GOODWILL Thrift With Me | Crazy Lamp Lady | Reselling

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okay well we are here today in Middletown Maryland we are currently sitting outside of the Goodwill and we're about to head in and see what we can find to buy and flip for a profit so here we [Music] go all right here we go let's see what we can find it's actually been a few weeks since I've come to this one some seashells that looks kind of cool like the pattern on that there's a few Funko Pops this is missing the stick kind of a cool glaze what is this the fairy of some sort on a mushroom is a giant C Goose $25 Jade Flower $9.49 here at the Goodwill I feel like there's still a little bit of money to be made on that so s that in C what do we have in the back I see a cute little bear it's got damage on the ear maybe not oops we're going to turn this way what is that is a really pretty lamp look at the FL hour on that it's such a shame there's a little chip $849 look at how pretty that is I might grab that I wonder if it can just be touched up right there on the corner I feel like somebody would know how to do that it's $849 I'm going to grab that I really like it that's something I would put in my own house have some brass $749 it's extremely heavy but brass you know brass was really really popular for a while um I mean I feel like it's kind of leveled out but people still really like it so I'm going to grab that see Toms there's a cool box $849 that's neat carved do I need another box probably not I do like it probably sell that in my booth what else can we find in the vases there's an art glass vase super heavy on the bottom it's a pretty color $549 I like the florals on that oh hi $749 that's a smokey Carnival as long as there's no damage think that's Imperial there's an i and a SE down in the bottom stick that in the cart what else do we have down there few ginger jars like FL that might actually just be a vase that's really pretty what else this there there's another piece of OSS back there but that just looks like a contemporary like hoods type deal look there a there's a barcode on the bottom even know he's that one behind [Music] this is a really neat oil light but it's missing the rest of it look at this cute little rooster over here it's probably contemporary Blue Sky 5.49 in that Ruby piece of glass could probably sell that I did notice that there is a Weeden botle here that's kind of why I'm backtracking there's actually two it looks well I don't know if that one's a Wheaten actually that one's not March this is made to look like a historical flask [Music] Tora all right let's see it's the second one of those that I've seen recently there's all the mugs shot glasses one of the most common collections I find donated to Goodwill is shot glasses sh glasses and bells Angels canisters these are plastic canisters there's a ton of Franciscan DT Rose made in England I believe the mark to look for is the old TV Mark what is that benam Crescent Johnson Brothers these are all little German cups for a gift 99 ents think of me gosh these are so cute [Music] 99 stick those in there look are those cute little uh things to pick up just they're cute little SS one says presents think of me what does this say for a gift all 99 Cents these are the like just nice little sentiments you know you could give them as a gift you could put a succulent in them a present you know what I feel like we should just grab them all I'm kind of like picking and choosing um cuz I don't I've never really like the ones that say a present cuz it makes me think like someone's doing roll call in a classroom and they like present you know um but it actually means like gift that's what they meant by present a present what's this one a present Forget Me Not these are a little bit more spendy because they're larger my friend think of me love The Giver got a little shove but no cup Left Behind 99 all right I think this one is a mustache mug Love The Giver it's got the little mustache guard there so you don't mess up your mustache and this one is forgive me not all right that's it we got them all that was a little intense I didn't think I was going to take them all and then I was feeling like you know what these are actually really cute I could totally see these being used as little Planters or gifts oh that's cute it's got a bird on it missing the lid though it's BRAC tare and creamy okay I'm just circle back around and get another peek over here just in case I do have a tendency to miss things I try not to but sometimes then you guys tell me after the fact you were probably telling me I missed that 3949 I think that's too high though for just the one bowl probably too much we're going to leave it behind we're going to walk away going to go this way and look on the wall the [Music] baggies see there's little succulents we can just pop right in those cups just pop those right in those little cups voila we have gifts all right that's it oh I forgot to look at the wood romance this say time out choose a I always love reading the inspiration from the wood section it helps me um have a good day please choose a seat not a side we're all family don't we all feel a little better now okay I think on that note I might get out of here and uh head off to the next good all right well our tool spend here at the Middletown Goodwill was $84 and um we did pretty good actually I'm very excited for those little German cups they typically don't have a bunch of resale value but for 99 cents a piece why not was like the same when I picked up all of those little Wheaten bottles and everyone thought I was crazy and then I ended up making almost $1,000 in profit selling them eight bucks a piece over and over and over again um so little things like that cute little things quantity quantity it all adds up um so anyway I'm going to get out of here now I'm probably going to head on down the road um but I'm going to take you guys with me we're going to go hit up another Goodwill and uh I'll see you there all right here we go all right there's a cart down there but I suspect that they're clearing usually later in the day like this they do clearing and not stalking of the shelves um I was just here the other day so I'm not really sure what to expect Schmid oh she's got a repair there on her arm probably not worth picking up with the repair that looks like a piece of Pyrex maybe what is Pyrex I don't know that pattern I hope it's not a super rare patternn because I'm going to leave it behind there's a fun Candlestick lots of wax residue oh my gosh it's so freaking heavy is weighted like crazy wow that's intense a heavy candle holder somebody's hair clip World Market utensil Croc $6.99 Made in India what is that I know that Pottery santelle Pottery I think I've had this before it's really cute I don't know if it's a vase is that a vase it's got seagulls on it I'll grab that for $4.49 that's a [Music] luminary circles a lantern yeah [Music] luminary oo there's a pool with a bird on [Music] $449 oh wow looks like they missed the glaze on that side that whole side of the bowl and that's why they decided to write with the wax pen unfortunately it is really cool it's just kind of awkward missing all that glaze I love that hot dog serving dish down there that's a lot of fun I'm not seeing much today guys Great Bay Pottery oh there's a pretty light these actually sell pretty well in my booth as long as they're complete and [Music] undamaged looks like this one has a a little bit of a crack there it's $14.49 oo it's coming off the base needs to be tightened I'm going to grab that and try to tighten it that's a fun shade isn't it I wonder what lamp that one was [Music] $749 are there any lamps over here that look like they're matchy match and maybe this guy $649 let's see if that's the one so is just like hanging out there so maybe it's that's not a matchy match n it's a nice lamp anyway we'll grab them I don't think they go together but I could probably make a few bucks on that almost jumped off the show that's something fancy I'm not going to take it with me though there's a Fenton belt for 3.49 and I think this one's Fenton maybe 50th Anniversary I don't usually pick up Bells though all right well maybe the mugs let's just go check the mugs that'll be our last stop okay here we are in the mugs I always like to just check and see if there's any studio pottery mugs quill Haven this spr coma is still here that's pretty broken now all right well that pretty much sums up the trip to Goodwill we got a few things nothing crazy um the lamps were kind of cool um or the lamp I just got just got one lamp I'm probably going to stick that in my booth I don't know it's small enough to ship um we'll see and uh we don't have to look up that pottery with the seagulls just kind of reminded me of New England so I liked it um my total spend was $29 um 29 but on that note I'm going to get on the road and I'm going to to head home and I guess I'll see all of you guys tomorrow so by [Music]
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 68,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Id: UqX2aMf8t_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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