How much can we win with ¥10,000?

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hey guys today we are at everyday UFO catcher amusement and we're gonna have a little bit of fun we have 10,000 yen here which is roughly 100 US dollars give or take a few bucks so let's go in there we can win we're gonna start off on this machine [Music] biggest morning the cheapest price keeps going up after you [Music] was it all about the same do anything needed to know I needed to Rollie pollie from the side which arose from the side it will actually have a better chance and slipping away over the bars that was so close back in the original spot so this claw machine looks like an actual UFO so it has three settings to go back first she presses the button that makes the elect look come in and then when that makes the right hook come in and then it's gonna go down so it will go down and this car actually gonna close a little bit once to get down like there goes they came in oh you pushed you oh yeah you did hit the ear you'll try again all right so this time try not to hit the keeper but you don't want to get too close and stab it because then it just ruins the whole game so you got to go back first oh oh I thought you went back over no you didn't go far enough then you have to go over there oh it's not stabbing don't start you might have to try to roll that on footage yeah so try the same thing but come a little bit closer with the right hook the left hook that's not really do anything I don't know maybe maybe a little bit like that was pretty good right there so this is the one I keep stabbing it does really matter I think it's all got the right one yeah yeah that one's really close let me look yes blow right down there yes okay that was really good on this side cuz it's actually gonna come in maybe I'll roll it roll it no man Chris is gonna try to drag this thing over yeah so I think that technique on this one is to try it drag it over because that's like a ramp there so let's see if it's stronger that's just slide off right here yeah so there's actually a third point I don't know what that does let's not push it oh no way oh well I don't know this might have to ask someone to move I don't think it's completely dead zone here well we asked someone to move it we're gonna try once because it might not be dead zone because it looks like it is but it might not be if it goes down right there slide down and hit that arm it looks pretty good because it could pull that arm and pull it to the left so we're gonna find out if it's dead so I'm really quick come on okay now Oh see I don't think he's gonna put any dead zones I really think they wouldn't move it she's aiming for the back leg right over here this time oh I hope you went far enough oh this should slide off slide slide slide right but oh my gosh Chris oh that was perfect how did she get him right in there that shouldn't pull it over a little bit wait it's actually not doing anything oh but it did make it go more into the play area save it for the back legged game because I did help a little bit oh that wasn't as perfect loop of the I think you were gotten that you would have instantly won yes to get over oh I don't know it just keeps coming this way whoo we should ask somebody to move it pretty sure they would loop on that tag moving is just thinking the same spot over and over so we ended up asking them to move it back because if we weren't making any progress so we just put it back in the start position so maybe we can start all over it's a fresh start it's a brand new [Music] so okay like this yeah that really works as long as it doesn't spin right okay that's good oh yeah I bet you would got one arm over there okay better all right right here oh yeah swing it Hotel a look at like this you're gonna get it next time this is the one slide down that face slide down the face yes oh I think you might have gone a little too far back oh wow it really slid this way then yeah okay push it in push it in don't come back this way oh man it actually came back more towards me no rule and try for the front section of it she's like the - Lennox I could hear the leg and the leg so she wants to twist it I think oh man if you would have gone over just a little bit less it might be a little bit better yeah I think that was good because you're not on the middle so she should come on hold it there yes that is gonna work so that new approach is actually gonna be the one that makes your wins gonna slide down right I keep saying perfect because it's always perfect you just as I want to go in is hanging over than it is on i'm actual like platform there that is so messed up cuz I'm just like I'm fine so if this does not win it machine of shaking it only took forever yeah you got to pull it door open hold on there it is it was locking you out I didn't want to let you have it so finally we won it it took forever someone left this pillow just hanging on the shoes yeah that's probably because it picks it up and drops like that because it's impossible to win you know look it just falls right back there you'll try again alright so one more try and then we're positive that I have to go up to a different one because I don't know if we're gonna win so yeah it's just gonna keep falling in the same spot that's the problem that were you going alright she's gonna go right there if I change my angle you'll win I don't think it's getting any closer yes I'm going to get this change purse weird UFO catcher because it has a joystick yes or goat cheese let's try it right here I don't want it to spin okay so now I know how far it opens and that was not nearly far I was hoping to get under it and hopefully make it in I'm gonna be strong enough though so I try one more time one more time we'll never hurt anybody does that want to go for that works right there that's okay yeah that's a good idea I think I'll go for that one i standing up sign up right it doesn't open that part let's try work right here right there yes that's perfect little balloon so I have to go again forget it just right because I don't it to roll out is it good roll sideways or something [Music] actually stopped it I got you it's just playing with me now there looks pretty good right so I can actually press it again now I just learned that so that's my tip it over that's why it was so hard to win it was so heavy because it is Bruce is gonna try for this view head so high go for it oh the very very back she wants to just tilt it in or do something maybe roll it oh but this is when you beat up that one ummm you yeah it looks good maybe a little flip into the green card thing in the bag it has like a lanyard on it do you think one more try and we're done alright one last try on and neighbors gonna give up because we're not gonna win it but here is a little dogs in the back they said there's closed she was Shih Tzu Boston Terrier and Jack Russell terrier we don't want the dog we want the moon all right this is the last play unless significant progress come on Oh actually like a little purse but bring give up on it I wonder what is inside the mystery bag so she's going for the phone right yeah you have to always there with it one try start off oh but maybe it's really strong look look at Oneonta over now it might be in a better spot because it like turned a little bit so remember it doesn't open as much as you think right it looks pretty good all right so it's good Forks on it it's like a pitchfork so let me just warn in one - get up past it yes yes isn't it hold on yeah it's got it you got it what do you think's inside us it's gonna take about an hour to get back there's any snacks in everything I could go for some snacks maybe it's next so I'm gonna say snacks oh wow that was very heavy probably we just can't read it oh there's more I don't know okay is this unscrew okay hold this not much I'd open that while you're trying to do it okay it's kinda feels like it's play-doh it's up in a rug it says on the back and read it in Canada so if you can midnight it's a Canadian Rockies everything else anything else so myth oh you were hope the camera night right open it likely though it's real old you also want this little finding Dory thing like Dory baby toys the best yes good you're gonna give up there's a state backpack in here no it says in the back meat meat something meat meat bulk take a picture she's gonna try to get the steak with the butter on it so I'd scoot over okay that's good so maybe I thought wow you're woods do you think you can win there all right so she's gonna keep playing for that because we won that backpack so I'm gonna sit on this side to get out of her way because she needs to look at every angle possible oh you look for the front of it okay she's seen this backpack and now she wants to state what a weirdo it is a Kirby on the UM on the cool I don't even realize he did make it more though so next time probably go for the back right then it's a cook steak well done please nice and tough for us it's good I think it looks good do you think it looks good to pull it over oh yes that one moved it a wad I think you have to go for the back this time because the front is I got a bad angle okay it just needs a swing over swing swing to sweetie look just go right back to the same spot you set up so well no Chris I was like so good at this yes actually put it further to the right um I should give ah I wish we could give up but we just cannot be sure there'll be stabbing look at that you actually wait I don't know see it just keeps going back to the same spot it was another stair but oh wait we thought that was bad right when you thought it was bad it's amazing look how close it is now okay as long as it doesn't pick it up and throw it back to the right we're going just right right right [Music] [Applause] I'm so excited because that just took a little while but that is awesome it's like a steak and everything forget to open that later that's awesome that's what you did the way that she much more winning you know we have to put more plays in here moving in oh if i keep stabbing like this then heck no we're not gonna pretty move yes no no weird machine smaller am i daring or would the gotta be use gonna be very steady and you only get a minute okay so I don't know if I'm gonna get inside there again seriously I want all you people back home watching to be frustrated so I can actually control if it goes up or down oh I can't it's out of the player you know [Music] ok so I can't do anything with that one so let's just take it like a cup or something oh there's one from this thing oh yeah so you look for the Beast all right she's going for the Beast go for his head oh you dug it out and I think the Beast is actually a better spot to if you win the Beast you have to win the beauty and the beauty it's so far away oh come on slide down slide yes the shoulder grab come on you can totally get the pickup thing that is it the teapot I think of you that you bought I'm not so sure about the Beast unless you like try to get his head in what do you think for the Beast go beast mode Chris go beast mode all right so she don't try to get the piece I think be smoke debated live watch the movie it's turning that on us here or something think that's good I think you are back yes that is awesome that is so awesome so you got the Beast is really cool you have wall plate so if you want try to go through the road Chico yeah this or do you think should go back cheek up it's up to you so further she kept okay come on we need teacup to go with the Beast we actually need a beauty but she's gonna try for the beauty you can't have the Beast without the beauty right I have crystal she's the beast the goes I think you could work you can work her out you have to get hurt come on you beasts beauties actually that's right between her neck and her shoulder right there yes I hope it does not go into that big gap right there really just she's in a perfect spot how are you gonna get her no I don't know she's like laying flat which is the worst yes yes yes yes that's good that's good that's good you did it you did it yeah she's got a ghost or whatever that is we're not even trying so she got the whole complete set that matters to us get the beauty the Beast and a cheap want a nice rear little ghost thing I don't know why Kristen wants to run some songs never but use combine it for cheaper than playing for the claw machine alright I hope you think I want you in the middle yeah I will you go further back hey hey that might be the way to turn it straight cuz I push that one oh you're right Wow I don't know how are you gonna win this I'll try it one more time because just to try I don't know I can win it maybe you have to like stab it in so she'll go for that I'll go for the cheese [Applause] [Music] that'll be bad or good no it made it go sideways oh man so you see that red line that's where it started so as long as it doesn't go past that backwards we're not doing that bad really mad that's one mean pork chop it's a rabbit work job that's me right hungry I don't want it to stop a little bit this right here oh and that's why I would happen oh maybe I shouldn't stop it it's actually further back than when I first started [Music] you think so well maybe if it was just a ball in the yeah be lighter oh yeah they really move someone give up Kitty purse win it I don't know come on just spin it to spin it putting it over there I do exactly that oh this one try are you serious try for this Toy Story like I don't know what it is the bad it's a what's the same thing cold or warm yeah I don't know about this one you'll try one more time just you can't believe gauge until about two tries so this is like a Stewart test run so hopefully it doesn't flop backwards with the pulse backward just that game over and we're walking away so this is what 10,000 yen gets you at this arcade well that's what I got us so which surprises your favorite Chris they're so likes the Hello Kitty really I think my favorite is probably the backpack even though it smells really bad oh yeah the Beast we got a beauty too cheap but what is this some kind of gross I think I think it's a ghost this looks like a like a scrubber to wash your car you get the poker ball with the tone in there we got a majin buu some play-doh oh rocks and we cannot forget that thing oh yeah look it has a little pinky on the back that is so good I cannot believe that has been well thanks for watching everyone be sure let us know which one is your favorite
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 3,798,455
Rating: 4.7202492 out of 5
Keywords: yen challenge, yen arcade, arcade, plush time wins, ptw, everyday ufo arcade, everyday, ufo, everyday ufo catcher amusement, everday arcade, everyday ufo catcher, everyday ufo catcher arcade, japan arcade, japanese arcade, everyday ufo catcher amusement japan, everyday arcade japan
Id: aBobdMgIncs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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