Britain's Heaviest People March 400 Miles To Lose Weight | Too Big To Walk S1 Ep2 | Only Human

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] eight of the fattest people in britain are taking part in a unique experiment they're trekking 500 miles from one end of the country to the other to try to lose weight and also regain control of their lives i've wasted a decade being a fat lazy [ __ ] bastard but two weeks in and things are not going well going to bed sore every night i'm waking up sore every morning it feels like she's going out of the way just to piss me off they've already lost two members of the group i've got foul the scales don't lie do they but they haven't lost any weight that is pathetic so tonight team physiologist matt wilson is forced to take drastic action he puts them on a strict diet please sir i want more makes them walk faster each day and leaves them to fend for themselves it doesn't make sense i can't do it i really can't do it i do not want to be here as they trek northwards will walking more and eating less be the making or breaking of the tea shut the [ __ ] up people will write like a bunch that's up to them you guys eat a huge amount of crap okay and you know that and i know that but what has been really after two weeks walking the team have lost less than a stone between them this is the plan that is being created so from now on their fitness coach matt wilson wants them to stick to a strict diet fruit for lunch hard-boiled egg you had hard-boiled eggs uh yes so didn't you but you didn't have just one i enjoyed it without a hard one the protein you're getting in one hard-boiled egg low-calorie salad cream much better portion of fruit he's told us to eat like two gulps of air for breakfast and like half a cracker eggs for lunch and then like i think we're allowed there's a special treat lettuce leaf for dinner and uh there's one day in the week when we're allowed a whole egg there's no chance i'm gonna be knicking off of chocolate bars and all sorts you know i personally will be to try and make them more responsible for what they eat matt's also leaving them for a week to cope on their own [Music] the group have 400 miles still to walk to reach edinburgh this week they'll be leaving bristol and heading into south wales then up over the molven hills to worcester in the west midlands hey hungry adam why are you hungry no i'm not but it must be time for a mid morning after it could be actually it probably is time for an apple by 11 o'clock adam's so hungry he persuades the group to stop for their lunch a 400 calorie chicken wrap yummy is there adam what's that i said i can see how we're going to lose weight on this diet [ __ ] for when it is being subtle i wish there was two or three because it's going to be gone any second and i've only been eating for last minute yes compared to what adam normally eats lunch is barely touching the sides i'll get up and i'll probably go oh i'm hungry oh a whole pack of seven kitkats i wonder if i can it's just probably volume rather than like actual bad food do you know what i mean still a student at 30 adams almost doubled his weight in ten years they don't realize there's ten stone extra on ya imagine having to carry a sofa around with you all day what's kept adam marching so far is the desire to finally finish something the first time in our life i said yes and said oh no and we've got this done and i just feel bloody magical yeah yeah i'm i'm not pacing up a hill by three o'clock the lack of food means tempers are starting to fray i just think it's pointless because we go up a hill to come down again just go around it i'm just tired and my legs don't want to move much more half an hour later 31 stone vince the heaviest member of the group has had enough well at the end of my walking for today i can't i can't go on for another hour like they're planning i'm going to sit down for five minutes i think he's just weak as a kitten you know he's coming off like a billion calories a day or something down to about four that's going to take your toll on you i'm just tired i'm really tired and i just wanted this later right now okay you know i'm not in the hp films although the campsite is still two miles away everyone is happy to call it a day except haley further than we should have done in agony but i still think it'd be more beneficial to do one more mile if we can do it still good light people are tired some are up for going we've gotta go with the consensus all right i think if two or three people want to stop maybe we should yes so if that's the case why didn't you feel like that last saturday when my leg was this big and i was crying for three miles right and then on saturday the same thing again you know people are tired haley has been at odds with the group from the start i was hoping i was gonna maybe make a friend just one would have done a single mother of two she spent more and more time at home because of her weight i don't have boyfriends because in my mind about being so big i don't want to be touched um so yeah it stops me being intimate with people like the saturday we did very well honestly i was crying in pain now when i've been in agony there's been no sympathy at all from anybody right so i am a bit annoyed now vince wants to stop oh let's all [ __ ] stop i think everyone else is quite content to finish here i think haley's just being older you know what i mean majority rules so we're gonna have to stop the group abandoned the walk and find the nearest campsite for the evening i'm fed up just when i think oh hang on they're all all right they're going to do something that makes me think well is it me it can't be me all the time tonight they're cooking low-fat chicken curry and rice for the first time in years they have to stick to a normal sized portion how big is a tablespoon only one of them ones like that or something is it not a size of a table shovels pathetic cheers bro all right please sir i want more people who enjoy their food like fat people do you can't make me stick some berries it just will not work what a waste of [ __ ] time just thinking about eating healthy all the time i'm not particularly looking forward to changing my lifestyle but i know i have to do it if i don't want to die every time i'm 35. stacy's willpower is about to be put to the ultimate test [Music] it's nine o'clock in the morning the group has been on the new diet for 24 hours and morale is low i'll never ever be used to it i don't camp and i don't walk i'm just probably fed up with all the aches and pains right now and just going to bed sore every night and waking up sore every morning you know no i'm going to be walking it's going to be sore before they leave for the walk they must prepare their lunch today they're allowed one cream cheese bap and some fruit each who's got one more what because that's what's that's what it is and yesterday you're supposed to have beer breads not wraps do you want some lettuce in your roll jack oh so they're a bit worried about tempers frying because everyone's going to be starving and all sorts of things and you know it's a lot less food than any of us have really eaten in a long time i need a teaspoon for the today as well as their 10 mile target they also want to make up the two miles they didn't complete yesterday because vince had to stop one mile in they stop to rest what are we stopping for it's to carry on that way yeah it worked absolutely i'm trying to get up right now it's really cool my toes are on fire again tendons just here they're just really bloody killing to move yeah so it's bad yeah like we said this farther yeah it's bad it's just getting worse and worse is that that way your mental strength comes in to push you through that like walking on a blister for instance or walking with cram i'll set off with vince see in a minute father of two gary's words of encouragement seem to have helped all right you're ready for off yeah i don't feel great right now i mean i'm in a lot of pain but you know i felt damn sight better not having you know a good few years about myself so i know i'll continue yeah and i know definitely ain't gonna quit three hours later and they're looking forward to lunch what the [ __ ] is wrong with society it's unnecessary in it totally unnecessary he's got hanging out going bad bastards like right [ __ ] anger in his voice yeah do you know what i mean i've never had anybody shout out fat faster before honestly and i'm not just saying it and i normally get whistles and bibs good bibs i i feel very ugly so far on the walk 22 year old stacy has been the rebel of the group i don't want a cigarette again why can't it just be a flat road to scotland has moaned about every aspect of the walk she's found it a world away from her lifestyle back home in london i'll left dinner probably about six seven o'clock and then i'll have a snack about eleven o'clock and if i'm still up while i say to eight probably about three or four in the morning and then i got beds and it starts all over again and if i've gone to the pub and i've had dinner about six seven o'clock i will then go to the pub and go and get kebab i don't care i feel like a bit of a rebel i'm gonna go met the rules it gives me something to do it's been an hour since stacey had her pack lunch and the lure of junk food proves too strong i kept seeing the roller milkshakes everywhere and i had to get one and then i saw a brother over the next few days the whole group give up on fitness expert matt's diet and eat their way through the west midlands [Music] spaces oh you didn't get the night one yes sorry slotted cream fudge i've dropped a healthy option this goes for village have you ever lost chips watch it yes i haven't eaten three days i'm starving lots of different reasons people ate boredom depression yeah but sometimes like when you're in my situation as well at home with the kids all the time you've got nothing to talk to food is my friend when you're upset what do you reach for it's not oranges and apples is it it's a bar of chocolate do you know what i mean oh big bunch of greedy pigs i've seen i see three courses that are sitting and a lot of people don't do that it's knowing when to stop i wish i didn't have it now but the danish order sandwich the danish and the sandwich as week three of the march draws to a close the group face a thousand-foot climb up the malvin hills to get to worcester and their next meeting with physiologist matt adam i'm not painting up a hill i don't like to be sweaty you can't do hills it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense does it adam feels differently i'm really into this walking like that walking up hills like this never in my life but i even wanted to go up a hill like this but i'm absolutely loving it now even 31 stone vince is battling through his aches and pains because i know i'm ready to succeed i know that i know it's going to take me years you know to get down to my older weight but i know that also yeah i've got the time and two years of my life adding 20 years to it is nothing i'm at the top [Music] it's a small moment of triumph after a disastrous week suck it in fresh out man of the mountains we'll sleep like babies tonight this is lovely as it's the weekend they check into a hotel in worcester tonight it's another chance to indulge this is my starter of chicken wings and they're really fatty and greasy and they're really unhealthy for me [Music] oh big fan bastards do you know what i mean you know food is a big problem for all of us and a lot of people don't understand what it is to a certain extent if you if you a a junkie or an alcoholic you accept it do you know it's oh it's a medical condition but you're fat you're just greedy and [ __ ] lazy if it was that easy to get off food there'd be no fat people in the world just give me breakfast please the next morning at breakfast adam's unhappy about being filmed again being fat that person in his native environment all fat and [ __ ] greedy and [ __ ] we're going to scoff with that [ __ ] face when we fat [ __ ] pudgy fingers to sit to show everybody how much i eat for breakfast you're so [ __ ] bad i know i've got loads of food in my bag look at this this weight problem is like a gaping open wound in our life a lot of people don't understand what it is so that's why i don't like being filmed with the food you know it's hard to bear it i want to sort of safeguard it to a certain extent do you know what i mean if someone's got you know like a drug problem or a drink problem they're like here we go this is me jacking up oh there we go oh watch me [ __ ] drink all this crap you know look at me i was i'm a [ __ ] alcoholic do you know what i mean and if you've got a problem with food you don't want to be saying shoveling food down your [ __ ] face after breakfast matt arrives to see how much weight they've lost on his diet he hasn't seen the group for a week that is pathetic it's not great is it well it's not i don't see too much is cheating what we're doing is hard and i do treat myself matt decides it's time to read them the riot act you've let me down everybody here has let me down severely okay i said that it was a ban on alcohol you've all been going out and getting pissed i don't give a [ __ ] who went to mcdonald's who put their hands up who went to mcdonald's there is now a ban on takeaways fizzy drink beer is banned completely and fry ups in the morning hey you don't look too pleased no because i don't think that it's too healthy to be hunger to the point where i'm feeling like i'm going to throw up do you see what i'm saying that's how i am that's right okay you know what i mean i don't feel that's how i don't know what you mean no go in between breakfast at three o'clock in the afternoon by the time you have your snack is not hunger the fact is is that every single person here is morbidly obese and there's a whole host of risk factors that come with that early mortality diabetes heart failure heart attacks ischemia all these horrible nasty horrible things but their reality and they will happen to you you and you and all we're asking you to do is to not do something for two weeks okay then guys to help you lose your weight and to to try to make them take responsibility for their actions and stick to the diet matt sets the walkers individual weight loss targets for the coming week uh stacey 7.7 pounds vince you've got 11 pounds to lose adam 8.8 pounds hayley 8.8 pounds i think it's good to have some goals now right let's crack on next he decides to show them how good they can feel under his new regime today he wants them to walk 12 miles in six hours twice the speed they're used to 12 miles today right i want to do it in record time push all the way let's see if we can get the fastest 12 miles [Music] you happy vince oh ecstatic it seems matt's shop tactics may at last be having some effect i mean it doesn't make me feel fantastic finding out i'll be dead in another 20 years if it don't change but i accept it and let's um get on with walking let's get a bit of weight off if you look at vince down there he's like striding away he's on a mission isn't he yeah it's at a good pace okay yeah it's a nice day we all know with that we just gotta put our bloody finger out and hopefully we'll do that before we have a heart attack you know because that's when it is for a lot of people it's too late i didn't stop everyone's picking up the pace except hayley i don't think she's walking as fast as she can and he decides to push me because he don't think i'm fast enough but today matt's not going to let her get away with it matt is picking on me today what's the delay guys i'm just interested in trying to finish the march as quickly as possible it's not fair on the other group i mean 20 minutes into it we're already waiting five minutes while hayley struggles with the new targets the others are fired up and embracing the challenge we're doing six hours today that's that'll be the new benchmark if we do it any less than that we're less than a excellent service yeah dragging me along full power i feel like my legs are gonna fall off i refuse to do it okay we've got like 15 minutes max to do the next 800 meters there's no physical reason for haley not to walk at the same pace as you guys she can walk the same place as you guys really yeah come on so we're gonna run 50 seconds because i can't run it no i can't six hours i'll get you two well guys six hours for 12 miles we set out what we said we were going to do this morning how does everyone feel about that fantastic knackers but good i could do another mile actually could do another man you're on your own how are you feeling how are you feeling do you really want me to answer yeah of course i do otherwise i don't know i feel like [ __ ] i really feel like [ __ ] how do you feel emotionally like [ __ ] you feel emotion [ __ ] yeah i feel like [ __ ] do you not feel pleased about your achievements today i'm too tired to be happy about it why how can you be too tired to be happy the fact you've just done your fastest time ever because it's making me hurt it's made you hurt you know what i don't think you you want any help do you sometimes i'm trying my best to help you i know no i'm actually really pretty pissed off we've just done the our biggest achievement today and all i hear is just [ __ ] it just drags everybody's happiness down now everyone's gonna want us to do 12 mile days in six hours every day and for the last two miles my legs felt like i was on the verge of collapse and i struggle to keep up with everybody on a normal day so how the hell am i supposed to keep up when it's like that all the time i'm just worried about that but with matt leaving instructions to try even harder hayley's problems are about to multiply it's the halfway point of the 500-mile march and the group are nearing stoke in staffordshire but this morning haley's woken up with swollen feet and decides she's not fit to walk this morning i woke up and it took me like nearly half an hour to get up so i'm going to go to the doctors get some painkillers and hopefully not be off the walk well i'm not going to be off the walk because it's not an option we might get some peace and quiet if she could ask to go give her a tablet and should be what as hayley hobbles off to a local surgery the group start the day's walk adam's not convinced she's genuinely ill she was laughing and joking this morning you know she was all like oh ah oh i think she just decided she wanted a [ __ ] day off you know you've got any pain back here behind your leg only when i'm walking but if after a thorough examination the nurse doesn't seem too concerned either okay something i find you a queen for you to train yeah take some um ibuprofen the anti-inflammatory you've been advised before but haley's pushing for more than fungicide and painkillers i mean just for the next day or two just carry on walk in and pop loads of pills or have a rest i think just because of what you're doing yeah it's it's something that unfortunately because you obviously need to be able to carry on walking as well to reach your end you know your end goal and so because of that it's just going to be a case of trying to keep on top of the pain resting as much as you can when you can although the nurse has said she can keep walking hayley has other ideas anyway what i've just said to you they said right you have to have the rest not we advise you and if i don't i'm not going to get any better you're not supposed to be smiling you know there's a smile on your face you knew i can't believe you're saying that look at her running up there's the steps now i think i've just been told she's gonna be crippled for [ __ ] life and look at her she's smiling look at that look there's a there's the face of a crippled woman yeah let's walk and roll while the others continue on the walk haley prescribes herself a day in a hotel to recuperate the nurse has suggested she could soak her feet in a bath for most people this wouldn't be a problem but for 24 stone hayley it's a gamble i tend not to bath i tend to shower but every time i see a buff i think oh how could i get wedged in i haven't sat in it yet to see if my butt fits [Music] the ball creaked as i stood in it not the greatest sign oh my god there's loads of room between my hips and the sides of the bath here i'm loving it every hotel should have a bath like this it's room for growth [Music] while hayley enjoys her bath the rest of the group trek through the worst reign of the march i'm so wet that the inside of my waterproof boots are soaking because it's just running down my legs and into my boots i'm in no rush now i'm in this bath i feel like such a fraud and a cop out my feet are so thrown like i've been walking loads of puddles and my socks are wet they might get like a fungi infection or something it's the first hotel i've been in on this trip that the bath sheet actually goes round that it fits enthused by fitting in the bath haley is more and more convinced she's lost weight there's a gap there never was before they used to be really tight on my stomach and when i tried to do them up they used to cut it like that or something like that you know that kind of muffin top experience and now oh my god i can do them out it's great and they're starting to fit my legs look i'm lucky my bum's not too saggy for a fat person but not saggy bomb it's cheered her up so much she's forgotten about her ailments and has decided to hit the town i'm supposed to be going out to a nightclub tonight should be good as a single mum of two haley doesn't get out much it's eight o'clock and as she waits for her cab in the hotel lobby haley gets a surprise adam has also decided he needs a break from walking and is coming to the hotel i think it shows a lot of respect for jack gary stacy and ben and myself to a certain degree no what do you think they're gonna say if they find out you've been to a nightclub when you meant beal i'm not gonna be out dancing or anything like that i'm not silly i just i'm really disappointed i'm just gonna go and sit and listen to a bit of music no i'm supposed to be recovering it's my legs that are bad not my ears it's it's [ __ ] it's not white haley know what i mean you do what you wanna do it's only an hour i'm just bored of sitting in the hotel you should be trying your best for this walk i just think everybody in the world can lose a lot of respect for you for doing it well they all think i'm skiving anyway you are scaring but it's up to you i've never been talked out of doing anything ever i don't see why there's such a big deal about it and it doesn't invalidate the walk or what anyone else is doing i have rested as i've been told to rest i've only rested for half the time that i was supposed to have rested actually well i can't have an hour to just do what i want and unwind i don't have to work to make it look bad two days later hayley rejoins the walk but now you're a bare-faced liar and faces the wrath of the group what made you change your mind about going clubbing with you all you need that i didn't go did i yeah but you would have done it but i didn't go yeah i was gonna go and sit down and listen to music but if that makes you feel better right that's fine where's the bad thing in thinking about doing something because you got dressed up to go out it doesn't matter i didn't go get because i was voting for you and changed your mind no adam even if you want to skype that's your business but just at least [ __ ] admit it yeah and the reason i took the day off was does anyone here think hayley was skiving he obviously you know yeah experienced in this kind of thing do you think you needed it off i did at the time yeah and i do now because my pace is picked up my legs aren't hurting as badly and i haven't complained once so i obviously did need it i think you're just making excuses you're wrong just [ __ ] hold your hands up hayley's storms off [ __ ] dresses aren't you yeah oh my god oh my god the group who are trying to stick to the diet plant some chips in her bag he's loving it we think it's going to go all [ __ ] wrong now and piss me off people are out like a bunch that's up to them he's all gone pete on really he has i i've gotta go back in there she ain't gonna find his family yeah hilarious is it i'm not continuing today's walk i'm deadly serious oh hey stop it we're sorry i'm not finishing today's rules just call them i'm not putting up with man take a chance with god's sake early it's just a joke each person gets rid of it each day no excuse me come on come on that's it i'm not finishing walk and that's it yeah i think you're stupid for haley being the butt of the joke brings back painful memories of being bullied at school no but this is playground bullying this is how it feels because of today yes no because of the chips thing it's like being back at school and being bullied all over again since we've been here it's been like being back at school the more you keep going on about it the more it's gonna be hard for us to forget about it so stop being silly and continue when you're bullied so relentlessly every day of your your school life you end up with no confidence low self-esteem hardly any self-respect because you feel so [ __ ] about yourself these people that did this the bullies from school i'd just like to thank them because they have seriously [ __ ] my [Music] life [Music] haley has kept up with the group for three days they're walking well and reach gary's home county lancashire on time the place where everyone matters lancashire [Music] the root of the march takes him right past the factory where he works as an accountant come on vince last lap this just up the bend [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] about 275 miles something like that you sounded like you know that to the uh everybody being out at these gates here and greeting you and cheering you in and it's gives you a boost are you enjoying it laura [Music] as a special treat gary's wife margaret and his daughter's four-year-old laura and seven-year-old zoe join him for a few miles walking with gary's kids on the march haley's thoughts turn to her own children oh you've got a hot hand again the mother of two hasn't seen them since she left them with her sister a month ago hello who's that is that my ivy i think elle is about to be missing hers as well but after more than four weeks away i love you her three-year-old daughter ivy doesn't recognize her voice i rang them up my little girl was calling me nanny on the phone because she didn't know who she was talking to i don't like it i know when they're golden they're gonna have issues of abandonment it's a real blow the main reason hayley wants to lose weight is so she can do more with her kids i keep feeling guilty about leaving my kids i don't need this crap two kids i ask him where's mommy and forgetting who she is on the phone and you know already taking days off and missing her kids tomorrow haley will have to face fitness expert matt in blackpool [Music] at the end of week five the group reach blackpool here they'll have to face up to fitness expert matt wilson to see if they've kept to their diet and met their weight loss targets but first they decide to take a turn on europe's tallest roller coaster it's something dad of two gary normally avoids when you're overweight it can be embarrassing if you get on a ride and you're asked to get off which has happened to me when i've been with the littles so that is one of the little things when i get all this off i'm not you know getting my hopes up that i'll fit and i'm just hoping that i'll fit quietly hoping the ride they're hoping to squeeze onto is called the big one hayley's struggling to fit the belt around her 56-inch waist i need her oh my god the only marcher who doesn't attempt to fit into the seats is vince [Music] the ride was fantastic it was the best moment of the trip never been on a roller coaster scared i wouldn't fit and today i fit that's why i chuffed but it's not long before haley's brought back down to earth it's time for the group to face fitness expert matt wilson's industrial scales it's been two weeks since he challenged them to take control walk faster and stick to the diet let's get this done looking yeah good luck gary here we go whenever they've been weighed so far the walkers have lost little or no weight of course i'm nervous on the scales please gary's target was 6.6 pounds two that's a loss of 12.3 pounds you doubled it how much 12.3 [Applause] yeah that's all right stacy's target was 7.7 pounds 11.4 pounds oh my god yeah i've lost 11 pounds something has done really well thank you that mate is absolutely awesome 15 pounds exercise and diet works i just feel really nervous because everyone's been doing really [ __ ] well and i'm like ah vince's target was 11 pounds you've lost 16.3 pounds a stone man how'd you feel i feel very fantastic actually for really good you should be proud of yourself mate because i am it's outstanding i'm i'm absolutely lost for words i'm running i'm [Applause] definitely a good thing because of their size the walkers can lose up to double their target weight loss without risk to their health haley is the last person to be weighed i'm not worried i'm not i'm just not feeling anything i'm just gonna get weighed i saved my delight on my you know sadness for afterwards your target was 8.8 pounds and you're 7.5 pounds okay so you're just over a pound off did you stick to the diet i did eat one croissant and two digestives okay but that's not gonna do you know what i mean but i know it actually it does it does affect it right it clearly affects it because you haven't lost it i had a couple of digestive i had two digestives and i had a quest on that is creeping in what other things are creeping into it as well i didn't make the full kilo target i was a pound shot so what do you expect pizza kebabs and chips did you cheat though no look there's your muffins you've asked me this question five times right no i didn't cheat i want to talk mark thinks haley can do better you haven't done the required exercise and you haven't followed the regime every single person here has done it okay you haven't and your target wasn't really that ambitious and how do you feel about me suggesting that the mileage should go up if you can do it do it i haven't got a problem with it matt's got the group walking and he's got them dieting now he wants them to increase the number of miles they walk every day but the group's worried that hayley will hold them back into the hardship do you know what i mean it's not that i don't want to do it because i've been trying to do it i'm just saying i'm finding it really hard to do it but i think everyone everyone is just sick of your [ __ ] excuses moaning [ __ ] [ __ ] they're just not like they're not up front enough to [ __ ] say it you can do it you've proved you can [ __ ] do it it's when you want to [ __ ] do it and most the time you don't want to do it there's no room for error here there's no no games to be played anymore we all have to dig in deep no i know adam's not saying he won't wait for you what he's saying is no no listen listen you'll say your way if she's putting 110 oh if you're [ __ ] trying hard you can't i'll wait for you if you're just dawdling at the back then i i just i've got them out i'll just [ __ ] off i know what adam said didn't upset me i can understand why he says what he says i do think probably to everyone else i'll just make loads of excuses for not doing things you know sometimes i do the next day matt's new challenge soon proves too much for one of the team but look at that it's a proper bone sticking out on my foot there there's no balls sticking out no it's just fine matt told me yeah but it's not sticking out your fault as the day goes on hayley falls further and further behind the others it's now two o'clock and she's been walking on her own for the past hour i feel really miserable my legs are hurting and my toes are on fire and i feel like [ __ ] and i'm missing my kids i'm used to getting cuddles and kisses from them i'm starting to feel a bit unloved it sounds ridiculous hayley decides to call her sister i'm not [ __ ] being left behind just because i can't keep up with them she just doesn't give a [ __ ] she wants to do what she wants to do me me me all my [ __ ] worries my problems are the worst packing problems the world's ever seen i think she's still in a little bit of denial not pushing herself and pushing forward i think ailee stands for everything that that we're trying to leave behind if we want to lose this weight we've got to do some hard [ __ ] and she just don't want to do it yeah come on girls let's go no i don't even know i've had enough of infected toe and not seeing my kids it's only three more weeks at the rest of their lives too long i need to be i need to i should be looking after them i shouldn't have come even i need to be looking after my children i can't keep giving them and [Music] is that the real reason and my feet are numb fed up are holding you all up and i'm fed up and moaning at you all as well it's an excuse to get a jail excuse in it it is it's really not your kid i want you to need to do this for you and your kids so what are you doing i'm hanging for the weekend or something i'll come back go home see my kids friday and saturday and then come back sunday i just need to see him and then i'll be all right as hayley leaves for a weekend with her kids the question for the rest of the group is will she come back i don't think he quite understands what big change is going to make for her life because i just thought i was going to go home and just go back to my normal lifestyle and i know that i'm never going to do that again ever i just think if people don't make it to the end then at a personal choice of wanting to go home then i don't think that they're just going to be fat for the rest of her [Music] life [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 152,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, achieving weight loss goals, battling obesity as a group, challenges of losing weight, fighting obesity together, impact of obesity on health, obese individuals diet plan, obese support community, obese to active lifestyle, obese to fit transformation, obesity in Britain, obesity journey inspiration, obesity treatment awareness, overweight people journey, united against obesity, weight loss TV show, weight loss reality show, weight loss success stories
Id: Nh_CoYnA1co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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