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oh God I'm on I'm on camera oh no oh see Kristen's breaking things oh my gosh that was $100,000 for the Bell poster oh my God too quick and that's in the video I'm trying to get out of the corner now the internet's going to know well hello everybody so we are shipping stuff today it is Monday April 1st April Fool's Day suckers I have I don't even know how many things I have to ship I'm not feeling good today I got 12 things to ship so what are you do ribit ribit ribit I must go my people need me so we have 12 things to ship today one of them being my largest sale ever my biggest Roi as well so that's really exciting I'll show you guys that but let me pull the rest of the stuff that sold first all right so I sold this brand new Zippo lighter $34.99 free shipping that was back when I was doing free shipping I usually don't do free shipping anymore but it's the Zippo lighter $34.99 California surfer dude man all right I also sold this Xbox One or $85 plus shipping I think we paid paid $6 for it right yeah because he wanted seven but we didn't have the exact change so he's like oh six it's fine no we did have the exact change we were like we are getting the money out and we got six I need to grab another dollar he's like six is fine I'm like oh so he was just impatient yes yeah but you could have had an extra dollar could have but he didn't and then I sold a sh sho shorts shorts shorts and dou shorts and douy Air Force Stein yeah that one surprised me how this sign here $170 plus the buyer paid shipping for that but you got to admit you would look like a total boss showing up to October Fest with that it's falling over I fill this up I sold a WWE little action figure thing where's that one at drawer one you're not talking much sis she's camera shy I am you've been on the show before haven't you the picking Gill Channel you got to get on the CES hi picking Gilla fans come come over here oh come on you're a school teacher you used to be in front of people I got to you're already in the video I got to introduce you this is the best teacher in Shelby Ohio period this this is my bestie Kristen we've known each other since birth for the rest literally my parents introduced her parents together and then they got married and they had Christian and I'm moving in you better be sure keep saying it you better be moving in but she's down here visiting for a week but here's the WWE figure you down I can make a to and that sold for $10.79 plus shipping how much did you buy that one for it's probably just cool yeah she and sold this owl this one I'm not really gonna make any money on but I think he's cool I sold them for like 10 bucks but it was free shipping so I'm going to make like three or four dollars on that but I've had them for a little while so just trying to get rid of them sold these two anesco ornaments $8.99 plus the buyer paid shipping and then I sold this Di dblo Diablo Diablo PC lot Diablo PC lot sold for $15 plus the better paid shipping there's four of them what's funny is when I was younger I remember looking those up and they weren't worth anything at the time yeah they're not worth a whole lot but oh yeah this one's cool I remember seeing him on your sold yeah I sold another Stein Schultz and doly Stein for $54.99 plus the buyer paid shipping all these Steines I paid well I don't know they're like four bucks a piece that's come out so I paid $4.60 a piece for all these Steines that you guys are seeing at the same garage sale made crazy crazy money on those for sure they're awesome which one of them went for crazy money I'll show you guys that one at the end I got a couple other ones to pull so there's a lot of Star Trek DVDs $12.59 plus the buyer paid shipping I've had those for a long time those were part of a sale that I had but these Pearl Jam books little Club books $20 plus the buyer paid shipping and then to drawer 15 you got to get into your drawers pull something Sloop card game $7.50 plus shipping what a deal nothing crazy on that all right and then that is all of them except for the really really good Stein that sold over the weekend so I'm going to go grab that and show that to you guys as let me clear a spot for that that way we have I'm not worried yeah she was holding handling it onehanded earlier I'm like I like to live on the on the dangerous side you know what I'm just going to throw this into an empty box I'm not even going to bubble wrap it yeah let the USPS deal with it I you know what I'm just going to slap a label right on the front ship it like that but this Ste another SCH Schultz and duy oh my gosh definitely keep an eye out for this one snowmobile Stein there's like four different colors yeah cuz there's yellow green blue and red and they're all pretty rare I think red is the most rare out of them all see one handed stop oh might drop it but this guy sold I started an auction for him starting at $450 plus shipping and it sold for $770 plus shipping buyer paid right away thank you put a sniped bid right at the end yeah it was like the last five seconds I like when that happens it's fun auctions are fun I just don't don't get to do them very often because you don't find really rare stuff usually that often but yeah so I got to wrap the crap out of that Stein and box it and then put it in another box and double boxing it there's no crap in him mhm don't chip don't chip my Stein I got to put I got all these for my Steins I got to put this in there eat the bubble wrap eat it eat it should I put two definitely well I've done one for all the rest of them but he seems his head's kind of heavier actually he's got a bigger head than all the rest of the Steins oh yeah his values got inflated ego you're so funny you I'm being very annoying no you're just a little sick you were up last night I am sick I'm not feeling good today she's just a little cranky I am kind of cranky today I admit it I admit if I'm cranky he annoys me more when I'm we haven't had any caffeine or anything to eat either so they'll probably compounds on I haven't been feeling good I don't want to eat anything send help but anyways so this is my biggest sale I think I've ever had on eBay and definitely my biggest Roi cuz like I said all these Steines I have $460 perin so absolutely crazy have to pack him up I'm going to be stressed for a week until it gets delivered just be stressed constant you're definitely got to do insurance on it right well yeah you have to worry about wouldn't that be their fault if something happen yes but you have to refund the customer I guess you were saying mhm and then you go after USPS for mandle normally yes that's how it is but sometimes I don't know because I've only ever done a claim through UPS so I don't know about USPS I might have he might have to ship it back to me and then I have to send the fragments yeah sometimes they have someone come out and like want to take it or want to verify it or at least that's how UPS did one time they wanted to do that you don't have to worry about that yeah pack it real good reason I'm behind the camera right now is because I'm sitting sitting on a chair so not trying to be rude guys I'm just trying to be comfortable sure sure plus I'd be in the way if I move my chair over by her it's true and you would just annoy me more probably yeah with you being sick I just want to stay far away especially when she's handling sharp objects just tired man it's mainly what it is I was tired cuz I was up sick but anyways I'm going to get this stuff packed up and then I'll be back all right so that very expensive $770 Stein I have in a big sturdy box and then I P have a smaller box I put it in and I a whole roll of bubble wrap pretty much yes and then I put that in a box and then I have these that fit right on top of it and voila that's how I'm going to ship it hopefully it makes it there nice and safe and sound Crush test boxes certified boxes yes it is so but I'm still going to add insurance to it just in case but I'd be very surprised actually if this broke but yeah so it is the next day um apologize for that it's just you know I have my friend visiting so we were busy just hanging out um I got that stuff shipped dropped off the post office um and then that's it I listed two things yesterday uh and that's it so today I'm going to list it's already in the afternoon it's almost 2:00 yeah it's 1:45 p.m. right now um this morning went to a local park hung out with my friend went on a walk saw go for tortoise saw some iguanas fun stuff um but I do got to get listing stuff I have not sold anything today so far which is not good so we have to change that because I need to start making some more money here um so I got some stuff out uh that I'm going to be listing today turn the light on a little bit there we go uh I got these wheel locks these candle stick holders blinko blinko blinko I don't know if I say that right um got a list those I got this plush lot from odd ones out YouTube channel I'm going to list that I already had this listed if you guys watched uh one of my last videos where I checked all my inventory to make sure it's all listed and I had this listed but I pulled it because I just picked up this plush and they'll sell better together um these this Tios I was going to list it but I can't find the other piece that goes with it it's like a garnish little tray thing that also goes with it and I can't find that so I'm going to have to find that um got these Wii U and a PS2 fat they don't work they're going to be for parts um whenever I sell a console for parts I just sell it I just sell the console I don't sell any cords or controllers with it because there's not really any point cuz I'm going to be selling it for parts got this little depression glass frog super cute little tray I love him I almost wanted to keep them because you guys you guys know I love frogs but but I'm going to sell them Pink's not really my color I got a turis set there turis doesn't really do the best for me but sets sets do decent so I still pick up sets once in a while and I got a bunch of brass figures got fish frog dolphin snails uh these two I listed yesterday these are the two things I listed yesterday brass Turtle brass shrimp but yeah so I have 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight I put those together nine 10 [Music] 11 12 I might separate cuz this one's a lot heavier that one's a lot different so I might put him separate so I got like 11 or 12 things to list which isn't too bad I usually try to do at least 10 um at least 10 a day uh Monday through Friday and then I try to list here and there on the weekend a little bit um but like I said been slacking at the listing so I'm going to get going doing that oh I also have this Wii I'm going to be listing this Wii uh wi bundle here as well so those are the things that are for sure going to get listed today um and then we'll just see what's going on I know my friend wants to go to the beach uh she doesn't have a car down here so so and we only have one car uh right now um so yeah and we we told her she could borrow the car but she doesn't want to so um so we're probably going to go to the beach later with her Donnie's doing some work on on a car and our Buddy's boat as well so he's busy so we're going to be working for a little bit and then we'll probably head to the beach so I'll probably put you guys on a little time lapse I'm going to clean up all this stuff most of it's pretty clean I got to clean up the consoles a a little bit a little dirty the turves are clean these are clean I got to clean up this little dish a little bit um and then this needs wiped down a little bit so I'm going to clean up stuff a little bit um and then get get uh get to listing so I'll put you guys on a time lapse and yeah talk to you in a little bit [Music] [Music] what do you going to say oh I'm just talking about the ending and all that go for it you don't want to be in the video what am I going to do in the video you just stand there can stand here okay I'll stand here is it going yes it's going wow all right everybody so we have finished listing for today and I think we're going to go eat dinner and then probably go watch the sunset you want to see the sunset love to which Suns or which beach which Sunset which Sunset north south east or west um I don't know proba Minnesota I mean that's the closest but oo guess let's do it but yeah but I listed I have it up here on my calendar I listed 14 things for a total of $442 yesterday like I said I only listed two things for $55 so getting back on track listing for sure working on it hopefully you worked hard today it doesn't feel like it I'm so tired I work slow today but yeah not not not much I need to be closer to the 20 range per day 20 items of listing yeah that's what I like to do some people some resellers they like to do um either amount listed or a lot of them like to do like money listed like value-wise so if they want to list like 500 a day or a thousand a day then sometimes they only have to list a few High items to reach stab it just depends all resellers are different I kind of like to do quantity more I feel like it just kind of helps with the algorithm the more I list I feel like it's it does better so not necessarily the money amount but but yeah so going to call it a day there go eat and go to the beach excited that's yes t t t [Applause]
Channel: Gilla Day to Day
Views: 1,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jh3eehn_cCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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