Young Boy Is Resolved To Get Healthy | Overfed & Undernourished (Obesity Documentary) | Only Human

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there's a way to make an entrance my destiny it was now a conspiracy of witches download veli today oh my god people who are healthy they eat more food with sun in it and less food without sun people who aren't healthy it's the reverse [Music] if you eat too much food made by people in white coats you know what happens you end up seeing people in whiteface i think that a lot of what we do is actually band-aid treatment and that we're actually approaching health in what i would call the most unhealthy way one person is diagnosed every seven minutes of diabetes this is only australia 47 of the adult population and one in four kids under 15 are either overweight or obese when you just rattle stats off like this it doesn't feel real but i want you to really take this in because you live on the same planet as these people you live in the same street it's your mum it's your dad it's your brother it's your kids [Music] how have we in the world today arrived at such an obese society an overfed undernourished society very simple the foods we have today do not have the nutrition that they once had our life has gotten so fast-paced and so sedentary because of the computers and because of the way we run our lives today that we now don't act and don't get out there and move we don't do the things we used to do and we don't have the foods we used to have as a result of it we're now in a nation that's obese and undernourished and what's interesting is there's a psychology of that and it doesn't have to be that way we've chosen that way because we want immediate gratification instead of long-term lifestyle and long-term lifestyle gives us our life back and gives us our body back and immediate gratification can cost us our health [Applause] [Music] okay buddy do you want to fix the toaster yeah you guys are right aren't you yeah what you want yeah i'll pour these because it's going to be too hot for my family especially as a single parent really comes down to a budget it's i'm shopping more for a budget to fill a belly as opposed to shopping for health i don't know what does carl want do you want to watch this again i'll say okay you guys need to look after yourself today because i've got all this stuff to do and liam will have three packets of noodles on his own and it you know when you read what's on the back of the pack it's all msg and all different numbers and poison and whatever so it's really a supervision factor trying to ensure that i change my shopping i've still got a shop within a budget but i've also got a shop so that it's healthy and that's where that's the challenge you know i mean stuff like this like you can't beat good old white wonder bread it's like a dollar a loaf makes great toast but at the end of the day i'm probably killing my kids by feeding on this there's your milos thank you you're welcome buddy many people are not eating wisely they're not eating whole foods and they're custom for immediate gratification and they're concentrating their diet on fats and sugars and salts all the addictive compounds we tend to think of addictive compounds in terms of drugs and we tend to think of it in terms of alcohol but we don't realize that one of the biggest addictors in our world today is sugar salt and fat and these are rampant in our society and they became the kind of the standard that people have been who are uneducated about food and diet that becomes their diet so getting back to the how well do i eat i eat pretty good doc people don't have a clue what they're putting in them that's actually killing them it's the stuff you don't know you're putting in you that's killing you would you feed your children this synthetic hormones yes no no piperanol lice treatment chemical i mean in their food next one propylene glycol use an antifreeze probably not amol acetate used as oil paint solvent next one ethyl acetate used in leather cleaning products probably not next one aldehyde c70 using dyes plastics and rubber how we doing so far chances are you already have what is it ice cream [Music] in the world today a lot of people have not looked up the etymologies and the root foamings of words for instance the word diet comes with the word deity which means that which leads to good when you're eating and drinking things that leads to the good meaning health and functional capacities then that's the correct diet but in today's world young people are getting drinks and foods and lollies and treats that have nothing to do with nutrition that is good the prefix nut on nutrition comes of the latin nux which means light nutrition means process of light too many of the foods these kids are getting today are dark they're darkness to the body they're not light and so what's happening a lot of kids are starting to experience diseases that usually happens to adults later on in the 50s 60s 70s as they become deficient and sometimes toxicity builds up over the decades little kids are experiencing that we've got to get back to that which leads to the good diet [Music] and this isn't some special ice cream like the toxic brand right this is this is the vast majority next one what treat is this soft serve ice cream any other guesses some people know the key word here is treat it's chicken nuggets so how did we arrive at a place where we treat our children by putting toxic chemicals in them and some of you are a bit like squirmy because you're the grandma grandpa and the grandkids come over and yeah have some more have some ice cream some chocolate topping and all the stuff but it's it's what our parents did for us right maybe they were trying to kill us i don't know but it's it's culture it's what's happened it's what our parents did and our grandparents did today in australia 20 to 25 percent of children are considered overweight or obese does that just blow your mind one in four kids are overweight or obese where do you think we're going to be 10 20 30 years from now third exit you know you put weight on right yeah and you know that it makes you feel unhealthy right yeah what's the real impact to you though like how do you really feel about it like what's it what's it really made you feel i mean i know kyle gives you a tough time but like besides that um truthfully it doesn't really make me feel any different right daddy hang on i would like to lose it yeah what do you think the benefits would be obviously i'd lose weight yeah and be healthy um i would be able to do much more active things yep so yeah do you think it'd be a good solution though to go down to the coast and sort of work with uncle anthony and only kate yeah yeah pretty good all right so you guys know what to do when you get home darling you need to unpack your stuff at camp whatever's dirty goes into the laundry straight away is your water bottle full my gosh okay put that straightener in they can go in the room this will go on the laundry chuck four slices in the toaster yeah well this wipe is coming down so you're having some no i'm fine mate i'll become a team that's about it no no no just no xbox now you can watch cartoons all right for now and that's it liam's 80 kilos and i don't know how to help him to see what's happened over the past few years and for us to know what we know i i don't want to watch that gaining worse yeah well as i said like i i'm prepared to do whatever it takes to help him and if if it means he comes down here um then then so be it you wouldn't miss me [Laughter] i wouldn't miss you yeah give me a great opportunity to get healthy [Music] all right for some weeks now we've been deliberating about how we can help liam with his health challenge uh we had a quite uh in-depth discussion this evening and what really hit home for us was when he said himself you know if i don't do something about this i'm going to die and so it's real for him he's staying here for the first night tonight as i came to record this i heard this wild animal-like noise out of his room and it was his snoring so clearly it is time to take action the things that we're all going to commit to is drinking more water eating more of a plant-based nutrition moving more getting more oxygen into the body it'll be for three months he will move schools you know it's not going to be easy but we're committed to it and let's see what tomorrow brings oh and in case you didn't know i'm uncle anthony you sure you're right with this yeah i'm sure yeah i mean three months isn't long i think everyone's you know everyone's pulling together to help you anyway you know that don't you yeah like i'm not sort of kicking you out at home or anything like that it's just i just want to help you mate you know i'm really proud that you were able to make that decision however right yeah i'll put some credit on your phone okay so that you can call me yep all right champ love you son i love you too all right bye bye bye help out won't you make sure you help only kate yeah i will yeah don't worry keep your room tidy too yes all right buddy i'll see you later okay okay mate bye bye okay tiger see ya as you know my name is liam and uh just woke up at the time right now is 6 27 and i think about to go 6 28 and um yeah i'm pretty tired i had a bit of a late light late night last night oh and i hope i'm okay [Music] i'm amazed at how many people while they're having lunch they're already thinking about what they're going to do at dinner and they're basically living from food to food instead of living their life and using food to sustain what's inspiring to them being overweight we know is unhealthy we get excess fat deposited in all of our internal organs i persisted in some surgery when i was younger and i was amazed that when they would actually open up someone who was overweight you actually see the fat deposited on their liver the fat deposited around their heart when you're fat on the outside you're also fat on the inside i'm certainly no pitcher of health i look like i've swallowed a sheep not only am i overweight i'm also sick for the past nine years i've been taking pills night and day just to get by but as of today i'm saying enough is enough [Music] [Applause] g'day my name's joe cross and i'm an australian in case you couldn't work that out from the accent i've just arrived in the united states i'm not going to eat any of your food i've come here to fast for 60 days all i'm going to do is drink juice green juice 60 days 60 nights [Music] well it's pretty exciting what do you think about meeting joe like wow i just cannot believe i'm actually going to meet him i can't believe it either [Music] nice shirt i call that extra energy i don't call it fat because that's all it is it's just energy stored up waiting to be used like what you've done is you've stored up ready for a famine like there's a desert island we're going to and it's not going to be any food for about six months and you've bought breakfast lunch and dinner and you've tucked it under your under your skin waiting for to be used yeah so now what we've got to do is think about you're about to use up all those spaghetti bolognese meals all those pizzas all those burgers all those french fries chips what we call them out here you've got to use them up now because you've got them stored on you're waiting to be used yep does that make sense yeah it does how bad do you want it if i give you after you ask you out of 100 how bad you want to do this about 95 95 is good mate i can live with that all right what are you gonna do to savor um i don't know i haven't really made any plans yet you don't know xbox um no no maybe some soccer maybe amazing day today uh joe cross spent a bunch of time with liam for liam it was like he's meeting a movie star he's just in awe and what a great opportunity for liam to spend some time with someone who's just been through the process that he's about to embark on so yeah great times [Music] money today i think was a pretty hard morning for liam he got woken up by cameras which i don't think would be easy for anybody and then you know today wasn't exactly what he would call fun and so i think when he's out walking and exercising when he feels like he's you know pushing himself hard he just doesn't like that at all and i think you know even just walking up our stairs here he's out of breath so that was really pushing him out of his comfort zone and i think you know being in a new environment i mean he knows us but it's a you know it's a different environment he's away from his familiar surroundings and family he's familiar food as well and um you know at a new school there's a lot of things that he's adapting to so i'm not i'm not too worried but there's certainly i've had moments where i think oh you know we've done the right thing um you know i think and he wants it he wants this change but at the same time i can see inside it's just so much easier to yeah to one stop as well oh my god i have to be does it have to be held to the ball you got it mate [Music] oh my god that feel terrible mate you did so unreal that's what it's going to take to get all over this you know it's that little bit of hurt you proud of yourself no do you think you'd be able to do that today no no so you've done it right good job mate first day of exercise today for lamb i think is a real shock to the system to him uh typically when he comes and visits us at the gold coast it's all about fun and the beach but today yeah it really hit home again he did it a bit of complaining but we're on our way [Music] the world health organization has put out a statement saying that at current rates by 2030 one billion people in the world will be considered obese [Music] when i started this what i really wanted to lose out of all of this um film and all these three months was this now yeah not really that good now i have lost a little bit of weight since then but yeah as you can see yeah still got a fair bit there [Music] so yell it out why do you eat fuel the body nourish [Music] energy to get through the day social boredom comfort breastfeed was that a man who said that keep going cravings why else habit socializing uh yeah bring it up if you could katie so i write down a pleasure habit convenience some people just grab it because it's there fat loss muscle gain emotional who eats emotionally if your hands are up you lie about other things as well boredom taste who just loves the taste of certain foods big time so in some cultures you eat just because that's what dad ate that's what grandpa right when you go around you have those gatherings that's just what you eat right energy performance and there's a whole bunch of others unless you understand the why in other words 80 of the game is psychology so i want you to take just 30 seconds now and and write down the top three reasons and think of a day think of you going through a day you go right with breakfast why do i eat well just because i'm hungry but then the next thing that you put in why do you put it in uh i'm bored uh next time because i'm convenient it's there ready go what's your favorite thing to eat well that's a bit of a um hard question because there's a lot of things there's got to be something you love the most like if i said you couldn't have this for the rest of your life what would be the one that you'd be most upset about me saying probably spaghetti bolognese i love spaghetti still it's good so there are some foods which i like to think about being closer to the sun like where the energy comes from which is the stars and that food is made by mother nature then the the other end the spectrum we've got the other food which is made by people in white coats but scientists and food people and manufacturing and it's all packaged stuff doesn't grow on trees i mean i've never seen a meat pie growing on a tree of you no right so but you've seen apples growing trees you've seen oranges you've seen bananas yep right so who makes them mother nature right so i say that stuff made by mother nature that's closer to the sun because the sun was directly involved in manufacturing that right so now we go down to the other end which is your spaghetti bolognese you love very much well spaghetti that doesn't grow out of the ground no it doesn't does it right someone makes that now they make that indoors just to use the analogy the sun it's still sun food because the flower the wheat whatever they made the pasta out of came from the sun but they've cooked it they've stripped it they've changed it they've beat it up yeah which means a lot of the good energy that was harnessed down here in our plant world has been released and gone somewhere else yeah so in order for you to be healthy you've got to have more of this type of food than this type of food does that make sense yes it does because you've got to get more sun into your body all these people i love going down the beach here and lying down and getting sunburned and getting brown getting a nice tan but what they don't realize is they've got to put the sun inside their body as well [Music] hello [Music] we need food because food creates the basic energy that our body needs to be able to function well if we put good healthy food into our bodies it's going to function better if we process food if we eat food that's full of sugar and unhealthy fats and has low nourishment levels then that's going to create a stress on our body and our body is fantastic at being able to adapt for a certain amount of time but there comes a point where our bodies actually start to suffer because of what we're put in and we're going to have lower energy levels we're going to feel less vital we're more susceptible to disease in every way we're going to be affected by what it is that we've been eating it's more convenient for me to duck to the supermarket and buy certain products you know for like 15 20 bucks and whip up a quick meal you know it might be macaroni and cheese or whatever but you know i can get like a tray of lasagna from the supermarket for you know ten dollars and get six meals out of that you know and vegetables may not be fresh vegetables if i'm in a hurry it's going to be a canned option or a frozen option and with that i can knock out a cheap meal it's fast and it's budget driven it's got nothing to do with health hello how are you how tall are you i don't know so today liam came in and had his overall wellness evaluated we looked at his spine and nervous system 50 of liam's body weight is actually fat and then just turning or facing away from me so we're looking for something in this area here on the x-rays and all the other analysis that we've done good job mate you can put your shirt back on there are a number of concerning things on these x-rays what we call sub-luxations that put stress on the spinal cord onto the nervous system and ultimately decreases the body's ability to heal and to function as best it could so i look at where liam is at emotionally with his health and today was both concerning but also quite productive in that i think there's a lot of ways that we can help him to heal and to function better and just to actually allow his body to be at a hundred percent [Music] we think that because we walked from the house to the car we went for a walk or we walk around indoors all day long that we have walked no you have not you are not nourished in that process you have to move your body through time and space distance outside straight into it exercising and increasing our heart rate is definitely good for us one of the fantastic things about the human body is its ability to adapt so when we exercise and when we put an appropriate level of stress on our heart and on our muscles then they begin to function more effectively they adapt to the stress and our heart then has a better ability to pump our blood and our oxygen through our bodies our muscles become stronger our joints become healthier and it just has a positive effect in all areas of our lives three two one and good last ten seconds lead the way that's it let's go animals play all the time even adult animals the four-legged ones sometimes stand on their hind legs and push each other with their top legs they're always playing they're moving they're dancing birds keep doing it little children naturally play 24 hours a day except when they fall asleep all they want to do is get up and move and play go outside jump on the trampoline run along the beach and it's fabulous that's the healthiest thing they can be involved in but in the modern world is to get on a computer today and play games doing minecraft and halo and xbox and all of the games and thankfully it does capture their imaginations the downside is that they're not moving they're not dancing they're not playing they're not jumping they're not interacting that's the downside when i look around at the number of hours children spend on handheld devices these days it's literally attached as an extension of their body and it puts them into a position with their posture where their head is forward and if you repeatedly in that position it produces this forward head posture and research shows that stretches the spinal cord five to seven centimeters and causes problems pathological tension in the body the other challenge is that every inch the head goes forward it literally puts more pressure through the spine and it deteriorates at a more rapid rate that's going to affect the person's overall being not just physically but emotionally as well as where those organs are receiving those nerve endings one of the things that i often hear about video games is that you know there is a positive side to them which i agree with in that they you know create new skills and abilities but i think the really important thing is you know to just be able to keep it in balance if someone's playing you know half an hour video games a day or whatever that's one thing but when we get kids who are playing you know six or eight hours every day who are up till you know one or two o'clock in the morning who are tired at school because of the fact that they were they didn't get enough sleep because they were playing some game or other then we actually start to see the really dark side of video games you guys you've been on this for hours now okay off i want you the outside you need to go and play there's lots of benefits to video games but to do video games at the expense of other fulfilling things is to become addicted to the video games and not having the other aspects of life and life is going to require all things you're going to have to be able to socialize there are seven areas of life we have spiritual quest we have mind development quest we have vocational quests we have financial quest we have family quest we have social quest and we have physical health and well-being in order to have empowerment in all areas of life it's wise to engage in all areas of life throughout your life gloves on that's it push in push push push push good other one push hard through good all right jump on there so feet leave the floor let's start with a warm up just 50 jumps [Music] and then just change into some running hands up that's it good mate nice and focused read the words [Applause] good mate five four three two one and step off good arms out to the side and little circles forward that's it a little bit faster good just step forwards a little bit make the circles wider wider that's it wider keep your head up good posture all the way nice and open now good good and stop go back the greatest thing parents can do is by teach through exemplification children have mirror neurons they learn monkey sea monkey do and if they see the parents inspired by their life engage in their life eating wisely living wisely that's the wisest thing the parents can do they do it by exemplification good left right good no more smiling left right good left right left right left left right left good left right left good ten ten go one two three [Music] eight nine ten good left left right there's a beautiful african proverb which is that it takes a village to raise a child and i think there's so much for us to learn from this a child gets an incredible amount of influence from their parents but also the whole village can have such a great influence on a child just by being there creating a sense of security sharing stories and being a backup in so many ways nice and tight bend at the knees that's it faster faster rip it up rip it that's it good keep going keep going again left right left go exercise can be done in so many different ways and it also creates a fantastic opportunity to interact with other people when people train together in a group when they play team sports when they do something with someone that they are close to or love then exercise is a great way of building relationship and increasing the bond and the connection between uh individuals and groups of people and just not as not as fast just a bit harder so just okay good keep going good night good excellent keep going [Music] you know making exercise fun and keeping it short and sharp as well it makes it more sustainable as a family so it might be you know all the kids getting home from school and everyone going out for a bike ride before they get stuck into their homework or you know making your weekend you know a trip to a park or a family bike ride and that it is fun then you know they're out there and they're connecting as a family it's not connecting around the table to eat and it's not connecting around the tv to watch a show and i think you know that's going to create a deeper relationship as a family too which is really important [Music] about two years ago when october sometime my mum got a brain and um she passed away and yeah at home we um just like candle for her every so i can't remember the date it was that she died but it was sometime in october i think it was a saturday [Music] as a medical student i spent three years studying all about the physical side of the human body and i was amazed and i have to say delighted to discover the incredible complexity of how all the different parts interact and and the wonder of you know this body that we have but then once i became a doctor i started to realize that as important is a person's emotional state and what's going on in their psyche and that these two things really interact to create a person so we need to look at not only their physical state but we need to look at their emotional state and then we really start to see the connection between these two parts of a person she was such an amazing woman and just look at her she's got a beautiful smile and a beautiful heart and she left a beautiful family and um i just i want to do her proud and i know that we will and i just admire liam for what he's doing and just he's amazing i've been studying the mind-body relationship and lecturing about that for literally 40 years i even wrote a textbook on over a thousand health conditions and the psychological components underlying them it would be hard to convince me that there's not psychology in each condition we have and i know that in medicine and allopathic medicine there is a belief that there are genetic diseases and there are defects and there are protein problems and these types of things and i don't question that i am fully aware of those researches and i am fully aware of those approaches but i've yet to see a condition inside the human being that doesn't have a psychological component yep and the cool thing about the um the spring roll paper if you look at this it's just got some coconut oil and and some flour and salt so it's really simple look at that yep see through so tonight was really a great night we had a lot of fun in the kitchen and liam helped me prepare dinner and he just really loved getting hands on and learning about the food and just getting involved which was really great um it was interesting though he really opened up and reflected that he loves dinner time more not so much because it's about the food but also because it's a time that his family would all come together and often he would go back for seconds or sometimes more but that was because he wanted to make that time last longer and then we had to walk up and down the hill two times a hill huh how you going with that hill terrible [Music] when i hear the statement that we're being overfed and undernourished i definitely relate to that i think there's so much happening now where we feel like we have to have everything we have to have the latest gadgets and we have to have you know the best clothes and we and we have to have so much food and i actually don't think that that's what brings true happiness and health i think that being healthy is much more than just a physical thing i think it really ties into are we doing what we love with our lives do we have good relationships do we feel positive about the future and when people are doing what they love and when people are with people that they love and are feeling loved that is actual nourishment it's about nourishment of the soul and if we really focus on nourishment of the soul and what a person really needs at a deeper level that for me will create true health and that will create true happiness [Music] too many people get up in the morning see they're in a hurry they got to get to work they look at each other and go see you later bye-bye where was the embrace where was the holding where were the hands on the face looking at each other's eyes and feeding and nourishing each other with that kind of a living ordinance of love and connection and bonding so i was just out at lunch before and just saw this family sitting there and one of them's on a phone another one is on a video game and another one is is um playing on an ipad and it's just it just made me sad you know there's so much disconnect out there in today's world and one of the things that we've made it to be a really big priority for our family is that family connection time and so at the end of every day at our meal time regardless of who's sitting at our table we just ask one simple question and it tells us so much about our friends or our family who who are with us and that is what are you grateful for do you think that you have room i don't know of course it doesn't never underestimate the nourishment value of good relationships when people are spending time with people who love them and that they love that actually nourishes them on a much deeper level and when that's not present in their lives then they look for it in other areas whether it's food or drugs alcohol various forms of addictions all of these add up to an attempt to replace something that could so easily be there naturally [Music] huh [Music] liam's having his first time on a motorbike they do and like my heart's just singing right now like when we're at home and i think you've got the ability to have a tv and video games and just sit around and do nothing kids would gravitate to that but when you've got this kind of stuff where they can just get out and do their thing like this is what life's all about and exploring and having fun and and just learning new things and now our boys just caught a frog just before and i think that's pretty cool today's been a really good day we had a campfire last night and the boys camped out as well and you know liam's just having a good time [Music] um [Music] then i just came up in my room uh watched a couple youtube videos and when i looked at the clock right there represent my bed it was 10 o'clock so everyone went to bed and i was like and when i was watching youtube video i kept on going cross-eyed you know feeling your cross-eyed a lot while you're focusing on something and you're really tired yeah like this [Music] would you like some more so we're building a garden okay show me where you want it to come you'll lead the way you were thinking here yeah around here yeah okay that's a good spot so we've got the ocean there so we've got east there we've got all this sun here to capture yeah be good are you ready we do it together huh let's see we can do a veggie garden in an hour so we had a really good day today it's uh it was exciting we had um remy come around and he helped us put a veggie garden in the backyard it was really good to see william out there and getting involved and you know he was shoveling the dirt and planting the this the little seeds as as well as some of the little seedlings and i think for him to have some responsibility to have something that actually depends on him will be really good i think it's going to be great now boys loved it as well but think for liam to have something that he's responsible for and to have some accountability as well and just to kind of see something grow from him taking care of it will be really really cool so it was it was a good morning a really good day if you pick up the watering can every morning fill it with water and let's just keep nice watering 7 30 before school water it in thank you thank you all the best see ya i think one of the healthiest things that we can do for ourselves and the generations that are just coming up is to get them involved in planting and growing and harvesting foods from their own garden from the fruit trees from vineyard that you have right there where you live getting into the plot of ground and being able to experience these kids actually watching the process and then picking their own tomatoes biting into it what a thrill [Music] everyone seen that picture like the da vinci the anatomical structure so our body is designed on exact mathematical geometries and every single plant whole plant food is designed that's like just say you know in our cell there's a star for example there's exact plant whole foods that designed to go into that slot now if we're taking things that don't fit in there and we're putting it into our body where does it go usually storage and so our body will actually produce storage units which are called fat cells where you you just go well your cells are going hello not we can't use this so there's this whole thing called the doctrine of signatures and if you start to look at foods and start to realize there's parts of our body that look like certain foods and just could it be possible that that's what we're supposed to eat to help that part of our body so every cell tissue organ anatomical structure physiological function has a replicate whole food that we should be putting in to feed those cells if you have any kind of a problem with the heart with the arteries with the blood if you want to get to the root of the beat of the heart eat beetroot because they have found that's exactly what it targets it'll help to get rid of arrhythmias palpitations all kinds of things that's why it's called the beat to this day and most people don't know that like walnuts they look like the brain they got left and right hemispheres the wrinkles on top the shell is just like the cranial cap you eat walnuts you eat pecans macadamias hazelnuts any of those things tested it at cornell medical in other places they know it's true if you eat a lot of nuts it's going to target that function and lift it even carrots what a brilliant food they've known for thousands of years that carrots improve eye vision but the problem is you have to eat them and for a lot of people that's tough to eat real food you're going to make 200 decisions a day on what you put in your body food wise 200 is what you'll make people don't realize that but we make 200 decisions every breakfast am i going to have milk am i going to have toast i'm going to have vegemite peanut butter you make all these yes no yes no decisions about what you're going to eat you're going to a restaurant you've got like 50 choices just in one restaurant so you've got all these choices constantly asking yourself should i have this should i have that go and look around the world most people struggle with that i did still do so the easiest tip i can give you on your journey as you start now is think about the food that's closer to the sun fruit vegetables nuts beans seeds these sorts of foods they're holding in the energy from the sun they're harnessing what i call captured sunlight foods that are down here the boxes and cardboard boxes that you get in the supermarket they're energy but they don't have a lot of nutrition in there they don't have a lot of powerful nutrients to help you fight off disease feel better look at the world happier [Music] a lot of people think when i say we need to eat whole foods they think i mean eat a whole donut there's a difference in foods you walk into most grocery stores or markets where you can buy things they'll have over a half a million packaged canned bottled items with pictures of food but there's no nourishment or very little and all kinds of chemical additives colorings flavorings everything else and we just pig out on it i sort of look at some of the food that we're eating is almost like cigarettes in terms of we really shouldn't be eating it we know it's bad for us there's plenty of evidence to show it's bad for us and yet it's being put in the food that we eat and that we feed our children every day one of the things that i find is that a lot of us don't actually know how to eat healthy and what is good for us and what i say is if it's in a packet if it's in a can then it's probably not good for you and the more that we can eat that's fresh it's grown locally even better if we grow it ourselves that's what we really want to be doing as much as possible see what we can find today there's always some yummy fruit in here might get some grapes that looks nice [Music] so liam can you get a paper bag down and we'll get some grapes [Music] [Music] it's good right go sit down and have it lucky boy come on you can get it in there open up good job yeah well happy birthday to you mum if um if the uh if haven't ever received receives this video then um yeah hopefully you'll get it um this is your son liam and um um here to say happy birthday and i hope it's good where you are i have to get the boys now from school just managed to chop some veggies quick before i came because it just life's a bit of a bit of a blur with kids and i totally get like it's so hard for parents to you know juggle everything and and i think it's easy to grab stuff out of a packet and throw it in a lunchbox and and you know just it's quick and it's easy and i know i i do i do that sometimes just you just get into survival mode and it's crazy and it's busy and kids are screaming and they want food now and it's easy to get a packet of chips or a muesli bar and keep them quiet if there's lollies or an apple most children are gonna go for you know for the lollies when he first came to us at 11 years old and 80 kilos he was headed down a path of diabetes or heart issues or you know a long list of health conditions and so you know i think that if there's parents out there firstly if you can prevent that that's awesome you know start start from the start with the end in mind and um you know and start giving your children what they need from the get-go not what they want [Music] in nearly every developed country over the last three generations and it's getting worse with the next generations coming is obesity extreme weight gain [Music] the who the world health organization is constantly bringing out notifications and warning about the increasing rates of obesity in not only the western world but also in the underdeveloped countries and at the same time what we're seeing in these countries especially the poor countries is the influence of unhealthy eating habits huge amounts of soft drinks being consumed the fast food companies are selling more and more of their products in these countries the highly processed low nourishment foods are what the people are being able to access and at the same time we're seeing these increasing levels of obesity yes i think that we could probably put a pin a factor of responsibility on fast food chains and their assistant but they're just trying to find out what people are looking for so if we don't empower our own lives as individuals and educate people in the general market they're going to be vulnerable to those quick fixes [Music] i just think that with society today all of a sudden sickness is becoming normal obesity is becoming normal not moving is becoming normal sitting in front of computer screens is becoming normal and so all of a sudden the standards that we might have had when we were younger and growing up or that our parents had it's so different now and i just don't get how someone can look at liam or any other child for that matter who's overweight and think ah it's not that bad what what did he eat donut it feels like everyone is seriously against us right now like teachers other parents and then and then grandparents giving them all come sit down and have a bit of a chat with you how was your day at school today it was good um and you had your picnic today yep and so what happened well you had to share your food and um most people brought junk food yeah and i had some you had some okay and did you have a lot um i guess so yeah what's what's something that you had crossbones coco sponge okay i might give you a pen and you can actually write it down so you already had lunch this was after lunch today is that right did you have some of the chocolate balls that i gave you yeah yeah there was a brownie yep okay wow you went all out there was chocolates and chips and iced chocolate donuts and buns and cupcakes and it it would have made me sick just trying to eat all of that food and yet um he was i could see he still probably wanted more and it just makes me really frustrated we're just going backwards and we're putting all this hard work in whole foods live foods hydration getting his body moving and then in one fell swoop in like a 10 minute hit he's just gone and in all this crap and that's just crazy so that's eight hours and 47 minutes that you need to work on your bike just to just remove the calories not even the toxins we're just purely talking calories of what you just did okay eight eight and a half hours so do you think that those five ten minutes of eating all of that food is worth having to do that no not really huh and i think you know what a lot of people don't understand that they go oh it tastes so good and you just eat it really quick and then all of a sudden it's like man do you realize how long your body has to work to try and deal with that stuff that's it nice good job doing great doing really good all right got five seconds to go give it everything that's it i want to hear that wearing that's it that's it good job slow down i know i got confused that was a long five seconds [Music] so it's been a pretty big week this week we had uh liam would spend some time away from us for a few days just hanging out with his family and he'd come back and put on about three kilos which wasn't great um and yeah we realized that we found out that he'd been throwing away his food that we've been giving him in his lunchbox at school each day and just eating a couple pieces of fruit and also kind of getting food from his friends um as well so pizza and whatever else he was getting so pretty emotional week it's not just about getting on the bike get your phone out of your pocket for me oh just run out of your pocket how long does it do we have to exercise we haven't even done an hour mate three two one go fast as you can fast as you can good job mate don't slow it down pick it up pick it up faster faster faster oh go go go all the way to the line i can't do anything you're doing it oh my god you've rang me so hard i'm losing my speed ah we're not going in let's go again go three two one go as fast as you can that's a jog sprint it up that's it that's what i want let it out let it go go go many people confuse support and nurturing with love and they don't understand the other side of the equation because support needs to be balanced by a challenge and nurture with accountability and a pleasure with some of the pains of life the responsibilities of life and i say that true love is a balance of complimentary opposites but we get the most out of people and they grow and develop most if we actually give them both support and challenge at the same time yes it's nick's weight it doesn't matter what nick's weight is mate it's about you it's about you being healthy and awesome you're so incredible you just need to believe in yourself okay we all have challenges that come up in our lives the big thing is how we deal with those challenges if we're supported if we can actually approach a challenge as a learning opportunity rather than as a problem if we can see that even if we sort of fail or don't succeed it doesn't mean that we're bad or that we're stupid or anything like that it's it just means that this is what happened and what can we learn from that and how can we be different in the future ready i want you to beat me to the end give me everything you've got you can do the washing up no ready let's go go that's it that's it go go go go go faster faster faster nice work nice working i'm running i'm right on you i'm right on you go your language is really so we have to make sure that we as parents bring a nice balance of support and challenge as an act of love for our children prepares them for the real world out there instead of making them overprotected over nurtured and thinking life's supposed to be easy and so supported and kind and everything else and then the second challenge is there we're not ready for life so for to love our children we've got to teach them the balance of both support and challenge it helps them in their diet it helps their genetic expression it helps them in their life do you think there's going to be some tough times like just then well you don't want to do it you're grumpy about it you hate me for it you hate uncle aunt for it or dad or whatever but do you think if you push through it that you might get to where you want to go maybe otherwise if you just sit on the lounge how likely is that going to happen that you reach your goals maybe like maybe like a 10 chance out of 100 right so not that high huh okay so the last few weeks uh some challenges have come up with lamb is bucking the system he's not committing to the things he originally agreed upon things like throwing his water out not eating the good food getting garbage food from his buddies uh being disrespectful and ultimately it's not just affecting him now it's affecting our family [Music] so i um i feel like this is this has been really tough this last especially the last few weeks it just it feels like we're pushing and um it just yeah it doesn't feel like it's you know it's it's an easy thing and i know it's a tough thing for liam it's grating for us it's grating for him so i will have a chat with him and just see how he's doing where he's headed yeah um and just get a fresh commitment we're doing right things there's just still more that we can refine you know ultimately we need to take responsibility and help guide him that's what he's here for for our for our guidance looking good mate grown a fair bit already huh yep you've been doing a good job if you're going to be here we need to um set it up in a way that you do want to be here so talk to me about um i know auntie kate went for a walk with the other day and you're talking about minecraft yeah yeah that's something you play a fair bit yes and so teach me about it what do you do in minecraft and you got full energy so you got 10 hearts yeah and 10 hunger balls and 10 hunger bars are you able to accomplish more in minecraft well yeah either way you can still do the same but if you have no hunger bar then your heart starts going down right and is that like real life sort of yeah yeah well knowing what i know about the body it's very real how would you feel about if we set up minecraft here and we could play that is that something that would be cool yeah yeah how cool very cool like out of ten like are we talking a one or two or like a ten a ten so are you cool with that yeah every child lives by a set of priorities a set of values things are most important to least important in their life and whenever they're doing things that are highest on their values they're more fulfilled and when they do they tend to have a long-term perspective they tend to not be focused on immediate gratification but more long-term opportunities these changes need to be sustainable and it can't be just something he does in front of us right now it's a little bit of a kick in the guts you know there's a not a respect there that uh we're trying to have a healthy change and what's no i don't want to stay down here because because i don't like it down here on veggie island so why is this veggie island because you're only veggies uh-huh and why do we choose to do that because apparently it's healthy apparently or it is it is mate pack your bags i'm going to take you home let's go are you serious as a heart attack my friend do you think i should stay here why did you want to be with us in the first place well i never wanted to well it's not that i never wanted to actually make the it's probably dead i'm getting it i'm getting it when we as individuals are not willing to be accountable for our perceptions our decisions and our actions we resort to alternatives and some of these alternatives are quick fixes immediate gratifiers that actually have long-term side effects but if we don't get to the real source and we don't get into the unconscious motives if we don't get into the behaviors if we don't get into the patterns that are underlying these very drives we're just going to spin our wheels and look for more drastic measures and those are all side effects they're going to come with it and it's wiser to go in there and be accountable and be responsible for wise action wise perception wise decisions i quit so aunt spent hours outside with liam this afternoon just deliberating on back and forth if he's gonna stay if he's going to go home and i can see you know he really is struggling with the decision he wants to stay for a lot of reasons but also he just wants to go home and and back to his old ways i think deep down he really really wants to be here and i think he knows what's possible so i think he can do it you wanna come and chat with me outside okay so what does this thing can you read it out to me i am for some reason committed to doing this for three days for some reason and what are you committed to doing exercising 30 minutes in the morning three bowls of water a day awesome cool so in the end we got there today um there were new commitments made from liam uh albeit through gritted teeth i think that the the thing that really got us there was realizing the way we like to do things is not necessarily the way he likes to i'd rather be outside by the beach running along we establish he loves computers he loves to watch the numbers so we're going to get him a treadmill and the re commitments come from him and i think that's important and we're going to start to do things the way he wants to do it and that's going to make things sustainable [Music] there's so much marketing and advertising that's trying to get people to drink soft drinks and fruit drinks in bottles and cans and these are all incredibly unhealthy for us they're full of sugar and all they are is they're just rubbish that we're putting into our systems now if we look at that human body what's it mostly made up of water how much 65 70 how much of water is the planet made up of not the same all these things here what are they made up of mostly about the same percentage i start to see a pattern here so when we define eat food what should we put in our body this alive water-based plant foods if that's mostly what you're putting in see people are looking for well what's your detox tips what's your weight loss tips put the stuff in your body that it needs to have there and then there's not this excess it'll start to detoxify the things that shouldn't be there it'll start to actually feed the cells because people go i just ate but i feel hungry not too far down the track why is that because you didn't feed the cells you didn't eat food we're continually sweating we're continually losing fluid when we breathe and we lose water when we go to the toilet we need to be replacing that water and we need to be keeping it moving through our systems so drinking a good amount of clean water every day is a very healthy thing to do so [Music] uh [Music] hi yummy happy days [Music] hey buddy what you got um just some stuff to make smoothie awesome okay yep that's probably one of the best you've actually made reckon the spinach tastes good so yeah it's friday night and uh that's a good thing we have just come back from a organic um uh restaurant um they've got like vegetarian pizzas which doesn't even taste vegetarian it tastes like like you're not entirely eating a meat pizza but it'll taste something like that strong all the way matey you know getting fit and healthy doesn't have to be hard it all comes down to doing good things for your body consistently you know it could be pushing your kids in the pram and using that as resistance training or it could be running up the stairs instead of walking up the stairs or it might be riding your bike down the street instead of driving the car down the street it could be having a green smoothie instead of a milkshake or maybe switching a fizzy drink for a fresh juice or a water it's those little things that if you can do consistently that's what makes a big difference that's what gets people results and i really believe that if anyone out there wants to do that for their own life they really can there's lots of people who are thin who don't eat well who smoke cigarettes who drink lots of alcohol who don't exercise they just don't eat as much as other people that's why they're thin but on the inside they're very very unhealthy so we talked a lot about being unhealthy let's talk about more about what actually being healthy is every day you wake up there are three things you do you put into your body right what do you put into your body three things every day food foods one yep water water very good only one more to go and you've just done in the last five seconds yeah very good so you've got three things air water and food now you know what those three things are they're energy now i would say is that the ball is in your court now what you do with it you know because no one's going to appear and wave a magic wand and knock 20 pounds off you're in you know in australia 10 kilos off yeah 5 kilos whatever you want to lose it's not going to happen you've got to do it yourself you got to choose what you put in your mouth it's all on you a person who exercises regularly has a bigger better looking heart a person who eats well drinks enough water you can see it when you look at their liver every system on the inside is directly affected by what we're doing on the outside and what we're putting into our bodies [Music] but finally we're getting there liam's starting to make the changes that he needs to he's starting to exercise there's some consistency there may not be at the intensity would necessarily like but he's doing it [Music] spoiler alert film crew might come down there some time to see us doing stuff in the kitchen they're actually going to get us running the marathon the gold coast marathon on uh saturday well next saturday i'm really running the five kilometers out of all 42 but yeah at least it's something we want to take your posture shots today and see where your spine is where it's moved to and your progress great and now turn and face the blue wall okay so just pop them over so your shoulders touching on the side and then just stand up nice and tall and it'll come down and tap you on the head and grab your heart and then awesome grab these handles and you just want your thumb on the gold part also and you want to stand straight nice and tall with your arms out a little bit perfect yeah that's fine what's smm mean skeletal muscle mass that's a really really good weight to be out for your height you made some awesome changes so far right yeah especially on the outside but not just there also on the inside so do you run this morning yeah cool how hard you go 7.5 wow on the treadmill yeah just an hour sweet so you're looking good for the marathon awesome well mate just not on the outside because clearly you made impressive impressive changes with your body but on the inside there's been some pretty cool stuff happening as well so you'll be nice and consistent with your adjustments with your spine you'll remember spying protects your central nervous system and so that controls everything in your body and so as we've been able to change the shape of your body the pressure's coming off the nervous system this is an x-ray of your neck from the side what we see here is that beautiful yellow line that's the arc of life but your spine was very straight where the red line is research shows that's going to be stretching the spinal cord five to seven centimeters puts a lot of pressure through the discs now fast forward three four months down the track and we see that beautiful curve starting to come back in the spine taking the pressure off the spinal cord and allows that atlas to come to 31 degrees that brain body connection so much greater healing functioning well i know personally there's nothing better than feeling healthy when i feel healthy i have energy i feel strong i look at the day and i think what can i do today how well can i do it my motivations up we all want to be healthy and feeling healthy just gives us a much greater chance to be doing what we want to do in the way that we want to do it after that come imagine if you were the weight that you were supposed to be and that you know you can be and then you put on a backpack with 20 kilograms of rocks in it and spent the whole day walking around you feel exhausted you feel weighed down being unhealthy is not a good feeling being unhealthy makes it very difficult to function well and to be happy in the rest of your life so that's how much weight you've lost mate so just place it into the bag oh no yep whenever it was on my body it was it didn't feel is it hurting all right okay let's go all the way up keep going keep moving keep moving imagine lugging that around still [Music] how that feels through your joints through your body through your back well if anything i felt it more on my shoulders yeah absolutely it's a big weight off your shoulders isn't it can you imagine having that and if you had it kept going the way you were would you be 80 now still four months what do you reckon you would have been now probably been around 85. right so dude you've done amazing amazing because every year i seem to go up by about the 10 kilos but not exactly every year yeah not yesterday though it'd be a year to remember [Music] twist [Music] oh this is crazy please don't do this please don't do this [Applause] [Music] see what they call bell chillings oh my god i'm still yes i know i did the first one that's where i lost it last time yes [Music] well yesterday we went down to the farm and uh yeah we did some filming there we got the quad bike out we went to get some uh macadamia nuts and some avocados and can go in the garden go fishing make it fire [Music] uh we made pesto and hummus play around a bit [Music] and yeah that was fun liam gets the shot first [Music] a lot of hard work went into those macadamias you want to share it around a bit buddy oh bodhi is next yeah pick him up [Music] i mean that's pretty awesome if you're being born into the world wasn't the best to hear your life what are you grateful for today grateful for that last exercise and feeling how heavy the 20 kilos was yeah how far you've come here uh eating pesto and hummus and nachos which look like blueberry stuff uh making the fire going fishing riding the quad bike he is as well um coming to the [Music] farm getting my skin done [Music] cool oh and dinner and lunch well yeah [Music] take your marks and go [Applause] let's go [Applause] i can't get over how much energy now liam has like to go from being obese dropping 20 odd kilos coming down here to do his first marathon it's just unbelievable absolutely unbelievable we're doing good we're nearly at the finish line look over there this is liam golly golly reporting against up girls come on well done let's do this [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] too straight to facebook [Music] the positive impacts that i've noticed uh directly with liam is his maturity his outlook on life um his strength his his energy he's he's more active at school other parents have made comments straight away wow this is amazing like we you know what's what's he been through what's he done in his soccer games they would never see him take a ball go off to the sideline when he's coming off as a reserve and kick the ball around and still practice his skills he'd normally be the first one sitting down you know complaining and huffing and puffing and that's all changed go go [Music] you can list the 100 most common ailments or symptoms and every one of them relate back to not enough water not enough sunshine not enough fresh air what if health and life really is that simple if we say that wealth is not about how much money you have that wealth is actually about how healthy you are and how much time you're able to spend doing what you really love if we can teach people that relationships are incredibly important then we can really change the overall way that we see health and well-being [Music] this is about trying to make very small changes for a big time [Music] as albert einstein said the greatest teacher is exemplification so if you care about your children exemplify an inspired and meaningful life eat wisely to live not live to eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm so so incredibly proud of liam the changes he's made are nothing short of inspirational this hasn't been easy this has been quite a roller coaster there's ups there's downs but the fact is he's done it he's made the changes and he's winning i'm so proud of you your family is so proud of you liam and i know your mum will be so proud of you faster faster rip it up rip it keep going keep going again [Music]
Channel: Only Human
Views: 97,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, body transformation, childhood nutrition, diet transformation, fitness progress, health inspiration, healthy choices, healthy living, lifestyle documentary, living healthy, mental transformation, nutrition transformation, nutritional health, obesity awareness, obesity impact, obesity prevention tips, obesity recovery, personal growth, well-being journey, wellness support, wellness transformation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 10sec (5650 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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