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that's a lot of glass you got here buy a bunch please I like your tastes thank you have tight margins if you stop giving all ouring money away oh well shoot sh they're not selling that that is beautiful well let me find some I don't want to go overboard what we got in the house is phenomenal but unfortunately until I pull down on my face dead that probably won for sale wow those are neat looking I might take the whole box you back the truck up as you get older you realize better these guys are [Music] big this is day two of this sale but it was completely the other direction from where we went yesterday so fig we'd try and hit it today wonder if those are for sale if they're just decorations good morning morning how are you today I saw it advertised at 7:30 but I saw your sign at I had that made up several years ago okay I just want to make sure we weren't yeah you're good okay appreciate it I made that other sign up open now just because the big sure sure that's a lot of glass you got here buy a bunch please buy a bunch well is over for the season and will not pick back up again until I what's on those shelves is about one3 of what we had oh wow wow a lot of it are taken TOS we got some nice are you a collector is this yeah this is this is we want a little wild to start with and then we narrowed down what we like yeah and that's all kept in the house now in Curio cab right right this is stuff that we just tickle us anymore y I'll tell you what if I known there was so much glass I'd have brought some paper well we've got a bunch of bubble wrap and we got a bunch of boxes okay well I might take you up on it I have a buddy who is a glass guy and he would love this but he's he's in Maryland so that ain't going to work distance does he ever come down this way yeah he comes down once a year actually I like those all right I'll pull a bunch aside and we can talk and okay take what I take what you'll sell me and put the rest back I guess let me look at the rest of this stuff I suppose FKS Gans on theed of their seats I think I want this thing too is this a working good I think my wife got it from a relative yeah I don't know much about it that it pop you mind putting a lid back on around put it in the case I think you can around never seen something like that it's the nicest garage I've been in in a while packing lines and World technology for workers by risk exposure in the building as get older you realize bigger is better yeah I hear you you know what if you if you can send your buddy a picture of that whole yeah shelf set up yeah and uh maybe it'll tweak his interest to come down earlier maybe so I might just do that maybe I'll do a video [Music] I might not have enough money if I start picking this glass I can always give you my phone number and you can come back or phone number to your friend well like I said I'm no expert on it I just and that open on December 1st a war asid deal usum safety commission says not all toys are safe last year the commission received 11 toy death reping children that the dogs and the little elephant I believe are all English yeah benwick it says I think the dog and the Elephant are are different different manufactur but they're still those pieces I I think I paid about 200 bucks a piece for back inid [Music] nice por 2018 four years went out once got rid of that what a fifth wheel went out once looking forward to this year roove the thing especially out here on 24 cuz 24 is not all that smooth stra but we do love this and when you took in a 31,000 lb machine kind of wobbling around like a little dingy on the well looks like I'm going to get an education on glass cuz I'm going to start buying this like you said get a deal on it though diesel fuel all right I think I've looked at everything now I got to start making my mind up all right so I'm going to do this say this before I start picking stuff I think it'll determine what I want to do okay if I pick 10 to 20 things at least okay if you would do 20% off I'll just pick them and buy them if not I'll just select a few things I don't know if that's something you want to do or not so either way I'm fine with either way I just think if cuz I don't know much so a lot of it's going to be like the stuff that I want and I'm okay paying you know sticker or whatever or if I buy a lot more you know 20 things or so okay why don't we maybe we could just try it and just try to find a spot here and we can set a bunch out okay let's do that cuz I I don't want to break anything obviously I'll move a couple things and all right I'm a sucker for ashtrays so I'm going to get a few ashtrays for sure I'll start there I think the ashtrays are more on the other side I'll grab those first Morano asay if I like that one as much pretty cool just hand them over neat okay take that one I like that one better you handle them than me I wouldn't feel bad that way to the college football playoff that is all that [Music] I'm usually the paper weights are solid you go pop you mind handing me those Tupperware cups that's a neat little piece I like that probably Mor put that one in there I like that one where did you want these just we can put them over there it's not glass but I want them I wasn't what is that thing that is actually a candle holder and I believe that is fent as a matter of fact this if you look it up online these are pretty 10 a.m. also get to about the mids or so by then but we're dealing with mostly cloudy SK early morning mostly there's another as tray I think it'll work for one anyway Uncle Paul said he wanted an as TR by Lun we mostly not seeing any showers yet but by 3:00 parts of the valley the start to see the showers by 6: p.m. a lot of it starts to move through parts of Lynchburg and the highlands then we'll clear up for a couple hours few couple but today temperatur get to the low 60s or so and then we're also tracking the same system coming into tomorrow so lik see guys show build through tomorrow the afternoon will turn partly high but after out I'm going to get an education I don't know what I'm doing so never better time to learn little F in as well yeah that's a good idea that's too I don't know if you followed glass much P Clos down s and I'm just very app the fact that sometimes I get SC La I like your tastes thank you kind like those bring it over here helping out veryy charities in our community I think you'd be better off with the boxes I don't think I that one do I got two more for you all right I think I picked this side I'm going to go to the other side I love apples I was a teacher I was a teacher so I got to get apples when I see apples that's fine think you got some apples down there on the blown glass fruit there's another one down there oh yeah look that Tomatoes yeah look at that you know what I I might take the whole box I think I'll take the whole box although those two aren't my favorite but I'll throw them in there I know I know those are neat looking yeah it's kind of rare to find antique stuff in matched paars yeah uh Tara there was a dealer in there that had the luster lamps huge ones yeah in Cranberry years ago I saw them there was a pair was beautiful I saw him there I watched him and watched him and at one point I went in I asked her I said can you talk to the dealer see if you take 600 for and he did oh wow but I've never seen him that big and they were not electrified they were the old ones that you had to put candles in right five bucks on those I think I'm going to get those too I think I'm going to get them we might need another table pop I'm going to have to borrow some money cuz I know I don't have enough we have to figure out what deal they give me here I think I'm going to get these These are cool I just like pair they're nice too I really like them about that if I bring my buddy down here he won't have much to pick he'll want in your house he will want in your house what we got in the house is phenomenal but unfortunately until I fall down on my face dead that probably won't come out for sale I understand but we've got I think we've got 10 curio cabinets full oh wow of mostly the Morano hand blow okay all right I think I might be done okay do you have a total on that that we can work from okay you you take a minute and do that and you back the truck up okay what we have right here comes to 183 I did not charge you for this guy this guy or this guy fig I charged you for at $3 in this that is the price of everything else 183 160 well let's do this 25 and five 200 bucks not not much off you probably were giv me a better deal but 200 is a good round number if you're okay with that I'm okay with that pick yourself a couple more PCT oh well shoot well I without going off the oh I got you I got you well that's very kind of you all right let me do that then no okay what pop you want something yeah what do you want 50 bucks for all four of those really all right that's your deal well let me find some I don't want to go over board got them swans down there those are how about those two that's that's okay all right look at this she's got the bubble wrap we're going to go to work I don't blame you I'll sit here and rap it so get absolutely no doubt no doubt I'll start with these and I'll wrap them up make it do you have a box by any chance we got a couple boxes there we got a bunch over there let me pay him cuz I don't want to feel like I didn't pay you make sure I get the right amount of money 20 40 60 801 20 40 60 80 $200 thank you thank you thank you all right Jo you are not going to believe what I'm just about ready to do on the rest of this video and when you see it it'll explain what I'm going to tell you right now I have been buying like absolute crazy lately this is just what I picked up yesterday so if you watch us on the Commonwealth flipper Channel you know that we've already sold quite a bit well not quite a bit a few pieces of glass and I've got a bunch more listed over there but it's a drop in the bucket because of what you're just about ready to see and I won't spoil the surprise but I've got to tell you this we are going to sell a ton of this stuff off on all kinds of different places not just eBay I've even mixed a few in over on whatnot still have half a shed full we've got to sell some glass GL so I figured one of the best places to sell glass is on Joslyn crazy lamp ladies site knicknacks Donnet and they were gracious enough to allow us to sell over there live so that was only half the battle I don't know much about glass I'm getting slightly better at it but I called up my buddy Tim from over the years also my buddy Mike deathpile picker has some really really good stuff he's coming up as well and we're going to run a massive show over there not just the low-end stuff we're putting big stuff in there as well we're putting stuff that could be $200 items in there we're starting it all at $1 come and join us on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. on nicknack Donnet it's on the district app if you don't have an iPhone you can use a browser on an Android or on your computer there is some crazy stuff already listed over there but we've got there's three totes here one more there I think there's some glass in there I've got that piece that piece I got this stuff listed on eBay already and this is about a third of it the rest of it's in that shed out there we're going to be pulling that out and selling it off as well I realize a lot of you who watch this channel aren't necessarily glass folks but I know there are some who are come and join us over there and for the rest of you if you don't mind check us out on dibd and give me a follow over there I'd appreciate it I got to stay in front of all those CLI I work with so if you're watching this on the first day it comes out or even the second day it comes out I think if I'm releasing it right come on over there and join us it's going to be a great time 6:00 p.m. eastern time and and just wait till you see the rest of this video it's kind of crazy for those of you that want to come on over and please buy some of my glass I'll put a link below and if I didn't mention it everything no matter what it is no matter how valuable it's worth starting at $1 I'm going to get an [Applause] education figure out all the stuff I missed cuz I know I did but I did not expect to buy a bunch of glass today I'm very very happy well I'm I'm happy I'm happy that you're happy too and I'm real I'll send that video off to my buddy and okay he'll tell me how dumb I am for not buying some other stuff or something there were days I'd wake up I didn't even know what day it was I just got this one [Music] out let me see it is that oh wow clone animals clone clowns oh my gosh look at those that's all how do you find so many of those well my mom started me she bought a clown at the 1964 World's Fair in New York City and she kept that for years and when moved down here she gave it to me first time I saw what's the company that did all Moro Clan explod wow so that whole cabinet is Morano wow more or less there's a few pieces here there I'm not that is beautiful fish nothing but fish this one's a look at the detail in that like I said that's blown glass gosh I think I like those even more well we got three or four seah horses why don't you give her your phone number she send she they're not selling that oh not being sold like I like I said this is our final collection after we we're retired so if your friend was to decide he wanted to come down it can be at hisence well do you want me would it be okay one day if I just uh yeah I'm going to send him a video and see what he says if I just came up knocked on your door or something I'll not with him I'll give you my phone number all right we'll do that before we leave we can do that matter of fact if you want to you want to send me a text right now and I'll have it in my phone I can just success doing your Landscaping you see things like this with different colors and all the different colors in the glass A lot of times this is Morano from Italy okay and Morano has been blowing glass for over 700 years they're phenomenal Craftsman as a real Venetian artist Works additional glass is needed and The Apprentice brings a small portion on the end of another Rod then more Heating and again the master rolls the end just so with his 900-year old tools right one of these no doubt no they are very famous and it's difficult to know when it is and when it isn't sometimes cuz some is marked and some isn't right yeah exactly Sometimes some of the the premier glass blowers from the 40s and 50s in that I've actually signed the stuff and those are the kind of things that if it was unsigned it might be 100 bucks and when they sign it it's 6700 okay okay I gave you a 200 yes thank you so much for your time and knowledge thank you very much you guys beautiful home beautiful stuff I appreciate you out no we didn't no we didn't did we truly truly thank you very much I hope you people have a wonderful holiday you too same place we were at the other day I brought some reinforcements I brought Turner because that gentleman called me up and said that he's going to sell all that glass off at 50% what he said and so I made him a deal we're going to do 33% we're going to buy everything at one time so we didn't have to have another yard sale how are you sir I'm doing well how are you good I brought some paper oh I brought my son this is Turner hey Turner I forgot I I got just enough cash to pay you and forgot about the rest of your stuff that I was going to look around at but I'll still look around oh yes see if there's anything you want I'll trust you to come back well I haven't checked but you know thank you for calling me back I appreciate it boy we got a lot of work to do Turner all right you have to tell me what's not included in it I think you mentioned a couple things only thing that's not going to be included I had somebody come today okay that bought uh that little general store that we had okay and the two vacuums and he took the cougar so it's just these two these two animal pieces other than that these the last two animal pieces aren't included everything else is included I charged you for everything okay down to here and since you said okay you get all of that stuff let me get my wallet and I'll pay you first so that's 450 I think that's what we said right okay all right let's do this buddy shs right now I'd buy them off here too but yep he said no way yeah good I going light it these guys are big repackage them up in boxes when I get home and really retire weekend right mhm yeah I was that one might be uranium huh Maybe [Applause] so far you haven't broken one thing I told him I'd pay him today unless you broke something then he's got to pay [Music] me I turn the camera off you put tree nice really big Mor pieces in there should go for a really good money well now I got to worry about the stuff slid all right so I am going to bring this blanket back got make sure more space cuz these pieces I think would be worth it he got a piece in W okay I think I do have more space I'm not terribly confident in it but I I think it's going to have to work yeah it might actually help keep this blanket down oh that doesn't work too bad that's a good spot for that all right thank you incredibly nice of you to help us I know that wasn't part of the deal so we appreciate that's all right thank you for your help all right you you came you made a hard effort that's all that matters thank you wife as well I will appreciate it thank you so I can't believe we got most of it in here trip back home that one is let me put the buckles in what actually it's a trip KFC I own KFC thanks again [Music]
Channel: Commonwealth Picker
Views: 39,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3kay_jqYp2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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