I returned to Costco for Silver Bars and THIS happened!

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[Music] well everybody spectacular the silver stack I'm here with another visit from Costco and I'm going to show you that I got some more of these silver bars there's a lot of questions from my other video about these bars right here and what goes on at Costco I want to try to answer that with my round two of getting silver bars at Costco uh trying to go over some of those questions the Curiosities and you know everything that you had going on in your little Minds there I want to try to eliminate some of those confusions and maybe make some more in this video now we hope not we hope not so anyways here is my receipt from Costco and here is number one uh two three four and number five bar from Costco that's right I went to Costco again and they had some silver bars but there was definitely some issues going back this time before I talk about all that in my experience I do want to open up this last box just so you can see exactly how they come uh they're in the back usually a manager has to go grab them after he sees your receipt and uh you can get your silver bars from Costco they are in the like jewelry um little area they have like watches some jewelry items usually some gold silver um etc etc will be in there but generally it's not bullion until recently Costco's been doing actual silver and gold bullion and um it's really it's really exciting I think it's really neat you know to see this stuff right here kind of go a little bit more mainstream than just your coin shops and your bullion shops and online dealers now we have it at Costco so you can see how this box kind of works and these are just like cheap boxes from China but they are Royal Canadian Mint 10 o silver bars inside uh 49's fine beautiful serialized and uh these are really really nice bars they come in plastic if that helps you feel better sometimes the plastic doesn't help as far as the toning goes or anything but it might keep a couple little dinks and scratches off of the bar if that's your thing um I like it I love these bars so much I got some of these years back and I just I was like man fell in love with them they just look so great and they feel good in the hand too but anyways let me talk to you about my experience right now when it comes to me going to Costco first I had some people reach out to me saying that after they watched the video they went to their local Costco and they found the bars there so I also had many people that reached out saying that they went to their local Costco there were no silver bars yet so I would say keep trying maybe it will become you know more frequent in in shops maybe if you talk to a manager or whatever and just be like hey um you know I heard that silver bars can be in the stores in the jewelry section um if you guys don't mind ordering those next time I would love to pick some up and I think maybe some other people would too maybe that's something you could throw at the managers whatever the case may be they're in one of my stores so I have two Costco within driving distance one Costco I went to no bueno no uh bullion at all in the jewelry case the other Costco went back back for the second time and here are my results I'm hiding my member number right here just so I can kind of keep uh myself a little Anonymous when it comes to that but you can see some weirdness going on so first of all this is my my you know what what happened you go to the jewelry uh little case and there's a little card right there you just can't go in there and grab the the silver and put it right in your card there's a little card you fill out the card hey I want uh this particular number item number and I want five of them and this is how much they are they're $289.99 which is $10 less than it was for me last time um you know prices of spot have come down of course and then you put uh kind of a brief description what it is so I I put silver bar on the little comment part and then you go up and take care of your groceries now listen to this this is a this is expert advice right here from somebody somebody who's done it twice now if you have groceries or anything else with you at Costco pay for those and then say hey I want to pay for this other thing this card with silver bars separately I want that completely separate you're going to have to scan your membership twice you're going have to scan your uh credit card twice um or cash if you're paying with cash I like pay paying with credit card because I get 3% cash back on my credit card and then I get an additional 2% cash back because I'm a what executive member of Costco so 5% cash back total by buying these bars anyways so pay for it separately here's the reason I'm going to tell you the story so I go up to the register Say Hey I want to buy um my groceries and then I'm going to buy these this item separate and she goes okay cool so she Rings up my groceries and then she says I need to see her membership card again scans that and then she goes okay let me see what you want she Rings it up and she goes okay there's your total uh $289.99 uh was voided because I said hey hold on a second I said I said I don't want just one I said I want five as I put on the card I want five of them and uh I said also I noticed that the tax is popping up I said when I get the five it should be taxfree I said that'll be an issue if it's not and she goes uh okay well here we go and so she puts in all five and it was taxed and the tax was I'm not sure if actually it is on here so right here you can see where it said this was the tax for the subtotal of $1,449 195 which is five bars there was a $11.50 tax that was on there and I said well I said in Florida anything over $500 or 500 and over should be taxfree when it comes to bullion silver and gold and she goes huh uh okay I've never heard of that then the lady that's with her uh that's packing my my cart you know helping her out by packing stuff into my cart she goes she goes uh I I don't think so that I've never heard of that and I said do me a favor I said if you don't mind just get the manager and she's like oh yeah of course and so uh the manager said oh yeah sure as long as it's more than one it'll end up being taxfree and they also said this was an issue right they also said is that the only thing they're purchasing and she said yes I'll tell you why that was an issue if I had gone ahead and bought all of my uh groceries it probably would have been an issue when it comes to the tax because there's one little button they press on the register one and it the button says tax exempt and you press that button and the whole tax is completely wiped free like it never even happened so all they had to do is press that one button and they wiped away that $11.50 because in the State of Florida anything under $500 is taxed when it comes to bulling any one single transaction um unless it's certain things like uh silver eagles Gold Eagles um if you get like a 10th ounce or whatever uh that is all tax-free that's tax exempt anyways uh but just generic or bullion items that uh are like this right here like a bar that that's under that that Florida guideline and I really really recommend that you all look under your state some states are taxfree when it comes to bullying no matter what one1 $10 $20 $100,000 they don't charge any tax some states have all kinds of different laws uh California being probably one of the worst ones I think it's like $2,000 you have to spend before you get um you know taxfree when it comes to bullion so anyways it's really really worth it for you all to really know your love Law And just because you went to a coin shop and they didn't charge you any tax on bulling items doesn't mean that that's the law sometimes those coin shops they just do what they they want to do let's just say it let's just let's just mention it that way and just be done with it all right so make sure you know what you're dealing with so I did and I was able to get it fixed and as you can see boom tax exempt I got 5% total cash back coming back to me and you're a couple people had question they said Hey I'm really surprised that the bullion um is uh part of the cash back deal to be honest with you I was a little surprised too and I was watching my points like a hawk to make sure that the cash back was coming to me and it did it wasn't a problem I was also curious because on the little uh tag that you can see in the picture it does say that um there's a five per member limit um I thought maybe like five in my lifetime five period I can only ever get five well here's five more and I'll show you just to you know prove it here are the five others from the previous video so should be 10 that you should be seeing on screen three four five and let's take these out of this thing we got to liberate these right here from that little BL blue prison so cuz I really really wanted to get 10 total that way I have 100 ounces of These Bars these Royal Canadian Mint bars they're just so pretty bada bang so 10 and I got 10 of these boxes which I don't know what I'm going to do with them who knows but anyways yeah that's that's a nice Hefty amount I feel like I'm pretty good now I feel like I'm solid I would like to see gold bars at the uh my local Costco uh some people have been buying gold there it's usually like like a pamp SS a little 1 oz bar like that uh some other people were saying like how do you know it's real uh what if they're not getting them from a reliable source you know it is Costco so Costco isn't going to get their their stuff from some shady place right uh they're not buying gold bars and silver bars from somewhere in uh I don't know China they're buying it likely is either coming straight from the mint or it's coming from a super reliable big source that gets their stuff directly from mint but either way I want to show you that you can test this stuff and I always recommend that you test everything that you have this again is 49 fine silver so we can go to the 49 setting right there and if I put one of these bars although it's even in plastic it does not matter with the sigma I can just put it right there and it should show right there in the middle of the brackets it does not a problem we're just going to do them all just for just for the sake of it because I'm going to have another comment saying well you missed one and that one looks like it's fake so there you go there was all kinds of crazy comments outrageous comments on this video um I think that I got a good deal if you notice I was able to buy at $299 for each bar and then I was also able to buy at $289 for each bar and you know what if silver comes down and they end up charging $279 maybe I'll go in again and I'll just dollar cost average and that is the way to buy silver you don't stop yourself because the price is going up or down you just you know maybe buy a little less because the price came up because now the pr it's more money for silver and you only have X amount to spend so technically you get less ounces but you continue buying at all levels and I'm still I mean dollar cost averaging from Silver that I bought years ago when I was paying $11 an ounce $12 an ounce you know Etc some of you guys that have been in the game for an extended period of time are probably cost averaging we know along with silver that you bought at $5 an ounce at $8 an ounce you know it's just depending on how long you've been in the game uh this could be better or worse for you if you're just getting in now and you're seeing these high prices you know a lot doesn't make sense for you right now you know it's probably a little little crazy but in five six seven years when the price jumps to $50 an ounce or $70 an ounce whatever the case may be and you're going wow I was so lucky to buy at $27 an ounce $28 an ounce $29 an ounce I was lucky then because now everybody's buying it $70 an ounce well that's the name of the game isn't it and then the cycle continues the people that are buying at $70 an ounce will be like man this is this is a lot you know I I don't know why you guys don't buy really cheap silver when you can anyways uh happy to get this stuff um some somebody also said that you know you should shop local only I totally disagree with that shopping local is definitely a great thing and I promote it uh 100% as you can see by many of my videos where I do videos with local coin shop owners and dealers um you know I do believe in promoting local but I don't believe that you exclusively Go Local absolutely not you should be excited to see this stuff in a big place like Costco because now it's becoming more mainstream which is great for us right it's great to get people aware of precious metals uh to hopefully help them preserve their wealth and you know in a in a rough situation down the road when medals becomes money once again uh more than just you are going to be involved you know the community will be involved and that's that's a good thing right you want you want to keep it a secret you want me to just not tell anybody are you crazy anyways 10 bars now feels good they feel great in the hand H I like them these 10 oz bars are so fun I swear anyways um but yeah I think that that hopefully can you know clear up some of the confusion and uh just just try it out you know go to your local Costco experience it um if they got some whatever let people know hey this area this Costco location uh this state this city whatever they're in stock right now you know go buy them the more people to buy them the more they're going to be likely to to stock those kind of items it actually kind of funny that when I bought these um the lady at the register tried to ring up only one and I said no no I want five and she goes oh okay she's like I didn't know she's like I've never seen anybody buy silver bars before and I'm like yeah I guess I'm just the weird one that does does that I'm just the weird guy you know uh anyway so that's my experience I just wanted to kind of go through it um but yes be very careful out there with the taxes because it looks like Costco's system is uh made to charge tax on these uh even if you get what your state legally says uh is not taxable so be very careful make sure that you're not getting taxed if you're if you're in a state that has a certain threshold uh try to beat or meet that threshold and if uh if you can if um you know if you're able to depending on what state you're in like I said some states are a little bit more crazy than others but uh I think that a lot of the online sources right now uh websites uh that are dealing bullion I believe they have a list on just about every single one of them of what states do what so you can find out whatever state you're in you can see what the the laws are and uh what you can or cannot get away with so might be important that if you're in that state for you know any amount of time and you plan on buying bullion to learn what those laws are anyways I got to go for now I appreciate you for watching and uh keep going man keep stacking away I think that one day you're going to be like wow wow what an opportunity I had to stack at those prices you know because now it just seems like I can't stack anymore now that it's XYZ amount of money it's just so high appreciate you for watching maybe I'll go to Costco again and grab some more if I have the monies right now I am flat out broke spectacular is out well hello everybody I seek to educate and entertain through my journey of collecting coins and stacking precious metals I encourage you to subscribe and please stay with me on this journey I am tacular the silver stacul you know when I was a kid we did this every day in school and I believe we need to bring this back a little bit and I'm going to start right now I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music]
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 644,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costco, costco silver, costco gold, costco silver bar, silver bar, gold, silver, silver bullion, gold bullion, bullion, costco silver bullion, costco gold bullion, tax exempt, tax free, spegtacular, spegtacular silver, silver bars from costco, gold bars from costco, gold from costco, silver from costco
Id: bJdRmgLVhMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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