here all we do is walk and sleep and moan so and we need to go out and get pissed this is sad that i know that i'm not going to get off with anyone this evening because i the choice of the people ain't that good i don't care about being fat i still have really good sex you know when i do and stuff far apart but like i still get chatted up and stuff and i don't have a problem with being fat do you know is it easy it's easier for a fat bird to pull than it is for a fat blow well yeah adam's telling me that it's so true but then you just like get pissed off your face and they won't love you anyway you just have to linger around to the end of the night and you see it who's gone the most and he just dragged them i'm only joking it's a perfect saturday night out monday morning time to set off again but during a routine check team physiologist matt notices a serious problem with jane it's quite a dent here we noticed that it doesn't hurt at all both of her legs are swollen and even worse one of them is leaking pus i'll ring one of my mates use this walk is especially important for jane as it'll help her fulfill a long-held dream even at 41 i haven't given up all hope of having a family i don't know whether it's physically possible for me to have a child now because of my weight it's too scary so get my weight down get me fit and then we'll have a go matt's so worried he's called for a second opinion the news isn't good i spoke to a couple of dogs um who are very well experienced they don't they don't like what's going on and they want to refer you to it cardiologists pretty much as soon as possible right okay so i can't walk to say then can i walk no you can't walk today thought there's a possibility to my heart isn't working properly there is that possibility that it could be in an early stage of failure because you are because you don't take any exercise because you're over weights because you have severe edema in the legs and it's leaking these are all sort of precursors for that for that sort of symptom jane doesn't want the group to know how serious it is she asks them to start walking without her i don't want to stop jeopardise all of you when it's something that's outside of our control because we don't know how long the tests are going to take don't worry we'll sort it out when we know what's when we know what's happening come on don't be silly don't stop crying she'll set me off go on matt loses no time in taking jane to accident and emergency right so what's been going on with you then well i've been walking um but i noticed on my leg i've got this sort of red marking on my leg got bigger and bigger yeah but it's just kind of spread out about bits appeared the good news is jane's heart is okay but she has something almost as dangerous cellulitis a life-threatening infection common in obese people if untreated it can cause rapid blood poisoning and even lead to amputation i think it's not going to do any favors continue to walk on it we'll put you on a fairly hefty antibiotic regime it's going to be a combination of a couple of antibiotics but i think you need to to stay off the legs to keep the legs up and you probably need to do that for at least sort of 48 hours and you might find that you can start again and finish the trip okay okay thank you very much i haven't faced up to the possibility of going home yet i don't want to think about that sounds like i don't want to go home and see my family and my husband but i do i mean i do obviously but i don't want to give up on this chance just yet [Music] it's too uh it's too good a chance [Music] sorry over the next two days while jane convalesces the group's march takes them through rough and steep terrain across somerset towards cheddar on day 10 the group faced their biggest climb yet 400 feet to the top of britain's highest gorge this is the seventh level of hell it'd be okay if i wasn't fat yeah oh [ __ ] you know my ankles are swollen and i need a hair dryer i'm really tall now no there's no now on there this is a deformed toe i'm gonna give it another day or something and if i'm holding you up back then i don't think it's fair on the group so i'll give it another day yeah an hour later and it's got beyond a joke for stacy she's losing hope again it's like why can't it just be a flat road to scotland i can do that in flip-flops i can't do it with these stupid hiking shoes or whatever they are in these clothes with my hair like this so stupid i know but i just can't jane's been resting her leg for two days now she's returning to hospital to see if the drugs have worked how does it feel like swelling wise to feel less better there's not as much swelling you've still got some swelling in that right leg um and you've still got residual infection in there there is still some redness in there and the danger is if we if you leap up and start walking straight away you'll get the swelling back and that'll encourage infection back and you might end up right back where we were two days ago it's very very sad news but i think probably the best option is to get yourself fully fit it can make yourself a lot worse if you don't the difficult thing to accept jane's dream of rejoining the walk is over she's going home but before she does she wants to say goodbye to the group i'm going home today i'm really sorry guys well as you can tell i'm really upset that i can't finish it but i know you guys can and just think how you all the things that you want to achieve so that when you get to the end it's just so fantastic what you'll have done but how much fitter you'll be how much weight you'll have lost it's just amazing so please please keep going come on girlie you can do it i'm really sorry not your fault i'm disappointed for you jen because i know you wanted to do this i'm good and now there's an empty space for a tent oh you do it for me as well the group is down to seven and things are about to get even tougher the second week of the 500 mile trek across britain is nearly over the seven remaining walkers have just eight miles to go to get to bristol [Music] adam for one can't wait to get to a city i'm naked i'm tired i'm sweaty i smell you know i'm sick in the countryside as well i see another [ __ ] green field i'm gonna puke well i just want to see some concrete and a car and stuff you know hayley's had enough of the country too and up ahead lies one of her worst fears birds right you're only a bunch of chickens the only chicken hayley likes is on a plate chicken food we've got gary with us okay we'll stand either saudi all right yeah oh it's on the burns have you seen that i used to be frightened of birds you marry them and they take all your money off here and now they're lost saying the ball how ow stingers [Music] towards the house says you're fooling me i presume so yes i'm injured you're injured my ass are you injured stacy is lagging way behind and fitness expert matt wilson resorts to physical force resisting it come on stop walking oh no yes you can we did it the last one and you did it then actually you're acting like you're good you're acting like a spoiled child let's talk there's only one more thing that can go wrong nearly there everyone is being pushed to their limits and alice's doubts have returned i'm just getting frustrated with things i'm just not enjoying it at all so do you feel that um you're just not getting anything out of here yeah i just don't psychologically i feel like i'm damaging myself more than anything else i'd been so miserable and it's not just alice who's thinking of packing it in feeling weak as a kitten i'm feeling weak mentally i'm thinking i've had enough [Music] despite their low spirits at eight o'clock that evening they finally arrive in bristol alice's father robert lives in the city and is waiting to meet her oh hi oh i'm so proud so it's a little present for you it's an organic carrot cake freshly baked today it's nice to just remember that you've got your family who i love very much so hopefully i can sort myself out i'm sort my head out a bit and decide what i'm gonna do but alice has lost faith in the march and later that night decides to quit i really hope that you guys can do it i really do much appreciate it i'm not surprised alice is gone do you know what i mean she's been going on about it from [ __ ] day one she hadn't even really tried you know it's just a matter of time really it was a big surprise but she is my mate and i get on with her really really well and i just think to myself well do i have the strength to get to edinboro without her i just don't know if i do four five let's go let's go let's go now there are only six walkers left 37 48 matt decides it's time to find out if they've got any fitter and lost any weight great work 29 50. oh are we gonna get one more 51. awesome that is fantastic even since last week we've lost three kilos which i think is absolutely fantastic yeah but it's not good news for everyone you've lost point two of a kilo we'll see i've been replacing fat with muscle that's gotta be the explanation and just look forward i've got foul i've been walking you haven't been eating differently now have you get patience to make a difference well the scales don't lie do they i've put them i put on it's because we're eating crap after two weeks and 100 miles the group have lost just one stone between them [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 232,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, fitness challenge, health and fitness journey, healthy lifestyle journey, healthy living documentary, obese journey, obese reality show, obese to fit, obesity community, obesity prevention, obesity support group, physical endurance challenge, physical fitness challenge, physical fitness reality show, physical transformation, walking exercise, walking for fitness, walking for obesity, walking reality show, weight loss TV series, weight loss goals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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