Drinking Only 9 Glasses of Water a Day! | Will My Crash Diet Kill Me? EP 1 | Only Human

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[Music] crash diets are the 21st century way to lose weight despite their bad reputation the latest scientific research suggests that you can keep the weight off after a crash diet just as successfully as on a normal diet forty percent of us admit to crash dieting diet is called lipotrim happy sheep and both real diet hcg diet it's a cambridge diet don't eat anything at all diet we're suffering the hell of hunger i'm hungry i've got a headache and shocking side effects if you feel that you want to break wind don't this is advice for not having any sex during the diet all in the pursuit of a skinnier figure don't do that and even though crash diets are potentially deadly when it comes to our weight we just don't care i know the pros and cons i know the risk i'm going to take if i want to take it i'll take it we're going to put six of the most popular crash diets under the microscope tonight is the cabbage soup diet the maple syrup diet and the cambridge weight plan we'll find out if by following one of them you could lose those extra pounds and we'll explore the potential health risks to find out if your crash diet really could kill you [Music] recent scientific research suggests that done properly crash diets can be a great way to kick-start long-term weight loss i used to be nearly 26 stone and i lost over 15 stone took me eight months to lose seven stone i've lost seven stone in a year and a half when i felt these love handles i thought i've got to do something about it they can work but there have been claims they can kill is there a way to crash diet safely dr anubartya is going to help us sort out the no wheat from the zero chaff in the surgery everyone calls me the diet doctor and i've got loads of women who come and see me about weight loss to get a sense of the scale of the crash diet phenomenon and to answer some of your crash diet questions dr anu hit the high street i hate this i love this yeah i hate the bingo wings but more i really really want to get rid of my chin i just want to know how do i keep the weight off you say that you diet and they work they do in terms of weight loss but quite clearly looking at you they don't i can't keep the weight off i've never been able to keep the weight off now you say you're 52 and you've been like this your whole life well it's time to make a change isn't it yes it is you need to include carbohydrates the proteins the fats your eyes are bigger than your stomach so cut down your portion size now that means using a saucer instead of your dinner plate go for it [Music] hi i'm erica and i've been a diet most of my life and i hope the doctor can sort me out these are the bits and bobs i don't like they sag and droop along with my buns where do you need to lose weight a little bit here a little bit there and a little bit on the underarms so a little bit here yeah okay i can feel your ribs yeah yeah let me have a look at your arms there's a guitar that's skin what size are you i say have you always been on a diet i've been on a date on my life you're tiny one of your diets you said was the vegetarian diet what was that it was a lot of spinaches and a little bit of you know carrots and tomatoes so it was just vegetables yeah basically how long about a year oh my god did you have to carry around some toilet bowl because you must have been on the toilet a long time i spent a lot of time on this hook because it goes right through your body absolutely to be honest with you with what you're doing to your body you know you're putting it into a starvation at times your skin's gonna start looking sallow your hair's gonna get all brittle you're gonna feel fake you're gonna feel dizzy and at some point you need to look at yourself and really appreciate what you have and what you've got which in my opinion is gorgeous tonight we're following three crash dieters also desperate to shed the pounds that they're plunging way below the recommended two thousand calories a day for women two and a half thousand for men first up is civil servant jackie from london she spends all day in the office but in her free time she's mad about dancing it's part of my life it's part of me is my passion to be quite honest dance one of the things about when i do dance classes of course i've got a big mirror and then you look to the left you look to the right you've got these skinny minis you know usually i am the biggest person in the class so you know i'm not i feel conscious but i i know with myself where i want to be with my shape it just makes it feel harder to move and once i get rid of that i would feel a lot lighter and i feel better about my dance as well jackie's going to be replacing her normal food with the maple syrup diet dreamed up by an alternative health practitioner as a detox in the 1940s every day jackie will be drinking eight to nine glasses of water mixed with a syrup made from maple and palm trees lemon juice and cayenne pepper totalling just 900 calories a day it takes a lot of willpower absolutely no solid food will pass jackie's lips for at least 10 days and it'll cost her around 35 pounds a week fans of the diet who famously includes superstar beyonce claim it's the fastest way to a bootilicious figure and that by following it you'll end up pounds lighter healthier and brimming with happiness our second crush dieter is nicola from manchester i've never been and my size i want to be i started putting the weight on when mum and dad got divorced when i was like six or seven i've just progressed as i got older i got bigger and bigger and bigger grew up playing football but then i just put weight on i've lost my place in the team because somebody's coming along that's fitter than me my passing's good but i just couldn't keep up so your goal is to get your place back yeah that's why i know i'll do it nicholas pinning her hopes on the cambridge weight plan devised by a professor of nutrition at cambridge university all she'll be eating is the plant's own range of shakes food bars and soups claim to provide all essential nutrients letting nicola keep her calories down to a meager 615 a day the cambridge weight plan recommends keeping this up for 12 weeks and the products cost around 40 pounds a week [Music] tonight's final crash dieter is angelica from merseyside i used to be a glam model but now i've gone into the fashion plus size i've always been a plus size and i'll always be a plus size but i don't feel me anymore i want to get my career back and it's for me this was about four years ago i look from my own eyes really elder glamorous everything that i'm actually not today i want to be that girl again and the only thing that's stopping me is my weight angelica's replacing all her usual food with the cabbage soup diet which first appeared in the 1950s she gets to eat unlimited cabbage soup plus either fruit veg meat or milk depending on the day of the week all adding up to around 900 calories a day it's designed as a 7-day plan to help achieve a rapid weight loss angelica reckons it will cost her around 20 pounds a week so those are our runners and riders three crash dieters turning their back on everyday food to lose weight fast but just how much do they hope to lose i'm a size 18 now and with a month i will be a size 14. i'm just size 22 my goals are size 12. i'm currently a size 18 and i want to be down to a size 14. our girls are not alone in going for it on a crash diet one recent study found that in a single year an astonishing 86 of women between 25 and 45 had tried one people will go to extreme lengths to lose weight even wrapping themselves up like a piece of meat when i was younger i was wrapped in cling film and i lost it's weight unheard of where people get wrapped up and their body temperature rises and then afterwards when that when it's all sort of taken off you can visibly lose at least an inch or so but you've literally just lost sort of superficial sort of skin water and within hours it all comes back on okay so i wouldn't advocate that [Music] the early days of a crash diet are always tough our three crash dieters are at the start of a grueling journey in london jack is three days into her diet and mixing up her cocktail of maple syrup lemon juice and cane pepper she's planning to consume nothing but this sugary syrup for the next two weeks is quite nice it's quite refreshing because of the lemon there now what i might do i just put a little bit more of um the syrup in it tastes a little bit too watery so i'm just going to add a little bit more not a lot more i don't want it too sweet the maple syrup diet claims that if you keep sipping the drink throughout the day it'll keep your sugar levels topped up just enough to keep you going you'll feel hungry but your energy levels will be just sufficient to get you through the day and for fans the diet the belief that the mixture is detoxifying their body is a strong psychological motivator in manchester the recipe for nicolas ultra low calorie shakes is simple buy one sachet from your weight plan representative cost approximately 1 pound 90 mix with water and tuck in it's a real meal replacement diet it's nice well three replacements a day i have the shakes they call it a vlcd very low calorie diet and so it's yeah very restrictive the cambridge weight plan doesn't make any specific claims as to how much weight you can lose but they do say that their bars soups and shakes contain the right amount of protein to protect lean tissue carbohydrates to stave off hunger pangs and the right levels of nutrients and vitamins to maintain good health and in mercy side angelica might just be boiling vegetables up with a stock cube but it hasn't dampened her enthusiasm move over jamie oliver angela [Music] [Music] the liquids fill your stomach triggering your stretch receptors to send messages to your brain telling you you're full and also the fibrous suit takes longer to digest keeping you fuller for longer [Music] oh that is really really nice it's really absolutely [Music] next on the menu the effect of doing the maple syrup diet is that you get a fairy tan so your tongue goes white crash diet side effects uncovered if you feel that you want to break wind don't until you've been to the toilets and we experience the highs and lows of crash dieting thanks if you carry on like this you're going to die with britons getting ever fatter it's not surprising we're all desperate for a quick fix and it seems we'll try anything to shift the pounds i lost five stone with lighter life i did weight watches when i was 14 i've done swimming world i've done slim fast i swear by my aloe vera diet i've had my teeth white twice despite mounting evidence that crash diets work some scientists are still skeptical as to how long the effects will last while others believe if you're morbidly obese crash dieting is better than doing nothing we're following three women who hope a crash diet will launch them into long-term weight loss on jackie's maple syrup diet all you're allowed to consume is water mixed with maple syrup lemon juice and cane pepper fans of the diet claim it leaves you not just thinner but happier healthier and full of energy [Music] and jackie's putting the theory to the test with a high energy workout at her beloved damn school i'm about to do the dance class i mean even i haven't eaten i think i'll be [Applause] [Music] like okay come on let's do it again now put some sparkle in your eyes a bit knackered at the moment have you had to get loads of fluids down but while jackie works out her body's fast burning up its instant access energy the sugar in her blood and she's struggling with the pace don't worry can you try to think it's my brain it's not functioning at the moment difficulty concentrating can be a warning sign of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar and it can eventually lead to loss of consciousness at the very least it will leave you feeling exhausted it's like you're trying to find the energy to actually push the dance routine out now when i go home tonight i have to go to bed earlier just to rejuvenate because if not i'm just going to burn myself out despite all the pain we can't get enough of crash diet as dr anu seen out on the street i'm a yo-yo dieter i've been between 24 stone and 14 stone at various points over the last 10 years what do you think's around your heart is it kind of like smearing it with lard precisely how old are you 37 by putting on weight so rapidly and losing weight rapidly you're having a huge effect on your body you're going to damage your heart muscle you're going to have heart muscle and that's covered in fat and then you're going to deprive your heart and your muscles and the rest of your body of essential vitamins minerals and calories i mean quite frankly if you stay like this you're going to have a heart attack right and i don't think you're going to make 60. can you name the date is it going to make it easier for my payment protection insurance listen david we've got to be serious here i mean i know that you've probably got this sort of jovial personality and that's fine quite frankly i think you're in denial and i think if you carry on like this you're going to die [Music] if you're trying to lose weight short-term goals could keep you on the straight and narrow a trick footy mad nicola is hoping will help her stick to the cambridge weight plan okay this is the um football jacket that i've got that's gossips you've got to wear it or you get fined for a football game i've taken myself out for a month i've told them i'm not around for a month um because when i go back i want to be wearing that jacket zipped up i want to kind of go back and be like oh you've lost weight that's my aim to prove i want my place back but while small goals can help you through they can't prevent nasty side effects as cabbage soup dieter angelica's been finding out after just a few days the most side effects is passing the wind all the time the sign up but deadly ones what you can blame on the dog but i haven't got a dog [Laughter] flatulence is almost always guaranteed with this type of crash diet and that's because cabbage is full of indigestible fiber so instead of being broken down in the intestines it actually ferments in the gut to produce the antisocial methane gas otherwise known as i think i need to uh have a lodger for a week so i can blame larger but angelica's not going to let a little wind ruin her career plans i'm doing a casting for an underwear company if i got the job it'd mean a hell of a lot to map this is the outfit that i've decided to wear today for the casting this is the one i was going to wear which was a bit surveillance so i thought i'd better know i don't think my confidence is there fully yet if you're after a quick confidence boost the cabbage soup diet claims you can lose 10 pounds in just one week the cabbage soup diet is devised to last only 7 days you eat cabbage soup throughout the diet but you're also supposed to eat certain foods on certain days to stop getting malnourished so as well as cabbage soup on day five you can eat meat and tomatoes and on day seven brown rice and fruit juice and angelica's convinced it's working if you look from the side you can see how small my waist is and if i go like ah and stand straight it goes in so i've got the smallest waist and that's where i've been losing the weight whether it's the diet or whether it's the underwear angelica's giving it her best shot oh wish me luck nice bit of confidence there doing wonderfully well good excellent perfect thank you very much can i do this again it's going to be these not this the cabbage soup diet is one for self-sufficient crushes find the recipe online and off you go but for those who prefer a little more help there's a whole industry built around holding your hand on the cambridge weight plan that means a weekly catch-up with a personal consultant nicholas spends around 40 pounds a week on products she buys direct from glenn but advice and support comes at no extra cost obviously you know about any of the side effects that might happen with your tummy yeah yeah and obviously if you do have any problems just take a couple of laxative all right don't let it build up right there is obviously the other side effect that you can go the opposite way for being um constipated you can get touch your diarrhea all i'm going to warn you is if you feel that you want to break wind don't until you've been to the toilet because it can happen that quick and can be quite embarrassing i'll take note of that one and it is as quick as that and when you've been on the diet for a while you can experience hair loss it is only temporary and it doesn't come out in great big chunks and leaves you and leave you bald unfortunately for crash dieters hair growth is one of the least essential body functions mild thinning is probably temporary but with serious cases like this you should see your gp but for now nicholas still settling into her new regime two was what was a bad day in terms of hunger but this kind of matches if not exceeds it you probably would have just been going into ketosis yes so that will explain why you're feeling a little bit hungry today is a headache as well is that part of it that's part of it yet the headache as you know it will be the carbohydrate withdrawal ketosis happens when the carbohydrate stores are empty and you start burning fat this releases ketones acidic chemicals which your body expels in your urine and through your lungs these can make your breath pong but if you get nauseous have stomach pain or develop a fever you should get to the doctor you could have developed ketoacidosis a dangerous buildup of ketones which can be life-threatening on the cambridge weight plan glenn's role is to stay in close touch and make sure nicola is a-okay she's recording nicola's progress in my new detail including the dreaded weigh-in will the scales befriend or full so you're going to climb aboard [Music] okay well you're being very brave because you're actually looking at the scales as well yeah we'll see the damage you are okay climb off 18 10. okay yeah yeah and i'm actually happy at that because it's not in the 19s yeah so it's i'm quite happy at that yeah that psychologically i'm out of that stone bro you're out of it and back down yeah and by the time you come to me next week if you stick to this there is no reason whatsoever why that can't be two zeros on the end of that eighth really if she keeps going like this the pain could be worth it in merseyside angelica is also facing the music is her cabbage soup diet doing its job 94.9 now 94.9 kilos that's nearly 15 stone uh yeah what it's saying is since i've been on the cabbage sheep diet i've put over a stone on do i look like i put a stone on it's a devastating result for angelica so what are you gonna do now i'm gonna follow the doctors and see what's going [Music] on i really do feel like what's the point to be fair i just want to cry i feel like on my own works done for nothing that's what i feel like [Music] in london it's maple syrup dieter jackie who's going toe to toe with the scales i'm now on day seven just starting day seven and i'm weighing 14 stone and eight pounds i've got seven pounds it's amazing isn't it it it's it's weird but yeah so i'm found in summer days of the uh maybe super lemon juice diet so it's hardcore but i'm pleased i'm pleased on a diet like this it's possible to lose as much as a pound a day but much of that can be water normally up to 10 pounds of your body mass is water stored with your carbohydrate reserves as your body burns through its supply of carbs this water is released and is lost that's why you seem to lose a lot of weight in the early days [Music] and more seriously this water loss causes dehydration and to make things worse instead of winding down jack is gearing up for another high energy dance class getting hot and sweaty when you're already dehydrated disturbs the balance of salt in your body which could cause painful muscle cramps very tiring i was really naked at the moment i took a lot of me yeah more than before it's no wonder jack is feeling it and her body is also showing the strain well the side effects of doing the maple syrup diet is that you get a furry tongue so your tongue goes white because meant to be as it's part of detoxing you some toxins obviously come out your tongue you're showing your tongue and you just get a white kind of fur on it so i have to give that a good brush every morning you know to make sure there's no fury but it's still there so most of it's gone a lot of crash diets can give you a white coating on the tongue which is a classic sign of dehydration now when you're dehydrated you have less saliva to wash away the bacterial overgrowth which naturally builds up on the tongue giving rise to a furry appearance and also halitosis or bad breath so how do you avoid those crash diet pitfalls you've been queuing up at our booth to find out i put myself on a diet a diet which is no no bread no potatoes no cakes and no biscuits so we're talking about low carbs here i think you've got the right intentions i mean the thing about carbs is that some of them are good for you because they slowly release energy into the body so you don't get hungry so if you can try and introduce some of the sort of better carbs the ones that have pasta wholemeal pasta that's brilliant rice is good wholemeal bread because that way you're going to be releasing energy slowly throughout your body so your your weight's not going to yo-yo and your sugar levels aren't going to go up and down all the time and that i think would be far more sort of maintainable in the future [Music] angelica's had some good news from her doctor although she's gained some weight on the cabbage soup plan it's just three pounds nowhere near as much as she feared my doctor did win they have put three pounds on now he told me offer going on different kind of scales because to be fair it wasn't just that time i've been on scales i've since going on the scales in my house i've been on like five sets of scales doctor knows best mixing and matching your scales is a surefire route to weight loss confusion and if you're experiencing inexplicable weight gain despite your best efforts don't panic yet your weight can fluctuate by up to five pounds during the day it's always best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning before you've eaten now bear in mind not only the food you eat will make you put on weight but also the liquids you consume a pint of water weighs one pound and there's certainly plenty passing through angelica's system because it's a cabbage soup when i'm drinking the fluids i pass wind wee and doing number two more than what i've ever done before you know it's gonna sound wrong this is better than sex sometimes when you've got a toilet isn't it a year old in here for a minute or so it's better isn't it to have it out in manchester nicholas stuck at the cambridge plan for six weeks and her dedication's paying off she can finally slip into her beloved football jacket when i very first started this it was always the first thing i wanted first thing get the jacket to zip up nicholas dropping in on gloss-up ladies football club's practice to show the girls and though she's still far from being match-fit her teammates can already see the difference [Music] [Applause] thank you she's you know very enthusiastic about playing football she's a big part of the atmosphere and we've not been here for quite a long time then obviously makes a difference here coming back you can tell by the look of her that she's a lot fitter and she's lost a lot of weight sniffing a jacket up and she's probably going to be in the same size shirt as everybody else to be fair but yeah everyone's buzzing that she's back nicholas made a massive step in the right direction but she's still nowhere near her size 12 goal she needs to get a bit of fitness up but once she's lost the weight she should do that next on the menu more of your crazy crash diet confessions i'm on the enchilada diet made up by myself and the toughest 24 hours in every diet is calendar it's like the last supper christmas day i'm not sure it was worth the bloatedness merry christmas recent scientific research suggests that careful crash dieting could be a good way of kick-starting a healthier lifestyle but do they really work to find out we're following three crash dieters attempting to lose serious amounts of weight fast over the toughest time of all christmas in manchester football mad nicola is in week seven of her diet the 615 calorie a day cambridge weight plan and in a bid to speed up her weight loss she's also hitting the gym hard come on we can make it abs tight abs tight come on make it make it make it steve nicholas personal trainer isn't pulling any punches one two and again come on there's one one two three bang yes good that was really brutal i'm out of breath about stitch my arms hurt my legs very low calorie diet means she's used up her easy access energy stores of sugar and carbohydrates now her body's having to convert fat to fuel her workout so it's not surprising she's feeling it i don't understand why you feel you need to follow a really restrictive calorific diet the idea was to lose the weight and to get enough fitness at the same time but at what cost your health at this weight as i am now the health risks associated with it is far outweigh the side effects of a diet like the cambridge diet which is kind of how i'm looking at it it's got the pros and the cons i just i really want the weight off and while i'm so motivated i want it honest in merseyside cabbage soup dieter angelica is christmas shopping but there's only one thing on her mind i spend about eight to nine percent thinking of food in a dare since i've started crush dating it's like for big and fruit if you're not allowed to have it you want it all the more despite the temptations of christmas so far angelica has managed to resist falling off the wagon but pies cheese cheeses dips and if you see nothing i saw's being opened in the fridge the soup must be filling my because i'm looking in the fridge now and i'm not even tempted even in my cupboards you've got and still the tags on i'm not open whatsoever it doesn't bother me studies show that turning food into soup is a slimmers tip that actually works and that's because the water in the soup adds volume making the stomach think it's full now on the cabbage soup diet most the bulk passes through undigested so not only are you feeling full up you're actually taking in hardly any calories so will it be cabbage soup for christmas dinner i'm going to have some more soup later on and but i'm taking a day off tomorrow hence it's christmas day so i'm going to have a proper dinner for the first time in a few weeks so i'm looking forward to that and then i'm going back on my diet on sunday while angelica's looking forward to christmas nicholas finding it hard to get into the festive spirit the cambridge weight plan cites euphoria as a possible side effect but that's not what nicholas feeling we're gonna be sneaky and try and nip in at the top and do what everybody hates this is where the anger comes into it i've not got the patience to sit around when i'm not eating i get more angry low blood sugar could be the culprit riding the blood sugar roller coaster plays habit with your hormones which can affect your mood nicolas been working out in the gym but exercising hard on any crash diet can be dangerous and when nicola told cambridge hq they were not impressed i had a call from medical people at cambridge headquarters i told them i was doing some exercise and they wanted to know what kind of exercise i was doing and when i explained the kind of do they told me that the pla i shouldn't be on the plan that i'm on um i should be on at least a thousand calorie plan not the 415 to 615 that i'm currently doing i didn't really understand them to be honest there was a lot of medical jargon in there but something to do with electrolytes and and things and um she mentioned the heart putting the heart under pressure that it shouldn't be under and that was the one that got me because everything else i can do it was just a side effect i'd deal with it but when you start messing with your organs nothing's worth that if you exercise too much while on a very low calorie diet like the cambridge weight plan you could be putting your heart at risk electrolytes and minerals essential for muscle action and if you exercise too hard while on a crash diet those electrolytes will fluctuate wildly throwing your muscles into meltdown in the worst case scenario it could affect the most important muscle of all the heart it's a real dilemma for nicola i feel i'm being penalized for wanting to lose weight and get fit do i cut my exercise down so i stay on this plan or do i carry on the exercise and up my calorie intake i'm just really confused at the minute of no clue which one to go with nicola's going to stick to her diet but stop exercising while she waits to hear from the experts down in london maple syrup dieter jackie has also been exercising hard on christmas eve after two weeks on the maple syrup diet about as long as it's recommended to do it jackie decides to return to proper food today's gonna be the day where i come off the maple syrup diet and i'm looking forward to it time for one more weigh-in about 14 4 but when i've got my clothes off it's 42. so i'm so happy i'm still happy with clothes on my clothes off people say fresh stats don't work but obviously they do you know you can get a lot of pounds off you know in a short space of time but the work is after you've done the crash diet is keeping that keeping the uh the weight off and most people tend to think well i've done the way well i'm happy i'm looking good you know i'm gonna eat whatever i want again and that's that's when you you know that's what people go wrong i know this time i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna say it's gonna come off even more jack is delighted that her willpower has delivered results although her diet's unorthodox like many crash diets it does recommend a slow easing off period crucial to avoid rapid weight gain and unpleasant side effects you're supposed to come off the maple syrup diet slowly and not eat any solid food for the first two days this is because your body can't cope with solid food straight away when you're switching from maple syrup diet to a normal diet you'll get constipation and nausea as your body struggles to cope digesting ordinary food i've got some food i got something not a lot i've got an orange juice one fresh orange because i love if i get loads i'm just trying to eat them and i decided to get some soup just some cup of soup you went in there you already gonna get orange juice yeah but i just thought i'd get this up as well one trip to the supermarket and jackie seems to be throwing out the rulebook [Music] how i feel comfortable you know because you know they say to wean yourself off over three days so you don't eat but it's christmas tomorrow and i would have a bit of food jack is not the first crash dieter to invent her own rules as dr anus discovered i'm on the enchilada diet made up by myself it's about a thousand to 1500 calories a day just started here and i intend to lose two stone by the end of march you've created your own diet tell me about it i've prepared this enchilada diet the chicken shred the carrots the onions a couple of bulbs of garlic and you're having one meal a day yes right what time are you having that meal between eight and ten o'clock at night when you're going to bed the rate at which your body breaks down calories really goes down if you eat late at night you're more likely to put on weight you're eating one enchilada a day and you're exercising yes what happens is your body starts breaking down its muscles yeah to release energy please have something to eat give it a couple of hours and then banana's good something which is going to release energy over a long period of time and then exercise after a couple of [Music] hours it's christmas morning and angelica's looking forward to a day off cabbage soup i'm going to have a nice glass of wine now let's get my celebrations um together alcohol is packed full of calories but that's not stopping angelica merry christmas [Music] oh nice uh alcohol isn't the only thing on the menu [Music] what i'm gonna do now is just uh get the goose fat ready because the testers are nicely boiling a single portion of those goose fat roasted equals 230 calories that's more than two liters of cabbage soup full buckle of wine an average bottle of wine contains well over 500 calories and angelica's not the only one who's giving yourself a christmas treat nicholas also coming off her diet for christmas the average brick consumes 7 000 calories on christmas day that's more than 10 times the daily calorie count of nicola's diet it looks a huge plateful so i don't think i'll get through it all but i'm gonna try and jackie's maple syrup ease out is turning into more of a blowout i don't think i'm gonna get through all this but who knows i might have to come back to it later but yeah merry christmas it's absolutely gorgeous first thing on the plate it tastes it tastes good it's like the last supper i've been tempted with a little bit of apple pie well worth the wait um okay so please eat me online i can't i've never had that trouble with food before when you're on a crash diet your stomach shrinks so it can't cope with too much food and that's why you need to come off your crash diet slowly now feel really really bloated and kind of got stomachache so whilst it was really nice i'm not sure it was worth the bloatedness after almost two months of intense dieting nickel is struggling emotionally as well as physically there has been a lot of stress around the cambridge diet the last few days kind of not knowing where to go with it [Music] this is one of the side effects that i've found on the days you just cry anything but i have been really stressed and i have been really emotional about it it's boxing day and angelica is suffering from a touch of morning afters bye-bye chicken i feel a bit dry mouth and everything's this morning i think that was because of the alcohol i thought yesterday it just made you a bit dehydrated so i'm gonna drink as much food as possibly come today and then let's show one of my friends come around and i'm gonna have a nice glass of wine with my friends before we eat the towel and paint it red if you drink while on a crash diet you're asking for trouble you're already in a state of dehydration and the alcohol is just going to make this worse giving nicer headaches and nausea in the long term if you drink and crash diet you'll increase the level of acid in your stomach this could give rise to a stomach ulcer i've had six drinks plus the wine in my house so i feel a little bit tip obsession with her but i'm looking forward to my cabbage tomorrow with the maple syrup diet behind her jackie's getting back into her normal routine after two weeks of fasting it's important she makes the right choices a fresh corn salad i might go for that a prawn salad shouldn't cause too many problems i'm going for the jacket potato with baked beans but if there's cheese or butter on that potato jackie could run into trouble her gallbladder will have to kick into action to digest the fat which can cause sudden intense abdominal pain i am feeling a bit full at the moment i don't think i'm going to finish all of it i know people might think well it's a waste of food but you know if i want to get to the goal that i want to reach then i have to listen to my body you know so that's why i yeah i'm done so far so good for jackie but in manchester nicholas had a nasty shock head office have doubled her calories to 1200 a day while they assess what's safe for her level of exercise the 1200 plan as far as i'm aware is using two of their products and supplementing it with food for me the shakes was kind of a weightless quick weight loss thing that only came to 600 calories what's the point of doing using the cambridge sachets on 1200 when i can just go and eat 1200 calories and do it my own way next on the menu we find out exactly how much our crush dieters have lost look at me i'm getting me back and we compare the three crash diets to find out which works best we've been following crash dieters angelica jacket and nichola as they attempt to fight the flab at record speed despite all breaking the rules of their diet they all seem to have come through unscathed and now it's d day how much weight have they lost angelica's thrilled with the results of the cabbage soup diet those who recommend the diet suggest you only do it for a week but angelica's been on it for five weeks on and off she should now be reverting to a healthy eating plan she's pinning all her modelling hopes on the diet is it delivering for her i am down to 11 stone 12 pounds with a total loss of two stone [Music] cambridge weight plan hq wouldn't let nicola keep exercising on less than a thousand calories a day so she's decided to go her own way it's been a tough emotional experience has she lost enough weight to make it all worthwhile i'm now down to 17 stone 2 which is a loss of 29 pounds and i'm really happy jackie's two-week maple syrup diet is done and dusted but has the short sharp shock delivered the weight loss she was after i'm now down to 14 stone 2 pounds which is the loss of 13 pounds [Music] which diet was the crashiest nicola lost 3.6 pounds per week angelica lost 5.6 pounds per week and jackie lost 6.5 pounds per week but what are the pros and cons jack is a big fan of the maple syrup diet it claims to detox the body while offering fast weight loss however potential side effects of this sugary concoction can include a furry tongue bad breath chronic diarrhea dizziness and fainting yeah i'm very pleased i mean yeah there's still there's still room for improvement but i'm happy with it i'm you know i'm glad i'm back in the dress because i wasn't wearing this dress at least a month ago i wasn't wearing this dress despite her emotional ups and downs nicola did lose weight on the cambridge weight plan it's straightforward to follow because all you have to do is stick to the low calorie meal replacements and it claims to have the right levels of vitamins to maintain good health however the potential side effects of very low calorie consumption can include bad breath diarrhea hair loss and it can even cause periods to stop you've seen me before this is my now i've lost 29 pounds i'm really happy the cabbage soup diet did the trick for angelica it delivers fast weight loss and the high fiber keeps you feeling full however the potential side effects can include lightheadedness bloating nausea and flatulence look at me i'm getting me back what more can i say your crush diet won't kill you if you stick to my three golden rules number one consult your gp number two stick to the plan and don't crash diet for too long and number three make sure you eat healthily when you come off the diet next time more of your crash diet confessions i add about 30 eggs in three days i've lost seven stone in a year and a half this is one of my old jumpers we look at lighter life the ducan diet and a juice diet sir i'm morbidly obese once when i had chinese meal i had to uh wear a nappy i'm happy with this and i am more and we find out what happens when crash dieting gets competitive you only need to lose about 10 pounds i need to lose about two stone which is a lot more fatty daddy buddy [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 321,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, Will My Crash Diet Kill Me? EP 1, full episodes, news, diet, tlc, weight loss, documentary, oprah, oprah winfrey network youtube, where are they now oprah, iyanla fix my life, super soul sunday, livin lozada, oprah life class, how-to, season, episode, 10, 18, 1987, podcast, nutrition, lifetime training, the maple syrup diet, the Cambridge weight plan, the cabbage soup diet
Id: axMRx8wdYAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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